Vancouver City Council |
September 10, 2004
Janice MacKenzie
Phone No.:
RTS No.:
CC File No.:
Meeting Date:
September 30, 2004
Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets
Advisory Committee on Disability Issues
Funding Request: International Downtown Association Annual Conference
THAT Vancouver City Council approve funding in the amount of $375 to Paul Tubbe, Chair, Advisory Committee on Disability Issues, to cover costs to present at the International Downtown Association Annual Conference; October 1 - 5, 2004. Source of funds to be City Clerk's Department 2004 Operating Budget.
The City Manager recommends approval of the foregoing, noting the City Clerk's 2004 Operating Budget contains a total of $2,000 to cover course and conference reimbursement for members of all advisory committees to Council. At present, there are more than ten such committees. As a rule of thumb, each committee is allotted $200 each year to cover courses and conference attendance.
While the request of the Advisory Committee on Disability Issues exceeds the individual committee allotment of $200, the conference does represent an excellent opportunity for the Chair to enhance the Committee's knowledge in areas relevant to the mandate of the Committee.
There is no applicable Council Policy.
To seek Vancouver City Council approval of funding to allow Paul Tubbe, Chair, Advisory Committee on Disability Issues, to present at the International Downtown Association Annual Conference; October 1 - 5, 2004.
The Advisory Committee on Disability Issues was established by Vancouver City Council on December 11, 2003, as an advisory body. The mandate of the Committee is to work to enhance access to City services for persons with disabilities, and to identify and suggest solutions to gaps and barriers that impede their full participation in all aspects of City life.
Terms of Reference
The Committee:
· advises on matters which affect persons with disabilities, including, but not limited to:
o consulting with City staff during the design stage of planning to ensure that accessibility and the needs of people with disabilities are addressed in facilities design and renovation;
o providing City staff with information on issues related to disabilities - e.g., taxi cabs, transportation;
o providing input on disability issues for inclusion in Council reports - e.g., recent changes to building bylaw;
o working collaboratively with staff on initiatives/projects to enhance accessibility for people with disabilities - e.g., upcoming initiative to make Vancouver the most Disability Friendly City possible;
o advising on issues related to accessibility for the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Games;· contributes to City programs and policies to ensure that the needs of persons with disabilities are considered;
· views City programs and policies through a variety of lenses, including gender, racial origins, income levels, sexual orientation, age and levels of ability.
· works co-operatively with other civic agencies whose activities affect persons with disabilities;
· engages in outreach to the community of persons with disabilities to disseminate information and encourage participation;
· acts as a conduit for feedback from persons with disabilities on civic matters affecting them;
· acts as a resource for staff doing public involvement processes involving persons with disabilities;
· supports groups endeavouring to initiate and develop projects to assist persons with disabilities;
· attends City-sponsored public forums to provide information on City programs and receive public input on disability issues.Paul Tubbe, Chair, Advisory Committee on Disability Issues, was a member of the Sidewalk Task Force (STF) which was established by Vancouver City Council in July 2000. The STF was comprised of representatives from a range of interest groups and citizen volunteers appointed by Vancouver City Council. The terms of reference of the STF follow:
"This Task Force shall serve as a forum to bring together the various groups, agencies, and departments to discuss and coordinate their efforts to improve the safety, comfort, and convenience of pedestrians in the City of Vancouver.
The Task Force shall discuss a strategy for ensuring a high quality pedestrian space is provided, with street furniture appropriate to permit safe and comfortable passage, and which provides interest and excitement to the pedestrian environment.
Prior to completion of its term, the Task Force shall prepare a report to Council."
Subsequently, the STF presented its final report to Vancouver City Council on June 25, 2002. Since Council's acceptance of that report, the Chair - on behalf of the Advisory Committee on Disability Issues - has collaborated with City staff and the South Granville Business Improvement Association towards implementation of the report's recommendations.
The Chair of the Advisory Committee on Disability Issues has been asked to present the report and its recommendations to the delegates at the International Downtown Association (IDA) Annual Conference in a roundtable discussion on Pedestrian Environments. He will also be facilitating the discussion. This represents an opportunity to influence others in designing and building an inclusive city where citizens of all abilities may participate.
The IDA is a world leader and champion for vital and livable urban centers. Through its network of committed individuals, its body of knowledge, and its capacity to nurture community-building partnerships, the IDA is a guiding force in creating healthy and dynamic centers that anchor the well being of towns, cities and regions throughout the world.
The 50th Annual IDA Conference will be held October 1 - 5, 2004, in Vancouver. Eight-hundred delegates are expected to attend.
At its meeting on September 9, 2004, the Advisory Committee on Disability Issues discussed the Chair's participation at the IDA Annual Conference and expressed support for this initiative. The Committee therefore approved the following:
THAT Vancouver City Council approve funding in the amount of $375.00 to Paul Tubbe, Chair, Advisory Committee on Disability Issues, to cover costs to present at the International Downtown Association Annual Conference; October 1 - 5, 2004.
The Advisory Committee on Disability Issues is seeking approval of funding in the amount of $375 to Paul Tubbe, Chair, in order for him to present at the IDA Annual Conference: October 1 - 5, 2004.
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