
November 3, 2004



Hugh McLean


Phone No.:



RTS No.:



CC File No.:



Meeting Date:

November 16, 2004


Vancouver City Council


Director of Current Planning


Heritage Designation - 2239 Stephens Street and 2404 Carolina Street

The General Manager of Community Services RECOMMENDS approval of Recommendations A, B, C and D.

Heritage Policies and Guidelines state, in part, that:
The City's long-term goal is to protect through voluntary designation as many resources on the Vancouver Heritage Register as possible.

This report seeks Council's approval for the designation of two houses as protected heritage properties under the Vancouver Charter: 2239 Stephens Street and 2404 Carolina Street, each listed in the "B" category on the Vancouver Heritage Register. The building owners are requesting the heritage designations on a voluntary basis as part of the Vancouver Heritage Foundation's Restore It and True Colours programs for 2004.

The Vancouver Heritage Foundation is nearing completion of its second round of annual grants for its Restore It program, and its sixth round of annual grants for its True Colours program. The Foundation provides funding and expertise to homeowners for restoring and painting the outside of heritage homes in a manner authentic to the period in which the house was built. Municipal heritage designation is one of the Foundation's conditions of receiving either of its grants. 2239 Stephens Street is a recipient of this year's Restore It grant, and was subsequently awarded a True Colours grant, while 2404 Carolina Street is a recipient of the True Colours grant. As a condition of receiving this funding from the Foundation the owners are now seeking Council approval to designate.

Heritage Value: The house at 2239 Stephens Street, identified as the Lukov House, is listed in the "B" category on the Vancouver Heritage Register (Site Map, Appendix A), (Photograph, Appendix B). This two storey wood frame house has architectural significance as a good example of an early Craftsman style house built at the height of Vancouver's pre-World War I building boom. It features a full width front porch with heavy support posts and a paired gable roof with decorative knee brackets in the front placed above the porch. The Restore It grant has assisted with repairs to siding and restoration of windows. As a recipient of the True Colours grant, the house has been painted in a colour scheme authentic to its period.

The house at 2404 Carolina Street, identified as the Percy House, is also listed in the "B" category on the Vancouver Heritage Register (Site Map, Appendix A), (Photograph, Appendix B). This two and a half storey wood frame house located in Mount Pleasant has architectural and historical significance. Built in 1910 by contractor/carpenter Stephen Percy, it is a good example of a transitional Victorian-Edwardian house with an imposing wrap-around turret at the corner. It is one of the earliest surviving buildings of the neighbourhood. Prior to its painting under True Colours, the cladding had weathered to the point where virtually no colour was discernable, and the house has now been painted in an authentic colour scheme.

Compatibility with Community Planning Objectives: The house at 2239 Stephens Street is located in the RT-8 Zoning District. Heritage designation of 2239 Stephens Street supports the RT-8 District Schedule intent to encourage the retention and restoration of existing buildings to maintain a style and form consistent with the area.

The house at 2404 Carolina Street is located in the RM-4 Zoning District. Likewise, heritage designation of 2404 Carolina Street supports the intent of the RM-4 District Schedule to encourage a variety of dwelling types including the retention of existing buildings.

Zoning Considerations: The houses at 2239 Stephens Street and 2404 Carolina Street are currently occupied as single family dwellings. This is permitted under the respective zoning. There is no development application for either site.

An important long-term heritage policy of the City is to protect heritage resources through voluntary designation. The owners of 2239 Stephens Street and 2404 Carolina Street have agreed to the heritage designation of these houses as a condition of participating in the Restore It and True Colours programs administered by the Vancouver Heritage Foundation. Designation will protect these heritage houses from inappropriate alterations and demolition in the future. It is therefore recommended that Council designate 2239 Stephens Street and 2404 Carolina Street as Protected Heritage Properties.

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Site Maps

