Vancouver City Council |
These minutes will be adopted at the Regular Council meeting on December 14, 2004. |
NOVEMBER 30, 2004
A Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of Vancouver was held on Tuesday, November 30, 2004, at 200 p.m., in the Council Chamber, Third Floor, City Hall.
Mayor Larry Campbell
Councillor Fred Bass
Councillor David Cadman
Councillor Peter Ladner
Councillor Raymond Louie
Councillor Tim Louis
Councillor Anne Roberts
Councillor Tim Stevenson
Councillor Sam Sullivan
Councillor Ellen WoodsworthABSENT:
Councillor Jim Green (Civic Business)
Judy Rogers, City Manager
Syd Baxter, City Clerk
Tarja Tuominen, Meeting CoordinatorPRAYER
The proceedings in the Council Chamber were opened with a prayer read by the City Clerk.
Council welcomed Ishwarya Chaitanya from Jai Govinda Dance who performed "Natesh Kautuvam".
MOVED by Councillor Louis
SECONDED by Councillor Cadman
THAT Council will go into a meeting later this day which is closed to the public, pursuant to Section 165.2(1) of the Vancouver Charter, to discuss matters related to paragraph(s):
(a) personal information about an identifiable individual who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee or agent of the city or another position appointed by the city;
(c) labour relations or other employee relations;
(e) the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements, if the Council considers that disclosure might reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the city;
(g) litigation or potential litigation affecting the city.
· Council approved the appointment of Lizz Lindsay to the Peace and Justice Committee.
1. Regular Council (Transportation and Traffic) - November 2, 2004
MOVED by Councillor Bass
SECONDED by Councillor Woodsworth
THAT the foregoing Minutes be approved.
2. Regular Council (City Services and Budgets) - November 4, 2004
MOVED by Councillor Louis
SECONDED by Councillor Bass
THAT the foregoing Minutes be approved.
3. Regular Council (Planning and Environment) - November 4, 2004
MOVED by Councillor Roberts
SECONDED by Councillor Bass
THAT the foregoing Minutes be approved.
4. Business License Hearing - November 4, 2004
MOVED by Councillor Stevenson
SECONDED by Councillor Bass
THAT the foregoing Minutes be approved.
5. Regular Council - November 16, 2004
MOVED by Councillor Cadman
SECONDED by Councillor Stevenson
THAT the foregoing Minutes be approved.
6. Special Council (Public Hearing) - November 16, 2004
MOVED by Councillor Louis
SECONDED by Councillor Cadman
THAT the foregoing Minutes be approved.
MOVED by Councillor Roberts
SECONDED by Councillor Woodsworth
THAT this Council resolve itself into Committee of the Whole, Mayor Campbell in the Chair.
MOVED by Councillor Louis
THAT Council adopt the Communications Item 1, Administrative Reports A1, A3 to A9, A11 and A13, on consent.
1. 2005 GVRD Appointments (File 1251)
THAT the following GVRD appointments for the 2005 term be approved:
2005 GVRD Municipal Directors and Vote Allocation
Municipal Director
Alternate Municipal Director
No. of Votes Allocated
Fred Bass
Ellen Woodsworth
David Cadman
Tim Stevenson
Larry Campbell
Jim Green
Raymond Louie
Sam Sullivan
Tim Louis
Jim Green
Anne Roberts
Peter Ladner
2005 GVRD Labour Relations Bureau
LRB Member
LRB Alternate Member
Raymond Louie
Tim Stevenson
1. General Amendments to the Vancouver Building By-law
August 30, 2004 (File 113)
A. THAT Council approve the amendments to the Building By-law as summarized in Appendix A of the Administrative Report General Amendments to the Vancouver Building By-law dated August 30, 2004; and
B. THAT Council authorize the Director of Legal Services to prepare and bring forward for enactment the by-law amendments generally in accordance with Appendix A of the Administrative Report.
2. Funding Renewal: Carnegie Outreach Program 2005
November 16, 2004 (File 4161)
MOVED by Councillor Woodsworth
THAT Council approve a three year continuation of the Carnegie Outreach program (2005 - 2007) at its current budget of $300,000 with particular priority to expanded daytime hours to assist street people in connecting with services, and to support work attached to the Homelessness Action Plan and to the further development of low threshold training and employment opportunities through initiatives such as the Vancouver Agreement Employment Strategy.
