Vancouver City Council |
Report Date:
March 8, 2005
Sara McKittrick
Phone No.:
RTS No.:
CC File No.:
Meeting Date:
March 29, 2005
Standing Committee on Transportation and Traffic
General Manager of Engineering Services
Marpole West Traffic Plan
A. THAT the Marpole West Traffic Plan be constructed as detailed in this report at a cost of $200,000, funding from Streets Basic Capital account group SCA5a (Local Area Traffic Improvements) subject to the approval of the 2005 Streets Basic Capital Budget.
B. THAT commencing in 2006, the annual Operating Budget for Signage be increased by $450 and the Streets Operating Budget for Traffic Circle Maintenance be increased by $3000, without offset and subject to 2006 Budget Review, for maintenance of the area.
In May 1997, Council approved the Vancouver Transportation Plan that emphasizes the need to mitigate the effects of traffic in local neighbourhood areas and to give priority to streets and neighbourhoods where traffic impacts are most serious.
It is Council policy to implement diversionary traffic calming measures on a trial basis, with a follow-up survey, before making the measures permanent.
The purpose of this report is to seek Councils approval and funding to implement the Marpole West Traffic Plan as described in this report.
The Marpole West neighbourhood is bounded by W 57th Ave, Granville St, W 70th Ave / SW Marine Dr and the Arbutus Rail line. Historically, this area had been identified as a short-cut route to and from Marine Drive and the Arthur Laing Bridge. In 1994 preliminary traffic counts were taken to determine the extent of the problem. These counts revealed a predominantly north/south short-cutting pattern centred on Adera Street.
In the summer of 1995, the Province provided short notice of construction planned for the Oak Street Bridge. Residents asked for protection from an anticipated worsening of the short-cutting problem due to construction related back-ups on Granville Street. In response, several temporary traffic calming measures were quickly installed in the Marpole West neighbourhood without the usual public process taking place. Follow-up work in the neighbourhood was inconclusive, with a small majority favouring retaining the measures and a large minority concerned that other issues also needed to be addressed. These original traffic calming measures are still present in temporary form.
As traffic patterns in the Marpole West area continued to evolve, conditions on the portion of Adera Street between 64th Avenue and 68th Avenues returned to the levels experienced prior to the 1995 traffic calming measures. Residents on some of the other streets also indicated their concern with increasing traffic volumes.
In 2004, recognizing the persisting short-cutting within the Marpole West neighbourhood, Engineering Staff collected current traffic volume data, (Appendix A) compared the volumes to historical counts and assessed the need for additional traffic calming. In June, 2004, a survey was distributed to determine residents perceptions of traffic issues in the neighbourhood. An Open House was held at which traffic data was presented, potential traffic calming measures were shown and residents comments were solicited.
A residents working group representing all areas of the neighbourhood was formed of volunteers solicited through the survey and the Open House. This working group met with Staff on several occasions to discuss the concerns identified by the neighbourhood, the traffic plan process, and to create a traffic plan for the area. In February, 2005, a traffic plan was agreed upon and a second survey and invitation to a second Open House was sent to the neighbourhood (Appendix B). The Open House was well attended. Both Staff and working group members answered questions regarding the proposed traffic plan. Of 900 surveys distributed, 184 were returned, yielding a response rate of 20%. 81% of the respondents supported the plan (Appendix C). Residents comments included with these surveys are listed in Appendix D.
The traffic plan consists of:
· traffic circles,
· curb bulges,
· speed humps,
· right-in/right-out diverters,
· a raised crosswalk,
· a right-in/all-out diverter,
· a partial closure, and
· Traffic Calmed Area signs.All these elements are shown in Appendix E
It should be noted that this plan includes one of the two traffic diverters installed in 1995 and modifies the other. The partial closure on Adera at W 57th remains in place and the right-in/all-out diverter on Cornish at W 70th is changed to a right-in/right-out diverter.
If approved, the traffic calming measures would be installed on a temporary basis for a period of no less than six months. During this trial period volumes and speeds of vehicles in the neighbourhood would be monitored. After the trial period the neighbourhood would be re-surveyed. Staff would report any issues that arise to City Council. If the neighbourhood continued to support the measures they would be installed on a permanent basis.
The estimated cost for the Marpole West Traffic Plan is $200,000. It is proposed that the $200,000 be allocated from the Streets Basic Capital account group SCA5a (Local Area Traffic Improvements) subject to the approval of the 2005 Streets Basic Capital Budget.
There should also be an increase to the Traffic Operating Budget for Signage by $450 and the Streets Operating Budget for Traffic Circle Maintenance by $3000, without offset and subject to 2006 Budget Review, for the maintenance of the new traffic measures and signage commencing in 2006.
The implementation of the proposed trial Marpole West Traffic Plan is recommended as detailed in this report.
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Dear Resident:
This letter is to inform you of an Open House to present a Traffic Plan for the neighbourhood bounded by Granville Street, the Arbutus rail corridor, West 57th Avenue and West 70th Avenue/South West Marine Drive. The Open House will be held from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm on March 1st at St. Faiths Church located at 7284 Cypress Street at West 57th Avenue. City staff will be available to answer any questions about the proposed Traffic Plan.
In June of 2004 a questionnaire was distributed to the neighbourhood and an Open House was held to collect concerns about traffic from residents. Traffic data was collected throughout the neighbourhood and a Traffic Plan Advisory Group was formed of local volunteers. Working together, the Advisory Group and City staff developed a proposed Traffic Plan intended to reduce short-cutting, calm traffic and improve conditions for pedestrians and cyclists within the neighbourhood. Diagrams of the Plan and of the existing traffic volumes within the neighbourhood are included in this package.
If this plan is approved it will be installed on a temporary basis for a minimum of 6 months. Following this trial period another survey will be sent to all residents to determine whether the plan should be make permanent, adjusted or removed.
The traffic measures proposed include:
· Curb Bulge on the south side of W 57th Ave at Cypress St
· Curb Bulges on W 57th Ave at Angus Dr
· Partial Closure on Adera St at W 57th Ave (currently in place in temporary form)
· Traffic Circles at
o Angus Dr/W 58th and Angus Dr/W 59th
o Adera St/W 59th, Adera St/W 65th , Adera St/W 66th and Adera St/W 68th
· Right-in/Right-out Diverter on W 59th Ave at Granville St
· Raised School Crosswalk on Angus Dr at W 60th Ave
· Speed Humps on Adera St between W 61st Ave and W 62nd Ave (next to Shannon Park)
· Right-in/All-out Diverter on the east leg of W 64th at Adera St
· Right-in/Right-out Diverter on Cornish St at W 70th Ave/SW Marine Dr (currently in place in temporary form as a Right-in/All-out diverter)
· Traffic Calmed Area Signs at all entrances to neighbourhood
On the reverse of this letter is a description of the traffic calming measures listed above.
