Vancouver City Council |
These minutes will be adopted at the Regular Council Meeting on April 12, 2005. |
A Regular Meeting of the Standing Committee of Council on City Services and Budgets was held on Thursday, March 17, 2005, at 9:30 a.m., in the Council Chamber, Third Floor, City Hall. The meeting recessed at 1:35 p.m., and reconvened at 3:00 p.m.
Councillor Tim Louis, Chair
Mayor Larry Campbell
Councillor Fred Bass
Councillor David Cadman
Councillor Jim Green
Councillor Peter Ladner
Councillor Raymond Louie
*Councillor Anne Roberts
Councillor Tim Stevenson
Councillor Sam Sullivan
Councillor Ellen Woodsworth, Vice ChairCITY MANAGERS OFFICE:
Judy Rogers, City Manager
Syd Baxter, City Clerk
Nicole Ludwig, Meeting Coordinator*Denotes absence for a portion of the meeting.
The Minutes of the Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets meeting of February 17, 2005, were adopted.
1. 2005 Operating Budget: Interim Estimates (File 1605)
At its meeting on March 15, 2005, Vancouver City Council received the Administrative Report, dated February 20, 2005, entitled, 2005 Operating Budget: Interim Estimates, and referred the report to the Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets meeting on March 17, 2005, in order to hear from speakers.
Annette Klein, Director of Budget Services, and Estelle Lo, General Manager and Director of Finance, were available to respond to questions. Also present were Deputy Chief Constable Jim Chu, and Chief Constable Jamie Graham, Vancouver Police Department; Jacquie Forbes-Roberts, General Manager of Community Services; Sue Harvey, Director of Cultural Affairs; John Hunter, Manager of Financial Services; Susan Mundick, General Manager of Parks and Recreation; Ernie Westmacott, Acting Manager of Corporate Services Administration and Special Projects; and Henry Woo, Manager of Budget Services.
The following spoke about the Ready to Read Childrens Literacy Outreach Program:
Joan Anderson, Chair, Vancouver Public Library Board
Neale Adams, Friends of the Vancouver Public LibraryTheir comments included:
· overview of the Ready to Read program and the benefits to introducing children early to books and reading;
· need for investing in childrens outreach librarians;
· working with specialists to evaluate the programs future impact and success.The following spoke about the 2005 Budget Initiative from the Office of Cultural Affairs:
Heather Redfern, Executive Director, Alliance for Arts
Robert Kerr, Coastal Jazz & Blues Society
Donna Spencer, Artistic Producer, Firehall Arts Centre
James Long
Adrienne Wong
Norman Armour, Rumble productions/PUSH FestivalTheir comments included:
· support for cultural funding increases which will have a great impact in Vancouver providing extensive social and economic returns; including artistic opportunities which will inspire artists to remain in Vancouver;
· the calibre of art in Vancouver is on par with rest of world;
· subsidies impact both artists and the public by increasing accessibility to events;
· requested that bulk of increase be directed to core operating and funding programs;
· this is the first significant increase to cultural grants in 20 years.Staff responded to questions regarding guidelines for limiting operating expenses and the percentage of funds allocated to special events.
The following spoke about the 2005 Budget Initiative from the Office of Sustainability:
Bob Laurie, Co-Chair, Local Government Budgets and Finance Task Force, Vancouver Board of Trade (brief submitted on file)
Dave Park, Assistant Managing Director and Chief Economist, Vancouver Board of Trade (brief distributed on file)Their comments included:
· tax policy is inequitable to small businesses; and the development application process needs improvement;
· police have insufficient resources despite public being willing to pay higher taxes;
· Council urged to support library initiatives, the Festival of Lights and the Grey Cup;
· balance is needed for sustainability;Staff responded to questions regarding reports back on tax rates, land values and taxation, and tax rates per 100,000 in other cities.
The following spoke about police staffing issues and funding for Community Policing Centres:
Eileen Mosca, Grandview Woodlands Community Policing Centre
Don Ransom, Davie Street Community Policing Centre
Paula Carr, Collingwood Neighbourhood House
Zach Guy, Collingwood Community Policing Centre
Elaine Barbour, Vice-President, Hastings North Community Policing Office
Bill McMichael, Renfrew-Collingwood Drug and Alcohol Committee
Jim Deva, Little Sisters Bookstore
Randy Lee, Chinese Community Policing Centre
Devin LeGresley, Chinese Community Policing Centre
Preston Guno, Urban Native Youth Association and Broadway Youth Resource Centre
Patricia Barnes, Hastings North BIA
Paul Goodman, Loss Prevention and Road Safety Coordinator, ICBC
Jenny Lo
Alice Sin
Curtis Clearsky, KAYA
Rider CooeyTheir comments included:
· both VPD and CPCs need more funding to enable them to do their job; CPCs fill the gap between the VPDs basic mission and general lack of resources;
· communities strongly support Community Policing and request Council support core funding for $100,000 for each CPC to allow CPCs to serve larger areas, a necessity due to reduction in numbers of CPCs;
· money should be used in flexible ways to accommodate needs of various communities;
· CPCs are a good tool for empowerment developing good volunteers with strong commitment to the community;
· CPCs create bridges bringing together various sectors by transcending social differences, creating a link between citizenry and police, which changes the community environment and educates the public about police role in community;
· CPCs focus on prevention; one of the four pillars of a sustainable city, with visible results;
· there is a desire for more police officers;
· there is a need for Aboriginal Policing Centre and more input from Aboriginal peoples; possibly through aboriginal council, including training for officers to improve relationships between aboriginal people and the police;
· there is a need to train rookie officers on community policing;
· safety concerns can be alleviated by increasing funding;
· CPCs provide community outreach and help for newcomers to the city;
· A large increase to police staffing is not necessary, as the average response time is 8 minutes, not 13 minutes, when extreme highs and lows are omitted from the calculations contained in the consultant's report.Staff responded to questions regarding the budget oversight process, role of the Police Board pertaining to CPCs, Councils ability to decide where funding goes, and citizen advisory councils to the Vancouver Police Department
The following addressed taxation issues:
Richard Nantel:
Deanna Geishimer
Eunice Larocque
Stuart Swain, Chair BOMA Taxation Committee
Bill Rempel, Downtown Vancouver Business Improvement AssociationTheir comments included:
· property taxes have increased dramatically over the last 20 years and fair taxation is the issue;
· Lower Mainland density is high with little supporting infrastructure;
· concern regarding accountability;
· current taxation rates are detrimental to business; neither tenant nor landlords can afford the rates;
· request for more equitable tax structure between business and residential.Staff responded to questions regarding tax reduction, whether there is a correlation between high taxes and businesses leaving the city, whether business licenses have been increasing or decreasing, and legislation governing tax rates.
MOVED by Councillor Woodsworth
THAT the start of the regular meeting of the Standing Committee on Planning and Environment will be delayed by 30 minutes.
* * * * *
Following the hearing of speakers, the Committee recessed at 1:35 p.m. and reconvened at 3:00 p.m. with the same members present and Councillor Woodsworth in the Chair.
