Vancouver City Council |
November 30, 2004
Clyde Hosein
Phone No.:
RTS No.:
CC File No.:
Meeting Date:
December 14, 2004
Vancouver City Council
General Manager of Corporate Services
New Full-time Position - Project Manager, Facility Development
A. THAT Council approve the conversion of the current Temporary Full-time exempt Project Manager position (#50018403) currently at Pay Band 9, to a Regular Full-time exempt Project Manager position (Pay Band 9) within Facility Development of Facility Design & Management, Corporate Services. The new position to be partially offset by eliminating an existing position #50005851 (Paygrade 25) in Facility Development and the remaining funding (approximately $25,300) to be from project management fees as currently being charged to capital projects; resulting in no change to the existing annual operating budget.
B. THAT Council approve the elimination of a Construction Assistant position (#50005851) a bargaining unit position in Facility Development which is currently vacant and that subsequent budget savings be transferred to the new Regular Full-time exempt position in Recommendation A.
The General Manager RECOMMENDS approval of A and B, noting that there will be no change to the annual operating budget.
The City Manager supports the recommendation of the General Manager.
The City Manager, on a case by case basis seeks Council approval for the creation and elimination of regular full-time positions.
The purpose of this report is to recommend to Council the conversion of an existing temporary full-time exempt Project Manager position to a regular full-time Project Manager exempt position, responsible for project management of major capital projects, and the elimination of a full-time Construction Assistant position in Facility Design & Management.
Facility Development is responsible for planning, estimating, and project and construction management of City facilities and other properties in which the City has a financial interest. Since 1995, starting with the construction of Library Square and the E-Comm building and Wide Area Radio system, the number, size and complexity of capital projects being managed by Facility Development have increased and are being sustained at a level that has put unacceptable burden on the current staffing level. The volume of current work is such that some senior staff are working ongoing extended hours and have frequently deferred vacation time in order to satisfy the requirements of the projects.
Facilities are currently managing approximately $60 million of capital projects with one Director, four Project Managers and two Project Coordinators. The value of projects being managed will increase further next year with the addition of projects approved in the 2006-2008 Capital Plan.
Some of the current and projected projects and programs include:
· 1 Kingsway - Community Centre, Library, Daycare and Market Housing
· Woodward's Redevelopment
· 2006-2008 Capital Plan
· Mountain View Cemetery Redevelopment
· RAV, Cambie/Broadway Stations
· Vancouver Police Department, Force Arms Training Centre Study
· Vancouver Police Department, Evidence and Forensic Storage Facilities Study
· Firehall No. 15 Replacement
· Energy Reduction Capital Projects
· 2010 Olympic Facilities
· Daycare projects (29 initiatives)
· Cultural and Social facilities
· Rezoning and Amenity Bonus projects
· Non-structural Seismic Upgrading
· Structural Seismic Upgrading Program
· Cultural Facilities - Building EvaluationsFrom time to time, shortages in staffing levels have been addressed by employing temporary part-time and temporary full-time project managers. Given the level of current work and projected work, it is recommended as an interim step that an existing temporary full-time Project Manager position be converted to a full-time Project Manager position. Future needs will be addressed on a project by project basis by temporary positions.
The current temporary full-time Project Manager position (#50018403) has for the past five years been filled by the same architect who is currently responsible for the 1 Kingsway Project which is scheduled for completion in 2006. This existing temporary position is currently being funded from a vacant Construction Assistant position (#50005851) and project management fees charged to capital projects.
The new full-time position will be maintained at its current level, Payband 9, level 5, and will be funded by elimination of the vacant Construction Assistant position, Paygrade 25 (approximately $52,270), and fees charged to capital projects for project management services (approximately $25,300). There will be no impact on the Operating Budget.
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