A survey is enclosed to solicit your opinion and comments. Please bring the survey with you to the Open House. Alternatively, if you are unable to attend the Open House, please return the completed survey in the enclosed postage paid return envelope, or fax it to 604.871.6192, no later than March 4th. Your name, address and telephone number must be entered in order to validate your survey; however, personal information will be kept strictly confidential and only aggregate results will be reported.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact the undersigned.
Peter Stary Sara McKittrick, E.I.T.
Neighbourhood Transportation Branch Neighbourhood Transportation Branch
Phone: 604-871-6437 Phone: 604-871-6445
Traffic Calming MeasuresTraffic Circle
A traffic circle is a raised island located in the centre of an intersection. Vehicles travel through the intersection in a counter-clockwise direction around the island. Stops signs are not used with traffic circles, Keep Right signs are placed facing traffic approaching the circle. Traffic circles reduce collisions at intersections and may also reduce vehicle speeds and volumes.Curb Bulge
A curb bulge is a section of curb extended out on one or both sides of a roadway to reduce its width. The purpose of a curb bulge is to reduce vehicle speeds, increase pedestrian visibility and reduce crossing distance for pedestrians.Speed Hump
A speed hump is a raised area on a roadway which vertically deflects passing vehicles. The purpose of a speed hump is to reduce speeds to the posted speed limit.Raised Crosswalk
A raised crosswalk is a marked pedestrian crosswalk constructed at a higher elevation than the adjacent roadway. Its effect on vehicles is similar to that of a spend hump. Raised crosswalks reduce vehicle speeds, improve pedestrian visibility, and reduce pedestrian/vehicle conflicts.Traffic Calmed Area Sign
This sign advises drivers that traffic calming measures are in place within the area, and through increased driver awareness, may discourage short-cutting and speeding.Right-In/Right-Out Diverter
A right-in/right-out diverter is a raised triangular island on a leg of an intersection which prohibits left turns and through movements to and from that leg for motor vehicles only. Bicycle movements are not restricted. The purpose of a right-in/right-out diverter is to prevent short-cutting.Right-In/All-Out Diverter
A right-in/all-out diverter is very similar to a right-in/right-out diverter except that only movements entering the treated leg are restricted. Vehicles exiting can go left, through or right.Partial Closure
A partial closure is a curb bulge or vertical barrier extending to approximately the centreline of a roadway, effectively blocking (prohibiting) one direction of traffic. The purpose of a directional closure is to prevent short-cutting or through traffic. Partial closures are designed to allow access to pedestrians and bicyclists.Note: Emergency vehicles may enter or exit at all closures and diverters as necessary.
Right-in/Right-out Right-in/All-out Partial Closure
Diverter Diverter
Neighbourhood Transportation Branch |
Marpole West
ATTENTION: Sara McKittrick, 7th Floor City Hall
Please complete this survey and return it in the postage paid envelope, fax it to 604-871-6192 by March 4th, or hand it in at the Open House. To validate this survey please provide your name, address, postal code and telephone number. All personal information will be kept confidential. Should you have any questions, please contact Peter Stary (telephone: 604.871.6437, email:, or Sara McKittrick (telephone: 604.871.6445, email:
Name: _____________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________
Postal Code: ____________________________
Phone: _________________________________
1) Do you support installation of the proposed traffic plan on a
temporary basis for a 6 month trial period? Yes No
2) Would you like to be notified when this issue goes before
City Council? Yes NoComments:
Number |
Percentage | |
Responses |
184 |
20% |
Yes |
149 |
81% |
No |
30 |
16% |
No Response |
5 |
3% |
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Thank you
_________________________________________________________________________________________I think it is a good plan because almost all traffic passing the front of are house and the park are driving over the speed limit. We think the traffic plan should be permanent.
_________________________________________________________________________________________We live on the SW corner of W. 64th and Adera. The traffic tends to speed around the corner when cars are coming from W. 64th Ave. turning south onto Adera St. Crossing the street (across Adera St.) is very dangerous because of this. Can you possibly add any traffic calming measures to help with this? I know a right-in/all-out diverter is being placed on the east leg of W. 64th but that is not where most of the traffic flows. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
_________________________________________________________________________________________Any effort on behalf of the City to reduce the traffic making a shortcut through Adera St. will be appreciated. I have tried to get traffic circles without success - perhaps speed bumps will help - anything to slow the speed.
_________________________________________________________________________________________The proposal as per your letter dated Feb. 14/05 is highly acceptable. Please proceed the installation as soon as possible for the safety of the residents and pedestrians as many of the vehicles passed Adera St. with scary high speed and ignored the pedestrians even though they were on the mid-way of the street.
_________________________________________________________________________________________I have noticed that during peak hours there are many cars (sometimes big trucks) traveling on Adera and 68th. This is very dangerous for young children crossing the roads and the cyclists on their route. I would like to suggest placing road bumps along Adera St. from 64th to 68th. this would force the drivers to slow down on Adera and make it much safer for pedestrians.
_________________________________________________________________________________________We have now right-in/all-out on Cornish at Marine Drive. This is very important for local traffic, and, should be retained. I am not in favour of right-in/right-out diverters for that intersection. Instead I recommend a right turn only sign for that intersection for 3:00pm to 6:00pm. That should make a big difference.
_________________________________________________________________________________________Our cars have been hit three times in less than 1 year due to people traveling too fast around the corner on Angus & 57th. This is hopefully going to slow them down.
_________________________________________________________________________________________Request consider marked crosswalk at 57th and Angus Drive on 57th. Crossing by bikes and pedestrians is dangerous due to speeding vehicles on 57th Ave.
_________________________________________________________________________________________Yes. Yes.
_________________________________________________________________________________________Our thanks go out for having paid attention to this matter. The proposed plan is much needed in the area.
_________________________________________________________________________________________All your proposal plan will do is make it difficult for local residents to access their property. Proper repairs to East Boulevard would do more to improve the streets than your foolish traffic circles.
_________________________________________________________________________________________I support most of the plan. The items I object to are the right-in/right diverter at 59th and Granville. I feel that a right-in/right-out diverter at 57th and Adera would be a better idea.
_________________________________________________________________________________________We are very pleased some changes are happening. Traffic "shortcutting" down Angus, 58th, 59th, etc. moves far too fast and is not appropriate for the area. For bikes, children, parked cars etc., this area is dangerous as it is. We believe these measures will help a great deal.
_________________________________________________________________________________________We would just like to emphasize our strong support for those sorely needed improvements. The safety and relative peace of our neighbourhood has been fundamentally compromised and the problem continues to worsen. Acting on this is overdue. A safe residential neighbourhood is incompatible with speeding cars.
_________________________________________________________________________________________I'm glad (and my family is too) your concern about the traffic specially on Angus Drive. We have observed that the cars (especially morning time) they speed (over 50 mph) at that time many kids are walking to school (McKechnie Elementary) so we are agree about you are planning! Thank you.
