A. THAT Council approve adoption of the Energy Efficiency Purchasing Policy as follows:


The City Manager recommends approval of the energy efficiency purchasing policy in A.


There is no applicable Council Policy.


Effective immediately all purchases of equipment, supplies, and appliances will require compliance with the Energy Star and NRCOEE recommendations and guidelines. We recommend that Council ask the Vancouver Parks Board, Vancouver Public Library, and the Vancouver Police Department to implement this policy where applicable to their needs.


Council request of December 2, 2003 asked staff to report back on opportunities to establish an Energy Efficient Purchasing Policy and in the interim purchase Energy Star rated equipment and appliances where applicable.

An energy efficiency purchasing policy supports other initiatives with respect to conservation and the environmental stewardship, such as the Corporate Climate Change Action Plan. The purchasing policy will help the City meet its corporate greenhouse gas reduction target of 20% below 1990 levels by 2010.

The City staff researched other organizations for best practices in terms of energy efficiency and noted the common recommendations to draw on the Energy Star® and Natural Resources Canada's Office of Energy Efficiency guidelines. We did not find policies which referred to other standards related to energy efficient equipment, supplies, or appliances.

This policy would apply to a wide spectrum of products including, but not limited to:

Appliances, HVAC equipment, electric motors, office equipment, lighting and signage, transformers, and consumer electronics.


The benefits of using Energy Star and or NRCOEE are their acceptance in the market place by manufacturers as a certified standard and its support by BC Hydro and government-sponsored marketing programs. Further, it provides a level of assurance that any purchases will contribute to energy conservation and lower operational costs. Most leading manufacturers have adopted the Energy Star and or the NRCOEE guidelines and generally equipment is readily available. The standards are reviewed by these organizations to ensure standards reflect the current energy efficient measures.

The criterion will be included in all materials specifications involving the purchase of supplies or equipment to the City of Vancouver Branches and departments.

Financial implications

With the wide acceptance of the aforementioned standards, there are negligible financial implications for including these specifications in all equipment and supply purchases.


This policy supports the Corporate Climate Change Plan by ensuring we optimize the consumption of energy wherever possible.

Implementation Plan

Purchasing Services will develop the policy and circulate it to all Branches and departments for compliance related to equipment, supply, and appliance purchases.


The recommendations of this report will provide an effective management of the requirements for the purchase of equipment, supplies, and appliances to be inclusive of energy efficiency standards to reduce operating costs and contribute to environmental programs.

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