
December 6, 2004



Terry Corrigan


Phone No.:



RTS No.:

RTS 4630


CC File No.:



Meeting Date:

December 16, 2004


Standing Committee on Planning and Environment


General Manager of Corporate Services


 Ethical and Sustainable Purchasing Policy



The City Manager recommends deferral of consideration of the Ethical Purchasing Policy Task Force Report pending a report back by staff on the impact on the City's operations and resource requirements for implementing the EPP as well as the development of a comprehensive Sustainable and Ethical Purchasing Policy that incorporates broader environmental and social objectives as Phase II of the Council resolution of June 22, 2004

Council policies indirectly related to the issue of sustainable and ethical procurement include:


This report is submitted in response to Council direction to develop a Sustainable and Ethical Procurement Policy by December, 2004. It presents an EPP and SCC for the City and a framework for implementation developed by the Ethical Purchasing Policy Task Force (Task Force) regarding the purchase of apparel and fair trade agricultural products as part of Phase I of the Development of a Sustainable and Ethical Purchasing Policy for the City.


On April 8, 2004, Council declared "its intention to implement a Sustainable and Ethical Procurement Policy for the City of Vancouver before the end of the 2004 calendar year", and resolved that "appropriate City staff be directed to report to Council within two months of the passage of this resolution on questions related to implementation of such a policy for City purchases of apparel, coffee and related items".

On June 22, 2004 Council received a report summarizing the implications of developing a Sustainable and Ethical Purchasing Policy. Council approved the following recommendations stemming from that report:


The Task Force was formed in August 2004 through invitation from Co-Chairs Councillor Louis and Louie, and held three meetings between early September and the middle of November 2004. Approximately 12 representatives from the NGO, labour and business community worked with City staff from to create a recommended Ethical Purchasing Policy and implementation framework. Representatives from Vancouver Park Board and Vancouver Public Library as well as the Vancouver Food Policy Committee participated on the Task Force. (A membership list of the Task Force is included in Appendix C).

The Task Force was facilitated by an external project consultant who assisted in the coordination of the group, development of background materials and played the role of facilitator at each of the three meetings. The consultant worked on behalf of the Task Force to draft and refine the policy, implementation framework and their report to Council. The Task Force also retained the services of an internationally respected labour and human rights organization, Verite Inc., to provide an independent review of the policy and implementation framework and to assess the completeness of the work. Their review was positive and helpful in guiding the final refinements to the policy and highlighting considerations relating to implementation.

A full discussion of the EPP is contained within the Task Force Report to Council (Appendix A) which includes details on the mandate of the Task Force, guiding policy principles and a description of key features and elements of the EPP. The report contains several recommendations of the Task Force including:

Phase I - Ethical Purchasing Policy Summary
The recommended Ethical Purchasing Policy requires that City suppliers of apparel ensure that workplace standards in their factories and production facilities meet minimum standards for safety and human rights. The implementation framework is based upon a set of guiding principles that call for suppliers to:

Assessment of EPP Task Force recommendations:

The Task Force expressed a strong desire to ensure that key sustainability considerations (e.g. environmental performance) were embedded within City Purchasing Policy and given due consideration in Phase II. Implementation of the recommended EPP and the development of a comprehensive Sustainable and Ethical Purchasing Policy as Phase II need to be closely integrated.

As directed by Council on June 22, 2004, staff will report back on the impacts of the Task Force's recommendations on City operations and the resources required to implement the recommended policy. At the same time, staff will report on resources required to develop a comprehensive Sustainable and Ethical Procurement Policy that incorporates broader environmental and social objectives as Phase II of the Council directive of June 22, 2004.


The Ethical Purchasing Task Force report and recommended Ethical Purchasing Policy and Supplier Code of Conduct effectively completes Phase I of the Council direction for the development of an Ethical and Sustainable Purchasing Policy for the City. Staff will report back on the impacts of the recommended policy on City operations and the resources required for implementation. At the same time, because the EPP will be the base and integrated with a comprehensive Sustainable and Ethical Purchasing Policy, staff will report back at the same time on resources required to complete Phase II.


Appendix A - EPP Task Force Report and Recommendations
Appendix B - Draft Ethical Purchasing Policy and Supplier Code of Conduct
Appendix C - Ethical Purchasing Policy Task Force Membership List
Appendix D - Verite Independent Policy Review

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