_________________________________________________________________________________________We do support calming traffic measures set out as proposed. Except for the right-in/all-out diverter so getting out from 59th should not be a problem contributing to less traffic congestion at the corner of Angus and 57th for people wanting to head north on Granville or east towards the Oak St. Bridge.
_________________________________________________________________________________________Thank you, thank you. Our street Angus Drive is like a highway during rush hour and will only get busier when Cambie street is under construction. I feel sorry for all bicycles who must compete with all the cars on this supposed "bicycle route" Our family looks forward to the much needed improvements.
_________________________________________________________________________________________Very encouraging changes - should help to calm the neighbourhood.
_________________________________________________________________________________________It's about time! This road (East Blvd) is an accident ready to happen.
_________________________________________________________________________________________I live on Cornish and I do not see a problem with the traffic in front of my house! A right-in/right-out diverter on Cornish Street & 70th Ave. will mean my family being blocked off from exiting our own house! I can not turn left from Cornish to 70th and I can not go straight so why don't you just kill my car! How do I go to Richmond or go down 70th toward Oak and Cambie?? You want me to cut through Safeway parking lot, so I can kill Safeway patrons rather than people walking across 70th and Cornish. Or you want me to go back up to 68th and turn right into the massive traffic jam on Granville!?? Turning right onto Granville and traveling from 68th to 70th will take me around 10 more minutes on a good day!! I am all for safety and calm traffic, but not at a cost of blocking, myself in my home. Do you know why people try to take short cuts, just like myself?? Because the traffic on Granville is ridiculous!! I know my house is 2 minutes away, but I can not go on the inside lane, because it is a carpool lane, and the traffic on Granville is blocked up for miles!! Solve the Granville street problem, not add to it by blocking all other avenue of escape!! I am sick and tired of people talking about pedestrian and cyclists safety, because if a 5 ton truck is coming down the street, I don't care who has the right of way, I am not going to cross the street until the truck is gone!! Education is the key to safety, not pushing all the traffic on to Granville St.!! Right in/right out on W 59th and Granville my god, why don't you just lock my up and throw away the key to my car. It is the only street with a traffic light between 70th and 59th and you people want to stop people turning left, are you people nuts!! The people from the traffic plan advisory group better more to Alaska, because there are no traffic there at all!! We are living in a city, city suppose to have traffic!! Why don't we just block off all traffic into local streets and we just all live in our cars on Granville!! I mean how many pedestrians or cyclists do you really see compared to cars you see? I think solving the traffic problem is more important than clearing our neighbourhood of all traffic. All these pedestrians, J walking and cyclists riding all over the road should be educated on how to stay safe and that they don't owe the road, because a 5 ton truck may let you cross the road by law, it doesn't mean it can stop when you run out into the middle of the road. I hope your advisory group didn't talk to the guys in 'Richmond, who put the 2 bus lane in the middle of No 3 road, because they should be locked up!! The traffic is still bad on No 3 Road and when I look to the middle I see two beautiful lanes, occasionally with a bus on it with five riders looking out at us in traffic!! I am all for traffic circle, curb bulge, speed hump, raised crosswalk, "Traffic calmed area" sign and , partial closure, both these right-in/right-out diverters, right-in/all-out diverters are crazy!
_________________________________________________________________________________________Sara, this has been a long time coming and it is very much appreciated. Worse than just the volume of traffic has been the speeding a dangerous conduct of people driving through the area. Please let us know if you believe you will need community support for the plan. We do still worry about the train crossing @ 64th at tracks. Through traffic is often reckless.
_________________________________________________________________________________________I strongly disagree with the diverter change at Cornish St. and W. 70th. The current diverter works well but still permits crossing of 70th by residents in a safe manner. I frequently use this crossing and there is very little traffic through the neighbourhood so it is not being extensively used. However, the change to right-out only eliminates the safe crossing forcing use of Granville which can be extremely congested. I therefore feel that the restriction offers little benefit, poses a safety concern and should be retained in its present form.
_________________________________________________________________________________________Let's see if these measures slow people down and/or encourage them to use alternative pathways. To block traffic in one area while not dealing with the real problem we are no further ahead. Also, if people are diverting from Granville Street, etc. this implies that Granville Street is very congested. Granville Street, from 64th south is heavily congested during rush hour (am & pm) this is the real issue that should be addressed.
_________________________________________________________________________________________Do not support anything proposed for Adera St. As Adera has partial closure at entrance at 57th it is mostly local traffic that uses it instead of Granville St. because so busy (Granville). So it has too many impediments for travel on local street and is not necessary.
_________________________________________________________________________________________I believe that cost of such proposals will not be justified - the amount of traffic will eventually get worse with slowdowns for locals living in area - slowing down traffic on Adera and Angus will only push traffic to French and Cartier streets. It is the traffic waiting to cross bridges to Richmond and the slowdown of traffic on Granville which causes most traffic to cut through side streets. You have to improve flow not impede it. - If the police don't control speed limits use speed bumps. Thanks for the opportunity to participate.
_________________________________________________________________________________________Let's try it for six months and see how it goes.
_________________________________________________________________________________________Any plan that creates a reduction in car speed and ultimate use is desirable.
_________________________________________________________________________________________Concerned for a curb bulging @ 57th and Cypress (SW corner 57th and Lane) This sidewalk was extensively done by us several years ago (cost $200,000) Concern 1) damage to existing sidewalk 2) different materials used on curb bulge and 3) effect of trucks being able to turn south in the lane to service Choices Market. It might be able to use a raised crosswalk in colored stamped slate to match the sidewalk. This would slow traffic and achieve a safer walkway for pedestrians crossing the street without limiting access to the lane. Traffic circles @ 58th 59th on Angus Drive seems to be an overkill when you are proposing a raised crosswalk @ 60th. When you are looking at traffic volume between them those Aves, approximately 45% of traffic is dispersed on Angus Dr. between 64th and 60th, _____ I would assume this is a local traffic and the necessity of 3 traffic calming devices within 3 blocks seem to be an overkill. It would appear to shift the traffic on to Granville St.
_________________________________________________________________________________________Traffic is usually light in this area. It is a waste of money to install even on a trial basis the traffic proposal measures. Maybe just a clean pedestrian crossing "sign" should be placed at corner of Angus Drive and w.57th Ave. since there is a strip mall close by. There is no need for all the fuss.
_________________________________________________________________________________________I wish to commend the City and Engineering Services for the initiatives taken to review and address the local concerns.
_________________________________________________________________________________________Is there anything that can be done to slow down traffic on W. 57th between west Blvd. and Granville St? We have two young children and are concerned with how busy W. 57th is already.