* * * * *
MOVED by Councillor Louie
THAT the Committee recommend to Council
THAT Council approve funding for Chinatown Visions, as approved on February 15, 2005, with 2005 funding of $262,100 to be provided from General Program Account and subsequent years funding of $264,100 to be funded without offset, as follows:
a. THAT Council approve staffing resources for the development of a Chinatown Community Plan, including:
b. A temporary Policy Planner for a 32 month period, to develop policies and manage the overall work program, subject to classification by the General Manager of Human Resources, at an approximate cost of $57,680 for 2005, $88,865 for 2006, $90,905 for 2007 including benefits.
c. A temporary half time Heritage Urban Designer (Development Planner II) for an 18 month period, to examine complex development projects and develop an overall urban design strategy for Chinatown, at an approximate cost of $28,840 for 2005, $36,955 for 2006 including benefits. If necessary the funding will be converted into a consultancy.
d. A temporary Social Planner for 32 month period, to continue to build on the community development work in Chinatown and Downtown Eastside area, subject to classification by the General Manager of Human Resources, at an approximate cost $57,680 for 2005, $88,865 for 2006, $90,905 for 2007 including benefits
e. THAT Council funds in the amount of $140,750 be allocated, without offset, for program development, public consultation, communication and research; and
THAT Council, as approved February 17, 2005, provide funding of $407,000 in 2005 and $598,500 in 2006 and beyond to fund Ethical Purchasing Policy implementation costs with 2005 funding to be provided from Contingency Reserve and subsequent years funding without offset
AMENDMENT MOVED by Councillor Stevenson
THAT the following be added as recommendation Y:
THAT Council increase the contingency reserve by a further $400,000 for the purpose of providing funding to the Womens Task Force, The World Peace Forum and a feasibility study of a community centre for the LGBT community, and that reports need to be submitted for Councils approval prior to the release of these funds; and
THAT Council increase Community Service Grants by $500,000 and that release of the funds is subject to the Citys grant approval process.
Source of funds for the entire $900,000 to be as follows:
· The savings resulting from the reduction of sworn police from 65 to 50, and civilians from 35 to 27;
· a further SIF reduction of $100,000;
· the balance of gaming revenue that has not been allotted to specific initiatives, approximately $78, 700;
· the balance to be funded by a tax increase, such that the total 2005 tax increase for the city shall be under 3%.not put
The Chair ruled the amendment out of order.
Councillor Stevenson challenged the ruling of the Chair.
The Chair then put the question
Shall the ruling of the Chair be sustained?
(Councillors Louie and Stevenson, and the Mayor opposed)
A two-thirds majority of those present is required to overrule the ruling of the Chair. Therefore the ruling of the Chair was SUSTAINED.
Councillor Louie rose on a point of order, to enquire the reasons for the Chairs ruling.
POSTPONEMENT MOVED by Councillor Sullivan
THAT the current motions be postponed to later in the meeting; and
FURTHER THAT the Committee address the recommendations in the same order they are presented in the Administrative Report dated February 20, 2005, entitled 2005 Operating Budget: Interim Estimates.
(Councillors Louie and Stevenson, and the Mayor opposed)MOVED by Councillor Louis
THAT the Committee recommend to Council
A. THAT Council approve the Park Board Global Budget of $52,795,700, including approximately $788,000 of added Basic and one-time adjustments in the Park Board estimates, this amount to exclude any adjustments approved by Council to balance the 2005 Operating Budget.
MOVED by Councillor Louis
THAT the Committee recommend to Council
B. THAT Council approve the Administrative Report, dated February 20, 2005, entitled, 2005 Operating Budget: Interim Estimates, and further budget adjustment, put forward by the Corporate Management Team (itemized on page 22 of aforementioned report) and net GST savings of $1,393,000 to bring the property taxes to 1.48%, reducing the City share of the anticipated tax increase to approximately 1.14%;
AMENDMENT MOVED by Councillor Sullivan
THAT the following the added to B, above:
THAT the Corporate Management Team be asked to bring forward a budget management process so next years tax rate will not exceed inflation.
THAT the following be added to the primary amendment:
THAT the contingency fund be restored to normal levels of $4.8 million dollars of unallocated spending.
(Councillors Bass, Cadman, Louie, Louis, Roberts, Stevenson, Woodsworth and the Mayor opposed)The amendment to the amendment having lost, the amendment was put and LOST, with Councillors Bass, Cadman, Louie, Louis, Roberts, Stevenson, Woodsworth and the Mayor opposed.
The amendment having lost, the motion was put and CARRIED, with Councillor Sullivan opposed.
MOVED by Councillor Louis
THAT the Committee recommend to Council
C. THAT Council increase Contingency Reserve by $800,000, increasing 2005 property taxes by 0.18%.
AMENDMENT MOVED by Councillor Sullivan
THAT the number $800,000 be struck, and replaced with $2.1 million.
(Councillors Bass, Cadman, Louie, Louis, Roberts, Stevenson, Woodsworth and the Mayor opposed )The amendment having lost, the motion was put and CARRIED, with Councillor Sullivan opposed.
MOVED by Councillor Louis
THAT the Committee recommend to Council
D. THAT Council approve the creation of the following position at no additional cost to the City:
· Corporate Services Assistant Manager of Contract Administration
Subject to classification by the General Manager of Human Resources
MOVED by Councillor Louis
THAT the Committee recommend to Council
E. THAT Council approve renewal of the annual contract with the Vancouver Economic Development Commission (VEDC) for the 2005 fiscal year at a cost of $616,000; source of funds included in the 2005 Operating Budget.
MOVED by Councillor Louis
THAT the Committee recommend to Council
F. THAT Council approve the allocation of $711,000 from Contingency Reserve to fund snow clean up costs incurred in January 2005 to Engineering Services and a further $100,000 to City Clerks to fund additional printing costs for the 2005 Civic Election.
MOVED by Councillor Louis
THAT the Committee recommend to Council
G. THAT Council establish five full time Librarian I positions for the Ready to Read Children's Literacy Outreach Program, at an estimated prorated cost of $190,700 ($286,000 annually), including fringe benefits, and a one time cost of $25,000 for furniture, equipment and supplies, with a start date of May 1, 2005, with funding to be provided from Contingency Reserve with subsequent years funding to be provided without offset.
AMENDMENT MOVED by Councillor Ladner
THAT the numbers in the motion be struck and reduced by 50 per cent.
THAT the Library maintain this program at the proposed levels and cut other services by 50 per cent.
(Councillors Bass, Cadman, Louie, Louis, Roberts, Stevenson, Woodsworth and the Mayor opposed)The amendment to the amendment having lost, the amendment was put and LOST with Councillors Bass, Cadman, Louie, Louis, Roberts, Stevenson, Woodsworth and the Mayor opposed.
The amendment having lost, the motion was put and CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
MOVED by Councillor Louis
THAT the Committee recommend to Council
H. THAT Council approve funding for two Civic Events (Celebration of Light and Grey Cup) at $358,200 (or $368,000 with approval of H(c)) outlined in the report dated February 1, 2005, entitled Celebration of Light and Grey Cup Festival 2005, from the Contingency Reserve as follows:
a. THAT Council approve additional costs of $218,200 for the 2005 Celebration of Light.
b. THAT Council approve a budget of $140,000 to cover City costs for the 2005 Grey Cup Festival.
c. THAT Council approve a budget of up to $10,000, from Contingency Reserve, without offset, to have City staff install and remove Grey Cup 2005 street banners
MOVED by Councillor Louis
THAT the Committee recommend to Council
I. THAT Council approve the Metropolitan Core Jobs and Economy Land Use Plan: Terms of Reference and Funding, with 2005 funding of $277,800 to be provided from Contingency Reserve and subsequent year funding of $356,500 to be provided without offset, as follows:
a. THAT Council approve undertaking the Metropolitan Core Jobs and Economy Land Use Plan in accordance with the Terms of Reference attached as Appendix A to the Policy Report dated January 17, 2005, entitled Metropolitan Core Jobs and Economy Land Use Plan: Terms of Reference and Funding.
b. THAT Council approve hiring the following temporary staff: Planner 2 and Planning Assistant 3 for 24 months commencing in May 2005; Civil Engineer 2 half-time for 24 months commencing in May 2005, and Planner 2 for 16 months commencing in January 2006; at an estimated cost of $474,800 (pro-rated) including benefits. Funding to be added to the Community Services Group and Engineering Services operating budgets.
c. THAT Council authorize a budget of $271,500 to cover other program costs (consulting services, public consultation costs, etc.) for 24 months commencing in May 2005. Funding to be added to the Community Services Group and Engineering Services operating budgets:
2005 $158,500
2006 $ 92,500
2007 $ 20,500carried
AMENDMENT MOVED by Councillor Ladner
THAT the funding in the motion be reduced by 50 per cent.
