DECEMBER 3, 2009
Temporary Delegation of Authority to City Manager to Seek Injunctions
THAT Council temporarily delegate to the City Manager the authority to instruct the Director of Legal Services to commence, in her discretion, legal proceedings to enforce city by-laws and rights, including proprietary rights, and to seek injunctive relief and give undertakings as to damages, in her discretion, as part of those proceedings. This delegation is to be in effect only between February 1 and 28, 2010, and between March 12 and 21, 2010.
The Administrative Report dated December 2, 2009 , refers.
Update on Infrastructure Stimulus Fund Discussions with the Federal Government
A. THAT Council ratify the City-initiated projects detailed in Appendix A of the Administrative Report dated December 1, 2009, entitled “Update on Infrastructure Stimulus Fund Discussions with the Federal Government”, as City-initiated projects supported by Council for infrastructure funding under the federal Infrastructure Stimulus Program.
B. THAT the Director of Finance be instructed to request in the 2010 Capital Budget the necessary authorities to fund and undertake the projects agreed to by the federal government.
The Administrative Report dated December 1, 2009 , refers.
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