OCTOBER 20, 2009




Delegation of City Clerk’s Signing Authority

THAT Council approve the delegation of the City Clerk’s signing authority under the provisions of section 4 of the Vancouver Charter to appoint Deputies, to Paul Hancock.

The Administrative Report dated October 5, 2009 PDF, refers.


Appointment to Advisory Bodies

A. THAT Council appoint the following individuals to the Pacific National Exhibition (PNE) Board:

• Richard Saunders (as the local area resident from the Hastings Sunrise Community, bound by Boundary Road, Nanaimo Street, Burrard Inlet, and Broadway) for a term to commence immediately and end on October 20, 2011;

• Paul Sihota (as the City of Vancouver resident with a labour relations background) for a term to commence immediately and end on October 20, 2010;

• Dr. Peter Legge and Cheryl Prepchuk (as representatives from the Vancouver business community) for a term to commence immediately and end on October 20, 2011; and

FURTHER THAT Council appoint the following individual to the Pacific National Exhibition (PNE) Board for a term to commence immediately and end on October 20, 2010:

Nancy Wright (as a representative from the Vancouver business community).

B. THAT Council appoint John Whistler, representing In-Line Skating, to the Bicycle Advisory Committee for a term to commence immediately and end on December 5, 2011.

C. THAT Council appoint Ronald Stipp to the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer (LGBTQ) Advisory Committee for a term to commence immediately and end on December 5, 2011.

The Other Report dated October 13, 2009 PDF, refers.

Re-appointment of VCPC Members

THAT Council reappoint the following individuals to the Vancouver City Planning Commission for a two-year term commencing December 7, 2009 and ending December 5, 2011:

• Jiang Zhu
• Arno Matis
• Peter Greenwell
• Ray Lam

The Other Report dated October 5, 2009 PDF, refers.


Verbal Briefing: Neighbourhood Energy Utility Rate-Setting Methodology

Karen Levitt, Director, Business Planning Secretariat, provided an overview of the proposed rate-setting methodology for the Neighbourhood Energy Utility. Penny Ballem, City Manager, and Tom Timm, General Manager, Engineering Services, noted terms of reference and rate-setting recommendations would be brought back for Council review and approval.


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