Vancouver City Council |
These minutes will be adopted at the Regular Council meeting on October 5, 2004. |
SEPTEMBER 28, 2004
A Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of Vancouver was held on Tuesday, September 28, 2004, at 2:00 p.m., in the Council Chamber, Third Floor, City Hall.
Mayor Larry Campbell
Councillor Fred Bass
Councillor David Cadman
Councillor Jim Green
Councillor Peter Ladner
Councillor Raymond Louie
Councillor Tim Louis
Councillor Anne Roberts
Councillor Tim Stevenson
Councillor Sam Sullivan
Councillor Ellen WoodsworthCITY MANAGER'S OFFICE:
Judy Rogers, City Manager
Syd Baxter, City Clerk
Tarja Tuominen, Meeting CoordinatorPRAYER
The proceedings in the Council Chamber were opened with a prayer read by the City Clerk.
The presentation by Jean-Yves Defay, Consul General of France for Western Canada, will be rescheduled.
The presentation by Woody Sparks (aka Rolf Kempf) will be rescheduled.
MOVED by Councillor Bass
SECONDED by Councillor Cadman
THAT Council will go into a meeting later this day which is closed to the public, pursuant to Section 165.2(1) of the Vancouver Charter, to discuss matters related to paragraph(s):
(a) personal information about an identifiable individual who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee or agent of the city or another position appointed by the city;
(e) the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements, if the Council considers that disclosure might reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the city;
(i) the receiving of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose;CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY
1. Regular Council (Transportation and Traffic) - September 14, 2004
MOVED by Councillor Bass
SECONDED by Councillor Cadman
THAT the foregoing Minutes be approved.
2. Regular Council - September 14, 2004
MOVED by Councillor Bass
SECONDED by Councillor Roberts
THAT the foregoing Minutes be approved, with the following amendment:
Page 19, Enquiry 4 - Traffic Signs for Cyclist Safety : Councillor Bass referred to recent calls from residents regarding Point Grey Road and requested staff....
(italics denote amendment)CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY
3. Regular Council (City Services and Budgets) - September 16, 2004
MOVED by Councillor Louis
SECONDED by Councillor Woodsworth
THAT the foregoing Minutes be approved.
4. Regular Council (Planning and Environment) - September 16, 2004
MOVED by Councillor Roberts
SECONDED by Councillor Woodsworth
THAT the foregoing Minutes be approved.
MOVED by Councillor Louis
SECONDED by Councillor Louie
THAT this Council resolve itself into Committee of the Whole, Mayor Campbell in the Chair.
MOVED by Councillor Bass
THAT Council adopt Administrative Reports A3, A5 and A9, on consent.
1. Woodward's - 101 West Hastings Street: Request for Proposals - Developer Section (File 8104)
Michael Flanigan, Project Manager provided a Report Reference on the results of the request for proposals for the developer section for the redevelopment of the Woodward's site at 101 West Hastings Street. He presented an evaluation of the submitted proposals and a rationale for the Woodward's Steering Committee's recommendation to have the City enter into negotiations with Westbank to be the Woodward's Project Developer, and described the next phase of the project.
A Special Council meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday, September 29, 2004 at 2:00 p.m. in the council Chamber to hear from speakers on the Steering Committee's recommendation. Following the hearing of speakers, Council will consider the recommendation of the Steering Committee contained in the Administrative Report Woodward's - 101 West Hastings Street: Request for Proposals - Developer Section dated September 20, 2004.
Also before Council was a Memorandum dated September 15, 2004, from the Gastown Historic Area Planning Committee providing comments on the Administrative Report.
MOVED by Councillor Woodsworth
THAT Council postpone questions to staff on the developer selection to the Special Council meeting on Wednesday, September 29, 2004.