THAT the amendment be struck and replaced with the following:
THAT the Department of Sustainability reduce costs by 50 per cent
(Councillors Bass, Cadman, Louie, Louis, Roberts, Stevenson, Woodsworth and the Mayor opposed)The amendment to the amendment having lost, the amendment was put and LOST with Councillors Bass, Cadman, Louie, Louis, Roberts, Stevenson, Woodsworth and the Mayor opposed.
The amendment having lost, the motion was put and CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
MOVED by Councillor Louis
THAT the Committee recommend to Council
J. THAT Council approve improvements to the Citys development application process, with 2005 funding of $687,700 to be provided from Contingency Reserve ($217,700) and increased Development and Anchor Rod revenues ($470,000) and subsequent years funding of $1,217,500 to be provided by $470,000 of revenues and the remainder, $747,500 to be provided without offset, as follows:
a. THAT Council approve the hiring of a consultant to work with senior management and representatives of the development and building industry to identify necessary structures and processes for reducing and synchronizing existing regulations and assessing proposed new regulations and that Council request a report back, with recommendations by May of 2005 at an estimated one time cost of $40,000 with the source of funds to be the existing 2005 Community Services operating budget.
b. THAT Council establish 13.5 additional positions in five departments, at an estimated annual cost of $780,400 (prorated for fiscal 2005 at $390,200), including fringe benefits, subject to review and classification by Human Resources, for the processing of Development, Building and related permits, plus one-time staffing costs estimated at $70,000 in 2005 for computers, furniture, equipment and supplies.
The regular full time positions be established as follows:
In 2005:
Development Services 6 positions without offset
3 Development Assistants $164,100
1 Project Facilitator I $ 73,100
1 Customer Service Specialist $ 70,000
1 Enquiry Centre Officer $ 64,500
Engineering Services 4 positions consisting of conversion of 2 existing temporary positions with funding offset from Engineering Services Temp Help budget for $119,200 and 2 new positions without offset
1 Engineering Assistant III $54,700 without offset
1 Engineering Assistant III $54,700 funded Temp Help
1 Engineering Assistant IV $64,500 funded Temp Help
1 Assistant City Surveyor (exempt) $85,800 without offset
Planning Department 1 position without offset
1 Development Planner III $90,200
Legal Services 1.5 positions without offset
1 Solicitor III $116,200
0.5 Legal Assistant I $ 25,200
Corporate Services, Real Estate 1 position with 0.5 offset from the Property Endowment Fund
1 Property Negotiator II $73,100 0.5 offset from PEFc. THAT Council establish 4 additional full time positions in Development Services, beginning in 2006 and subject to a report back in November 2005, to include results of service improvements related to the additional staff, at an annual estimated cost of $291,400, subject to review and classification by Human Resources, plus one time staffing costs of $20,000 for computers, furniture, equipment, and supplies as follows:
In 2006:
Development Services 4 positions without offset
1 Project Facilitator III $ 92,200
1 Customer Service Representative $ 55,900
2 Customer Service Specialists $143,300d. THAT Council approve one-time space costs for moving and renovations estimated at $175,000 for 2005.
e. THAT Council approve ongoing lease space costs estimated at $105,000 (pro-rated for 2005 at $52,500).
MOVED by Councillor Louis
THAT the Committee recommend to Council
K. THAT Council approve the establishment of an "External Relations Program (ERP)" with 2005 funding of $169,500 to be provided from Contingency Reserve and subsequent year funding of $212,700 to be funded without offset, as follows:
a. THAT an External Relations Program (ERP) to direct, coordinate and facilitate the Citys external relationships affiliated with visit coordination and support, event protocols and related responsibilities, international partnerships and protocol, be established.
b. THAT the External Relations Program be administered by the Office of the City Clerk.
c. THAT Council allocate ongoing support beginning April 1, 2005, without offset, for the External Relations Program in the form of:
i. One Regular full time Director of External Relations, subject to classification by the General Manager of Human Resources, at a prorated cost of $65,100 (estimated $86,800 annually) including benefits, with a mandate to provide oversight, represent the City to external partners, create policy and guidelines on matters of protocol, and strategically plan the Citys external relations.
ii. One Regular Full time External Relations Coordinator, without additional funding. Position is subject to classification by the General Manager of Human Resources, at a prorated cost of $41,900 (estimated $55,900 annually). Funding to be provided from other discretionary sources within existing departmental budgets or, if available, from the Contingency Reserve later in the year.
iii. A start up budget of $5,000 for each position, otaling $10,000 in 2005 only, for furniture and computers.
d. THAT funding in the prorated amount of $52,500 ($70,000 annually) be allocated on an ongoing basis to the City Clerk's annual budget, without offset, for office space rental, program development and administration, protocol functions, ongoing office costs, and expenses for related activities and ongoing operations.
e. THAT Council direct the External Relations Program Steering Committee to conduct a program review one year after the start date, submitting a report to Council that includes information on implementation issues, activities, challenges, resource needs, and reporting relationships.
AMENDMENT MOVED by Councillor Ladner
THAT funding in the motion be reduced by 50 per cent.
(Councillors Bass, Green, Louie, Louis, and Stevenson opposed)MOTION TO RECONSIDER MOVED by Councillor Louie
THAT the amendment be reconsidered in order to give clarity to staff.
(Councillors Roberts and Sullivan and the Mayor opposed)AMENDMENT MOVED by Councillor Ladner
THAT funding be reduced to cover the position in recommendation K(c)(i) with correlating changes to K(c)(iii).
AMENDMENT TO THE AMENDMENT moved by Councillor Louie
THAT the amendment be struck and replaced with the following:
One Regular Full time External Relations Coordinator, without additional funding. Position is subject to classification by the General Manager of Human Resources, at a prorated cost of $41,900 (estimated $55,900 annually). Funding to be provided from other discretionary sources within existing departmental budgets or, if available, from the Contingency Reserve later in the year; and,
FURTHER THAT the following replace K(c)(iii)
A start up budget of $5,000 for each position, totalling $10,000 in 2005 only, for furniture and computers. Funding for start up costs associated with K(c)(ii) to be provided from other discretionary sources within existing departmental budgets or, if available, from the Contingency Reserve later in the year.
The amendment to the amendment having carried, the amendment as amended was put and CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
The amendment having carried, the motion as amended was put and CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY
MOVED by Councillor Louie
THAT the Committee recommend to Council
L. THAT Council, as approved February 17, 2005, provide funding of $407,000 in 2005 and $598,500 in 2006 and beyond to fund Ethical Purchasing Policy implementation costs with 2005 funding to be provided from Contingency Reserve and subsequent years funding without offset
(Councillors Ladner and Sullivan opposed)MOVED by Councillor Louis
THAT the Committee recommend to Council
M. THAT Council approve new funding for the Sustainability Group for implementing the Community Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP), developed by the Cool Vancouver Task, with 2005 funding of $1,081,200 to be provided from the General Program Account and subsequent years funding of $1,131,400 to be funded without offset, as follows:
a. THAT Council funding for the Community CCAP would provide $960,000 for five full-time positions, subject to review and classification by Human Resources, and program operations funds to carry out implementation through 2012, approval to be deferred to the 2005 Interim Operating Budget.
b. THAT Council approve the creation of two permanent, full-time positions in the Sustainability Group, subject to review and classification by Human Resources one to coordinate and support multiple major projects and a permanent clerk to replace the temporary position about to end. The cost of these two positions, prorated for 2005, are net salaries and benefits of $121,200. The annual estimate is net salaries and benefits of $150,400.
c. THAT Council consider this Program and Budget Overview in advance of receiving the completed Community CCAP, which is scheduled to be delivered to Council on March 2005. Sustainability Group staff are preparing a Council Workshop and subsequent Council Report to provide an in-depth review of the Community CCAP.
