
January 26, 2005



Z. Jankovic/ K.Hemmingson


Phone No.:



RTS No.:



CC File No.:



Meeting Date:

February 15, 2005


Vancouver City Council


Director of Current Planning


Building Rehabilitation Program - Façade Grant

124 Powell Street



The Director of Community Services RECOMMENDS approval of A and B.


Heritage Façade Rehabilitation Program Policies and Procedures


The purpose of this report is to seek Council's approval for a façade grant for the "C" listed building at 124 Powell Street.


In July 2003, City Council approved a program of incentives to facilitate the conservation and rehabilitation of buildings in Gastown, Chinatown and the Hastings Street Corridor. The program is available for a five year period (2003 - 2008) to stimulate economic activity in these important historic areas through work on individual buildings.

The Heritage Façade Rehabilitation Program is available to provide owners with 50% of the costs of rehabilitation up to a maximum of $50,000 per principal façade.


Heritage Value: 124 Powell is a valuable building on the Vancouver Heritage Register. The owner proposes to rehabilitate the principal street façade. The proposed covenant required as part of the rehabilitation grant will ensure the rehabilitation of the character defining elements of this building.

Site and Surrounding Zoning

Rehabilitation Approach: The rehabilitated façade will take place in two parts: the ground floor façade will replicate the original façade with large wood windows, wood detail and recessed entries. A deep horizontal trim board will be added below the window sill to cover the new concrete upstand at 18" above grade. A heritage colour scheme will be applied to the wood trims.

In addition to the rebuilding of the store façade at the property line, all heritage elements on the second and third floors will be cleaned, repaired and painted. The detailed brick work, cornices, centre pivot windows, clerestorey and trims will be retained and repaired. The upgrade will add to the heritage character of the street wall already present along a large part of this block.

Estimates for Work: Three estimates have been submitted with the application. The estimates are $59,875, $65,240 and $69,150. The City will split the cost with the owner to the limit of $35,000 after the work in completed to the satisfaction of the City's Senior Heritage Planner. The owner must prove all its

related costs and only so much as is fairly attributed to the façade rehabilitation as outlined in the conservation scope of work

will be counted.

Financial Implications: The source of funds is the 2003 - 2005 Capital Plan.

Public Consultation: The Gastown Heritage Area Planning Committee reviewed this project on March 17, 2004 and offered its unanimous support for the project.


124 Powell Street is a "C" listed building on the Vancouver Heritage Register and the owner's proposal to rehabilitate the street façade will assist in the revitalization of the historic Gastown. The Director of Current Planning is recommending approval of up to $35,000 for the rehabilitation work.

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