_________________________________________________________________________________________We do not support the continued partial closure at 57th Ave. and Adera. We do not support the proposed right-in/right-out at Granville & 59th Ave. Thank you for asking for neighbourhood input in regards to the Marpole West Traffic Plan. We attended the first open house that you had on this topic and are unable to attend the second. We have reviewed the information you mailed to us and are amazed at the number of proposed traffic changes in our neighbourhood. There are two traffic measures the north side of West. 58th. These are as follows; The partial closure on Adera at West 57th needs to be removed no one will use Adera as a short cut between 57th and SW marine Dr./W 70th. Ave. with 4 traffic circles. 2 speed bumps, a diverter at 64th and access denied between 3pm at 70th Avenue. With the temporary partial closure at Adera all westbound traffic on West 57th that needs to access the rear lane West 57th and West 58th between Granville and Angus Drive are forced to left turn on Angus from West Commercial and in the near future, the 40 plus additional cars from the new condos that are going to be built. All Eastbound traffic for residences on West 57th and West 58th between Adera on Granville turn right and use the lane West of Adera to access the lane East of Adera. The proposed Right-in Right-out Diverter on West 59th at Granville should not be installed, it is the only stop light where people traveling north on Granville or west to Granville south of West 57th can cross with a light and not be forced to travel down West 57th and make an uncontrolled left turn across West 57th to access their lane.
_________________________________________________________________________________________I approve of the curb/corner bulges proposed for the street @ 57th in front of our location. This would cut down/decrease on the abuse of drivers/truck drivers parking on or in front of the crosswalk. By allowing _________ this should make this crossing point much safer.
_________________________________________________________________________________________I would like to confirm traffic direction of the lane between Adera and Granville/ 57th and 68th. It is presently one way going north. I would like to ease of access to our house which is not currently the case. From 57th I cannot enter 58th via Adera or our laneway. My choices are either Angus, which is often congested when cars are parked on both sides of the street, I then have to travel up 58th two blocks do a u-turn at the lane to park in front of our house facing west. Or enter onto Granville at 57th (another busy intersection) and exit onto 58th. If Adera is one way going north at 57th I would like to see the laneway one way going south. This would provide better access for the neighbours on our block and reduce the traffic at Angus and 57th.
_________________________________________________________________________________________This partial closure of Adera St a 57th Ave. in "temporary form" has been there since the Oak St. bridge was refinished. How many years? To my knowledge no one was consulted - I certainly wasn't! How can we be sure that this 6 month trial period will be revised? Who put together the committee which had been working on this traffic problem?
_________________________________________________________________________________________Traffic circle at 58th/Adera. Remove east side parking on Angus and 57th frequently can't make a turn from 57th as so many cars driving up Angus going north.
_________________________________________________________________________________________1) Right-in/right-out diverter on W. 59th at Granville St. this proposal will create further congestion along Granville St. and 57th Ave. especially during peak hours. Should be kept as is. 2) Right-in/Right-out diverter on Cornish St. at W. 70th Ave./SW marine Dr. - this proposal will create further traffic at 68th and Granville, and in turn causing more congestion - should be kept as is.
_________________________________________________________________________________________Regarding the right-in/right-out diverter on 59th at Granville St. this will cause more confusion and accidents. Living at 58th and Adera, we use Park Drive when traveling to Richmond, the ferries and Pt. Roberts. The light at 59th and Granville allows us to cross Granville safely. If you put a diverter, we'll have to enter Granville from 58th and immediately cross 2 lanes of traffic to access Park Drive. On the return we will have to turn right off Park Drive again cross 2 lanes of traffic to access 58th Ave. you have already prevented us from accessing Adera off 57th Avenue so using the 57th light to cross Granville has been eliminated. Also, I can't figure out what your curb bulges on 57th are going to solve. They look like a "make-work" project. The traffic circles should calm things along 59th and Adera St. and Angus Drive.
_________________________________________________________________________________________The traffic circles are useless and we don't favour them. The blockage at Adera and 57th, should be removed. Many cars enter despite the fact it's a do not enter zone. The raised side walks are good ideas and we favour them. Especially at the park on 61st and 62nd. Please remove the blockage at 57th and Adera. Traffic circle are useless!
_________________________________________________________________________________________In addition to the curb bulges at 57th and Angus, restricting parking to a greater distance west of these bulges is a necessity. Visibility is terrible exiting Angus heading north.
_________________________________________________________________________________________The open house and request for inputs are much appreciated. We support the proposed traffic circles, curb bulges, raised crosswalk and "traffic calmed area" signs. We are concerned about convenient access to our home and in and out of our neighbourhood. For these reasons, we oppose the new diverters proposed for 59th and Granville and 64th and Adera. (We also oppose the change to the diverter on Cornish St. but accept that it might be worth trying.) We continue to oppose the barrier at 57th and Adera - the new traffic circles s/b enough. Visibility of the playing field east of Adera (between 62nd and 61st) is good. There is not a speeding problem when the field is in use, if at all. We hope you will find an alternative to adding speed humps.
_________________________________________________________________________________________We are in favour of the proposed traffic plan with the exception of the proposed traffic circles. We find that some people do not observe them and they do not yield onto coming traffic.
_________________________________________________________________________________________1) What about the left turn signal at Park and Oak? Maybe the left turn signal should be at 57th and Oak instead or have not left turn signal at all at Park and Oak. 2) Will you be tracking the traffic volumes at the end of 6 months? 3) A curb bulge at the east side of the 1500 W. 59th Ave. block in addition to the right-in/right-out diverter to slow the speed of the traffic coming down the incline heading west on 59th.
_________________________________________________________________________________________I think more right-in/right-out and circles be replaced to make it much more difficult for non-residents to use our streets as short-cuts.
_________________________________________________________________________________________No diverter @ 59th and Granville - this will create many problems for residences east and west of Granville. 1) Too much overkill on roundabouts - speed bumps work as well or better. 2) Speed bumps should be in alley 57th - 61st parallel to Granville 3) While you are spending all this money - how about paving 57th to 60th on Adera - it's a mess. 4) Are those improvements going on our taxes?
_________________________________________________________________________________________I like the plan and support it.
_________________________________________________________________________________________I am largely indifferent to most of the proposals BUT I am adamantly opposed to the right-in/right-out at 59th and Granville. It may keep out some vehicles but it will put us in a cage.
_________________________________________________________________________________________I am 100 percent against traffic circles and speed bumps on Adera St. also against the partial closure at Adera and 57th Ave. and the diverters on 59th Ave. at Granville and Adera and 64th Ave. and why do we need a raised crosswalk. You should be spending money on paving East Boulevard 57th Ave. to 52nd Ave. which is a disgrace and full of potholes which are periodically filled in but don't last. Also East Boulevard from 57th Ave. to West 64th Ave. This would be for more constructive then the messes you are proposing. We need traffic flow - not traffic blockage.
_________________________________________________________________________________________The proposed curb bulge on south side of 57th at Angus should improve visibility for people moving north on Angus - so good traffic circles proposed are a useful improvement. The partial closure on Adera at 57th should be right-in - all-out to reduce traffic (local) westbound on 58th, 59th etc. The diverter at Cornish and 70th should remain right in - all out to help local traffic cross SW Marine. No problem noticed there. We would prefer the right-in/out on 59th at Granville to be right in - all out. Will the condition of W 57th between Granville and Oak be improved in order to carry the increase in traffic that we expect will occur?
