
November 30, 2004



David Cousins/
Clyde Hosein


Phone No.:



RTS No.:



CC File No.:



Meeting Date:

December 14, 2004


Vancouver City Council


Director of Facility Design and Management in consultation with the Sustainability Sponsor Group


Green House Gas Reduction - Phase 1 Implementation Plan



The General Manager of Corporate Services RECOMMENDS approval of the above, noting that projects are consistent with the City's sustainability strategy and provide a good business case with an economic return to the City.


On April 23, 2002, Council adopted a Definition and Principles of Sustainability to guide, prioritize and improve the sustainability of City actions and operations.

On May 2, 2002, Council approved the motion proposed by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities to support the Canadian Government's ratification of the Kyoto Protocol.

On March 25, 2003, Council approved an emission reduction target of 20 percent from 1990 levels for the City of Vancouver, subject to evaluation of the implications of the target to ensure it is realistic. On this same date, Council created the Cool Vancouver Task Force and requested that it report back with a report on the components of a Green House Gas Reduction (GHG) Action Plan for both the corporation and the community.

On June 24, 2003, Council received the Cool Vancouver Task Force's Discussion Paper on Green House Gas Reduction Planning and approved a target of 6 percent below 1990 emissions levels for the City (community) as a whole. Council also approved a process to develop GHG Reduction Plans for both the City (Corporate) and the Community.

On December 2, 2003, Council:

On February 24, 2004 Council directed staff to issue a Request for Proposals for Energy Performance Contracting in order to meet Council's mandated target of 20 percent reduction in GHG by 2010 for a report back on the Selection of Contractors.


The purpose of this report is to seek approval of interim funding to finance the Phase 1 GHG Reduction Plan in Library Square, Vancouver Museum & Planetarium, Firehalls and miscellaneous approved renovation projects.


The City has committed to reducing its Corporate Greenhouse Gas emissions by 20 percent of 1990 levels by 2010 (9,000 tonne reduction). Achieving this goal within the next six years requires a significant reduction of emissions from civic facilities.

To achieve the GHG reduction targets, staff believe that a hybrid of City managed, self financed and Energy Performance Contracts (EPC) would be appropriate for City and Parks facilities. Accordingly the proposed Energy Reduction Plan has been divided into two project types:

This report deals with the City administered, self funded minor projects as Phase 1 of the GHG Reduction Plan.

Concurrently staff are collecting data for the EPC and will be seeking Expressions of Interest and proposals shortly. This type of contract will be used to address the GHG reduction in the remaining City buildings.

An expedited process is being implemented because of BC Hydro's commitment to assisting and providing funding for organizations that pursue energy efficiency until March 2005. Although it would not be possible under any approach to have the retrofits completed by then, the City would be eligible for this significant Power Smart funding if it were to enter into contracts by this deadline.


As noted in the Background section, staff are proposing that the GHG reduction plan be undertaken in two project types: 1. City Administrated, Self Funded type whereby the City identifies the upgrades, funds low risk projects and manages the implementation work and, 2. Energy Performance Contracts whereby the City would partner with a Contractor requiring the contractor to audit the energy use, propose an upgrading program, finance, and implement the upgrade and guarantee the savings. Thus, the Contractor will be required to assume all of the technical and financial risks. These EPC projects will be reported back shortly once the Contractor is selected.

The proposed City administered, self funded projects are as follows:

1 Library Square

Estimated Cost = $200,000
Energy Saved = $29,000/year
Payback = 6.9 years
GHG Reduction: 100 tonne

2 Vancouver Museum & Planetarium

Estimated Cost = $300,000
Energy Saved = $42,000/year
Payback = 7.1 years

3 Firehalls

Estimated Cost = $540,000
Energy Saved = $75,000/year
Payback = 7.2 years
GHG Reduction: 200 tonne

4 Main Building - 2nd Floor East

Estimated Cost = $35,000
Energy Saved = $5,000/year
Payback = 7.0 years
GHG Reduction = 5.0 tonne


Many of the Energy Efficiency projects undertaken by the City in the past have been financed internally with repayment of the loans being available through energy costs savings in the Operating Budget. It is recommended for these initiatives to be financed by the Property Endowment Fund (PEF). The PEF will be repaid from the energy savings within ten years. The total amount of financing being requested is $1,500,000 of which $200,000 will be funded from BC Hydro Power Smart initiatives and Natural Resources Canada.
A summary of savings is as follows:


The Staff recommend that City Council approve the Phase 1 GHG Reduction Plan as outlined in this report. The initiative is consistent with the City's sustainability strategy and will provide a beneficial economic return to the City. The second phase will be undertaken through EPC contracts.

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