Vancouver City Council |
At the Regular Council meeting on Tuesday, September 28, 2004, Council postponed the following motion to a Regular Council meeting on Thursday, September 30, 2004.
1. Point Grey Road (File 5762)
MOVED by Councillor Ladner
SECONDED by Councillor Bass
WHEREAS the Vancouver seawall ends at Kitsilano Beach and a further waterfront walkway picks up at Jericho Beach, with only a narrow sidewalk along Point Grey Road connecting these two beaches;
AND WHEREAS many cyclists, walkers, joggers and bladers crowd that sidewalk as they move between these two beaches, including recreational walkers, marathon runners in training, commuters to downtown and UBC and competitive cyclists, in spite of the official bike route along 3rd Ave.;
AND WHEREAS the narrow right of way along some sections of Point Grey Road causes cyclists to impede automobiles, or ride on the sidewalk, sometimes crowding walkers and runners into the street, creating a safety hazard;
AND WHEREAS the connection between these two beaches is a key missing link in Vancouver's extensive waterfront walkway and bikeway network and is showcased annually as part of the Vancouver International Marathon route and the Scotiabank Half Marathon route;
AND WHEREAS Point Grey Road is a secondary arterial through an exclusively residential area including several pocket parks and beach access paths, with a posted 30 km speed limit acknowledging longstanding safety concerns from residents who have to back out into traffic;
AND WHEREAS an alternative major arterial along 4th Ave. between Alma and McDonald Streets is available four blocks south and has unused capacity for automobiles;
AND WHEREAS Council policy is to give preference to pedestrians and cyclists over automobiles;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT City staff investigate dedicating one lane on Point Grey Road to two-way non-motorized travel between Alma St. and McDonald St., and report back to Council on a timetable, costs and financing options, with due consideration to:
· Safety for pedestrians, cyclists, runners, residents
· Local traffic mobility
· Consultation with residents and citizens who will be affected, including running and cycling organizations
· Protecting parking along Point Grey Road wherever feasible
· Ultimately creating a continuous greenway between the Burrard Bridge and Jericho Beach
Other possible solutions to achieve protection for non-motorized travel along this routePostponed
POSTPONEMENT MOVED by Councillor Green
SECONDED by Councillor Bass
THAT consideration of the Motion be postponed to a Regular Council meeting on Thursday, September 30, 2004.