(Councillors Ladner and Sullivan opposed)
(Councillor Roberts absent for the vote)AMENDMENT MOVED by Councillor Ladner
THAT the funding in the motion be reduced by 50 per cent.
(Councillors Bass, Cadman, Louie, Louis, Stevenson, Woodsworth and the Mayor opposed)
(Councillor Roberts absent for the vote)The amendment having lost, the motion was put and CARRIED, with Councillors Ladner and Sullivan opposed, and Councillor Roberts absent for the vote.
MOVED by Councillor Green
THAT the Committee recommend to Council
N. THAT Council approve funding for the Strategic Investment in the City's Cultural Services" of $1 million (2005), $2 million (2006) and $3 million (2007 and subsequent years) subject to detailed recommendations arising from the Creative City strategic planning process, with 2005 funding to be provided from General Program Account and subsequent years funding to be added to the operating budget without offset.
AMENDMENT MOVED by Councillor Ladner
THAT the funding in the motion be reduced by 50 per cent.
THAT the words 50 per cent be struck and replaced by zero per cent
(Councillors Cadman, Green, Ladner, Louis, Stevenson, Sullivan, Woodsworth and the Mayor opposed)
(Councillor Roberts absent for the vote)The amendment to the amendment having lost, the amendment was put and LOST with Councillors Bass, Cadman, Green, Louie, Louis, Stevenson and Woodsworth opposed, and Councillor Roberts absent for the vote.
The amendment having lost, the motion was put and CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, with Councillor Roberts absent for the vote.
MOVED by Councillor Louie
THAT the Committee recommend to Council
O. THAT Council approve funding for Chinatown Visions, as approved on February 15, 2005, with 2005 funding of $262,100 to be provided from General Program Account and subsequent years funding of $264,100 to be funded without offset, as follows:
a. THAT Council approve staffing resources for the development of a Chinatown Community Plan, including:
b. A temporary Policy Planner for a 32 month period, to develop policies and manage the overall work program, subject to classification by the General Manager of Human Resources, at an approximate cost of $57,680 for 2005, $88,865 for 2006, $90,905 for 2007 including benefits.
c. A temporary half time Heritage Urban Designer (Development Planner II) for an 18-month period, to examine complex development projects and develop an overall urban design strategy for Chinatown, at an approximate cost of $28,840 for 2005, $36,955 for 2006 including benefits. If necessary the funding will be converted into a consultancy.
d. A temporary Social Planner for 32 month period, to continue to build on the community development work in Chinatown and Downtown Eastside area, subject to classification by the General Manager of Human Resources, at an approximate cost $57,680 for 2005, $88,865 for 2006, $90,905 for 2007 including benefits
e. THAT Council funds in the amount of $140,750 be allocated, without offset, for program development, public consultation, communication and research
AMENDMENT MOVED by Councillor Sullivan
THAT the Planning Department be asked to identify a 50 per cent reduction in budgets in other areas.
(Councillors Bass, Cadman, Louie, Louis, Roberts, Stevenson, Woodsworth and the Mayor opposed)The amendment having lost the motion was put and CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
MOVED by Councillor Louis
THAT the Committee recommend to Council
P. THAT Council approve the continuation of the Carnegie Outreach program for 2005 to 2007 at an annual cost of $300,000; 2005 additional half year funding of $150,000 to be provided from General Program Account (Gaming Revenue) with subsequent years to be added to the Operating Budget without offset.
(Councillors Sullivan and Ladner opposed)MOVED by Councillor Louis
THAT the Committee recommend to Council
Q. THAT Council fund the allocation $100,000, provided for Tsunami relief by Council motion from the 2005 General Program Account.
(Councillors Sullivan and Ladner opposed)MOVED by Councillor Louis
THAT the Committee recommend to Council
R. THAT Council approve an increase to the 2005 Streets Operating Budget of $457,000 ($685,000 ongoing) to initiate a Residential Street and Lane Infrastructure Maintenance Program with 2005 funding to be provided from GST Savings and incremental on-going funding of $228,000 to be added to the future Operating Budgets without offset.
MOVED by Councillor Louis
THAT the Committee recommend to Council
S. THAT Council approve the creation of the following positions at a net cost of $229,300 in 2005 ($277,600 ongoing) to be funded as an increase to the 2005 Operating Budget, increasing the 2005 property taxes by 0.05% :
· City Clerks 1.0 fte Digital Archivist
· Corporate Services 1.0 fte Small Claims Adjuster
1.0 fte Security Position
1.0 fte IT Security AnalystSubject to classification by the General Manager of Human Resources
AMENDMENT MOVED by Councillor Ladner
THAT the funding in the motion be reduced by 50 per cent.
(Councillors Bass, Cadman, Louie, Louis, Roberts, Stevenson, Woodsworth and the Mayor opposed)The amendment having lost the motion was put and CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
MOVED by Councillor Louis
THAT the Committee recommend to Council
T.a. THAT Council establish 50 additional sworn police positions and 27 additional full-time civilian positions for the Vancouver Police Department, in 2005 only, to be funded by increasing 2005 property taxes and that staff report back on March 31st on the financial impact and the recommendation, accordingly.
All Civilian positions will be subject to General Manager of Human Resources classification review.
b. THAT Council direct the Steering Committee to report back in late 2005 on projected overtime savings, shared services opportunities and other potential efficiencies relative to the 2006 staffing request, and;
c. THAT Council direct the Steering Committee to continue to implement the recommendations of the independent consultants, as outlined on pages xx through xxii of the Executive Summary of the Review of the Vancouver Police Departments Staffing Requirements; and approve a temporary full time position to report directly to Corporate Services Group for a two year term to oversee the implementation process at a cost of $85,000 per year.
AMENDMENT MOVED by Mayor Campbell
THAT the following be added to item T(a):
THAT Council establish 50 additional sworn police positions and 27 additional full-time civilian positions in 2006, including associated one-time and vehicle rental costs, subject to approval of a strategic operating plan and the report from the Steering Committee.
THAT the following be added to the amendment:
THAT any increases established here be funded in subsequent years by organizational efficiencies, civilianization and reductions in overtime.
(Councillors Bass, Cadman, Ladner, Louie, Roberts, Stevenson, Woodsworth and the Mayor opposed)AMENDMENT TO THE AMENDMENT MOVED by Councillor Ladner
THAT the words subject to approval of a strategic operating plan and the report from the Steering Committee in late 2005, as well as approving prorated one-time costs and vehicle purchase costs be added to the amendment.
(Councillors Bass, Cadman, Louis Roberts and Woodsworth opposed)The amendment to the amendment having carried, the amendment as amended was put and CARRIED with Councillors Bass, Louis, Roberts and Woodsworth opposed.
The Committee requested to separate components in the motion for the vote.
PART T.a.i. THAT Council establish, in 2005 a total of 50 sworn officers, and 27 civilian positions, to be funded by increasing property taxes and that staff report back on March 31, 2005 on the financial impact and the recommendation accordingly.
