Vancouver City Council |
November 2, 2004
Sue Harvey
Phone No.:
RTS No.:
CC File No.:
Meeting Date:
December 14, 2004
Vancouver City Council
Project Manager, Hastings Park/PNE
Hastings Park/PNE Implementation Plan, Staffing and Resources
A. THAT Council adopt the process, work program and staff resources for the plan development for Hastings Park and the Pacific National Exhibition (PNE) and direct the Hastings Park/PNE Steering Committee to implement the process as outlined in this report;
B. THAT Council approve the creation of one temporary full-time Hastings Park/PNE Project Manager and one temporary full-time Hastings Park/PNE Planning Assistant subject to classification by the General Manager of Human Resources; AND
C. THAT Council approve an allocation of $615,000 to the Hastings Park/PNE planning process including staffing as outlined in this report for 2005; source of funds to be the Hastings Park Reserve Account.
The City Manager supports the implementation plan framework, provided additional staffing is approved to work on the project. It should be noted that even with the additional staff, the framework sets out a challenging schedule.
The City Manager RECOMMENDS approval of A, B and C.
In June 2004 Council directed staff to explore a new future for Hastings Park and the PNE which will maximize green space and include a 17-day annual summer fair and 14-acre seasonal Playland.
In March 2004 Council adopted the Hastings-Sunrise Community Visions and directed staff to use the Vision Directions to guide policy decisions, work priorities and capital plans.
In March 2003 Council approved the terms of an agreement between the Province and the City transferring the ownership of the PNE to the City effective January 1, 2004 and directed staff to commence the process to develop a long-term vision for the PNE at Hastings Park.In March 1997 both the Park Board and City Council approved the Hastings Park Restoration Plan.
The purpose of this report is to seek Councils approval for a planning process, work plan, staffing and resources to develop an Implementation Plan for the future of Hastings Park and the Pacific National Exhibition (PNE) within Hastings Park.
Covering some 162 acres, Hastings Park is Vancouvers second largest City-wide park. For its first fifty years Hastings Park included both significant green space in addition to a horse racetrack which has occupied a portion of the park since 1892, and the Vancouver Exhibition buildings and grounds.
The Vancouver Exhibition Association (VEA) was founded in 1907 and has, since 1910, operated an annual fair in Hastings Park. The PNE was operated as a provincial Crown Corporation (1973-2003) and leased a portion of the site from the City. In March 2003 the Province determined that it would no longer operate the PNE and entered into an agreement with the City for the transfer of the PNE operation to the City effective January 1, 2004.
Recent planning and park restoration for Hastings Park has changed with the transfer of governance from the Province to the City. In June 2004, following a City-wide public consultation process, City Council reviewed a series of options for the future of Hastings Park and the PNE and directed staff to explore and further develop an approach between Option 3 and Option 4 as described in a staff report dated May 6, 2004 Hastings Park/PNE Four Approaches for the Future. At that time Council also directed staff to report back on a series of issues and opportunities affecting the site.
Separate but related factors have emerged which will influence the future of the site. In 2004 Vancouver was awarded both the 2006 World Junior Hockey Championships as well as the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. Both will be staged at venues in Hastings Park.
Finally, in July 2004 City Council approved the introduction of slot machines at Hastings Racetrack and directed staff to report back on a public benefits strategy which would include a significant contribution from the applicant towards the continued greening of Hastings Park. Impact and mitigation measures related to the slot machines such as traffic, parking, noise will be dealt with through the development permit process, and will need to be reviewed in the context of a comprehensive plan for Hastings Park.
