Public Hearing Agenda - October 4, 2005



Public Hearing





Tuesday, October 4, 2005



7:30 p.m.



Council Chamber

Third Floor, City Hall



•  A complete video stream of the meeting will be available the day following the meeting.

•  If you wish to speak at the Public Hearing, please contact the Meeting Coordinator to register, or you can register on the evening of the Hearing, between 7:00 and 7:30 p.m.

•  Agendas and reports are available on the City of Vancouver web site at approximately one week before the meeting date.

•  Minutes of the meeting. These minutes will be adopted at the Regular Council meeting on November 1, 2005.

For information, please call Diane Clairmont, Meeting Coordinator at 604.871.6371, e‑mail






1.   HERITAGE DESIGNATION: 2650 West 5th Avenue (Video Clip)

The attached Administrative Report dated September 2, 2005, refers.


Heritage designation of a house to preserve and protect the house as a part of the Vancouver Heritage Foundation's True Colors program.

Applicant: James Brewer and Helen Willoughby-Price

Recommended Approval: By the Director of Current Planning:

A.•  THAT Council approve the designation of 2650 West 5 th Avenue , the Straight House, listed on the Vancouver Heritage Register in the "C" category, as Protected Heritage Property and instruct the Director of Legal Services to bring forward for enactment the by-law to authorize designation of the heritage building as Protected Heritage Property.

B.•  THAT Council commend the building owners for designating their property on a voluntary basis and for participating in the Vancouver Heritage Foundation's True Colours program.


2.•  HERITAGE DESIGNATION: 2722 West 7th Avenue (Video Clip)

The attached Administrative Report dated September 2, 2005 , refers.


Heritage designation of a house and restoration to preserve and protect the house as a part of the Vancouver Heritage Foundation's Fix it and True Colors programs.

Applicant: Kerry Gold and Stuart Hunter

Recommended Approval: By the Director of Current Planning:

A.   THAT Council approve the designation of 2722 West 7 th Avenue , the Williams House, listed on the Vancouver Heritage Register in the "B" category, as Protected Heritage Property and instruct the Director of Legal Services to bring forward for enactment the by-law to authorize designation of the heritage building as Protected Heritage Property.

B.   THAT Council commend the building owners for designating their property on a voluntary basis and for participating in the Vancouver Heritage Foundation's Restore It and True Colours programs.


3.   HERITAGE DESIGNATION: 2850 West 3rd Avenue (Video Clip)

The attached Administrative Report dated August 30, 2005 , refers.


Heritage designation of a house.

Applicant: Eric Pierce

Recommended Approval: By the Director of Current Planning:

A.   THAT Council approve the designation of 2850 West 3 rd Avenue , the Pierce House, listed on the Vancouver Heritage Register in the "C" category, as Protected Heritage Property.

B.   THAT Council instruct the Director of Legal Services to bring forward for enactment the by-law to authorize designation of the heritage building as Protected Heritage Property.

C.   THAT Council commend the owner for voluntarily bringing forward the request to protect this building.


4.   HERITAGE DESIGNATION: 1949 West 57th Avenue (Video Clip)

The attached Administrative Report dated August 22, 2005 , refers.


Heritage designation of a house.

Applicant: Kathleen Earle

Recommended Approval: By the Director of Current Planning:

A.   THAT the Earle House at 1949 West 57 th Avenue be added to the Vancouver Heritage Register as a C-listed building.

B.   THAT the Council approve the designation of 1949 West 57 th Avenue as Protected Heritage Property.

C.   THAT the Director of Legal Council instruct the Director of Legal Services to bring forward for enactment the by‑law to authorize designation of the heritage building as Protected Heritage Property.

D.   THAT Council commend the owner for voluntarily bringing forward the request to protect this building.


5.   HERITAGE DESIGNATION: 689 West 19th Avenue (Video Clip)

The attached Administrative Report dated September 1, 2005 , refers.


Heritage designation of a house in conjunction with development-building permit.

Applicant: Mount Royal Developments Ltd.

Recommended Approval: By the Director of Current Planning:

A.   THAT Council approve the designation of 689 West 19 th Avenue , the Middlemass House, listed on the Vancouver Heritage Register in the "B" category, as Protected Heritage Property.

B.   THAT Council instruct the Director of Legal Services to bring forward for enactment the by-law to authorize designation of the heritage building as Protected Heritage Property.


6.   TEXT AMENDMENT: 505 - 600 Abbott Street ( International Village ) (Video Clip)

The attached Policy Report dated June 27, 2005 , refers.


To amend the CD-1#6747 to reduce the affordable housing required in exchange for transferring one of the two affordable housing sites to the City. Consequential amendments to the False Creek North Official Development Plan are required.

Applicant: Director of Current Planning

Recommended Approval: By the Directors of Current Planning, and the Housing Centre, subject to conditions

A.•  THAT the application by the Director of Current Planning to amend By-law No. 6747 for 505-600 Abbott St. (International Village) to reduce the affordable housing required, increase the allowable residential density and tower height, and reconcile density allowances to reflect 'as-built' and projected development in accordance with the draft CD-1 By-law amendments generally as presented in Appendix A to the City Manager's report entitled "CD-1 Text Amendment: 505-600 Abbott St. (International Village)" dated June 27, 2005; and

B.•  THAT the application by the Director of Current Planning to amend By-law No. 6650 (the False Creek North Official Development Plan) to reduce the percentage of affordable housing and the number of affordable family units required, generally as presented in Appendix B of the above noted report be approved subject to the following conditions:

a.•  THAT, prior to enactment of the CD-1 By-law, Lot D (Lot 192, DL False Creek, Plan 23011) be transferred to the City at no cost to the City on terms and conditions to the satisfaction of the Director of Legal Services and the Director of Real Estate Services.



7.   TEXT AMENDMENT: Special Needs Residential Facilities in the Downtown Eastside/Oppenheimer District (DEOD) (Video Clip)

The attached Policy Report dated July 11, 2005 , refers.


To lift the moratorium on Special Needs Residential Facility - Community Care - Class B and Group Living in areas of the DEOD.

Applicant: Director of Current Planning

Recommended Approval: By the Director of the Housing Centre, the Director of Social Planning, and the Director of Current Planning.

THAT the application by the Director of Current Planning to amend the Downtown-Eastside/Oppenheimer District (DEOD) Official Development Plan (ODP), with changes as set out in Appendix A to the City Manager's report entitled "Special Needs Residential Facilities in the DEOD" dated July 11, 2005, to allow Special Needs Residential Facilities, be approved.






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