Vancouver City Council |
At the Regular Council meeting held January 18, 2005, the following Notice of Motion was submitted by Councillor Green, and was recognized by the Chair. The Motion was placed on the Agenda for the next Regular Council meeting to be held January 20, 2005, immediately following the Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets meeting.
City Support of Film Industry
MOVER: Councillor
SECONDER: CouncillorWHEREAS, the film industry is a vital component of the culture and economy of the City of Vancouver.
BE IT RESOLVED THAT staff meet with film industry and report back on feasibility of support to the film industry by the following:
· City Real Estate Services Location Fees: Reviewing costs and remaining competitive. Inventory of vacant land for parking alternatives and reasonable rates in downtown core and congested residential areas.
· Consistent guidelines for industries of similar impact: Traffic Control and construction/utility work and film.
· Location Estimation - providing up front cost estimates for City services to assist in budgeting motion pictures.
· Keeping parking costs down, estimating and charging averages rather than full revenue potential from meters.
· Proactive work in the neighbourhoods - clear message to Vancouverites that short-term use of public assets (properties and roadways) for film production is supported by Council.
· Address restrictive guidelines and noise bylaw extensions. Understanding the tolerances in our communities and the needs of producer clients. The importance of a "client service" model.
· Council support a clear mandate to facilitate productions in Vancouver.
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