(Councillor Sullivan opposed)COMMUNICATIONS
1. 2005 Council Meetings Schedule (File 1253)
MOVED by Councillor Woodsworth
THAT the following schedule of Council meetings for 2005 be approved:
9:30 am (Tuesday)
Standing Committee on Transportation & Traffic (T&T)
9:30 am (Thursday
Standing Committee on City Services & Budgets (CS&B)
9:30 am or 7:30 pm (Tuesday or Thursday)
Business License Hearing
2:00 pm (Tuesday)
Regular Council
2:00 pm (Thursday)
Standing Committee on Planning & Environment (P&E)
7:30 pm (Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday)
Public Hearing; Court of Revision
Business License Hearing (9:30 am)
T&T Committee; Regular Council
Business License Hearing (9:30 am)
CS&B and P&E Committees; Public Hearing (7:30 pm)
Business License Hearing (9:30 am); Regular Council
CS&B and P&E Committees
Court of Revision - BIA (7:30 pm)
Business License Hearing (9:30 am)
T&T Committee; Regular Council; Public Hearing (7:30 pm)
Court of Revision - Eng (7:30 pm)
CS&B and P&E Committees; Business License Hearing (7:30 pm)
Business License Hearing (9:30 am); Regular Council
CS&B and P&E Committees
Business License Hearing (9:30 am); Regular Council
CS&B and P&E Committees; Public Hearing (7:30 pm)
Skip (Spring Vacation, March 21-29; Good Friday, March 25; Easter Monday, March 28)
T&T Committee; Regular Council
CS&B and P&E Committees; Business License Hearing (7:30 pm)
Business License Hearing (9:30 am); Regular Council; Public Hearing (7:30 pm)
CS&B and P&E Committees
Business License Hearing (9:30 am)
T&T Committee; Regular Council
CS&B and P&E Committees; Business License Hearing (7:30 pm)
Business License Hearing (9:30 am); Regular Council
CS&B and P&E Committees; Public Hearing (7:30 pm)
Skip (Victoria Day, May 23)
Business License Hearing (9:30 am)
T&T Committee; Regular Council
CS&B and P&E Committees; Business License Hearing (7:30 pm)
Skip (FCM in St. John's, Nfld, June 3-6)
Court of Revision - Eng (7:30 pm)
Business License Hearing (9:30 am); Regular Council
CS&B and P&E Committees; Public Hearing (7:30 pm)
Business License Hearing (9:30 am)
T&T Committee; Regular Council; Business License Hearing (7:30 pm)
CS&B and P&E Committees
Skip (Canada Day, July 1)
Business License Hearing (9:30 am)
Business License Hearing (9:30 am); Regular Council
CS&B and P&E Committees; Public Hearing (7:30 pm)
T&T Committee; Regular Council; Business License Hearing (7:30 pm)
CS&B and P&E Committees
Summer Recess (BC Day, August 1)
Skip (Labour Day: September 5)
Business License Hearing (9:30 am); Regular Council
Business License Hearing (9:30 am)
CS&B and P&E Committees; Public Hearing (7:30 pm)
T&T Committee; Regular Council
CS&B and P&E Committees; Business License Hearing (7:30 pm)
Skip (UBCM in Vancouver, September 26-30)
Business License Hearing (9:30 am); Regular Council
CS&B and P&E Committees; Public Hearing (7:30 pm)
Skip (Thanksgiving Day: October 10)
T&T Committee; Regular Council
CS&B and P&E Committees; Business License Hearing (7:30 pm)
Business License Hearing (9:30 am)
Business License Hearing (9:30 am); Regular Council
Court of Revision - Eng (7:30 pm)
CS&B and P&E Committees
Skip (Remembrance Day: November 11)
Skip (Local Government Election, November 19)
Regular Council
Inaugural Council
T&T Committee; Regular Council; Public Hearing (7:30 pm)
CS&B and P&E Committees
Skip (Christmas)
1. Sport Event Hosting
September 2, 2004 (File 4201/2001)
MOVED by Councillor Woodsworth
A. THAT Council approve a $100,000 commitment, $50,000 in 2004 and $50,000 in 2005, to partner with the BC HostingNow program, source of funds to be from the Special Projects component of the 2004 Operating Budget allocation for Olympic Initiatives.
