OCTOBER 20, 2009
Delegation of City Clerk’s Signing Authority
THAT Council approve the delegation of the City Clerk’s signing authority under the provisions of section 4 of the Vancouver Charter to appoint Deputies, to Paul Hancock.
The Administrative Report dated October 5, 2009 , refers.
Appointment to Advisory Bodies
A. THAT Council appoint the following individuals to the Pacific National Exhibition (PNE) Board:
• Richard Saunders (as the local area resident from the Hastings Sunrise Community, bound by Boundary Road, Nanaimo Street, Burrard Inlet, and Broadway) for a term to commence immediately and end on October 20, 2011;
• Paul Sihota (as the City of Vancouver resident with a labour relations background) for a term to commence immediately and end on October 20, 2010;
• Dr. Peter Legge and Cheryl Prepchuk (as representatives from the Vancouver business community) for a term to commence immediately and end on October 20, 2011; and
FURTHER THAT Council appoint the following individual to the Pacific National Exhibition (PNE) Board for a term to commence immediately and end on October 20, 2010:
Nancy Wright (as a representative from the Vancouver business community).
B. THAT Council appoint John Whistler, representing In-Line Skating, to the Bicycle Advisory Committee for a term to commence immediately and end on December 5, 2011.
C. THAT Council appoint Ronald Stipp to the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer (LGBTQ) Advisory Committee for a term to commence immediately and end on December 5, 2011.
The Other Report dated October 13, 2009 , refers.
Re-appointment of VCPC Members
THAT Council reappoint the following individuals to the Vancouver City Planning Commission for a two-year term commencing December 7, 2009 and ending December 5, 2011:
• Jiang Zhu
• Arno Matis
• Peter Greenwell
• Ray Lam
The Other Report dated October 5, 2009 , refers.
Verbal Briefing: Neighbourhood Energy Utility Rate-Setting Methodology
Karen Levitt, Director, Business Planning Secretariat, provided an overview of the proposed rate-setting methodology for the Neighbourhood Energy Utility. Penny Ballem, City Manager, and Tom Timm, General Manager, Engineering Services, noted terms of reference and rate-setting recommendations would be brought back for Council review and approval.
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