_________________________________________________________________________________________I highly endorse this whole plan.
_________________________________________________________________________________________Our deepest thanks for listening to our concerns about our local traffic issues. Our neighbourhood streets were rapidly becoming a traffic nightmare. Speeding trucks squealing brakes, horns, and a constant presence of commuting cars. Whatever the city can do to ease these problems is greatly accepted. Keep up the great work!
_________________________________________________________________________________________This would be wonderful. Truly a life saver.
_________________________________________________________________________________________Very pleased with this plan.
_________________________________________________________________________________________I would support installation at the proposed traffic plan on a permanent basis, without the 6 month trial period.
_________________________________________________________________________________________Only concern is with item #2 curb bulges on W. 57th Ave. at Angus Drive. Although this assists with the problem of people parking to close to corner, the current length of the bulge on the drawing is insufficient for proper visibility when exiting from Angus while travelling north. The distance of the bulge does not seem to be longer than current white line drawn on road. When a truck is parked just behind this white out are a one can still not see properly to proceed. I feel bulge on south side of street of W. 57th and Angus needs to be double the current length. Comment: Traffic calmed area sign - although good in theory, I don't believe alter behavior.
_________________________________________________________________________________________My wife and I feel that you have done a fantastic job with the traffic plan for our neighbourhood. We support the plan 100%.
_________________________________________________________________________________________Remove partial closure on 57th and Adera and put a traffic circle on 58th instead (or a speed bump).
_________________________________________________________________________________________No diverter at 59th and Granville. Like all the rest.
_________________________________________________________________________________________1) I am opposed to "curb bulges" they take away valuable parking spaces, especially at 57th and Cypress & 57th and Angus. Why is one necessary at 64th and Adera? 2) Some right-in/right-out diverters work. The one proposed for 59th and Granville will prove to be a disaster. The diverted traffic heading west on Park Drive will now find its way down 58th and 60th, causing bottlenecks during rush hours. Please do not put this one in.
_________________________________________________________________________________________Thank you for all the great work!
_________________________________________________________________________________________4 - way stop at Adera and 60th would be good.
_________________________________________________________________________________________This proposal includes a significant amount of money spent on resolving problems that are relatively minor. The biggest problem is at the 57th Ave./Angus intersection where there is limited visibility to handle all of the turning movements on the south side of the intersection. Banning parking on the south side of 57th west of Angus and on Angus (both sides) south of 57th further back form the intersection would help a great deal. I am concerned that the 59th/Granville intersection should maintain through movement eastbound onto Park Ave. and left turns onto Granville St. I do support banning westbound traffic onto 59th from Park Ave.
_________________________________________________________________________________________We do not believe that this plan does anything to alleviate the serious and potentially deadly situation that exists in the area. The 'curb bulges' suggested at 57th seem futile and only serve to aggravate the problem. It is easy to see the already - if the cars parked on S. Angus and 57th represent the 'bulges' we already experience the results daily, especially at peak times when we need a light urgently.
_________________________________________________________________________________________Please do whatever is necessary to calm the traffic in this neighbourhood. Too many drivers use Angus Drive, East Boulevard, and Adera St. as alternate routes at all hours of the day. However, the worst is rush hour where many of the would be "rare car drivers" seem to target the above roads with their insanity.
_________________________________________________________________________________________We are unconvinced of the need for extensive traffic calming measures in this neighbourhood. Speed bumps do appear necessary adjacent to Shannon Park - but why only on Adera and not 61st and 62nd? The existing partial closure at Adera and 57th is problematic for cyclists traveling sought on Adera - there is not provision for cyclists to pass through without entering the oncoming lane.
_________________________________________________________________________________________Park Drive should be 'all out'. Circles earlier on route are impediment enough. Traffic from Arbutus via 64th should be thwarted or encouraged to go to Marine via traffic light. Circle should be moved to 62nd and Adera less circles 65 - 68th. Parking on Granville should be reduced to handle higher volumes. Westbound Park Drive traffic needs a better solution to Westside, e.g.. ability to traverse Granville via 57th (via Cartier?)
_________________________________________________________________________________________I am concerned about the right-in/all-out diverter on the east leg of West 64th of Adera. West 64th is a means to access Granville and use the light at the intersection of Granville and 64th to cross Granville. If the road is closed as proposed; the traffic will only divert to the alley ways causing more congestion. The curb bulges on West 57th at Angus need further study. This corner has been the site of several accidents. The problem when turning off Angus onto West 57th is that the sight line is restricted. This results in vehicles entering the intersection when it is not safe. the curb bulge may not address this issue.
_________________________________________________________________________________________To reduce the traffic along 64th there needs to be more traffic calming measures along the boulevard between 61st and 64th. Either speed bumps or cause drivers to swing back and forth like in a maze. Cars are traveling too fast along the boulevard. As a driver, I feel like I am being plowed over by some of the speeding cars. For the three traffic circles I would suggest replacing them with curb bulges. One set in the north-south direction and one set in the east-west direction. They need to be close enough together that only one car can fit through at a time. Thank you for taking this initiative to making this a more pleasant neighbourhood.
_________________________________________________________________________________________We no longer drive due to our ages so we must walk to Safeway and Choices. The volume of traffic makes this almost impossible for people or our age (over 80).
_________________________________________________________________________________________1) Traffic speeds down Angus along the rail track between 60th and 64th Ave., speed bumps would help reduce what is often dangerous speed. 2) Speed bumps on Adera next to Shannon Park is a good idea, but how about the same on the north and south sides of the park on 61st and 62nd Avenues. Left turn from Angus onto 57th is getting dangerous due to SUV's parking on 57th blocking the view. Either add lights or some other solution to improve visibility. 4) Residents need to exit the area so right in/outs on 59th and Cornish could limit exit options for residents.
_________________________________________________________________________________________I suggest bike through paths on Angus Drive and Adera. Thanks
_________________________________________________________________________________________I am not sure I see the need nor the purpose of 2 traffic circles on Angus Drive. East Blvd. could take increased speed because of that move.