B. THAT Council authorize the City Manager to designate a staff representative to sit on the BC HostingNow selection and awarding Committee to participate in the decision-making process for this provincial program.
C. THAT the Mayor write to the Mayor of the Municipality of Whistler to request their similar support in this partnership endeavour leading up to the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Games.
D. THAT Council direct the General Manager of Engineering Services and the Director Office of Cultural Affairs to include consideration of Sporting Events that would not qualify under the HostingNow program in the upcoming report regarding Civic Events.
2. Vancouver Food Policy Council Liaisons
August 30, 2004 (File 3001)
MOVED by Councillor Cadman
THAT Councillors Ladner and Louis be appointed as liaisons to the Vancouver Food Policy Council.
3. Contract 2004-02 Canoe Creek Sewer Separation Recommendation for Award
September 2, 2004 (File 1805)
A. THAT Contract No. 2004-02 (Canoe Creek Sewer Separation Phase 1) be awarded to the low bidder meeting the contract requirements, Pedre Contractors Ltd., for a total tender price of $3,634,443.30 (GST included); with partial funding provided by both the federal and provincial governments under the Canada-British Columbia Infrastructure Program.
B. THAT the General Manager of Engineering Services, in consultation with the Director of Legal Services, be authorized to enter into a construction services contract with Pedre Contractors Ltd. for Contract No. 2004-02, Canoe Creek Sewer Separation Phase 1.
C. THAT the bid bonds of the unsuccessful tenderers be returned upon execution of the construction services contract.
4. Security Alarm System By-law No. 7111 Amendments/False Alarm Reduction Program Business Proposal
September 8, 2004 (File 113)
MOVED by Councillor Bass
A. THAT Council approve the recommendations for amendments to Security Alarm System Bylaw No. 7111 as detailed in the Administrative Report Security Alarm System By-law No. 7111 Amendments/False Alarm Reduction Program Business Proposal dated September 8, 2004.
B. THAT the Director of Legal Services be instructed to bring forward amendments to the Security Alarm System Bylaw in accordance with Appendix A of the Administrative Report.
C. THAT Council approve a 17% increase to the Annual Permit Fees to reflect staffing/administration cost increases since the Program began ten years ago; anticipated revenue increase for 2004 total $86,700, annualized at $200,000 to be credited to General Revenues without offset.
D. THAT Council approve the proposed Business Plan as detailed in the Administrative Report including:
· Reduction of false alarms by 10% annually resulting in greater public and police member safety;
· Systems and computer upgrades (utilizing AMANDA Software) totalling $87,500 (one-time);· Credit/Debit Card Services totalling $10,000 (on-going); and
· Communications Plan totalling $47,500 (one-time) and $15,000 (on-going).
Funding required for 2004 of $78,000, for 2005 of $67,000, and for annualized on-going funds of $25,000 to be provided from False Alarm Permit Fees.
5. Business License Hearing Panel for October 6, 2004
September 16, 2004 (File 2711-1)
THAT Council delegate the holding of a business license hearing presently scheduled for October 6, 2004 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. to a panel of three Council Members, pursuant to Section 277.1 of the Vancouver Charter, as follows:
The business license hearing pursuant to Section 275 of the Vancouver Charter regarding a referral to Council by the Chief License Inspector for the year 2004 business license of Da Kine Smoke & Beverage Shops Inc. at 1018 Commercial Drive and the power to make a Council decision in relation to that hearing be delegated to:
Councillor Tim Louis, Chair
Councillor Jim Green
Councillor Peter LadnerShould any of the above Members of Council be unable to attend the hearing, the hearing and the power to make a Council decision in relation to the hearing be delegated to the remaining two Councillors and alternate Councillor Ellen Woodsworth.
