Administrative Report



January 11, 2005



Esther Lee


Phone No.:

Phone 873-7080


RTS No.:



CC File No.:



Meeting Date:

January 18, 2005


Vancouver City Council


General Manager of Corporate Services/Director of Finance


Revised Travel Policy



The City Manager REOMMENDS the approval of the Recommendations.


The City's current travel policy was approved by Council on July 28, 1992. On April 18, 1996, Council approved a number of minor administrative changes to the travel policy to clarify the intent of the policy and to improve control over travel costs.


This report seeks Council's approval of a revised Travel Policy which incorporates changes such as per diem rates and eligible expenditures. The Travel Policy has also been rewritten to make it more concise and easier to understand.


The City's current business travel policy was approved by Council in 1992 and last revised in 1996. The policy was designed to:
· Minimize the opportunity for personal gain or conflict of interest;
· Minimize the opportunity for misuse (or perceptions of misuse) of taxpayers' dollars; and,
· Minimize the cost of travel.

A recent review and comparison to policies of similar organizations indicates that the policy requires updating for rates and reimbursable expenses.

Proposed changes to specific provisions are summarized below:


Current Policy

Proposed Change

Per Diem

2 tiered rate

One rate for all Council, Board Members and Staff


$30 meal component (Breakfast $6, Lunch $9, Dinner $15)

$50 meal component (Breakfast $10, Lunch $15, Dinner $25)


$10/$20 incidental component (laundry, dry cleaning, telephone calls, taxi fares, parking, promotion and other usual business related expenses)

$10 incidental component with some items moved to eligible expenditures (e.g. Taxi fares for travel to and from hotel to business functions, parking in certain circumstances)


$50 US for travel in the U.S.
$65 US for travel outside North America

$60 US for travel in U.S.
$70 US for travel outside North America


Discretionary reduction to meal component for meals provided

Mandatory adjustment to meal component for meals provided

Eligible Expenditures

No specific provisions and a number of items were to be covered under the per diem (parking, taxi fares other than for ground transportation)

More specific listing of reimbursable expenditures not covered in other sections of travel policy. Includes business telephone calls, registration fees, seat assignment and ferry reservation fees. Parking expenses are covered under transportation section.

Ground Transportation

Only defined as transportation between home/hotel and airport

Expands definition to include transportation (taxi or public transit) between hotel and meeting or conference location.

Airport drop off fee of $5 each way and no provision for airport parking

Mileage between home/office and airport and airport parking.

Private Accommodation

Staying with friends and relatives - traveler could claim cost of purchasing gift or meal for host up to the per diem rate and receipts are required.

$30 per night allowance for staying in private accommodations - no receipts required.

Frequent Flyer Points

Travellers not allowed to accumulate frequent flyer points or air miles while traveling on City business.

Travellers allowed to accumulate air miles provided lowest economy airfare for direct flight to and from destination is chosen.

Travel Authorization

Travel outside North America by General Manager to be approved by City Manager.

Travel outside North America by General Manager to be approved by City Manager or Board.

Reimbursement Approval

Signed by travel approval authority

More specific listing of reimbursement approval authorities.

Vehicle Insurance

Not addressed.

Specific coverage guidelines for rental and employee owned vehicles.

The changes have been included in the revised Travel policy in Appendix A.

In arriving at the recommended changes to the per diem rates, reference was made to a survey of municipalities. A comparison was also made with rates for the Federal and Provincial governments. The per diem rates ranged from $41 to $80 with an average of $60.


The financial impact of the increased in per diem rates and additional eligible expenses for reimbursement is roughly estimated to be $80,000 to $100,000. The additional cost will be absorbed by departmental operating budgets.


The revised travel policy will provide more equitable reimbursement of expenses for travellers on City business. Once approved by Council, the new policy will be effective commencing 2005.


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