_________________________________________________________________________________________I am very OPPOSED to your proposed traffic calming plans for the Marpole West area. I have lived in this area for thirty years and have seen the vehicular traffic grow rapidly in the last few years. However, I do not feel that your proposals will help the situation and certainly will not make life easier for those of us living in this area. At present, then I have to go to Granville street to head north I usually go to 57th Avenue and make the left turn north onto Granville with the full traffic light. I find the traffic abutment at 57th and Adera a nuisance for returning from the area from Kerrisdale area but I can enter at Angus as there isnt any other opening along 57th Avenue from the boulevard to Granville except these two. (Also, how is this cement structure now not considered permanent? It is a fairly intimidating hindrance on the road!) When I have to cross Granville St. north of 63rd Avenue, which I do very frequently as my Mother is a resident of St. Vinents Langara at 62nd and Columbia, I cross at 59th Avenue/park Drive again with a full yet short-timed traffic light. I feel it is much safer to cross Granville at a full traffic light than to try to cross at an unmarked intersection. I do NOT cross Granville at the pedestrian-controlled lights at 63rd and 64th and Granville as I am usually in the car alone and I would have to hop out, push the button for the crosswalk and hope to get back into my car before the light changes. I have seen many drivers do this but it does not appear to be as safe as crossing at either 57th or 59th Avenue. If I am heading south out of my residence (for Oak Street Bridge or Curves, Safeway, the optometrist, my doctor or VanCity Bank) I head down Adera and along 68th to Cornish and I cross 70th Avenue at the traffic light there. I find that making the left turn from Cornish onto 70th Avenue is fairly safe and crossing the intersection from Cornish onto SW Marine Drive is a good way to avoid the congestion at 70th and Granville if I want to get around to Marine Drive rather than crossing the Art Lain Bridge. I feel that your traffic calming patterns would force me as a resident of this area to get out onto Granville St. and further congest that traffic route. I certainly do not feel that the corner of Cornish and 70th Avenue should be a forced RIGHT turn. I also do not agree with your plan to prevent me from returning from the east on Park Drive at Granville to cross Granville and continue to 59th and Adera to get back to my house. I usually make a left turn off of park Drive onto Granville and come south to 63rd Avenue and then into my lane. However, during rush hour and the present road repair congestion, if Granville is tied up I can now cross Granville and come down to Adera to my lane getting me away from the congestion, relieving some of the congestion on Granville and getting my car off the street and out of traffic faster thereby reducing some emissions also. I do not feel that traffic circles at 59th, 65th and 68th Avenue will CALM traffic. This seems like the traffic circles are even closer together than in the West End of downtown Vancouver! I think the stop signs at the corners are much safer for drivers than traffic circles where many drivers do not pay attention to who entered the circle FIRST! (I have experienced this frequently in the West End). Why would you put a right-in/right-out diverter at 64th and Adera? Your own traffic survey of the volume of traffic shows that the majority of traffic is already turning right off of 64th onto Adera so why is an abutment necessary? The diversion is already happening! It would appear that you are forcing more traffic to enter onto 63rd Avenue (my street as it happens) since this is slightly wider being the bus route and hence you can not put in a traffic circle at 63rd Avenue! I do not understand why traffic circles are necessary on Angus Drive at 58th and 59th either. I travel that route quite frequently and have never experienced the volume of traffic on it that is on Adera. And I notice that the traffic volume recorded on Angus is significantly lower than on lower Adera but please remember that Angus is the only route available from 57th Avenue for the residents to get back into the area of your diagram from the east side of the railroad tracks. The only part of the plan that I do not disagree with is your speed humps proposed for Shannon Park. I do not know if this is now hazardous I havent found it to be an I travel up and down Adera a great deal but I know that the school is presently being used as a Hebrew elementary school but this may change when the new Hebrew high school opens on 41st Avenue. I do not know what good traffic calmed signs would be. Do they appear anywhere else in the city? By your proposal you are forcing more and more traffic into our north/south bound lane which presently has Do not enter signs posted from the north side from 57th Avenue. As I wrote in the previous survey, these signs are blatantly ignored and are only adhered to by the local residents of this area of IF a traffic policeman happens to be present. Any time that Granville street gets tied up southbound, there is an increase in the lane traffic southbound. It would be far better to at least force this traffic over to Adera Street rather than driving through the lanes when most of them are T shaped here. I feel you are turning my area into a ghetto where I can only enter by a few open gates almost like checkpoints. Leave Adera St. and the corresponding avenues and Cornish St. alone. I feel that what we have now on that street is working and forcing more and more of the local residents out onto Granville Street as the only route will lead to more accidents, congestion and prove harmful to the few Granville merchants that are still operating in this area! At present, we are already experiencing great slowdowns on Granville Street with the City street works plus very frequent work on the trolley lines at the bus loop at 63rd and Granville. The city also seems to presently have a huge number of intersections in this area torn up for ramp conversion of the sidewalks. I do not find traffic circles to be attractive Ive only seen one that is attractively maintained and that is on the far side of the Langara golf course on Ontario Street, I believe. In the event of an accident, I would think that a stop sign is a far greater asset to ICBC than a traffic circle. In summary, enforce the lane do not enter signs, leave the Avenues, Cornish Street, Angus Street and Adera Street alone and put the speed humps in at Shannon Park if you feel it is necessary. Local residents should not have to face so many impediments in order to access or disembark from their own neighbourhoods and in order to support local businesses! I do not feel this should even be for a trial periods, especially with all of the present water/sewer work on Granville Street. Please keep me informed of future proposals and decisions regarding this matter.
_________________________________________________________________________________________I would like to see an entrance straight across Marine Drive at Cornish since there is little parking on Granville for access to the blood clinic, eye clinic medical offices etc. on Granville. If the proposed plan is found to be unacceptable I suppose there is little likelihood of being changed after 6 months.
_________________________________________________________________________________________Raised school crosswalk are too high for cars to go over and not needed in this area. Traffic circles at the two locations will be a big problem. We will have to have a plane to get out of the area. Six month temporary will become permanent fixtures.
_________________________________________________________________________________________One item I don't like is 64th right in only with this traffic will divert to 63rd which also has light. East Blvd. needs something to slow traffic - people speed up/down all the time. 80 % overdrive street.
_________________________________________________________________________________________Def not. I am not in favour because by placing a diverter on W. 64th traffic will re-route to W. 63rd Ave. We have enough with the buses!! Please reconsider!! Our street is wider so I am sure it will encourage more traffic!!
_________________________________________________________________________________________Don't change 1) Right in/out diverter on W 59th this is a good route at present to get through Granville traffic for locals. Don't change 2) right in/out diverter on Cornish & 70th. This is sometimes only way out to airport or ferries when Granville is gridlocked (rainy day!) 3) All the rest looks good, but we have to fight our way out sometimes at rush hours. We can't get out at pedestrian lights because they are full of cars.
_________________________________________________________________________________________We also ask that you place stop signs at the corner of 63rd and Adera traveling east/west making it a 4 way stop. In order to slow traffic traveling west to East Boulevard. We tried to put this request in years ago but failed to succeed with City Hall. To reinforce slowing traffic down traveling west on 63rd Ave. perhaps a few speed humps on our street would be helpful. We are extremely concerned for the children's safety that live on our block. Thank you for listening to our request.
_________________________________________________________________________________________It would be desirable to have a traffic light installed at Angus an West 57th Ave.
_________________________________________________________________________________________Lets make our streets safer for our neighbourhood. Traffic light at 57th and Angus is necessary.