AMENDMENT MOVED by Councillor Louie
THAT consideration of the motion for funding for Carnegie Outreach Program be referred to the 2005 budget review process, and that funding for the program continue until the outcome of the 2005 budget is decided.
MOVED by Councillor Louie
THAT Council consent to withdraw the Motion to Amend.
LOST (Tie Vote)
(Councillors Bass, Cadman, Louis, Roberts and Woodsworth opposed)The motion to withdraw the motion to amend having lost, the motion to amend was put and LOST (Tie Vote) with Councillors Bass, Cadman, Louis, Roberts and Woodsworth opposed.
The motion to amend having lost, the motion for funding of the Carnegie Outreach Program was put and LOST (Tie Vote) with Councillors Ladner, Louie, Stevenson, Sullivan and the Mayor opposed.
NOTE FROM CLERK: Under New Business, Council reopened the matter and adopted the following motion:
MOVED by Mayor Campbell
SECONDED by Councillor Bass
THAT Council fund the Carnegie Outreach program from January 1, 2005 to June 30, 2005 in the amount of $150,000; depending on the 2005 budget review process, this funding may be extended to the future.
3. Capital Grant for Kiwassa Neighbourhood House - Final Phase Expansion
November 2, 2004 (File 2005)
THAT Council approve a Capital Grant of up to $215,000 to Kiwassa Neighbourhood House Association towards the $380,000 required for the construction of an additional 1,200 square feet of activity space in the City-owned Kiwassa Neighbourhood House facility, conditional on funding from other sources, sufficient to complete this project, being secured. Source of funding is to be $200,000 from the 2004 Capital Budget for Community Services Initiatives and $15,000 from the unallocated portion of the 2003 Capital Grants budget - as set out in the Administrative Report Capital Grant for Kiwassa Neighbourhood House - Final Phase Expansion dated November 2, 2004.
BY THE REQUIRED MAJORITY4. Use of City owned property located at 150 Dunsmuir Street
November 15, 2004 (File 2201)
THAT Council approve a grant of $2,500 to First Night 05 Vancouver to offset the rental cost for the parking lot at 150 Dunsmuir Street for December 30 and 31, 2004 and January 1, 2005 for First Night 05 Vancouver activities; source of funds to be the Celebration Grants category.
BY THE REQUIRED MAJORITY5. Evaluation of Universal Accessibility at City's Off-Street Parking Facilities
November 16, 2004 (File 1753)
THAT Council approve an increase of the 2004 Capital Budget for the Parking Corporation of Vancouver (EasyPark) in the amount of $32,600 to fund an evaluation of accessibility issues at City-owned off-street parking facilities, as described in the Administrative Report Evaluation of Universal Accessibility at City's Off-Street Parking Facilities dated November 16, 2004. Source of funds to be the Parking Site Reserve.
6. Approval of Council Initiative - Chinatown BIA Renewal
November 16, 2004 (File 8305)
A. THAT Council re-confirm the Vancouver Chinatown BIA Society as sponsor for the Chinatown BIA.
B. THAT Council approve the commencement of a Council Initiative to re-establish (renew) the Chinatown BIA, for a second five-year term commencing April 1, 2005; and THAT Council forward the application of the Vancouver Chinatown BIA Society to a hearing of the Court of Revision.
C. THAT the City notify property owners and tenants within the area, outlined in Appendix A of the Administrative Report Approval of Council Initiative - Chinatown BIA Renewal dated November 16, 2004, of the proposed BIA renewal and levy.
D. THAT Council approve a 5 year (2005 -2010) funding-ceiling of $1,037,867 for the Chinatown BIA, subject to Council approval of the renewal at the Court of Revision.
7. Approval of Council Initiative - Commercial Drive BIA Renewal
November 16, 2004 (File 8307)
A. THAT Council re-confirm the Commercial Drive Business Society as sponsor for the Commercial Drive BIA.
B. THAT Council approve the commencement of a Council Initiative to re-establish (renew) the Commercial Drive BIA, for a second five-year term commencing April 1, 2005; and THAT Council forward the application of the Commercial Drive Business Society to a hearing of the Court of Revision.
C. THAT the City notify property owners and tenants within the area, outlined in Appendix A of the Administrative Report Approval of Council Initiative - Commercial Drive BIA Renewal dated November 16, 2004, of the proposed BIA renewal and levy.