Planning Process
While the public consultation process identified an approach for the future, there is much detailed planning work needed to realize Councils desired directions following the consultation process. Several items were identified by Council for further review; some have arisen as a result of the introduction of slot machines at the Racetrack and others are required to conclude separate legal agreements with the Racetrack operator and the PNE.Based on the direction provided by Council in June, staff have divided the work program into the following elements:
· Racetrack Site Planning
o a review of possible barn locations and the related pedestrian/stream connection to New Brighton Park as well as on and off-site traffic, parking and access impacts and any mitigation requirements arising from the introduction of slot machines. These will be reviewed as part of the development approvals process;
o negotiation and execution of an Operating Agreement for the Racetrack operations;· Governance Review of Options
o including a preliminary review of different governance models employed in other jurisdictions and a review of options and implications for Hastings Park and the PNE. Based on the preliminary review, staff will seek Council direction on implementation and public consultation;
· Facilities Review
o to determine needs and financial viability for all contemplated uses within the buildings including possible relocation options for the Hastings Community Centre, the heritage value of the Livestock building, a capital improvements plan, a major maintenance plan and an operating plan for each building;
· Park Programming and Design
o To set out programmatic aspirations for the green space and linkages and set criteria for detailed site design including future options for the Hastings Park site area south of Hastings Street;
· Fair Programming and Thematic Design
o to develop the many ideas generated by the public through the previous public consultation process and develop a new thematic direction for the future of the annual summer celebration, operational and financial implications and options and to set criteria for detailed site design;
· Playland Operations and Site Configuration Options
o to set out thematic direction, operational and financial implications and options and set criteria for detailed site design;
· Site issues
o a detailed review of the current site conditions including clarification of utilities and services, site surveying, parcel consolidation and road dedications;
· A Comprehensive Site Plan
o to bring together a comprehensive design for the whole site, knitting together all proposed changes with the work completed to date including the Racetrack;
· Final Governance Plan:
o To bring together a comprehensive operating model for the site taking into account the programming and design of the park, facilities, Fair and Playland;
· Capital cost and Funding Options
o A review of all capital and operating costs for all components of Hastings Park and the PNE including funding and financing options;
· Detailed Documentation
o Working drawings and specifications
· Implementation and phasing plan
o A 15+ year plan to phase all capital improvements taking into account the operating implications of construction and renovation on park and PNE patrons
A project timeline, including key milestones, is attached to this report as Appendix A. Staff anticipate that planning work for Hastings Park and the PNE will commence early in 2005. Public consultation and regular Park Board and Council reports will be scheduled throughout the Plan Development at the conclusion of each planning phase. A detailed public consultation plan will be reported to the Park Board and Council in June of 2005.
Key milestones for Park Board and Council reports are:
o Public Benefits Strategy arising from Racetrack DP (Spring 2005)
o Public Consultation Process (June 2005)
o Final Facilities Review, Park Programming, Fair Thematic Design and Programming and Playland Thematic Design and Programming (May 2006)
o Comprehensive Site Plan and Governance Plan (April 2007)
o Master Plan Design Documentation (May 2008)It is anticipated that once the comprehensive site plan has been adopted by Council implementation of capital improvements on site will be realised over a ten to fifteen year period depending on availability of funding and phasing to meet operational needs. However, interior renovations to the Coliseum and Agrodome buildings, as Olympic venues, will proceed in advance of the completion of the comprehensive site plan.
Staffing and Project Resources
A Steering Committee comprised of senior City and Park Board staff has been convened to guide the planning process for Hastings Park and the PNE and direct the Hastings Park/PNE staff team, currently comprised of a Project Manager and a Planning Assistant with support from an interdepartmental Technical Team with staff representatives from Park Board, Engineering, Current Planning, CityPlans, and Corporate Services.
For the next phase of detailed work, the project team will be comprised of a temporary Hastings Park/PNE Project Manager and temporary Hastings Park/PNE Planning Assistant managed by the current Project Manager. In addition, dedicated time must be budgeted for staff involvement from Park Board and Legal Services. The project organizational chart is attached to this report as Appendix B.
As with the previous Hastings Park/PNE planning process, the plan development and implementation will be undertaken as a collaboration between City and Park Board staff. The General Manager of Park Board sits on the Interim Board of the PNE and on the Hastings Park/PNE Steering Committee and with the Director of Park Planning and Operations and a Park Planner will continue as key members of the Hastings Park/PNE Technical Committee. In addition, resources have been provided for additional Park Planner time within the budget. The Project Team will continue to provide regular reports to the Park Board through the General Manager.
To complete the plan development, additional consultant resources will be required with expertise in:
· Governance
· Park Planning and Landscape Design
· Fairs, Exhibitions and Special Events
· Amusement Parks and Rides
· Adaptive Reuse and Heritage Restoration of Buildings
· Public Consultation; and
· Facilities Needs Assessment.FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS
The total project budget for the period commencing December 2004 and concluding with the completion of the Comprehensive Site design in May 2008 is $1.335 million. The 2005 project budget is estimated at $615,000. A detailed budget is attached to the report as Appendix C; source of funds to be the Hastings Park Reserve which receives regular lease payments from Hastings Entertainment Inc.. The current reserve balance is $2.4 million.
The planning process outlined in this report sets out the workplan and resources necessary to complete the planning for Hastings Park and the PNE based on the directions set by Council in June 2004. It is a large site with many complex uses. The planning work proposed to develop over the next three to four years will establish the framework for a comprehensive and holistic approach to the future of Hastings Park and the PNE.
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