Report Date:

February 14, 2005



Iris Romanuik


Phone No.:



RTS No.:



CC File No.:



Meeting Date:

March 3, 2005


Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets


Chief Constable of the Vancouver Police Department and the City Manager


Staffing Review of the Information Management Section of the Vancouver Police Department



The review of the Information Management Section was conducted to evaluate the resource level of the Section based on the current customer requirements and how the Section services those requirements. The need for additional resources was identified, primarily as a result of the changes imposed on this Section by Federal and Provincial policing partners.

While the review identified that the Department led the industry with some best practices it also identified opportunities for process re-engineering and, in some areas, increased specialization. Those opportunities that could be managed with the current resources have been implemented.

A high value is placed on the quality of the information held by the Vancouver Police Department; the Information Management Section is the unit responsible for ensuring that data is accurate, searchable and current. Sufficient resources are required to ensure this occurs.


The joint review by Corporate Services and the VPD of the staffing levels of the Information Management Section of the Vancouver Police Department, as instructed by Council, indicated that changes in the operating environment for this section have resulted in the need for additional resources. Some of these changes are required as a result of changing processes imposed by external agencies, such as Provincial Crown Counsel, the RCMP and the Canadian Police Information Centre.

The review also suggested several process improvements, which have reduced the amount of additional resources that will be required. Many of these recommended process improvements have been or will soon be implemented. In addition, alternative funding sources have been utilized where possible to reduce the budget impact of the recommendation.

Information is vital to the successful operation of any policing enterprise and an appropriate level of resources must be dedicated to the creation, entry and maintenance of that information.

When review projects of this nature are undertaken and recommendations implemented, it is necessary to review and validate the results. Therefore, the City Manager recommends:

The City Manager recommends approval of Recommendations A and B.


All changes in levels of service are to be reported to Council.


A review has been conducted of the staffing requirements of the Information Management Section of the Vancouver Police Department. This review resulted in recommendations related to various process improvements and the need for additional resources. The observations and recommendations are detailed in the following report.


The purpose of this report is to report back to Council on the results of an independent study of staffing levels in the Information Management Section of the Police Department. The study was conducted using internal resources made available from the Business Support department of the Corporate Services Group.


This review of staffing levels in the Information Management Section of the VPD was comprised of an in-depth process review of all the units in the section. The flow of transactions was analyzed and the necessity and value of providing the information gathered and reported in the data bases used was estimated. In addition, the processes were benchmarked against other Police agencies to determine opportunities for process improvements. The review was conducted by the Business Support department in the City's Corporate Services Group.

Several acronyms are used throughout this report and are described and explained below.

The Vancouver Police Department Information Management Section provides services to numerous user groups both within and external to the City. These user groups include:

These services are an important component of providing law enforcement to the City and providing these services utilizing a clerical pool of resources is a more cost effective way of managing the information needs of the VPD and its partners.

Increasingly the records management section has found that they cannot keep up with the increasing demands for current and accurate information placed on them by their many user groups. Volumes continue to grow and changing processes implemented by senior justice departments at both the federal and provincial levels have also contributed to increased workloads.


Following are the observations arising from the review of the processes in the VPD Information Management Section.

1. Insufficient Management Capacity

2. Canadian Centre of Justice Statistics (CCJS)

3. Data transcription and quality assurance over data

4. Master Index System requirements

5. Criminal Record Clearances

6. Justin Interface

7. CPIC Data base

8. CPIC validations

9. Traffic Ticket Data Entry

10. Current Unfunded Positions

11. Benchmarking


The results of the staffing review indicated recommendations in two areas; process improvements and resource increases.

The process improvements relate to facilitating increased specialization for the management information staff.

The review recommended the creation of dedicated CPIC and Quality Assurance units to address the issues of increased volumes for CPIC data entry, increased validation requirements, timeliness of completion of quality assurance reviews and complexity of coding requirements for CCJS information. Further clerical support in the form of filing clerks and a Master Name Index clerk will allow increased specialization in the CPIC and Quality Assurance units. This specialization would be enabled by the conversion of six casual positions to regular full-time positions (as discussed below), to facilitate increased ownership of job functions and data.

The review recommended that the system administration function be performed by a dedicated expert, not as currently by a supervisor. This would also be supported through the conversion of casual to full-time positions.

Access to the Information Management area should be restricted. Allowing unnecessary access by sworn officers is disruptive to the working environment and reduces controls surrounding hard copy documents and files.

Report routing rules and approval processes should be formalized and documented to clearly define the roles and responsibilities of both the Information Management Section and sworn officer units.

The second area of recommendations involves an increase to the resources available to the Information Management Section.

The recommendations indicate the creation of 13 new positions as described below and the conversion of 6 casual positions to full-time positions. In addition, it is recommended that 7 positions that are currently not funded have the funding reinstated.

1. The review recommended that two additional union exempt management positions be created. These positions, reporting to a Director of Information Management should be responsible for managing the day-to-day staffing issues and leading key projects. They will each be responsible for the performance of 3 or 4 units within the Information Management Section. This would allow the Director position to focus on longer term strategic and management issues.

2. A second recommendation relates to the transfer of funding from the casual staffing budget to allow the creation of six regular full-time positions. This will facilitate the increased specialization related to quality assurance, transcription, CCJS verification, systems administration and maintenance of the Master Index system.

3. The additional workload related to records clearances requires three additional staff to provide timely and appropriate services to the public and other organizations, including the City itself. It is expected that these positions will enable the generation of additional revenues through the fees charged for record clearances.

4. It is recommended four new Crown Liaison staff be created, to address the legislated requirements related to electronic records transfer to the Provincial Justice Department.

5. It is further recommended that two CPIC validation staff be added to address the increased requirements for timely and complete CPIC record validation.

6. The intelligence and analytical value of traffic ticket data entry supports the recommendation for two staff in this area.

7. It is recommended that 7 positions that are currently not funded have the funding reinstated. These positions have supported the current levels of service, which has been shown to be in need of additional positions as discussed.


The financial implications have been broken down to reflect the needed funding to implement the recommendations as presented in 2005 and the ongoing annual funding requirements in current dollars.





Ongoing Annual Costs




Pay band 9 including benefits




CPIC Operators / Clerk Reviewer


Pay grade 17 - Funded by the use of casual staffing funds




Record Clearance Clerks


2 pay grade 13 and 1 pay grade 17 including benefits




Crown Liaison


Pay grade 17 including benefits




CPIC Validation Clerks


Pay grade 17 including benefits




Data Entry - Traffic Tickets


Pay grade 13 including benefits




Public Service Counter Staff


6 at Pay grade 15 and 1 pay grade 17 -Reinstate funding










Sources of Funding


Reduction in Casual staffing budget to support conversion






Increased Record Clearance revenue





Net funding impact





Additional one-time staffing costs for computers, furniture, equipment and supplies are estimated at $50,000.

Pay grades indicated are subject to review and classification by Human Resources.


The review concluded that process improvements are necessary to attain a higher level of specialization in the department. All process changes identified are either in progress or have been completed. It was also concluded that volume increases, benefits not achievable from the PRIME implementation and off loading from other police agencies and the Crown have resulted in the need for the Information Management Section to increase their resource compliment in order to meet the growing demands for information relative to law enforcement.

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