D. THAT Council approve a 5 year (2005 -2010) funding-ceiling of $1,290,375 for the Commercial Drive BIA, subject to Council approval of the renewal at the Court of Revision.
8. Approval of Council Initiative - Marpole BIA Renewal
November 16, 2004 (File 8304)
A. THAT Council re-confirm the Marpole Business Association as sponsor for the Marpole BIA.
B. THAT Council approve the commencement of a Council Initiative to re-establish (renew) the Marpole BIA, for a seven-year term commencing April 1, 2005; and THAT Council forward the application of the Marpole Business Association to a hearing of the Court of Revision.
C. THAT the City notify property owners and tenants within the area, outlined in Appendix A of the Administrative Report Approval of Council Initiative - Marpole BIA Renewal dated November 16, 2004, of the proposed BIA renewal and levy.
D. THAT Council approve a 7 year (2005 -2012) funding-ceiling of $1,050,000 for the Marpole BIA, subject to Council approval of the renewal at the Court of Revision.
9. Approval of Council Initiative - Strathcona BIA Renewal
November 16, 2004 (File 8314)
A. THAT Council re-confirm the Strathcona Area Merchants Society as sponsor for the Strathcona BIA.
B. THAT Council approve the commencement of a Council Initiative to re-establish (renew) the Strathcona BIA, for a second five-year term commencing April 1, 2005; and THAT Council forward the application of the Strathcona Area Merchants Society to a hearing of the Court of Revision.
C. THAT the City notify property owners and tenants within the area, outlined in Appendix A of the Administrative Report Approval of Council Initiative - Strathcona BIA Renewal dated November 16, 2004, of the proposed BIA renewal and levy.
D. THAT Council approve a 5 year (2005 -2010) funding-ceiling of $2,250,000 for the Strathcona BIA, subject to Council approval of the renewal at the Court of Revision.
10. DE408451: 5616 Fraser Street (Triage Special Needs Residential Facility)
November 19, 2004 (File 2605)
Also before Council was a memorandum dated November 29, 2004 from Rob Whitlock, Housing Centre clarifying the recommendations in the Administrative Report.
MOVED by Councillor Roberts
A. THAT the Administrative Report DE408451: 5616 Fraser Street (Triage Special Needs Residential Facility) dated November 19, 2004, be received for information, and that the report and consideration and decision on Recommendation B be referred to the Special Meeting of Council set for December 7, 2004 to hear from delegations;
B. City Council advise the Development Permit Board that it supports approval of DE408451 for 5616 Fraser Street, to permit the construction of a 30 residential unit Special Needs Residential Facility for individuals with mental illnesses and in recovery from previous alcohol or drug addictions (reduced from 39 units in the initial application), with the following requirements:
_ Development of an operational management plan, with the following elements:
o Provision of two staff on all shifts, seven days a week, for at least one year from the date of occupancy;
o Protocols for security and monitoring of security issues related to the facility;
o Protocols to ensure an alcohol and drug free environment and the prohibition of the use of alcohol and drugs by residents on and off the premises; ando Protocols for the annual monitoring and reporting of outcomes and performance results associated with the services both Triage and Vancouver Coastal Health Authority (VCHA) provide to the satisfaction of the Directors of the Housing Centre and Social Planning.
_ Establishment of a Community Advisory Committee involving regular meetings of representatives of Triage Emergency Services and Care Society, VCHA, neighbouring businesses, property owners and residents, and City staff when needed;
_ Identification by Triage of a community liaison contact who will work with the community to resolve day-to-day problems if they arise;
_ Establishment of 24 hour emergency contacts; and
_ Triage establishing a liaison with the local community policing operations.
11. Third Quarter Council Travel and Training Report
November 9, 2004 (File 1254)
A. THAT Council authorize Councillor Cadman's third quarter travel costs of $709.70 with the airfare portion to be allocated to the Mayors' Fund.
B. THAT Council authorize Councillor Louis' third quarter travel costs of $ 607.34.
- - - - -
The Mayor recognized the following 2004 Cultural Harmony Award recipients:
· Buddhist Compassion relief TZU CHI Foundation Canada (Organization Award)
· Roz Davidson (Individual Award)- - - - -
Council recessed at 4:00 p.m. and following a reception, reconvened at 4:30 p.m. with all members present.
