Updated: December 15, 2008




DATE: Tuesday, December 16, 2008
TIME: 2:00 p.m.

Council Chamber
Third Floor, City Hall


For information, or to register to speak, please call Tarja Tuominen, Meeting Coordinator at 604.873.7191, e-mail tarja.tuominen@vancouver.ca or Laura Kazakoff, Meeting Coordinator at 604.871.6353, e-mail laura.kazakoff@vancouver.ca.


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“IN CAMERA” MEETING Video Clip of this Item Video Clip of this Item

THAT Council will go into a meeting later this day which is closed to the public, pursuant to Section 165.2(1) of the Vancouver Charter, to discuss matters related to paragraph(s):

(a) personal information about an identifiable individual who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee or agent of the city or another position appointed by the city;

(c) labour relations or other employee relations;

(d) the security of the property of the city;

(e) the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements, if the Council considers that disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the city;

(g) litigation or potential litigation affecting the city;

(i) the receipt of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose;

(j) information that is prohibited, or information that if it were presented in a document would be prohibited, from disclosure under section 21 [disclosure harmful to business interests of a third party] of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act;

(k) negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of an activity, work or facility that are at their preliminary stages and that, in the view of the Council, could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the city if they were held in public.

ADOPTION OF MINUTES Video Clip of this Item Video Clip of this Item

1. Regular Council – November 25, 2008[PDF Downloadable PDF]

2. Regular Council – December 8, 2008[PDF Downloadable PDF]

Late Distribution

3. Special Council - December 12, 2008[PDF Downloadable PDF]



MATTERS ADOPTED ON CONSENT Video Clip of this Item Video Clip of this Item


Video Clip of this Item Video Clip of Administrative Reports A1-A10 & A12-A19

1. Results of 2008 General Local Election[PDF Downloadable PDF]

2. Housing Agreement for 1803 Frances Street[PDF Downloadable PDF]

3. Annual Financial Authorities - 2009[PDF Downloadable PDF]

4. 2009 Assessment Averaging Program: Notice to BC Assessment Authority[PDF Downloadable PDF]

5. 2008 Interdepartmental Review of Development, Building and Related Fees[PDF Downloadable PDF]

6. Year 2009 Zoning, Building and Trade Permit Fee Increases[PDF Downloadable PDF]

7. Form of Development: 399 East Pender Street

8. 455 Abbott St - Lotus Hotel Ltd. - Liquor Primary Liquor License Application for an Increase in Person Capacity[PDF Downloadable PDF]

9. Advance Grant Instalments-Major Exhibiting Institutions[PDF Downloadable PDF]
Requires eight affirmative votes

10. 2008 Civic Child Care Grants: Allocation 3 of 3[PDF Downloadable PDF]
Requires eight affirmative votes

11. Southeast False Creek Area 2A – Site Servicing Funding[PDF Downloadable PDF] Video Clip of this Item Video Clip of this Item

12. Still Creek Enhancement Project – 2900 Nootka Street[PDF Downloadable PDF]

13. Fleet Additions – Fire and Rescue Services[PDF Downloadable PDF]

14. Stanley/New Fountain Hotel Roof and Fencing Repairs[PDF Downloadable PDF]

15. Award of Tender PS08170 – The Supply and Delivery of Two (2) Hybrid Aerial Trucks[PDF Downloadable PDF]

16. Award of Interior Design and Furniture Procurement Contract for the Tenant Improvements for 507 West Broadway (“Cross Roads”)[PDF Downloadable PDF]

17. 2008 Operating Budget – August Review[PDF Downloadable PDF]

18. Host City Happenings Community Grants Recommendations, October 2008 Deadline[PDF Downloadable PDF]
Requires eight affirmative votes

Late Distribution:

19. Southeast False Creek and Olympic Village - Award of Contract C115 for Plaza Construction [PDF Downloadable PDF]


1. CD-1 Text Amendment for Supportive Housing Site at 525 Abbott Street and Text Amendment of the False Creek North Official Development Plan[PDF Downloadable PDF]

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1. A By-law to amend Building By-law No. 9419 to increase fees
(Subject to approval of A6)

2. A By-law to amend Electrical By-law No. 5563 to increase fees
(Subject to approval of A6)

3. A By-law to amend Gas Fitting By-law No. 3507 to increase fees
(Subject to approval of A6)

4. A By-law to amend Miscellaneous Fees By-law No. 5664 regarding fee increases
(Subject to approval of A6)

5. A By-law to amend Private Property Tree By-law No. 7347 to increase fees
(Subject to approval of A6)

6. A By-law to amend Secondary Suite Inspection Fee By-law No. 6553 to increase fees
(Subject to approval of A6)

7. A By-law to amend Sign By-law No. 6510 to increase fees
(Subject to approval of A6)

8. A By-law to amend Subdivision By-law No. 5208 to increase fees
(Subject to approval of A6)

9. A By-law to amend Zoning and Development Fee By-law No. 5585 to increase fees
(Subject to approval of A6)

10. A By-law to exempt from taxation certain lands and improvements pursuant to section 396 of the Vancouver Charter (re seniors housing)

11. A By-law to authorize Council entering into a Heritage Revitalization Agreement with the Owner of Heritage Property (re 1098 Richards Street)
(Councillors Anton, Cadman, Chow, Deal, Louie and Stevenson present at the Public Hearing)

12. A By-law to designate certain real property as protected heritage property (re 1098 Richards Street)
(Councillors Anton, Cadman, Chow, Deal, Louie and Stevenson present at the Public Hearing)

13. A By-law to authorize Council entering into a Heritage Revitalization Agreement with the Owner of Heritage Property (re 255 East 7th Avenue)
(Councillors Anton, Cadman, Chow, Deal, Louie and Stevenson present at the Public Hearing)

14. A By-law to designate certain real property as protected heritage property (re 255 East 7th Avenue)
(Councillors Anton, Cadman, Chow, Deal, Louie and Stevenson present at the Public Hearing)

15. A By-law to enact a Housing Agreement for 5550 Yew Street

16. A By-law to authorize the borrowing of certain sums of money from January 8, 2009 to January 7, 2010 pending the collection of real property taxes
(Subject to approval of A3)


A. Administrative Motions


B. Motions on Notice

1. Enforcement of Standards of Maintenance By-Law[PDF Downloadable PDF]

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MOVER: Councillor Tim Stevenson
SECONDER: Councillor

2. Burrard Bridge Bike Lanes[PDF Downloadable PDF]

Video Clip of this Item Video Clip of this Item
MOVER: Councillor George Chow
SECONDER: Councillor Heather Deal

Note: Requests to speak have been received on Motion B.2

3. Models for Arts Councils[PDF Downloadable PDF]

Video Clip of this Item Video Clip of this Item
MOVER: Councillor Heather Deal
SECONDER: Councillor Geoff Meggs

4. Residential Tenancy Act[PDF Downloadable PDF]

Video Clip of this Item Video Clip of this Item
MOVER: Councillor Tim Stevenson
SECONDER: Councillor

Note: Requests to speak have been received on Motion B.4

5. Kick-Starting Green Initiatives[PDF Downloadable PDF]

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MOVER: Councillor Andrea Reimer
SECONDER: Councillor

6. Homeless Emergency Action Team[PDF Downloadable PDF]

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MOVER: Councillor Raymond Louie
SECONDER: Mayor Gregor Robertson







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