FEBRUARY 3, 2005


For information, please contact Laura Kazakoff, Meeting Coordinator,
at 604.871.6353 (e-mail

At its meeting immediately following the Standing Committee on Planning and Environment meeting on February 3, 2005, Vancouver City Council approved the following.

1. Proposed Amendment to Subdivision By-law No. 5208 - Reclassification of the West Half of the 6500-6700 Block Granville Street

THAT Council approve the application to reclassify all the properties in the West Half of the 6500 to 6700 Block Granville Street from Category E to Category C of Schedule A, Table 1, of Subdivision By-law No. 5208.

2. Year 2005 Zoning, Building and Trade Permit Inflationary Fee Increases

A. THAT Council approve an across-the-board 2.75% increase (as reflected in the fee schedules attached to the Administrative Report dated January 18, 2005, entitled "Year 2005 Zoning, Building and Trade Permit Inflationary Fee Increases") in all zoning, subdivision, sign, tree removal, secondary suite inspection, "flat fee" building and trade permit fees, and miscellaneous fees, to compensate for inflationary increases to the City's costs, to be effective upon amending by-law enactments;

FURTHER THAT the revised fee schedules incorporate corrections to various minor errors and omissions, as reflected in the fee schedules attached to the report;

AND FURTHER THAT the Director of Legal Services bring forward for enactment the necessary by-law amendments to By-laws Nos. 5585, 5208, 8057, 5563, 6553, 3507, 6510, 7347 and 5644, generally in accordance with the fee schedules attached to the report.

B. THAT the Director of Development Services and the Chief Building Official advise the development and building community of these changes.

3. Non-conforming Sign and Structure at 151-177 East Broadway

A. THAT Council approve the Resolution attached to the Administrative Report dated July 5, 2004, and order the registered owners of the property at 151-177 East Broadway (the "Lee Building") pursuant to subsection 571A(2) of the Vancouver Charter, to remove the non-conforming sign and supporting sign structure located on the roof of the Lee Building within 14 days of a copy of the resolution being served.

B. THAT in the event that the owners fail to comply with the order set forth in A, the Director of Legal Services is hereby directed to commence legal proceedings to have the non-conforming rooftop sign and sign structure removed.


1. TransLink Funding


1. TransLink's budget was based on assessment estimates that have resulted in an unexpected $13.5 million tax increase for GVRD property owners.

2. TransLink's budget already called for an average tax increase of $61 per average home, for a total TransLink property tax of $150 per average home ($309,000 value).

3. Elected officials have an obligation to honour commitments to taxpayers on promised levels of taxation.


THAT in the event that TransLink fails to roll back the tax increase, Vancouver City Council urges TransLink to use the $13.5 million to purchase new buses for use on routes with the greatest proven demand for additional bus service;

AND FURTHER THAT Vancouver City Council also urges TransLink and the Provincial Government to take immediate action to implement the parking stall tax that would raise $25 million in 2005, a more appropriate and fair means of raising revenue than relying on a spiraling tax rate.