- - - - -
12. Vancouver Electoral Reform Commission Recommendations
November 17, 2004 (File 1102)MOVED by Councillor Roberts
A. THAT City Council request the Government of British Columbia to proceed expeditiously to review the requests adopted by Council as a result of consideration of the Administrative Report Vancouver Electoral Reform Commission Recommendations dated November 17, 2004, and, if necessary, commence a consultation with the City of Vancouver and other municipalities in the province about desirable changes to local election law in British Columbia.
B. THAT City Council request the Government of British Columbia to amend the Vancouver Charter to permit, at City Council's choice, a system of proportional representation.
C. THAT City Council request the Government of British Columbia to amend the Vancouver Charter by repealing the sections extending the franchise to non-resident electors.
D. THAT the Chief Election Officer institute a voluntary system of candidate profile statements for the 2005 civic election.
E. THAT the candidate profiles be distributed to households in the City at an approximate cost of $147,000, and that the necessary funds be added to City Clerk's Election Operating Budget commencing with the 2005 budget and recurring every third year;
F. THAT City Council request the Government of British Columbia to amend the Vancouver Charter to require the provision of candidate profiles in local elections.
G. THAT City Council request the Government of British Columbia to amend the Vancouver Charter to require that electoral organizations and independent candidates report all contributions on an annual basis, similar to federal and provincial reporting requirements.
H. THAT City Council request the Government of British Columbia to consult with Vancouver and other interested municipalities to design a system of restrictions on campaign contributions for municipal elections.
I. THAT City Council request the Government of British Columbia to consult with Vancouver and other interested municipalities to design a system of restrictions on campaign spending during municipal elections.
J. THAT City Council request the Government of British Columbia and the Government of Canada to institute a program of tax credits for municipal campaign or political contributions.
K. THAT City Council request the Government of British Columbia to amend the Vancouver Charter to permit multiple versions of randomized ballots.
L. THAT City Council request the Government of British Columbia to amend the Vancouver Charter to make it clear that the Park Board may be elected at large whether or not Council is elected from wards.
M. THAT City Council direct the City Clerk to investigate and report back on the following measures to make information at City Hall more open and accessible to the public:
1) posting candidates' campaign contribution declarations on the City's website;
2) providing citizens with photocopies of campaign contribution declarations;
3) posting City Councillors' financial disclosure statements on the city's website;
4) establishing a lobbyist registry modeled on federal and provincial requirements.Council requested to separate the components in the Motion for the vote.
PART A. THAT City Council request the Government of British Columbia to proceed expeditiously to review the requests adopted by Council as a result of consideration of the Administrative Report Vancouver Electoral Reform Commission Recommendations dated November 17, 2004, and, if necessary, commence a consultation with the City of Vancouver and other municipalities in the province about desirable changes to local election law in British Columbia.
PART B. THAT City Council request the Government of British Columbia to amend the Vancouver Charter to permit, at City Council's choice, a system of proportional representation.
AMENDMENT MOVED by Councillor Bass
THAT the following words be inserted to the end of B:
...or of single transferable vote.
AMENDMENT MOVED by Councillor Ladner
THAT the words "at City Council's choice" be replaced with the words:
"subject to approval by referendum"
POSTPONEMENT MOVED by Councillor Louie
THAT consideration of `B' be postponed, pending a report back from the City Clerk on other matters of electoral reform.
(Councillors Bass, Louis, Roberts and Woodsworth opposed)PART C. THAT City Council request the Government of British Columbia to amend the Vancouver Charter by repealing the sections extending the franchise to non-resident electors.
(Councillors Ladner, Sullivan and the Mayor opposed)PART D. THAT the Chief Election Officer institute a voluntary system of candidate profile statements for the 2005 civic election.
PART E. THAT the candidate profiles be distributed to households in the City at an approximate cost of $147,000, and that the necessary funds be added to City Clerk's Election Operating Budget commencing with the 2005 budget and recurring every third year;
LOST (Tie Vote)
(Councillors Ladner, Louie, Sullivan, Stevenson and the Mayor opposed)MOVED by Councillor Sullivan
E. THAT the candidate profiles be made available on the City's website and at community centres and libraries at an approximate cost of $36,000 and that the necessary funds be added to City Clerk's Election Operating Budget commencing with the 2005 budget and recurring every third year.
PART F. THAT City Council request the Government of British Columbia to amend the Vancouver Charter to require the provision of candidate profiles in local elections.
