APRIL 21, 2009
Appointment of Deputy Chief Building Official
THAT Council appoint Mr. Rick Cheung, P.Eng. as the Deputy Chief Building Official (Permitting) for a period ending on July 31, 2009.
THAT Council appoint Mr. Kandiah Pavananthan, P.Eng., as the Deputy Chief Building Official (Permitting) starting on August 4, 2009, and ending December 31, 2009.
The Administrative Report dated March 31, 2009 , refers.
Remand Centre – Land Acquisition and Use Issues
1. The Province maintained a remand centre in the city of Vancouver for many years;
2. The Province is looking for a site to build a new remand centre; and
3. It may be desirable to build the new remand centre in Vancouver.THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT
1. This Council supports a new remand centre being building in Vancouver; and
2. Staff are requested to work with provincial staff to find a site for the centre.
not put
The Mayor ruled the motion out of order as it does not meet the criteria for an In Camera discussion.