

At the Regular Council meeting held November 2, 2004, the following Motion was submitted by Councillor Green. Councillor Louis called Notice under Section 5.4 (c) of the Procedure By-law. The Motion was placed on the Agenda for the next Regular Council meeting to be held November 4, 2004, immediately following the Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets meeting.

Support of Film Industry

MOVER: Councillor Green
SECONDER: Councillor Woodsworth

WHEREAS the City of Vancouver has committed to retain and enhance jobs in Vancouver; and

WHEREAS no other competing jurisdiction in Canada or the US requires the film industry to pay goods and services taxes; and

WHEREAS the film industry pays great dividends to the City and Province.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City actively lobby the Province of BC to eliminate P.S.T. on the film industry and that staff report back on ways in which the City may support this important industry.


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