Vancouver City Council |
The following Motion on Notice was submitted by Councillor Green for the Regular Council Meeting of January 18, 2005.
1. FCM Initiative to Assist Victims of December 26 Tsunami
MOVER: Councillor Jim Green
SECONDER: Councillor Tim Stevenson
WHEREAS the citizens of Vancouver have been deeply saddened by the catastrophic and tragic impact of the December 26 tsunami on the communities ringing the Indian Ocean; and
WHEREAS our city has a long history of reaching out to help other communities in need; and
WHEREAS the affected communities face a massive task of reconstruction in every aspect of their economic, social and cultural life; and
WHEREAS the Federation of Canadian Municipalities is working, in consultation with the federal government, to develop a national initiative to allow municipal governments to provide vital reconstruction assistance;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Vancouver endorse the FCM initiative and participate to the greatest degree possible to assist people and communities hit by the tsunami; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Council ask staff to report back on the best way to participate in this national program; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Council allocate $100,000, the source of funds to be money remaining in the Contingency Reserve from 2004, to be disbursed as directed by the FCM in support of this initiative.
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that staff be directed to work with FCM staff on further contributions that the City may make in re-building municipal infrastructure and report back.
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