PART G. THAT City Council request the Government of British Columbia to amend the Vancouver Charter to require that electoral organizations and independent candidates report all contributions on an annual basis, similar to federal and provincial reporting requirements.
AMENDMENT MOVED by Councillor Sullivan
THAT the following words be added following the words "provincial reporting requirements:
"and that Council request all political organizations to voluntarily implement this for the previous election"
THAT G be further amended by adding the following words "and the previous ward referendum"
POSTPONEMENT MOVED by Councillor Louie
THAT consideration of G, with the proposed amendments, be postponed pending the report back from the City Clerk.
PART H. THAT City Council request the Government of British Columbia to consult with Vancouver and other interested municipalities to design a system of restrictions on campaign contributions for municipal elections.
PART I. THAT City Council request the Government of British Columbia to consult with Vancouver and other interested municipalities to design a system of restrictions on campaign spending during municipal elections.
PART J. THAT City Council request the Government of British Columbia and the Government of Canada to institute a program of tax credits for municipal campaign or political contributions.
PART K. THAT City Council request the Government of British Columbia to amend the Vancouver Charter to permit multiple versions of randomized ballots.
(Councillors Bass, Cadman, Ladner, Louie, Roberts, Stevenson, Sullivan, Woodsworth and the Mayor opposed)PART L. THAT City Council request the Government of British Columbia to amend the Vancouver Charter to make it clear that the Park Board may be elected at large whether or not Council is elected from wards.
PART M. THAT City Council direct the City Clerk to investigate and report back on the following measures to make information at City Hall more open and accessible to the public:
(1) posting candidates' campaign contribution declarations on the City's website;
(2) providing citizens with photocopies of campaign contribution declarations;
(3) posting City Councillors' financial disclosure statements on the city's website;
(4) establishing a lobbyist registry modeled on federal and provincial requirements.CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY
MOVED by Councillor Sullivan
N. THAT Council request the government of British Columbia to amend the Vancouver Charter so that only citizens can approve a change to the form of government, by a vote of 50% plus 1, and where a certain minimum of eligible electors vote.
POSTPONEMENT MOVED by Councillor Woodsworth
THAT consideration of N be postponed pending the report back by the City Clerk.
(Councillors Ladner, Stevenson and Sullivan opposed)MOVED by Councillor Sullivan
O. THAT the City Clerk be instructed to provide a list of rules and regulations around elections and referendums to all candidates.
(Councillors Bass, Cadman, Ladner, Louie, Louis, Roberts, Stevenson, Sullivan, Woodsworth and the Mayor opposed)13. Expansion of the Champlain Heights Community Centre
November 17, 2004 (File 8003)
A. THAT Council approve the following funding reallocations to the Champlain Heights Community Centre expansion project:
_ the reallocation of $70,634 from the Park Board General Facility Account;
_ the reallocation of $233,228 from the Park Board Malkin Bowl Redevelopment account, this funding to be approved in advance of the 2005 Park Board Capital Budget;bringing the total funding for this project to $1,005,634.
B. THAT Council allocate an additional $102,742 (to a project total of $661,366) to the daycare component of the Champlain Heights Community Centre project to accommodate a licensed 25-space out-of-school childcare centre and a 20-space licensed preschool for 80 children; source of funding to be the day care component of City-Wide DCL funding.
C. THAT the Champlain Heights Community Association be requested to make a gaming application for capital funds to offset the additional DCL expenditure.
14. Women's Task Force
November 12, 2004 (File 4102)MOVED by Councillor Woodsworth
A. THAT Council consider adoption of the three components of the recommended Interim Action Plan for Gender Equality for the City of Vancouver as outlined in A(i), A(ii) and A(iii).
(i) THAT Council approve the extension of the term of the Women's Task Force to July 2005;
(ii) THAT Council approve the vision, and values statements of the Women's Task Force;
(iii) THAT Council approve the "Interim Action Plan" described in the Administrative Report Women's Task Force dated November 12, 2004, to develop and implement a comprehensive Gender Equality Policy and Gender Equality Action Plan for the City of Vancouver; and
B. THAT Council approve a total budget of $60,000 to implement the Women's Task Force interim work plan reporting to the General Manager of Community Services, subject to 2005 budget considerations;
(i) FURTHER THAT $35,000 of the budget be used for the hiring of a consultant to assist the Women's Task Force in the development and implementation of the work outlined in the Interim Action Plan.