PART T.a.ii THAT Council approve prorated on-time costs and vehicle purchase costs for 2005.
PART T.a.iii THAT Council establish 50 additional sworn police positions and 27 additional full-time civilian positions in 2006, including associated one-time and vehicle rental costs, subject to approval of a strategic operating plan and the report from the Steering Committee as specified in T (b).
(Councillors Bass, Cadman, Louis, Roberts and Woodsworth opposed)PART T.b. THAT Council direct the Steering Committee to report back in late 2005 on projected overtime savings, shared services opportunities and other potential efficiencies relative to the 2006 staffing request.
PART T.c. THAT Council direct the Steering Committee to continue to implement the recommendations of the independent consultants, as outlined on pages xx through xxii of the Executive Summary of the Review of the Vancouver Police Department's Staffing Requirements; and approve a temporary full-time position to report directly to Corporate Services Group for a two-year term to oversee the implementation process at a cost of $85,000 per year.
MOVED by Councillor Louis
THAT the Committee recommend to Council
U. THAT Council approve the following recommendations, at a cost of $649,000 in 2005 to be funded as an increase to the 2005 Operating Budget, increasing 2005 property taxes by 0.15%.
a. THAT Council approve the establishment of 26 additional positions in the Information Management Section of the Vancouver Police Department at an estimated annual cost of $633,000 (prorated for fiscal 2005 at $599,000), including fringe benefits, subject to review and classification by Human Resources, plus one-time staffing costs estimated at $50,000 for computers, furniture, equipment and supplies.
The regular fulltime positions are established as follows:
2 Management Positions (exempt - pay band 9) $170,200 without offset
6 CPIC Operators / Clerk Reviewer (pay grade 17) $276,700 funded by the transfer of the equivalent amount for 6 full-time positions from the existing VPD Casual Staffing budget
3 Record Clearance Clerks (2 at pay grade 13, I at pay grade 17) $124,600 funded from increased record clearance revenue
4 Crown Liaison - (pay grade 17) $184,500 without offset
2 CPIC Validation Clerks - (pay grade 17) $92,200 without offset
2 Data Entry Clerks - Traffic Tickets - (pay grade 13) $78,400 without offset
7 Public Service Counter Staff - (6 at pay grade 15 and 1 at pay grade 17) $329,100 funded in part ($221,400) from increased record clearance revenue and the remainder ($107,700) from the operating budget without offset7,700) from the operating budget without offset.
MOVED by Councillor Louis
THAT the Committee recommend to Council
V. THAT Council approve the following recommendations at a cost of $332,900 in 2005 to be funded as an increase to the 2005 Operating Budget, increasing 2005 property taxes by 0.08%.
a. THAT Council approve the establishment of 4 additional positions in the Information Technology Section of the Vancouver Police Department at an estimated annual cost of $289,091 (prorated for fiscal 2005 at $192,727), including fringe benefits, subject to review and classification by Human Resources, plus one-time staffing costs estimated at $34,000 for computers, furniture, equipment, and supplies.
The regular fulltime positions are established as follows:
1 Security Specialist (exempt) - $85,636 without offset
1 Database Administrator (exempt) - $85,636 without offset
1 Administrative/Training Assistant - $54,058 without offset
1 Programmer I - $63,761 without offsetb. THAT Council approve the establishment of 2 additional positions in the City of Vancouver Corporate IT Help Desk at an estimated annual cost of $116,144 (prorated for fiscal 2005 at $77,430), including fringe benefits, subject to review and classification by Human Resources, plus one-time staffing costs estimated at $17,000 for computers, furniture, equipment and supplies and that approval and funding be deferred to the 2005 Interim Operating Budget; and the transfer of one position, a Computer User Support Assistant (position number 50021350), from the Vancouver Police Department Information Technology section to the City of Vancouver Corporate IT Help Desk at an estimated annual cost of $4,826 (prorated for fiscal 2005 at $3,218), including fringe benefits, subject to review and classification by Human Resources, with one-time transfer and staffing costs estimated at $8,500 for computers, furniture, equipment and supplies.
The two regular fulltime positions are established as follows:
1 Help Centre Support Specialist - $61,632 without offset
1 Help Centre Technician - $54,512 without offset, and
One regular fulltime position is transferred from the Vancouver Police Department to the City of Vancouver Corporate IT and reclassified as follows:
1 Help Centre Support Specialist - $4,826 with offsetCARRIED UNANIMOUSLY
MOVED by Councillor Louis
THAT the Committee recommend to Council
W. THAT Council approve the following recommendations, at a cost of $747,300 in 2005 to be funded as an increase to the 2005 Operating Budget, increasing 2005 property taxes by 0.17%.
a. An annual increase in the operational funding of Community Policing Centres ("CPCs"), to a total amount of $100,000 per CPC, for a total increase of $650,000.
b. Annual funding in the amount of $100,000 to establish a new CPC to be located in the northern area of Police District 4 with $30,000 only required in 2005 for start up costs.
c. Annual funding in the amount of $100,000 to establish an Aboriginal Community Policing Centre with $30,000 only required in 2005 for start up costs.
d. An increase in total program funding of $37,300, for the community policing programs of Block Watch ($13,600)), Citizens' Crime Watch ($17,200) and Business Liaison ($6,500).
e. THAT a three-year contract be entered into between each Community Policing Centre and the Vancouver Police Board; this contract to be developed by the Director of Legal Services in consultation with the Chief Constable and the City Manager, subject to Council's approval of the annual business plan, annual budget and an evaluation report based on criteria, for the preceding year for each Community Policing Centre.
AMENDMENT MOVED by Mayor Campbell
THAT the words up to be inserted before the dollar figure of $100,000 in a, b, and c, and the dollar figure of $650,000 in a, above; and,
THAT the following phrase be inserted in a, following the word CPC in a, and following the dollar figure of $100,000 in b and c, above:
(specific amount per Centre to be based on an approved business plan and budget)
The amendment having carried, the motion as amended was put and CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
MOVED by Councillor Louis
THAT the Committee recommend to Council
X. THAT Council approve the position adjustments outlined in Appendix 4, of the Administrative Report dated February 20, 2005, entitled, 2005 Operating Budget: Interim Estimates, for the Library Board and the Vancouver Fire Department to reflect existing authorized service and funding levels.
MOVED by Councillor Louis
THAT the Committee recommend to Council
Y.a. THAT Council increase the contingency reserve by a further $400,000 for the purpose of providing funding to the Womens Task Force, The World Peace Forum and a feasibility study of a community centre for the LGBT community, and that reports need to be submitted for Councils approval prior to the release of these funds; and
Y.b. THAT Council increase Community Service Grants by $500,000 and that release of the funds is subject to the Citys grant approval process.
Source of funds for the entire $900,000 to be as follows:
· The savings resulting from the reduction of sworn police from 65 to 50, and civilians from 35 to 27;
· a further SIF reduction of $100,000;
· the balance of gaming revenue that has not been allotted to specific initiatives, approximately $78, 700;
· the balance to be funded by a tax increase, such that the total 2005 tax increase for the city shall be under 3%.amended
AMENDMENT MOVED by Mayor Campbell
THAT the following be added to motion Y(a) above:
THAT for the World Peace Forum other funding identified under budget must be in place prior to the release of these funds.
(Councillor Bass, Cadman, Louis, Roberts and Woodsworth opposed)The amendment having carried, the motion as amended was put. The Committee requested to separate components in the motion for the vote.
