JUNE 22, 2010



Acquisition of Property for Left Turn Bays on Knight Street at 33rd Avenue – 4824 and 4832 Knight Street by Expropriation

THAT Council authorize the City as an expropriating authority to commence expropriation proceedings pursuant to the Provincial Expropriation Act to acquire the following interests in property for the construction of left turn bays on Knight Street at 33rd Avenue:

1. THAT 9.8 square metres (105 sq ft) portion of the lands located at 4824 Knight Street and legally described as Parcel Identifier 013-635-832 Lot 4, Except: Firstly: The West 7 Feet now Road, Secondly: Part Plan BCP9378; Block 7 District Lot 705 Plan 2571 shown in bold outline on the Reference Plan prepared by Fred L. Wong B.C.L.S., completed on June 16, 2010, and marginally numbered LD 4976, a copy of which is attached as Appendix A to the Administrative Report dated June 16, 2010, entitled Acquisition of Property for Left Turn Bays on Knight Street at 33rd Avenue – 4824 and 4832 Knight Street by Expropriation. The source of funding to be paid to the owners of 4824 Knight Street on expropriation and for legal and professional fees, retaining walls and associated works estimated to be $105,000 to be provided from 2009 Streets Basic Capital Budget for Arterial Improvements, Knight & 33rd Left- Turn Bay.

2. THAT 28.6 square metre (308 sq ft) portion of the lands located at 4832 Knight Street and legally described as Parcel Identifier 008-304-351 Lot 5, Except the West 7 Feet, now road, Block 7 District Lot 705 Plan 2571 the same as shown in bold outline on the Reference Plan prepared by Fred L. Wong, B.C.L.S., completed on June 16, 2010 and marginally numbered LD 4977, a copy of which is attached as Appendix B to the Administrative Report dated June 16, 2010, entitled Acquisition of Property for Left Turn Bays on Knight Street at 33rd Avenue – 4824 and 4832 Knight Street by Expropriation. The source of funding to be paid to the owners on expropriation and for legal and professional fees estimated to be $95,000 to be provided from 2009 Streets Basic Capital Budget for Arterial Improvements, Knight & 33rd Left Turn Bay.

The attached Administrative Report dated June 16, 2010 PDF, refers.

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