(ii) $25,000 of the budget will be applied towards operational cost related to the public participation and consultation process such as child care, hall rental, translation, information & notification etc. and a public event on International Women's Day in March 2005.
C. THAT Council instruct the Women's Task Force to report back on its accomplishments by the end of July 2005.
(Councillor Ladner opposed to B(i) and B(ii))
(Councillor Sullivan opposed to A(iii), B(i) and B(ii))15. Business License Hearing Panels for December 2 and 14, 2004
November 12, 2004 (File 2711-1)
THAT Council delegate the holding of two business license hearings presently scheduled for December 2, 2004 from 7:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. and December 14, 2004 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. to a panel of three Council Members, pursuant to Section 277.1 of the Vancouver Charter, as follows:
The business license hearings pursuant to Section 275 of the Vancouver Charter regarding referrals to Council by the Chief License Inspector for the year 2004 business licenses and the power to make a Council decision in relation to those hearings be delegated to:
December 2, 2004
Councillor Sam Sullivan, Chair
Councillor David Cadman
Councillor Anne Roberts
Councillor Ellen Woodsworth, Alternate
December 14, 2004
Councillor Raymond Louie, Chair
Councillor Fred Bass
Councillor Ellen Woodsworth
Councillor Tim Louis, AlternateShould any of the above Members of Council be unable to attend the hearings, the hearings and the power to make a Council decision in relation to those hearings be delegated to the remaining two Councillors and alternate Councillors.
1. General Office Use in the I-3 District Schedule
November 10, 2004 (File 5300)
MOVED by Councillor Sullivan
THAT application to amend the Zoning and Development By-law to:
i. add a definition for Call Centre in Section 2;
ii. clarify the intent of the I-3 District Schedule; and
iii. remove the 33% restriction on the floor area in General Office use in I-3;
NOT be referred to Public Hearing.
2. Text Amendment to the Parking By-law - Street Access
November 10, 2004 (File 113)
The Chair advised a request to speak on Policy Report P2 has been received. Council agreed to refer consideration of the report to the Standing Committee on City Services meeting on December 2, 2005.
3. Proposed Amendment to the Zoning and Development By-law to make Methadone Pharmacy a Conditional Use
November 18, 2004 (File 5301)
The Chair advised the Policy Report is being withdrawn at the request of staff.
MOVED by Councillor Cadman
THAT the Committee of the Whole rise and report.
MOVED by Councillor Woodsworth
SECONDED by Councillor Roberts
THAT the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted.
MOVED by Councillor Louis
SECONDED by Councillor Bass
THAT Council enact the by-laws listed on the agenda for this meeting as numbers 1 to 6 inclusive, and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign and seal the enacted by-laws.
1. A By-law to amend Building By-law No. 8057 regarding miscellaneous permit requirements (By-law No. 8954)
2. A By-law to designate certain real property as protected heritage property (2239 Stephens Street) (By-law No. 8955)
3. A By-law to designate certain real property as protected heritage property (2728 Pandora Street) (By-law No. 8956)
4. A By-law to designate certain real property to protected heritage property (2404 Carolina Street) (By-law No. 8957)
5. A By-law to amend By-law No. 7679 which amended Zoning and Development By-law No. 3575 by rezoning a certain area to CD-1 (201 Burrard Street) (By-law No. 8958)
6. A By-law to amend Coal Harbour Official Development Plan By-law No. 6754 (201 Burrard Street) (By-law No. 8959)
A. Administrative Motions
1. Establishing Road on the west side of Clark Drive at 6th Avenue, adjacent to 1211-1275 East 6th Avenue for the installation of a left turn bay (File 5753)
The Chair advised the Motion has been withdrawn at the request of staff.
B. Motions on Notice
1. Fitness 20 by 2010 (File 4209)
MOVED by Councillor Ladner
SECONDED by Mayor CampbellWHEREAS:
1. The City of Vancouver and the Resort Municipality of Whistler will play host to the World's largest winter sporting event in 2010, and are partnering with 2010 LegaciesNow through their Hosting BC program.
2. The Province of British Columbia has committed to increasing physical activity levels in BC by 20% by 2010 and 2010 LegaciesNow is encouraging all municipalities to become Active Communities and accept the 20 by 2010 challenge for their citizens and employees.
3. Obesity levels amongst our youth are becoming alarmingly high, adult obesity rates have increased by more than 2.5 times in the past decades and increased physical activity can significantly reduce the risk of many illnesses such as breast cancer, heart disease, strokes and Type 2 Diabetes.
