Vancouver City Council |
October 19, 2004
Carol Ann Young
Phone No.:
RTS No.:
CC File No.:
Meeting Date:
November 2, 2004
Vancouver City Council
Directors of Social Planning and Facilities Design & Management
Capital Allocation for Shannon Day Care Centre Playground and Canopy
THAT Council instruct staff to tender the project work necessary to upgrade the Shannon Day Care playground and canopy as detailed in this report at an estimated cost of $110,000; source of funding to be $30,000 allocated in the 2002 Capital Budget and $80,000 as an advance from the Capital Reserve to be repaid from the 2005 Capital Budget allocation for City-owned Social and Cultural Facility Maintenance/Replacement.
The General Manager of Community Services RECOMMENDS approval of the foregoing.
Council approved a funding allocation of $3,250,000 for City owned Social Services and Cultural Facilities within the 2003-2005 Capital Budget.
The purpose of this report is to seek Council approval on the necessary funding to replace the playground and canopy at Shannon Day Care located in a City owned community amenity space at 1200 West 73rd Avenue.
In the mid 70's, Council secured an amenity bonus space in the Airport Square Complex at 1200 West 73rd for the purpose of licensed childcare. The lease was for a 99-year period between the City of Vancouver and Hudson-Marien Holdings Ltd. The Shannon Day Care Society entered into an agreement with the City to operate a 25-space licensed childcare program for children ages 30 months to school age, which serves many low and moderate income families as well as students and new comers to Vancouver.
As one of the first amenity bonus spaces, the lease arrangement placed the primary responsibility for maintenance, upkeep and replacement costs on the non-profit society. Childcare programs in City owned facilities today are financially supported by the City's commitment to maintain and repair facility deficiencies.
The Shannon Day Care Society is a stand alone parent run non-profit board. Like many parent run stand alone childcare centres, the board has been challenged to maintain a break even operating budget. Surplus funding to maintain and upgrade the facilities is generally non-existent. As a result, the program's interior and outdoor play space have deteriorated significantly, which has created safety challenges and barriers to encouraging new families to enrol in the program.
Community Care Facilities Licensing and City staff have reviewed the facility to determine upgrading required to maintain a basic level and quality of service. The play area is on a 2,300 sq.ft. concrete roof deck above the parkade for the Complex. It is surrounded by a deteriorating chain link fence and furnished with worn-out play structures and awnings over the covered play area. Upgrading improvements will: add soft decking material; replace the climbing structure, small play equipment and fencing; and refurbish the awning play houses and screening. The preliminary cost of these proposed upgrades has been estimated at $110,000 in 2004 dollars. To date, Council has approved $30,000 for upgrades in the 2002 Capital Plan.
Funding for the Social and Cultural Facilities component of the 2003-2005 Capital Plan provides for maintenance and upgrading of City-owned and non City-owned social, cultural and daycare facilities, and included:
· $600,000 for other daycare initiatives.
· $1.6 million for social and cultural facilities, including funding for City-owned facilities and for continuation of a capital grant program for facilities owned by others.DISCUSSION
Shannon Day Care Society is located in the Marpole area and is one of four programs serving children ages 3 to 5 years old. This is a much needed service for this area. In order to revitalize this chidcare space and restore it to a safe and inviting environment for children, a retrofit of the childcare playground and outdoor area, is necessary. Such a retrofit would also improve the society's opportunities to attract new families to the program.
Should Council approve this allocation, the City's Facilities Department would oversee the tendering and reconstruction of the playground.
A preliminary assessment of the work required for a basic upgrade of the play area is estimated at $110,000 in 2004 dollars. The childcare program has applied to a number of potential funding organizations to secure a financial contribution to the playground upgrades (see APPENDIX A). To date, the society has not had any confirmation of grant approvals. Given the serious deterioration of the outdoor space at Shannon Day Care, staff are seeking Council approval for the full replacement costs. Should grant funds be approved in the interim, the City's contribution would be adjusted accordingly.
Council previously approved allocation of $30,000 from the 2002 Capital Plan for Shannon Day Care Centre. An additional $80,000 is required to complete renovations proposed from the 2005 plan provided from Capital Reserve.
Staff recommend Council's approval of up to $80,000 for the retrofit of the outdoor play space and playground equipment at Shannon Day Care.
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