6. Housing Agreement - 663 Gore Avenue
September 10, 2004 (File 4551)
MOVED by Councillor Louie
A. THAT the housing agreement for 663 Gore Avenue summarized in the Administrative Report Housing Agreement - 663 Gore Avenue dated September 10, 2004, be approved in principle, subject to finalization to the satisfaction of the Director of Legal Services and Director of the Housing Centre, provided that this resolution does not create any legal rights or obligation and none shall arise until the agreement as authorized by by-law is signed.
B. THAT the Director of Legal Services be instructed to bring forward a by-law to authorized the housing agreement.
7. Granville Residence Renovation - 1261 Granville Street - Report Back on Revised Capital Budget and Award of Construction Contract
September 14, 2004 (File 4657)
MOVED by Councillor Green
A. THAT Council approve the project budget for renovation of the Granville Residence to create 83 self-contained units and two retail units at $4.25 million, with the additional funding ($350,000) for contingencies to be provided from the Downtown South Development Cost Levies.
B. THAT the contract for the renovation of Granville Residence be awarded to Parkwood Construction Ltd., in the amount of $3,298,000 plus GST.
8. Form of Development: 2775 Laurel Street
September 14, 2004 (File 2606)
MOVED by Councillor Bass
THAT the form of development for the portion of the CD-1 zoned site known as Vancouver General Hospital (2775 Laurel Street being the application address) be approved generally as illustrated in the Development Application Number DE408536, prepared by Henriquez Partners and IBI Group, Architects in Joint Venture, and stamped "Received, Community Service Group, Development Services May 28, 2004", provided that the Director of Planning may approve design changes which would not adversely affect either the development character of this site or adjacent properties.
9. New Position - Assistant Director, Central Area Planning
A. THAT City Council approve the creation of a Regular Full-time exempt Assistant Director position within the Central Area Planning Branch of Current Planning, Planning Department, Community Services Group (CSG). The new position to be partially offset by closing an existing position in CSG, resulting in a net annual budget increase of $12,000 from 2005 onward. Any additional costs incurred in 2004 to be covered by CSG's existing operating budget.
B. THAT City Council approve the closing of a vacant Planner III position in City Plans (Position #50002523) and that subsequent budget savings be transferred to Current Planning to fund the majority of the costs associated with the new Assistant Director position.
MOVED by Councillor Louie
THAT the Committee of the Whole rise and report.
MOVED by Councillor Louie
SECONDED by Councillor StevensonTHAT the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted.
MOVED by Councillor Bass
SECONDED by Councillor Stevenson
THAT Council enact the by-laws listed on the agenda for this meeting as numbers 1 to 8 inclusive, and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign and seal the enacted by-laws.
1. A By-law to amend Fire By-law No. 8191 regarding fees and fines (By-law No.8928)
2. A By-law to amend Fire By-law No. 8191 regarding fireworks and open air fires (By-law No.8929)
3. A By-law to amend Street Name By-law No. 4054 re addition to Bridgeway and Cooperage Way, and extension of Smithe Street (By-law No. 8930)
4. A By-law to amend Noise Control By-law No. 6555 re 1475 Howe Street (By-law No. 8931)
5. A By-law to amend Noise Control By-law No. 6555 re 745 - 749 West 42nd Avenue and 5816 - 5818 Tisdall Street (By-law No. 8932)
6. A By-law to amend Noise Control By-law No. 6555 re 5312 - 5392 Oak Street (By-law No. 8933)
7. A By-law to enact a Housing Agreement for 663 Gore Avenue (By-law No. 8934)
8. A By-law to authorize Council entering into a Heritage Revitalization Agreement with the Owner of Heritage Property (6135 Macdonald Street) (By-law No. 8935)
A. Administrative Motions
B. Motions on Notice
1. Encouragement and protection of Economic Sustainability in Vancouver (File 3501)
At the Regular Council meeting on September 14, 2004, a Motion was submitted by Councillor Green for consideration at the Regular Council Meeting of September 28, 2004 and recognized by the Chair. The following motion reflects an addition to the Motion on Notice and accepted by the Mover.