4. The City of Vancouver has developed an action plan to increase physical activity for our youth, and is committed to making City employees more active through our Fit City initiative.
5. The benefits of increased physical activity can lead to a more productive and healthier citizenry and work force as confirmed by the Canadian Medical Association's challenge to all provincial jurisdictions to increase physical activity by at least 10% by 2010.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City of Vancouver be the first municipal jurisdiction to join the 20 by 2010 challenge and work with the Provincial Government and 2010 LegaciesNow to help meet the target of increasing physical activity amongst its citizens and employees by 20% by 2010.
THEREFORE BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED THAT a copy of this motion be forwarded to each municipality in the province in order that they can join the City of Vancouver in making our population more physically active by 2010.
AMENDMENT MOVED by Councillor Bass
THAT the following resolve be added to the motion:
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT large employers make an assessment of the level of physical activity of their employees.
(Councillors Cadman, Ladner, Louie, Roberts, Stevenson, Sullivan, Woodsworth and the Mayor opposed)AMENDMENT MOVED by Councillor Bass
THAT the first resolve in the resolution be amended by deleting the words "and employees".
(Councillors Cadman, Ladner, Louie, Louis, Roberts, Stevenson, Sullivan, Woodsworth and the Mayor opposed)The amendments having lost, the Motion was put and CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
2. National Child Care Program (File 4102)
The following Motion reflects a deletion to the Motion on Notice.
MOVED by Councillor Roberts
SECONDED by Councillor Woodsworth
WHEREAS Vancouver City Council unanimously voted to urge Prime Minister Paul Martin to keep his election promise to establish a national child care program that is committed to standards of quality, universality, accessibility and developmental programming;
AND WHEREAS the City of Vancouver called on Mr. Martin's government to begin the allocation of the promised funding of $5 billion over five years in the 2004-2005 budget years;
AND WHEREAS Vancouver City Council has highlighted the problems for the city that are the result of the B.C. government using federal child care dollars to replace provincial funding, reducing child care subsidies to low income families, and allocating early childhood education and child care dollars to the education component to the detriment of the child care system;
AND WHEREAS a recent OECD concluded that Canada's child care system is a failure, calling it fragmented, expensive and often providing little more than babysitting services though costing parents 20 per cent or more of their income;
AND WHEREAS a recent student showed that child care workers are paid only half the average wage in Canada;
AND WHEREAS nine out of 10 Canadians believe a national child care system is essential to the nation's prosperity;
AND WHEREAS government-operated and funded child care system that is affordable and accessible to all children similar to the $7/day child care system now operating in Quebec promotes women's equality in the workforce, in school or in job training;
AND WHEREAS the federal Minister of Social Development Ken Dryden, after meeting with his provincial counterparts in November to negotiate the terms of a federal-provincial agreement on child care, refused to commit to a universal system, government support for primarily non-profit and licensed care, or accountability mechanisms enshrined in legislation;
AND WHEREAS Mr. Hagen issued a news release after the meeting that said that "the agreed upon principles respond to B.C.'s commitment to choice for families, and to targeting families most in need...";
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, THAT the City of Vancouver, out of concern that an agreement reached at the next meeting in January could fail to include principles fundamental to a good child care system, urges Mr. Dryden and provincial Minister of Children and Family Development, Stan Hagen, to ensure that a national child care system is based on:
1) Universality: Like Medicare and the Kindergarten to Grade 12 education system, child care should be a universal system, not only targeted to particular groups. All children and all families would benefit from a quality child care system;
2) Accountability: The federal government must ensure that federal money is spent on quality, licensed child care and must require provinces to expand and improve child care - not used to replace provincial funding. Opening the books to public inspection is not good enough. Accountability mechanisms must be included in a legislative framework;
3) Public funding and operation: Federal money should be spent on expanding non-profit child care, not expanding commercial child care centres where profits are made at the expense of the quality of care for children and to the detriment of child care workers' salaries. Quality care depends on a well-trained and well-paid work force;
4) Legislation: The terms of a national child care program should be debated and voted on in public. Legislation offers protection against dismantling by successive governments. Any legislation should also respect Quebec's autonomy and already demonstrated leadership in providing a model child care system.THEREFORE, BE IT ALSO RESOLVED, THAT this resolution also be distributed to the FCM and the UBCM.
