Vancouver City Council |
July 17, 2004
Fred Lin
Phone No.:
RTS No.:
CC File No.:
Meeting Date:
September 14, 2004
Standing Committee on Transportation and Traffic
General Manager of Engineering Services
1900 Pender St. Traffic Calming Plan- Follow-Up
THAT Council approve the permanent installation/retention of the traffic calming measures as detailed in this report.
· In May 1997, Council approved the Vancouver Transportation Plan that emphasizes the need to mitigate the effects of traffic in local neighbourhood areas and to give priority to streets and neighbourhoods where traffic impacts are most serious.
· In July 2002, Council approved the 1900 Pender St. Traffic Calming Plan intended to calm traffic on Pender St., adjacent to Macdonald Elementary School, without diverting traffic to adjacent streets.
· It is Council's policy to implement diversionary traffic measures on a trial basis before making them permanent.
The purpose of this report is to seek Council's approval for the permanent installation/retention of the following traffic calming measures in the 1900 Pender St. neighbourhood (area bounded by Victoria Dr., Nanaimo St., Hastings St., and Adanac St.):
· Half cul-de-sac at Pender St./Victoria Dr.
· Diagonal diverters at Semlin Dr./Ferndale St. and Semlin Dr./Georgia St.
· Full cul-de-sac at Lakewood Dr./Turner St.
· Metal bollards at the existing diagonal diverter at Lakewood Dr./Ferndale St.
· Traffic-calmed neighbourhood signs at the entrance points to the neighbourhood.DISCUSSION
Four of the aforementioned measures (Pender/Victoria half cul-de-sac, Semlin/Ferndale and Semlin/Georgia diagonal diverters, and Lakewood/Turner full cul-de-sac) were proposed and installed as part of the "1900 Pender Street Traffic Calming Plan." A detailed description and a schematic illustration of the measures are contained in Appendix A (survey form).
The four measures are diversionary and were installed on a trial basis. The purpose of the measures is to calm traffic on the 1900 block of Pender St. (adjacent to Macdonald Elementary School), improve safety of school children, and at the same time, not causing an unacceptable level of traffic diversion to other neighbourhood streets.
A comparison of the traffic volume data collected before and after the installation of the trial measures indicated that the measures have effectively calmed traffic on Pender St., resulting in an 81% decrease in traffic volume. While the measures have effectively reduced the amount of traffic on Pender St., they have not caused an unacceptable level of traffic diversion to adjacent residential streets. In fact, an average decrease of 41% in traffic volume has been observed on other residential streets. Please see Appendix B for the summary of traffic counts conducted before and after the implementation of the traffic plan.
In May 2004, affected residents were surveyed to seek their opinions on the permanent installation/retention of the four measures. See Appendices A and C for the survey sent out and survey comments, respectively. The results of the survey, as summarized in Table 1, show that the majority of the respondents (63%) support making permanent of the trial measures. 26% of the respondents do not support the proposal as they were mainly concerned with issues related to the inconvenience caused by the traffic measures.
Table 1. Summary of Survey Results
Number of surveys distributed
Number of surveys returned
99 (30% response rate)
Responses in favour (approval rate)
62 (63%)
Responses not in favour (disapproval rate)
26 (26%)
Neutral responses
2 (2%)
9 (9%)
* Denotes respondents who did not indicate their preference or not completing the survey properly.
Following the implementation of the trial measures, staff have received additional traffic concerns from residents at a number of locations within the 1900 Pender St. neighbourhood. Staff have subsequently reviewed the conditions at each location and concluded that:
· The existing Lakewood/Ferndale diagonal diverter be retrofitted with metal bollards to address on-going maintenance and violation issues.
· Traffic-calmed neighbourhood signs be posted at entrance points to the 1900 Pender St. neighbourhood to advise vehicular drivers that calming measures are in place.
· The lane east of Victoria Dr., between Georgia St. and Adanac St., remains open to both northbound and southbound traffic. While the lane has been used by some southbound drivers as a short-cut route (a total of 18 short-cutting vehicles observed between 4:00pm and 7:00pm & less than 70 vehicles per day), no changes would be made. This is due to the fact that in June 2004, affected resents were consulted on converting the lane to one-way northbound to deal with the short-cutting issue; however, only 25% of the respondents supported such a proposal, which the remaining 75% did not. Please see Appendix D for the letter sent out.FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS
Council has previously approved the funding to implement traffic measures in the 1900 Pender St. neighbourhood and as such, no additional funding is required.
The permanent installation/retention of the traffic calming measures in the 1900 Pender St. neighbourhood, as described in this report, is recommended based on the support from the neighbourhood residents, and the overall traffic-calming and pedestrian safety benefits.
* * * * *
May 18th, 2004
Dear Resident or Business Owner:
This survey seeks your opinion of making permanent the four trial traffic calming measures installed in your neighbourhood (area bounded by Victoria Dr., Nanaimo St., Hastings St., and Adanac St.). Please see reverse for a description of the measures and a figure showing the measures schematically.