MOVED by Councillor Green
SECONDED by Councillor Louie
WHEREAS Vancouver prides itself in showing leadership as a sustainable city, seeking economic, social and environmental sustainability as three critical pillars of its development;
AND WHEREAS a recent FCM study of the quality of life in Canadian municipalities showed an increasing polarization of income in Vancouver, with most Vancouverites experiencing no income growth in the past decade, and the gap between rich and poor expanding at twice the national rate;
AND WHEREAS equitable distribution of income is critical to a city's sustainability;
AND WHEREAS providing access to decent-paying jobs is the best way to ensure all citizens have a fair opportunity to participate in the wealth generated in the city;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that this Council go on record as committing itself to encouraging job creation and protecting existing jobs as a key objective of City policy; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT Council ask the City Manager to take additional steps to set out the economic and job-related aspects of major decisions coming to Council.
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the City Manager determine what special measures need to be taken to ensure equitable access for women, aboriginal people and visible minorities in relation to job creation and protection of existing jobs.
AMENDMENT MOVED by Councillor Ladner
SECONDED by Councillor Sullivan
THAT the motion be amended as follows:
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that this Council go on record as committing itself to encouraging job creation through shifting the tax burden off commercial and industrial properties as a key objective of City policy;
(italics denote amendment)LOST
(Councillors Bass, Cadman, Green, Louie, Louis, Roberts, Stevenson, Woodsworth and the Mayor opposed)The amendment having lost, the motion was put and CARRIED with Councillors Ladner and Sullivan opposed.
2. McBride Park (File 4151)
At the Regular Council meeting on September 14, 2004, Councillor Louis submitted the following Motion for consideration at the Regular Council Meeting of September 28, 2004 which was recognized by the Chair.
MOVED by Councillor Louis
SECONDED by Councillor
WHEREAS, McBride Park is divided in half by Waterloo Street between 4th Avenue and 5th Avenue,
AND WHEREAS, the closure of Waterloo Street between 4th Avenue and 5th Avenue would greatly enhance the usability of McBride Park,
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, staff be requested to poll the neighbourhood on the closure of Waterloo Street between 4th Avenue and 5th Avenue, contemporaneous with the following traffic calming measures:
i) An advance left-turn signal on 4th Avenue at McDonald for westbound traffic turning south onto McDonald and an advance left-turn signal on 4th Avenue at Alma for westbound traffic turning south onto Alma.
ii) A right-in, right-out at 4th Avenue and Blenheim Street.
iii) Speed bumps along McBride Park on Blenheim between 4th and 5th
Avenues, on Collingwood Street between 4th and 5th Avenues, and on 5th Avenue between Blenheim and Collingwoodiv) Speed bumps around Bayview School (along 6th Avenue between Collingwood and Dunbar, along Collingwood between 6th Avenue and 7th Avenue, and along 7th Avenue between Collingwood and Dunbar.
POSTPONEMENT MOVED by Councillor Louis
SECONDED by Councillor Bass
THAT consideration of the motion on McBride Park be postponed to the Regular Council meeting on October 19, 2004.
3. Mount Pleasant Pool (File 8016)
At the Regular Council meeting on September 14, 2004, the following Motion was submitted by Councillor Green for consideration at the Regular Council Meeting of September 28, 2004 and recognized by the Chair.
MOVED by Councillor Green
SECONDED by Councillor Louis
WHEREAS the Mount Pleasant pool is a well used and enjoyed public amenity of the Mount Pleasant area;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council request staff explore with Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation any options to retain the pool and report back to Council with any possible opportunities to keep the pool open.
REFERRAL MOVED by Councillor Sullivan
SECONDED by Councillor Ladner
THAT the motion on Mount Pleasant Pool be referred to the Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation.
