T0: Vancouver City Council

FROM: General Manager, Engineering Services
Manager of Materials Management

SUBJECT: Award of Contract for ITT PS05001 Supply and Delivery of Parking Meters



The Policy of Council is to award contracts for the purchase of equipment, supplies and services that will give the highest value based on quality, service and price.

Contracts with a value over $300,000 are referred to Council.


On February 15t" 2005 City Council approved the purchase of replacement and added parking meter equipment at an estimated budget of $410,000, and funds for this purchase are available from the Reserve Meter Fund ($310,000) and increased parking meter revenues ($100,000)


On January 27, 2005 the City issued an Invitation to Tender (ITT PS05001) for the Supply and Delivery of Parking Meters. In addition to notifying incumbent suppliers to the City the competition was advertised in a local newspaper as well as on the City and the B.C. Purchasing Commissions websites.

The Tender identified the City's intent to purchase a combination of up to 750 complete twin meters and/or combination of housings and mechanisms and up to 350 housings and complete meters for delivery by April and May 2005.

One (1) bid was received from Trafco (Canada), opened on February 16, 2005 and referred to the General Manager, Engineering Services and the Manager of Materials Management for evaluation and report. Trafco Canada has been the incumbent supplier to the City since 1997.

The Tender called for the supply and delivery of the following parking meter equipment in April and May 2005:


The value of the recommended award is within the approved budget.


The recommendation to authorize a contract with Trafco (Canada) is deemed to provide best value for the City over the term of the contract.

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