Vancouver City Council |
Submitted by Councillor Stevenson for consideration at the Regular Council meeting on February 1, 2005.
1. Provincial Hate Crime Team
MOVER: Councillor Stevenson
SECONDER: Councillor WoodsworthWHEREAS
1. The BC Supreme Court verdict in the death of Aaron Webster saw one man acquitted and another allowed home for Christmas to await sentencing; and
2. This decision has caused anger and outrage in Vancouver's gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered community; and
3. This crime was motivated by homophobia; and
4. It is a fundamental right of all Vancouver's citizens to live their lives in freedom and security, safe from violence and harm; and
5. Groups such as the Canadian Jewish Congress have warned that crimes like attack on Aaron Webster are not only directed against the individual but part of a larger pathology of group hatred tearing at the very fabric of our diverse society;
1. That the City of Vancouver reiterate its commitment to oppose discrimination of any sort, including homophobia; and
2. The City of Vancouver endorse the call of the Canadian Jewish Congress for a well-funded provincial hate crime program, the compilation of hate crime statistics and special sentencing provisions for hate crimes.
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