Part Y.a. THAT Council increase the contingency reserve by a further $400,000 for the purpose of providing funding to the Womens Task Force, the World Peace Forum and a Feasibility Study of a community centre for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered (LGBT) community, and that reports need to be submitted for Councils approval prior to the release of these funds; and
FURTHER THAT for the World Peace Forum, other funding identified in their budget must be in place prior to the release of these funds.
(Councillor Roberts absent for the vote)Part Y.b. THAT Council increase Community Service Grants by $500,000 and that release of the funds is subject to the citys grant approval process.
Source of funds for the entire $900,000 to be as follows:
· The savings resulting from the reduction of sworn police officers from 65 to 50, and civilians from 35 to 27, as set out in T;
· A further SIF reduction of $100,000;
· The balance of gaming revenue that has not been allotted to specific initiatives, approximately $78,700;
· The balance to be funded by a tax increase, such that the total 2005 tax increase for the city shall be under 3%.amended
AMENDMENT MOVED by Councillor Louie
THAT the following be added to Y.b:
THAT staff report back on how Council should prioritize the allocation of the $500,000 by the end of April, together with the reconsideration report.
(Councillors Ladner and Sullivan opposed)
(Councillor Roberts absent for the vote)The amendment having carried, the motion as amended was put and CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, with Councillor Roberts absent for the vote.
MOVED by Mayor Campbell
THAT the Committee recommend to Council
Z. THAT funding for the Pedestrian Safety Task Force be deferred for consideration in the 2006 budget to allow time to develop comprehensive terms of reference and a workplan for hiring an expert consultant, conducting consultations with the community and providing extensive research for the Task force in 2006 once it is funded and established; and,
THAT the $150,000 budgeted from the GST savings for the Pedestrian Safety Task Force be reallocated to fund the Capital from Revenue Contribution that was included in the Preliminary Budget with a resulting property tax reduction of approximately 0.034%; and,
THAT an additional $150,000 be allocated to the childcare grants, on a one-time basis.
(Councillor Roberts absent for the vote)FINAL MOTION AS AMENDED AND ADOPTED
A. THAT Council approve the Park Board Global Budget of $52,795,700, including approximately $788,000 of added Basic and one-time adjustments in the Park Board estimates, this amount to exclude any adjustments approved by Council to balance the 2005 Operating Budget.
B. THAT Council approve the Administrative Report, dated February 20, 2005, entitled, 2005 Operating Budget: Interim Estimates, and further budget adjustment, put forward by the Corporate Management Team (itemized on page 22 of aforementioned report) and net GST savings of $1,393,000 to bring the property taxes to 1.48%, reducing the City share of the anticipated tax increase to approximately 1.14%;
C. THAT Council increase Contingency Reserve by $800,000, increasing 2005 property taxes by 0.18%.
D. THAT Council approve the creation of the following position at no additional cost to the City:
· Corporate Services Assistant Manager of Contract Administration
Subject to classification by the General Manager of Human Resources
E. THAT Council approve renewal of the annual contract with the Vancouver Economic Development Commission (VEDC) for the 2005 fiscal year at a cost of $616,000; source of funds included in the 2005 Operating Budget.
F. THAT Council approve the allocation of $711,000 from Contingency Reserve to fund snow clean up costs incurred in January 2005 to Engineering Services and a further $100,000 to City Clerks to fund additional printing costs for the 2005 Civic Election.
G. THAT Council establish five full time Librarian I positions for the Ready to Read Children's Literacy Outreach Program, at an estimated prorated cost of $190,700 ($286,000 annually), including fringe benefits, and a one time cost of $25,000 for furniture, equipment and supplies, with a start date of May 1, 2005, with funding to be provided from Contingency Reserve with subsequent years funding to be provided without offset.
H. THAT Council approve funding for two Civic Events (Celebration of Light and Grey Cup) at $358,200 (or $368,000 with approval of H(c)) outlined in the report dated February 1, 2005, entitled Celebration of Light and Grey Cup Festival 2005, from the Contingency Reserve as follows:
a. THAT Council approve additional costs of $218,200 for the 2005 Celebration of Light.
b. THAT Council approve a budget of $140,000 to cover City costs for the 2005 Grey Cup Festival.
c. THAT Council approve a budget of up to $10,000, from Contingency Reserve, without offset, to have City staff install and remove Grey Cup 2005 street banners.
I. THAT Council approve the Metropolitan Core Jobs and Economy Land Use Plan: Terms of Reference and Funding, with 2005 funding of $277,800 to be provided from Contingency Reserve and subsequent year funding of $356,500 to be provided without offset, as follows:
a. THAT Council approve undertaking the Metropolitan Core Jobs and Economy Land Use Plan in accordance with the Terms of Reference attached as Appendix A to the Policy Report dated January 17, 2005, entitled Metropolitan Core Jobs and Economy Land Use Plan: Terms of Reference and Funding.
b. THAT Council approve hiring the following temporary staff: Planner 2 and Planning Assistant 3 for 24 months commencing in May 2005; Civil Engineer 2 half-time for 24 months commencing in May 2005, and Planner 2 for 16 months commencing in January 2006; at an estimated cost of $474,800 (pro-rated) including benefits. Funding to be added to the Community Services Group and Engineering Services operating budgets.
c. THAT Council authorize a budget of $271,500 to cover other program costs (consulting services, public consultation costs, etc.) for 24 months commencing in May 2005. Funding to be added to the Community Services Group and Engineering Services operating budgets:
2005 $158,500
2006 $ 92,500
2007 $ 20,500J. THAT Council approve improvements to the Citys development application process, with 2005 funding of $687,700 to be provided from Contingency Reserve ($217,700) and increased Development and Anchor Rod revenues ($470,000) and subsequent years funding of $1,217,500 to be provided by $470,000 of revenues and the remainder, $747,500 to be provided without offset, as follows:
a. THAT Council approve the hiring of a consultant to work with senior management and representatives of the development and building industry to identify necessary structures and processes for reducing and synchronizing existing regulations and assessing proposed new regulations and that Council request a report back, with recommendations by May of 2005 at an estimated one time cost of $40,000 with the source of funds to be the existing 2005 Community Services operating budget.
b. THAT Council establish 13.5 additional positions in five departments, at an estimated annual cost of $780,400 (prorated for fiscal 2005 at $390,200), including fringe benefits, subject to review and classification by Human Resources, for the processing of Development, Building and related permits, plus one-time staffing costs estimated at $70,000 in 2005 for computers, furniture, equipment and supplies.
The regular full time positions be established as follows:
In 2005:
Development Services 6 positions without offset
3 Development Assistants $164,100
1 Project Facilitator I $ 73,100
1 Customer Service Specialist $ 70,000
1 Enquiry Centre Officer $ 64,500
Engineering Services 4 positions consisting of conversion of 2 existing temporary positions with funding offset from Engineering Services Temp Help budget for $119,200 and 2 new positions without offset
1 Engineering Assistant III $54,700 without offset
1 Engineering Assistant III $54,700 funded Temp Help
1 Engineering Assistant IV $64,500 funded Temp Help
1 Assistant City Surveyor (exempt) $85,800 without offset
Planning Department 1 position without offset
1 Development Planner III $90,200
Legal Services 1.5 positions without offset
1 Solicitor III $116,200
0.5 Legal Assistant I $ 25,200
Corporate Services, Real Estate 1 position with 0.5 offset from the Property Endowment Fund
1 Property Negotiator II $73,100 0.5 offset from PEFc. THAT Council establish 4 additional full time positions in Development Services, beginning in 2006 and subject to a report back in November 2005, to include results of service improvements related to the additional staff, at an annual estimated cost of $291,400, subject to review and classification by Human Resources, plus one time staffing costs of $20,000 for computers, furniture, equipment, and supplies as follows:
In 2006:
Development Services 4 positions without offset
1 Project Facilitator III $ 92,200
1 Customer Service Representative $ 55,900
2 Customer Service Specialists $143,300d. THAT Council approve one-time space costs for moving and renovations estimated at $175,000 for 2005.
e. THAT Council approve ongoing lease space costs estimated at $105,000 (pro-rated for 2005 at $52,500).