_________________________________________________________________________________________1) Area 1 - very dangerous. Cars are parked both sides of the street. Traffic is entering south from east and west. Large trucks supplying Choices exit by the alley onto Angus Drive. Cars stopped on 57th are in danger of being rear ended. Cars turning south from SW corner of 57th Ave. and Angus enter Angus without seeing trucks or cars entering narrow space between parked cars. 2) Cars use 64th because the light goes often. The light on 63rd needs to be activated - car won't start light change.
_________________________________________________________________________________________My only concern, as an avid cyclist, is the safety of cyclists at the Cornish/70th crossing. As the new measures puts a right-in/right-out diverter, motor vehicles heading north-bound on Cornish to make a left on 70th may not expect cyclists to go straight through the intersection, as oncoming motor vehicles will be diverted right. It may be safer if cyclists (and pedestrians) have an advance signal to cross the intersection before the motor vehicles are allowed to enter the intersection.
_________________________________________________________________________________________I personally do not support building the traffic circles. Rather, I think having the speed bumps instead of the circles would also have the effect of reducing speed. So why we have to spend more money to build the circles if they have the same purpose as the speed bumps.
_________________________________________________________________________________________I like what is proposed. 1) Flow through from Adera to East Blvd (east & west bound) along 63rd Ave. - Will people enter from Granville and cut through to E. Blvd when all other controls are put in place. 2) East Blvd. between 60th and 64th plus entry north along E. Blvd from 64th Northbound - it's a cycle route. Thanks.
_________________________________________________________________________________________The proposed traffic calming plan will make my neighbourhood a much safer place. I would also like to see a four way traffic light at 64th and Granville to reduce accidents.
_________________________________________________________________________________________As a member of the traffic plan advisory group, the recommendations should be installed and allowed a 6 month trial to see the results of the new measures.
_________________________________________________________________________________________Makes good sense to calm the traffic down on Adera St.
_________________________________________________________________________________________Not a moment too soon, thanks.
_________________________________________________________________________________________I have lived at this address for 30 years. There is no need for any of the proposed changes. I have not seen any traffic problems at all in the outlined area. It is total waste of taxpayers dollars and more junk in the roadway only slows it down and creates more problems. I have not seen anyone speeding in the area for a long time. Stop signs are being obeyed and I have no trouble crossing the streets in the area and I use a walker to get around. Quit using tax dollars for decorating the streets - use it to upgrade our sewers systems. Improve our police department shelter our homeless, etc. Many roads within Vancouver need to be repaired or replaced - NOT DECORATED!!!
_________________________________________________________________________________________We support any measures that will reduce the traffic in the neighbourhood. We hope this will work.
_________________________________________________________________________________________Remove [partial closure] and do not replace. Why raised [crosswalk]. Doesnt a marked crosswalk suffice? Why [right-in/right-out]? Light has control for Park Dr. access.
_________________________________________________________________________________________It is not advisable to install a right-in/right-out diverter at Cornish St. 70th Ave. This is an alternative route for south bound and E. bound traffic without getting onto the busy Granville St. traffic. On the south side of 70th Ave. on Granville St. we have the corner store. The post office, the hair dresser, the gas station, the flower shop, the doctor's offices. The medical lab etc. blocking the access to these shops would give us everyday inconvenience. Besides, the traffic at this site is generally very light until rush hours in the afternoon. Please consider other regulatory means.
_________________________________________________________________________________________When are you going to make ___________ _______- my car has been hit by bikes. I don't like bikes to have the right away where cars drive. They better have insurance. It cost me $300.00 to repair our car of bikes.
_________________________________________________________________________________________It is about time! I live on the 64th near the park and I can always see cars speed by - not stopping at stop signs and not stopping for people trying to go to the park. It is just a matter of time that some toddlers or little kids being hit by these speeding cars.
_________________________________________________________________________________________Concern over traffic restriction on 57th Ave. ie traffic curb bulge @ 57th and Granville - will this not ultimately result in higher volume on 64th Ave. Please note higher volume # on this street is on 64th Ave. If you try to reduce 57th Ave. traffic, will this not increase volume on 64th Ave.? As both 57th and 64th are the only direct access from SW Marine to Granville/Oak Basically, I support most this plan.
_________________________________________________________________________________________Good Work.
_________________________________________________________________________________________Unfortunately not aware of traffic plan advisory committee - would have attended meetings. Living at 64th and East Blvd two concerns in addition to proposed calming measures. 1) Cars speed through stop sign across tracks often pedestrians/bicyclists using tracks assume cars will stop at stop sign - apparently speed bumps are not possible due to the bus and emergency vehicles although they stop for stop sign anyway. 2) Cars speed down 64th and 'sling shot' around our corner onto East Boulevard and carry speed along to 57th. While raised crosswalk at 60th will help some other changes to slow traffic between 64th & 60th would help possible corner bulge at 64the north/east corner?
_________________________________________________________________________________________1) A good idea; thanks for working to find solution. 2) We are all at increased risk; as a resident (1500 block West 65th) since 1973 the differences are very obvious in traffic volume, speed and lack of consideration. 3) Hard to over emphasize increase in (a) commercial traffic and parking from mini-malls, e.g. fast in/out from Pizza Hut, BP, Daimo, Liquor Store, Safeway. 4) Must improve safety along lane west on Granville exp. at 65th (north & south) where site-buildings make for "blind" crossings as vehicles run through. 5) Please restrict parking to residential permit holders, west of lane behind Granville.
_________________________________________________________________________________________Suggest measures be considered for afternoon Granville rush hour diverting down west lane to bypass Granville traffic.
_________________________________________________________________________________________Our primary objection is to the right-in/right-out diverter on Cornish Street at 70th Avenue. We use this to access 70th Avenue and also the area south of 70th when we do not want to drive on Granville Street. This will stop us getting to our places in our own neighbourhood and force us out to Granville. The partial closure on Adera at 57th makes it almost impossible for us to get to Choices grocery or to church. The proposed traffic measures are OVERKILL. They are not all needed and instead of calming traffic, will enrage us because they make it hard to drive easily in our own neighbourhood.
_________________________________________________________________________________________As residents who have been living in this area for over 25 years, we have our fair share of watching how the traffic pattern on South Granville has evolved. We would like to request that the right-in all out diverter on Cornish St. at W. 70th Ave./SW Marine Dr. be retained in its current condition. This is the venue that most of the local residents like us would take when we wish to get out of to Granville St. Arthur Laing Bridge, Oak Bridge, etc. Exiting from the side streets on to Granville St. these days is almost impossible due to either the non-stop southbound traffic on Granville St. or the huge volume backflows from the red traffic light on W. 70th Ave. and Granville St. thereby, local residents would usually take the Cornish St. at W. 70th Ave. SW marine Dr. as exiting point with the installation of all the traffic calming measures on Adera St from w. 57th to W. 68th Ave. we believe that non-local drivers would be discouraged and the local traffic conditions would definitely be improved along the route. Therefore there will be minimal traffic, except from local residents, using the Cornish St. at W. 70th Ave. /SW marine Dr. exit. Marpole West traffic plan is implemented.
