Vancouver City Council |
November 8, 2004
Peter Navratil
Phone No.:
604 871-6619
RTS No.:
CC File No.:
Meeting Date:
November 30, 2004
Standing Committee on Transportation and Traffic
General Manager of Engineering Services
Award of Contract - Citywide Noise Study
A. That Council approve awarding the contract for undertaking a Traffic Noise Composition Study to Wakefield Acoustics Ltd, subject to a contract satisfactory to the Director of Legal Services, at an estimated cost of $64,000, including GST and disbursements; funding to be provided from existing Operating Budgets in the Strategic Transportation cost centre (cc 32100).
B. That the General Manager of Engineering Services be authorized to enter into a Professional Services Agreement contract with Wakefield Acoustics Ltd in consultation with the Director of Legal Services.
Consultant contracts over $30,000 are to be approved by Council.
Council approved the Terms of Reference and undertaking of the Noise study through the Clark/Knight Whole Route Analysis approved April 10, 2003.
This report seeks Council approval to award Wakefield Acoustics Ltd. the contract to conduct a study on Traffic Noise Levels and Traffic Composition on Arterial Roads.
In April 2003, Council approved a plan to conduct a Whole Route Analysis of Clark/Knight Street. One of the components of the study was a city-wide noise study intended to provide a basis for dealing with noise issues on Clark-Knight and arterial streets in other City neighbourhoods.
Much of the work on the Clark Knight Whole Route Analysis has been completed. This study is the largest piece of unfinished work. As a result, staff will present the majority of findings, excluding the noise component, for the Clark/Knight WRA in the spring. A follow up report will be presented to Council once the Noise study is completed.DISCUSSION
The proposed noise study as described in the Request for Proposal has three components:
· City-wide survey of traffic noise levels - Noise conditions at a number of city locations are to be assessed, including multiple locations along the Clark-Knight corridor. This will provide a comparison of noise conditions on arterials serving different functions (e.g. with and without trucks, major transit routes, secondary arterials) and associate the noise levels with traffic volumes. This work will help illustrate the effects of truck and other types of traffic on the local noise environment.
· Noise source identification - The objective of noise source identification is to understand the composition of traffic noise in a variety of situations. The study will identify the number and nature of highly intrusive noise events in a variety of arterial conditions. The study will also compare recorded noise levels and the perceived loudness of the noise sources. The conclusions will inform the development of appropriate noise control strategies for various arterial conditions.
- Noise Strategy - The objective of the noise strategy is to suggest ways in which noise can be managed from infrastructure improvements like noise attenuating pavement, to land use policy, to legislation and enforcement.
The proposed noise study will also complement a concurrent City initiative to develop a Homeowner's Guide to Noise Reduction. This guide, currently being finalized, will provide residents with ways to reduce the impacts of street noise on their homes. In addition, a consultant review of noise fences, completed in 2001, will be reported once the results of the noise study are known.Appointment of Consultant
The City received two proposals from BKL Consulting Ltd. And Wakefield Acoustics. These proposals have been reviewed by both Engineering Services and Planning and it is recommended that the study be awarded to Wakefield Acoustics Ltd. The Wakefield proposal provides the most value, creativity and best methodology for conducting the noise study. The principles from Wakefield bring extensive knowledge of acoustical engineering and will provide good value to the City. The total cost of the work proposed is $60,000 (plus GST).
The cost to complete the noise study will be approximately $64,000. Funding was approved in the April 2003 Clark Knight Whole Route Analysis report and is available from the Strategic Transportation Operating Budget (cost centre 32100).
As work will proceed into 2005, a carry forward of the remaining Operating funds will be required. Staff will work with Financial Services to ensure the funds are brought forward from the 2004 Operating Budget to the 2005 Operating Budget.
As part of completing the Clark Knight Whole Route Analysis, it is recommended that Wakefield Acoustics Ltd. be retained to complete this study to a maximum fee of $60,000 (plus GST). As for the Whole Route Analysis report, staff will present the majority of findings in the spring. Once the noise study is completed next summer, staff will report back on the findings and potentially suggest new policy to help better manage noise issues.
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