K. THAT Council approve the establishment of an "External Relations Program (ERP)" with 2005 funding of $169,500 to be provided from Contingency Reserve ($122,600) and savings identified in K(c)(ii) and K(c)(iii), or Contingency Reserve ($46,900); and subsequent year funding of $212,700 to be funded without offset, excluding any savings associated with K(c)(ii) and K(c)(iii), as follows:
a. THAT an External Relations Program (ERP) to direct, coordinate and facilitate the City's external relationships affiliated with visit coordination and support, event protocols and related responsibilities, international partnerships and protocol, be established.
b. THAT the External Relations Program be administered by the Office of the City Clerk.
c. THAT Council allocate ongoing support beginning April 1, 2005, without offset, for the External Relations Program in the form of:
i. One Regular full time Director of External Relations, subject to classification by the General Manager of Human Resources, at a prorated cost of $65,100 (estimated $86,800 annually) including benefits, with a mandate to provide oversight, represent the City to external partners, create policy and guidelines on matters of protocol, and strategically plan the City's external relations.
ii. One Regular Full time External Relations Coordinator, without additional funding. Position is subject to classification by the General Manager of Human Resources, at a prorated cost of $41,900 (estimated $55,900 annually). Funding to be provided from other discretionary sources within existing departmental budgets or, if available, from the Contingency Reserve later in the year.
iii. A start up budget of $5,000 for each position, totalling $10,000 in 2005 only, for furniture and computers. Funding for start up costs associated with K(c)(ii) to be provided from other discretionary sources within existing departmental budgets or, if available, from the Contingency Reserve later in the year.
d. THAT funding in the prorated amount of $52,500 ($70,000 annually) be allocated on an ongoing basis to the City Clerk's annual budget, without offset, for office space rental, program development and administration, protocol functions, ongoing office costs, and expenses for related activities and ongoing operations.
e. THAT Council direct the External Relations Program Steering Committee to conduct a program review one year after the start date, submitting a report to Council that includes information on implementation issues, activities, challenges, resource needs, and reporting relationships.
L. THAT Council, as approved February 17, 2005, provide funding of $407,000 in 2005 and $598,500 in 2006 and beyond to fund Ethical Purchasing Policy implementation costs with 2005 funding to be provided from Contingency Reserve and subsequent years funding without offset
M. THAT Council approve new funding for the Sustainability Group for implementing the Community Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP), developed by the Cool Vancouver Task, with 2005 funding of $1,081,200 to be provided from the General Program Account and subsequent years funding of $1,131,400 to be funded without offset, as follows:
a. THAT Council funding for the Community CCAP would provide $960,000 for five full-time positions, subject to review and classification by Human Resources, and program operations funds to carry out implementation through 2012, approval to be deferred to the 2005 Interim Operating Budget.
b. THAT Council approve the creation of two permanent, full-time positions in the Sustainability Group, subject to review and classification by Human Resources one to coordinate and support multiple major projects and a permanent clerk to replace the temporary position about to end. The cost of these two positions, prorated for 2005, are net salaries and benefits of $121,200. The annual estimate is net salaries and benefits of $150,400.
c. THAT Council consider this Program and Budget Overview in advance of receiving the completed Community CCAP, which is scheduled to be delivered to Council on March 2005. Sustainability Group staff are preparing a Council Workshop and subsequent Council Report to provide an in-depth review of the Community CCAP.
N. THAT Council approve funding for the Strategic Investment in the City's Cultural Services" of $1 million (2005), $2 million (2006) and $3 million (2007 and subsequent years) subject to detailed recommendations arising from the Creative City strategic planning process, with 2005 funding to be provided from General Program Account and subsequent years funding to be added to the operating budget without offset.
O. THAT Council approve funding for Chinatown Visions, as approved on February 15, 2005, with 2005 funding of $262,100 to be provided from General Program Account and subsequent years funding of $264,100 to be funded without offset, as follows:
a. THAT Council approve staffing resources for the development of a Chinatown
Community Plan, including:b. A temporary Policy Planner for a 32 month period, to develop policies and manage the overall work program, subject to classification by the General Manager of Human Resources, at an approximate cost of $57,680 for 2005, $88,865 for 2006, $90,905 for 2007 including benefits.
c. A temporary half time Heritage Urban Designer (Development Planner II) for an 18-month period, to examine complex development projects and develop an overall urban design strategy for Chinatown, at an approximate cost of $28,840 for 2005, $36,955 for 2006 including benefits. If necessary the funding will be converted into a consultancy.
d. A temporary Social Planner for 32 month period, to continue to build on the community development work in Chinatown and Downtown Eastside area, subject to classification by the General Manager of Human Resources, at an approximate cost $57,680 for 2005, $88,865 for 2006, $90,905 for 2007 including benefits
e. THAT Council funds in the amount of $140,750 be allocated, without offset, for program development, public consultation, communication and research
P. THAT Council approve the continuation of the Carnegie Outreach program for 2005 to 2007 at an annual cost of $300,000; 2005 additional half year funding of $150,000 to be provided from General Program Account (Gaming Revenue) with subsequent years to be added to the Operating Budget without offset.
Q. THAT Council fund the allocation $100,000, provided for Tsunami relief by Council motion from the 2005 General Program Account.
R. THAT Council approve an increase to the 2005 Streets Operating Budget of $457,000 ($685,000 ongoing) to initiate a Residential Street and Lane Infrastructure Maintenance Program with 2005 funding to be provided from GST Savings and incremental on-going funding of $228,000 to be added to the future Operating Budgets without offset.
S. THAT Council approve the creation of the following positions at a net cost of $229,300 in 2005 ($277,600 ongoing) to be funded as an increase to the 2005 Operating Budget, increasing the 2005 property taxes by 0.05% :
· City Clerks 1.0 fte Digital Archivist
· Corporate Services 1.0 fte Small Claims Adjuster
1.0 fte Security Position
1.0 fte IT Security AnalystSubject to classification by the General Manager of Human Resources
T.a. THAT Council establish, in 2005 a total of 50 sworn officers, and 27 civilian positions, including associated one-time and vehicle rental costs, to be funded by increasing property taxes and that staff report back on March 31, 2005 on the financial impact and the recommendation accordingly; and,
THAT Council establish 50 additional sworn police positions and 27 additional full-time civilian positions in 2006, including associated one-time and vehicle rental costs, subject to approval of a strategic operating plan and the report from the Steering Committee as specified in T (b); and,
All civilian positions will be subject to General Manager of Human Resources classification review, and are to be specified in the March 31, 2005 report back.
All vehicles are to be purchased by the Plant and Equipment Reserve (Plant Account) in accordance with the VPD Master Schedule.
b. THAT Council direct the Steering Committee to report back in late 2005 on projected overtime savings, shared services opportunities and other potential efficiencies relative to the 2006 staffing request, and;
c. THAT Council direct the Steering Committee to continue to implement the recommendations of the independent consultants, as outlined on pages xx through xxii of the Executive Summary of the Review of the Vancouver Police Department's Staffing Requirements; and approve a temporary full-time position to report directly to Corporate Services Group for a two-year term to oversee the implementation process at a cost of $85,000 per year.
