JULY 9, 2009
Vancouver Economic Development Commission – 2010 Foreign Direct Investment Program Funding
A. THAT Council approve a request for an additional $379,450 funding for the Vancouver 2010 Games Partnership Investment Program to be provided if necessary at the discretion of the City Manager, source of funds to be the Olympic Legacy Reserve.
B. THAT every effort be made to continue seeking funding from other sources, including the MVC partners, as well as other levels of government such as Industry Canada. The timing on additional funding however is unknown, and because there is an imperative the program be formally launched, any additional funding acquired can be used to offset Vancouver’s commitment.
The Administrative Report dated July 7, 2009 , refers.
Verbal Briefing – Transfer of Density
Marco D’Agostini, Senior Heritage Planner, and Graham Johnsen, Assistant Director – Development and Real Estate, Legal Services, provided an overview of the Transfer of Density and Heritage Building Rehabilitation programs and legal implications in relation to the programs and banked density. Mr. Johnsen and Mr. D’Agostini, along with Brent Toderian, Director of Planning, Rob Jenkins, Assistant Director – Central Area Planning Branch, and David McLellan, General Manager, Community Services, responded to questions concerning the density bank, related legal issues, and time-line for a report back to Council.
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