_________________________________________________________________________________________I applaud this proposal: thank you for your work! I worry about the condition of 68th just west of Granville. The street has no curbs and everyone parks on the blvd. It will become congested and more dangerous with the frustration of those cutting through.
_________________________________________________________________________________________Don't bother with temporary, just do it!
_________________________________________________________________________________________This plan should not hold local people hostage in our neighbourhood. 1) Diverter at 64th and Adera will impede local traffic wanting to get to Granville St. in the busy traffic times more than one street must be available - to allow access to Granville. 2) Would rather not have traffic circle at 65tha and Adera. 3) None of this plan should be undertaken until existing roads in our area are put into proper condition. Fix what we have first. 4) Evidence traffic calming done on W Blvd between 57th and 50th Ave - trees and curbs installed and road is broken up at edges - never properly finished - installed over a year ago. 5) The big traffic problem that will result in a bad accident soon at railway tracks at 64th and E Blvd. - since the trains stopped using tracks drivers are routinely not stopping at stop signs both east and west direction cars coming up the hill do not stop. Vehicles entering off east Blvd can not see down the hill. It will not take long before there is a serious accident here. Also cars going in both directions are far exceeding post park zone speeds. Small children play in the play area very close to 64th. We need to have this traffic slowed down and get people to use stop signs at the tracks. Possible more speed zone signs - plus a traffic officer filling a few dozen books of tickets over a two week period will alter some bad habits. 6) Remove partial closure at 57th and Adera this was a temporary measure many years ago. If traffic is jammed up southbound on Granville we can not access our own neighbourhood. This is not serving the local people.
_________________________________________________________________________________________We have for years turned east onto 70th from Cornish and will continue to do so. To not be able to do this makes no sense. The whole medium presently there should be removed. Traffic circles along Adera St. are ridiculous. There are stop signs presently at these corners that work perfectly well. Streets are for cars, to impede them is to only cause frustration and cause motorists to find even more obscure routes. Before tax money is spent on the proposed impediments, East Boulevard should be repaved from 52nd to 68th. We find these kinds of road structures to be regressive and are not required.
_________________________________________________________________________________________I would even say that this proposal should be made permanently, helps in the safety of crossing some of the avenues safely.
_________________________________________________________________________________________Never mind the diverter at 64th instead a 4-way stop sign. Don't put a diverter at 59th and Granville. Please remove partial closure at 57th and Adera. I need to get home from east side of Granville. Please no speed humps.
_________________________________________________________________________________________I am happy to see this being implemented finally. We've been waiting for years and all that's happened so far, is increased traffic on Adera St.
_________________________________________________________________________________________While we generally support the installation of the proposed traffic plan on a temporary basis and we particularly support the addition of traffic circles on Adera at 65th, 66th, and 68th Ave. Hopefully, this will help to slow down the speeding non-stopping cars at these intersections. As these are part also of a bicycle route - they should be pleasantly landscaped. However, the proposed addition of a Right-in-All-out diverter to the south west corner of 64th and Adera will push all vehicles travelling from East and West Boulevard south down Adera and out 65th, 66th, 68th and SW Marine Drive. Your study numbers failed to take into account the large number of cars that turn from West Boulevard East onto 64th and contribute significantly to the traffic numbers on 64th and then turn south on Adera. This traffic should be encouraged to continue straight through 63rd or 64th to Granville (aren't they designed as high traffic streets - with extra width and painted lines?) Or at least 64th Ave. - though your plan cuts this off even though they currently only take a few hundred cars a day. Adera seems to take the brunt of the problems and now with the 64th Ave. intervention it will only get worse. Get the cars on Granville sooner not later and fix the congestion that blocks traffic at the bridge and backs it up to 53rd every afternoon - that would prevent the 'shortcutters' through our neighbourhood.
_________________________________________________________________________________________In addition to may I suggest/recommend: that the speed limit within avenue/streets such as Granville St./Adera areas be restricted to 40 km an hour. Thereby reducing the danger of hitting or injuring to pedestrians. (particular large number of senior residents) living nearby these areas.
_________________________________________________________________________________________There is also a need along the alley west of and parallel to Granville. People race by and pullout without heed. I was nearly run over on Adera by a man ignoring the stop signs. We have 2 small children who have to cross Adera St. several times a day a worry for me every time. Not even the bicycles stop at the stop signs there.
_________________________________________________________________________________________As most traffic that travels down Adera strives to get back to Granville Street they all seem to come down 68th Ave. The installation of a right only diverter at Cornish and 70th will only make the vehicles continue down 68th to Granville St. I would like to see another traffic circle at Cornish and 68th to help slow the traffic that already travels down 68th at such speed. Thank you.
_________________________________________________________________________________________Too late. We need another artery and bridge.
_________________________________________________________________________________________Proceed ASAP
_________________________________________________________________________________________This issue with the traffic has been ongoing for a number of years. Just how long is the City Hall going to take to fix it.
_________________________________________________________________________________________We have lived in this area for 11 years and it has grown worse. For 3 years we have had to tolerate the passing industrial trucks and other noise producers by our house in broad daylight, when indeed this was a violation of traffic regulations for residential areas. It is our hope that once this proposed traffic plan is installed, we will see a reduction in such loud and unwarranted disturbances in our neighbourhood. There have also been incidences of speeding vehicles racing down Adera St. at odd hours of the night - again, in a disruptive manner to the peace and quiet expected in a residential neighbourhood. We would fully support the new plan outlined by the branch, and hope to finally see some changes in the area's traffic.
_________________________________________________________________________________________I live on 68th & Adera. I need to make and through 4 traffic circles and 4 other barrier to get to my kids' school every morning and every afternoon. It is too much.
_________________________________________________________________________________________I live at W. 68th and Adera. This traffic plan is good news as Adera has turned into a mini highway especially during rush hour.
_________________________________________________________________________________________We appreciate efforts to reduce through traffic in our neighbourhood and support almost all the proposed initiatives. The one measure that we do not support is eliminating the left turn onto SW Marine from Cornish St. by way of a right-in/right-out diverter instead of a right-in/all-out diverter. Right now, this is the only convenient/effective way for residents to get onto SW Marine Dr. going East, as there is a light.
_________________________________________________________________________________________1) Too costly and unnecessary. 2) From over 10 years of experience only one traffic circle needed on Adera St. 3) Speed humps bad for cars for a small mini school. 4) Angus Dr. is very quiet, no traffic circles needed. 5) If there is the extra money, East Blvd. should be repaved. 6) The back lane of 68th and 66th should be paved since the road is very uneven.
_________________________________________________________________________________________Please save lives! Please save our neighbourhood!