Council requested to separate the components of the first resolve in the Motion on Notice.
MOTION (1) Universality: Like Medicare and the Kindergarten to Grade 12 education system, child care should be a universal system, not only targeted to particular groups. All children and all families would benefit from a quality child care system;
MOTION (2) Accountability: The federal government must ensure that federal money is spent on quality, licensed child care and must require provinces to expand and improve child care - not used to replace provincial funding. Opening the books to public inspection is not good enough. Accountability mechanisms must be included in a legislative framework;
MOTION (3) Public funding and operation: Federal money should be spent on expanding non-profit child care, not expanding commercial child care centres where profits are made at the expense of the quality of care for children and to the detriment of child care workers' salaries. Quality care depends on a well-trained and well-paid work force;
(Councillors Ladner and Sullivan opposed)MOTION (4) Legislation: The terms of a national child care program should be debated and voted on in public. Legislation offers protection against dismantling by successive governments. Any legislation should also respect Quebec's autonomy and already demonstrated leadership in providing a model child care system.
WHEREAS Vancouver City Council unanimously voted to urge Prime Minister Paul Martin to keep his election promise to establish a national child care program that is committed to standards of quality, universality, accessibility and developmental programming;
AND WHEREAS the City of Vancouver called on Mr. Martin's government to begin the allocation of the promised funding of $5 billion over five years in the 2004-2005 budget years;
AND WHEREAS Vancouver City Council has highlighted the problems for the city that are the result of the B.C. government using federal child care dollars to replace provincial funding, reducing child care subsidies to low income families, and allocating early childhood education and child care dollars to the education component to the detriment of the child care system;
AND WHEREAS a recent OECD concluded that Canada's child care system is a failure, calling it fragmented, expensive and often providing little more than babysitting services though costing parents 20 per cent or more of their income;
AND WHEREAS a recent student showed that child care workers are paid only half the average wage in Canada;
AND WHEREAS nine out of 10 Canadians believe a national child care system is essential to the nation's prosperity;
AND WHEREAS government-operated and funded child care system that is affordable and accessible to all children similar to the $7/day child care system now operating in Quebec promotes women's equality in the workforce, in school or in job training;
AND WHEREAS the federal Minister of Social Development Ken Dryden, after meeting with his provincial counterparts in November to negotiate the terms of a federal-provincial agreement on child care, refused to commit to a universal system, government support for primarily non-profit and licensed care, or accountability mechanisms enshrined in legislation;
AND WHEREAS Mr. Hagen issued a news release after the meeting that said that "the agreed upon principles respond to B.C.'s commitment to choice for families, and to targeting families most in need...";
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, THAT the City of Vancouver, out of concern that an agreement reached at the next meeting in January could fail to include principles fundamental to a good child care system, urges Mr. Dryden and provincial Minister of Children and Family Development, Stan Hagen, to ensure that a national child care system is based on:
1) Universality: Like Medicare and the Kindergarten to Grade 12 education system, child care should be a universal system, not only targeted to particular groups. All children and all families would benefit from a quality child care system;
2) Accountability: The federal government must ensure that federal money is spent on quality, licensed child care and must require provinces to expand and improve child care - not used to replace provincial funding. Opening the books to public inspection is not good enough. Accountability mechanisms must be included in a legislative framework;
3) Public funding and operation: Federal money should be spent on expanding non-profit child care, not expanding commercial child care centres where profits are made at the expense of the quality of care for children and to the detriment of child care workers' salaries. Quality care depends on a well-trained and well-paid work force;
4) Legislation: The terms of a national child care program should be debated and voted on in public. Legislation offers protection against dismantling by successive governments. Any legislation should also respect Quebec's autonomy and already demonstrated leadership in providing a model child care system.THEREFORE, BE IT ALSO RESOLVED, THAT this resolution also be distributed to the FCM and the UBCM.
1. Leave of Absence - Councillor Stevenson (File 1254)
MOVED by Councillor Ladner
SECONDED by Councillor Louie
THAT Councillor Stevenson be granted Leave of Absence due to Civic Business for Thursday, December 2, 2004.
2. Leave of Absence - Councillor Ladner (File 1254)
MOVED by Councillor Stevenson
SECONDED by Councillor Louie
THAT Councillor Ladner be granted Leave of Absence due to Civic Business for Thursday, December 2, 2004.
The Council adjourned at 7:10 p.m.
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