(Councillors Bass, Cadman, Green, Louie, Louis, Roberts, Stevenson, Woodsworth and the Mayor opposed)The motion to refer having lost, the motion was put and CARRIED with Councillors Ladner and Sullivan opposed.
4. Reducing the Size of the At Large Ballot (File 1103)
MOVED by Councillor Sullivan
SECONDED by Councillor LadnerWHEREAS,
· Vancouver has an at large system of government that has resulted in Vancouver being rated the number one city in the world according to three European agencies.
· Vancouver's at large system has enabled it to achieve recognition as the only city in Canada with a AAA credit rating.
· Many citizens legitimately complain that the size of the ballot is too large for citizens to make a well-informed decision.
· There are several cities like Portland and Seattle that have at large systems and none of these cities have large ballots.
· It is possible for Vancouver to maintain its at large system and not have a large ballot.
· About ten years ago the City Council requested that the previous provincial government allow minor changes to the charter that would result in a dramatic reduction in the number of names on the election ballot. The previous provincial government had many members who did not want to see improvements to the at large system as they favoured a ward system and felt that a large ballot would support their efforts, therefore, rebuffed this request.
· One of the changes requested was to increase the number of signatures required for any citizen to get their name on the ballot from two to twenty. As a result of the provincial government's unwillingness to approve this and other small changes Vancouver voters had many frivolous names on the ballot including Chiquita Banana, Mr. Evil, Lucy the Chimp, etc.
· The move to a ward system will not result in a significant reduction in the size of the ballot because the Mayor, the Parks board and the School Board will still be elected at large and only the Council will be elected by wards.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City of Vancouver request that the provincial government change the Vancouver charter to require that all persons that want to run for any elected office in the City of Vancouver be required to have twenty Vancouver residents sign their nomination form.
AMENDMENT MOVED by Councillor Bass
SECONDED by Councillor Woodsworth
THAT the motion be amended by striking out the "whereases" in the preamble.
(Councillors Green, Ladner and Sullivan opposed)POSTPONEMENT MOVED by Councillor Cadman
SECONDED by Councillor Bass
THAT consideration of the motion, as amended, be postponed to a Regular Council meeting following the referendum on the ward question to be held October 16, 2004.
(Councillors Ladner and Sullivan opposed)5. Point Grey Road (File 5762)
MOVED by Councillor Ladner
SECONDED by Councillor Bass
WHEREAS the Vancouver seawall ends at Kitsilano Beach and a further waterfront walkway picks up at Jericho Beach, with only a narrow sidewalk along Point Grey Road connecting these two beaches;
AND WHEREAS many cyclists, walkers, joggers and bladers crowd that sidewalk as they move between these two beaches, including recreational walkers, marathon runners in training, commuters to downtown and UBC and competitive cyclists, in spite of the official bike route along 3rd Ave.;
AND WHEREAS the narrow right of way along some sections of Point Grey Road causes cyclists to impede automobiles, or ride on the sidewalk, sometimes crowding walkers and runners into the street, creating a safety hazard;
AND WHEREAS the connection between these two beaches is a key missing link in Vancouver's extensive waterfront walkway and bikeway network and is showcased annually as part of the Vancouver International Marathon route and the Scotiabank Half Marathon route;
AND WHEREAS Point Grey Road is a secondary arterial through an exclusively residential area including several pocket parks and beach access paths, with a posted 30 km speed limit acknowledging longstanding safety concerns from residents who have to back out into traffic;
AND WHEREAS an alternative major arterial along 4th Ave. between Alma and McDonald Streets is available four blocks south and has unused capacity for automobiles;
AND WHEREAS Council policy is to give preference to pedestrians and cyclists over automobiles;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT City staff investigate dedicating one lane on Point Grey Road to two-way non-motorized travel between Alma St. and McDonald St., and report back to Council on a timetable, costs and financing options, with due consideration to:
· Safety for pedestrians, cyclists, runners, residents
· Local traffic mobility
· Consultation with residents and citizens who will be affected, including running and cycling organizations
· Protecting parking along Point Grey Road wherever feasible
· Ultimately creating a continuous greenway between the Burrard Bridge and Jericho Beach
Other possible solutions to achieve protection for non-motorized travel along this routePostponed
POSTPONEMENT MOVED by Councillor Green
SECONDED by Councillor Bass
THAT consideration of the Motion be postponed to a Regular Council meeting on Thursday, September 30, 2004.