U. THAT Council approve the following recommendations at a cost of $649,000 in 2005 to be funded as an increase to the 2005 Operating Budget, increasing 2005 property taxes by 0.15%.
a. THAT Council approve the establishment of 26 additional positions in the Information Management Section of the Vancouver Police Department at an estimated annual cost of $633,000 (prorated for fiscal 2005 at $599,000), including fringe benefits, subject to review and classification by Human Resources, plus one-time staffing costs estimated at $50,000 for computers, furniture, equipment and supplies.
The regular fulltime positions are established as follows:
2 Management Positions (exempt - pay band 9) $170,200 without offset
6 CPIC Operators / Clerk Reviewer (pay grade 17) $276,700 funded by the transfer of the equivalent amount for 6 full-time positions from the existing VPD Casual Staffing budget
3 Record Clearance Clerks (2 at pay grade 13, I at pay grade 17) $124,600 funded from increased record clearance revenue
4 Crown Liaison - (pay grade 17) $184,500 without offset
2 CPIC Validation Clerks - (pay grade 17) $92,200 without offset
2 Data Entry Clerks - Traffic Tickets - (pay grade 13) $78,400 without offset
7 Public Service Counter Staff - (6 at pay grade 15 and 1 at pay grade 17) $329,100 funded in part ($221,400) from increased record clearance revenue and the remainder ($107,700) from the operating budget without offset7,700) from the operating budget without offset.
V. THAT Council approve the following recommendations at a cost of $332,900 in 2005 to be funded as an increase to the 2005 Operating Budget, increasing 2005 property taxes by 0.08%.
a. THAT Council approve the establishment of 4 additional positions in the Information Technology Section of the Vancouver Police Department at an estimated annual cost of $289,091 (prorated for fiscal 2005 at $192,727), including fringe benefits, subject to review and classification by Human Resources, plus one-time staffing costs estimated at $34,000 for computers, furniture, equipment, and supplies.
The regular fulltime positions are established as follows:
1 Security Specialist (exempt) - $85,636 without offset
1 Database Administrator (exempt) - $85,636 without offset
1 Administrative/Training Assistant - $54,058 without offset
1 Programmer I - $63,761 without offsetb. THAT Council approve the establishment of 2 additional positions in the City of Vancouver Corporate IT Help Desk at an estimated annual cost of $116,144 (prorated for fiscal 2005 at $77,430), including fringe benefits, subject to review and classification by Human Resources, plus one-time staffing costs estimated at $17,000 for computers, furniture, equipment and supplies and that approval and funding be deferred to the 2005 Interim Operating Budget; and the transfer of one position, a Computer User Support Assistant (position number 50021350), from the Vancouver Police Department Information Technology section to the City of Vancouver Corporate IT Help Desk at an estimated annual cost of $4,826 (prorated for fiscal 2005 at $3,218), including fringe benefits, subject to review and classification by Human Resources, with one-time transfer and staffing costs estimated at $8,500 for computers, furniture, equipment and supplies.
The two regular fulltime positions are established as follows:
1 Help Centre Support Specialist - $61,632 without offset
1 Help Centre Technician - $54,512 without offset, andOne regular fulltime position is transferred from the Vancouver Police Department to the City of Vancouver Corporate IT and reclassified as follows:
1 Help Centre Support Specialist - $4,826 with offsetW. THAT Council approve the following recommendations,at a cost of $747,300 in 2005 to be funded as an increase to the 2005 Operating Budget, increasing 2005 property taxes by 0.17%.
a. An annual increase in the operational funding of Community Policing Centres ("CPCs"), to a total amount of up to $100,000 per CPC, specific amount per Centre to be based upon an approved business plan and budget, for a total increase of up to $650,000.
b. Annual funding in the amount of up to $100,000, specific amount to be based on an approved business plan and budget, to establish a new CPC to be located in the northern area of Police District 4 with $30,000 only required in 2005 for start up costs.
c. Annual funding in the amount of up to $100,000, specific amount to be based on an approved business plan and budget, to establish an Aboriginal Community Policing Centre with $30,000 only required in 2005 for start up costs.
d. An increase in total program funding of $37,300, for the community policing programs of Block Watch ($13,600)), Citizens' Crime Watch ($17,200) and Business Liaison ($6,500).
e. THAT a three-year contract be entered into between each Community Policing Centre and the Vancouver Police Board; this contract to be developed by the Director of Legal Services in consultation with the Chief Constable and the City Manager, subject to Council's approval of the annual business plan, annual budget and an evaluation report based on criteria, for the preceding year for each Community Policing Centre.
X. THAT Council approve the position adjustments outlined in Appendix 4, of the Administrative Report dated February 20, 2005, entitled, 2005 Operating Budget: Interim Estimates, for the Library Board and the Vancouver Fire Department to reflect existing authorized service and funding levels.
Y.a. THAT Council increase the contingency reserve by a further $400,000 for the purpose of providing funding to the Womens Task Force, the World Peace Forum and a Feasibility Study of a community centre for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered (LGBT) community, and that reports need to be submitted for Councils approval prior to the release of these funds; and
FURTHER THAT for the World Peace Forum, other funding identified in their budget must be in place prior to the release of these funds.
Y.b. THAT Council increase Community Service Grants by $500,000 and that release of the funds is subject to the citys grant approval process.
Source of funds for the entire $900,000 to be as follows:
· The savings resulting from the reduction of sworn police officers from 65 to 50, and civilians from 35 to 27, as set out in T;
· A further SIF reduction of $100,000;
· The balance of gaming revenue that has not been allotted to specific initiatives, approximately $78,700;
· The balance to be funded by a tax increase, such that the total 2005 tax increase for the city shall be under 3%.AND FURTHER THAT staff report back on how Council should prioritize the allocation of the $500,000 by the end of April 2005, together with the reconsideration report.
Z. THAT funding for the Pedestrian Safety Task Force be deferred for consideration in the 2006 budget to allow time to develop comprehensive terms of reference and a workplan for hiring an expert consultant, conducting consultations with the community and providing extensive research for the Task force in 2006 once it is funded and established; and,
THAT the $150,000 budgeted from the GST savings for the Pedestrian Safety Task Force be reallocated to fund the Capital from Revenue Contribution that was included in the Preliminary Budget with a resulting property tax reduction of approximately 0.034%; and,
THAT an additional $150,000 be allocated to the childcare grants
The Committee adjourned at 7:38 p.m.
* * * * *
A Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of Vancouver was held on Thursday, March 17, 2005, at 7:38 p.m., in the Council Chamber, Third Floor, City Hall, following the Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets meeting, to consider the recommendations and actions of the Committee.
Mayor Larry Campbell
Councillor Fred Bass
Councillor David Cadman
Councillor Jim Green
Councillor Peter Ladner
Councillor Raymond Louie
Councillor Tim Louis
Councillor Tim Stevenson
Councillor Sam Sullivan
Councillor Ellen Woodsworth
Councillor Anne Roberts
Judy Rogers, City Manager
Syd Baxter, City Clerk
Nicole Ludwig, Meeting CoordinatorCOMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE
MOVED by Councillor Louie
SECONDED by Councillor Cadman
THAT this Council resolve itself into Committee of the Whole, Mayor Campbell in the Chair.
Report of Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets
March 17, 2005Council considered the report containing the recommendations and actions taken by the Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets. Its items of business included:
1. 2005 Operating Budget: Interim Estimates
Item 1
MOVED by Councillor Louis
THAT the recommendations and actions taken by the Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets at its meeting of March 17, 2005, as contained in item 1, be approved.
MOVED by Councillor Stevenson
THAT the Committee of the Whole rise and report.
MOVED by Councillor Cadman
SECONDED by Councillor Louie
THAT the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted.
The Council adjourned at 7:40 p.m.
* * * * *