Vancouver City Council |
Motion on Notice
Submitted by Councillor Sullivan for the Regular Council meeting on September 28, 2004.
4. Reducing the Size of the At Large Ballot
MOVER: Councillor Sullivan
· Vancouver has an at large system of government that has resulted in Vancouver being rated the number one city in the world according to three European agencies.
· Vancouver's at large system has enabled it to achieve recognition as the only city in Canada with a AAA credit rating.
· Many citizens legitimately complain that the size of the ballot is too large for citizens to make a well-informed decision.
· There are several cities like Portland and Seattle that have at large systems and none of these cities have large ballots.
· It is possible for Vancouver to maintain its at large system and not have a large ballot.
· About ten years ago the City Council requested that the previous provincial government allow minor changes to the charter that would result in a dramatic reduction in the number of names on the election ballot. The previous provincial government had many members who did not want to see improvements to the at large system as they favoured a ward system and felt that a large ballot would support their efforts, therefore, rebuffed this request.
· One of the changes requested was to increase the number of signatures required for any citizen to get their name on the ballot from two to twenty. As a result of the provincial government's unwillingness to approve this and other small changes Vancouver voters had many frivolous names on the ballot including Chiquita Banana, Mr. Evil, Lucy the Chimp, etc.
· The move to a ward system will not result in a significant reduction in the size of the ballot because the Mayor, the Parks board and the School Board will still be elected at large and only the Council will be elected by wards.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City of Vancouver request that the provincial government change the Vancouver charter to require that all persons that want to run for any elected office in the City of Vancouver be required to have twenty Vancouver residents sign their nomination form.
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