NOTE FROM CLERK: The Motion will be considered at the Regular Council meeting immediately following the Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets meeting on September 30, 2004.
1. Leave of Absence - Councillor Stevenson (File 1254)
MOVED by Councillor Louie
SECONDED by Councillor Woodsworth
THAT Councillor Stevenson be granted Leave of Absence for the evening of September 28 and for September 29, 2004.
2. Leave of Absence - Councillor Sullivan (File 1254)
MOVED by Councillor Green
SECONDED by Councillor Ladner
THAT Councillor Sullivan be granted Leave of Absence for September 29 and for the evening of October 5, 2004.
3. Leave of Absence - Councillor Louis (File 1254)
MOVED by Councillor Bass
SECONDED by Councillor Green
THAT Councillor Louis be granted a Leave of Absence for the evening of September 28, 2004.
4. Leave of Absence - Councillor Bass (File 1254)
MOVED by Councillor Louis
SECONDED by Councillor Cadman
THAT Councillor Bass be granted a Leave of Absence for October 5, 2004.
5. Leave of Absence - Councillor Woodsworth (File 1254)
MOVED by Councillor Roberts
SECONDED by Councillor Cadman
THAT Councillor Woodsworth be granted a Leave of Absence for the Standing Committee on Planning and Environment meeting on October 7, 2004.
1. Covenants to Official Development Plan for Coal Harbour (File 8103)
Councillor Ladner requested a memo from staff on the possibility of including a covenant in the Coal Harbour Official Development Plan related to float planes and a tram line, similar to that on the tram line at the time of the Yaletown redevelopment.
2. Traffic Issues on Mole Hill Laneway (File 5762)
Councillor Stevenson requested a memo from staff advising what could be done to stop traffic going through the Mole Hill laneway and gardens.
3. Planning Process for Eburne Lands (File 3258)
Councillor Roberts requested a memo from staff on (a) whether the City should be assisting in the planning process for Eburne Lands and (b) the issues related to the site.
4. Selection of Business License Hearing Panels (File 2711-1)
Councillor Green requested a memo from staff clarifying how Business License Hearing Panels are selected.
5. Temporary Space for Members of Cruise Ship Industry (File 8109)
Councillor Sullivan reported that he has been contacted by members of the cruise ship industry who are being evicted from their berths near the convention centre. He requested a memo from staff advising if it is possible to facilitate a space where the commercial boat owners serving the tourist industry can continue to do business during the construction of the Convention Centre.
6. Transportation Demand Management Program for City Employees (File 5551)
Councillor Ladner referred to a recent email message about a freedom of information and privacy issue related to matching City employee postal codes. He requested information on the City's ability to connect people for car and van pooling and whether vehicles designated for car pools were sitting idle.
Councillor Louie enquired on the status of a requested report back on City employee transportation demand management issues.
Dave Rudberg, General Manager of Engineering Services, advised a report on the transportation demand management issues will be coming to Council within a few weeks. He also agreed to provide a memo on the car and van pooling issue raised by Councillor Ladner.
7. Honourable Mention for City of Vancouver's Corporate Climate Change Action Plan (File 1051)
Councillor Woodsworth presented an honourable mention award which the City of Vancouver received at the Union of BC Municipalities convention for its Corporate Climate Change Action Plan.
The Council adjourned at 5:50 p.m.
* * * * *