As you are no doubt aware, the traffic measures were proposed and subsequently approved, by affected residents and Vancouver City Council, as part of the "1900 Pender Street Traffic Calming Plan." The purpose of the traffic plan is to address traffic speed and volume issues on the 1900 block of Pender Street (adjacent to Macdonald Elementary School), without causing an unacceptable level of traffic diversion to adjacent streets.
The measures were installed on a trial basis so their effect on traffic patterns could be monitored and adjustments be made if necessary. Further, residents would have an opportunity to evaluate the benefits and impacts before deciding on making the measures permanent. The results of the before- and after-counts indicate that the trial traffic measures have effectively calmed traffic on Pender St. (adjacent to Macdonald Elementary School), resulting in an 81% decrease in traffic volume. At the same time, the overall amount of non-local and short-cutting traffic in the neighbourhood has been reduced, as an average decrease of 41% in traffic volume has been observed on other residential streets.
In summary, the four trial traffic measures have effectively improved the safety for school children, reduced the overall amount of non-local and short-cutting traffic in the neighbourhood, and at the same time, not causing an unacceptable level of traffic diversion to other residential streets in both your neighbourhood and the neighbourhood to the south.
Please take the time to complete the enclosed survey. If you have any questions or comments, please contact me by phone at 604-873-7693 or by email at In addition, there will be an Open House at Macdonald Elementary School (1950 Hastings St.) on Tuesday, June 8th, 2004, from 7:00pm to 9:00pm, where City staff will be available to answer any of your questions and listen to any other traffic concerns you may have.
Please return the completed survey in the enclosed postage paid return envelope, or fax it to 604-871-6192. You may also drop off the completed survey at the upcoming Open House. Your response to this survey is important in guiding how traffic issues in your neighbourhood are addressed. In order to be counted, your response must be returned to Vancouver City Hall no later than Friday, June 18th, 2004.
If the results of the enclosed survey indicate that the neighbourhood supports making the trial traffic measures permanent, the proposal will then be presented to City Council for approval. If approved, the cost of permanently installing these measures will not affect your taxes. Thank you very much in advance for taking the time to complete this survey. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions.
Yours truly,
Fred Lin, P.Eng.
Neighbourhood Transportation Branch
Figure 1: Trial Traffic Measures
"A" Pender St./ Victoria Dr.:
A half cul-de-sac was constructed on a trial basis on the east side of Pender St. at Victoria Dr. A half cul-de-sac is a closure of a street to all directions except for one movement. In this case, it was formed by blocking all entering and exiting lanes from Victoria Dr. to the 1900 block of Pender St. except for exiting right turning vehicles. Westbound traffic on Pender St. can only go north on Victoria Dr. or turn around and go back east on Pender St. The blockage was created by extending the curb. The purpose of this cul-de-sac is to:
· eliminate short-cutting traffic on Pender St.
· realign the offset intersection for pedestrians and school children crossing Victoria Dr.
· reduce vehicle speeds through the 1900 block of Pender St.
· provide a safer environment for school children near the schoolyard
· improve the environment (when landscaped, can improve the appearance of a street)"B" Semlin Dr./ Ferndale St.and "C" Semlin Dr./ Georgia St.:
A diagonal diverter was constructed on a trial basis for the intersections of Semlin Dr./Ferndale St. and Semlin Dr./Georgia St., similar to the diverter at Lakewood Dr./Ferndale St. A diagonal diverter is a physical closure that is installed in the centre of an intersection to remove unwanted through traffic. The purpose of a diverter is to:
· reduce short-cutting traffic volumes
· reduce vehicle speeds"D" Lakewood Dr./ Turner St.
A full cul-de-sac was constructed on a trial basis at the intersection of Lakewood Dr. and Turner St. A cul-de-sac is a physical closure of one leg of an intersection and restricts all movement to and from that leg. It also allows for an opportunity for additional greenery on the street. The purpose of a full cul-de-sac is to:
· reduce short-cutting traffic volumes
· reduce vehicle speeds
· improve the environment (when landscaped, can improve the appearance of a street)
Neighbourhood Transportation Branch
Survey on 1900 Pender St. Traffic Calming Plan -
Trial Traffic Measures
To validate this survey, please provide your name, address, postal code and telephone number. Please complete and return this survey in the enclosed postage paid return envelope, or fax it to 604-871-6192. You may also drop off the completed survey at the upcoming Open House at Macdonald Elementary School on Tuesday, June 8th, 2004. In order to be counted, your response must be returned to Vancouver City Hall no later than Friday, June 18th, 2004. All personal information will be kept confidential; however, your comments will be forwarded to City Council for information. Please contact Fred Lin (Tel: 873-7693, Fax: 871-6192, email: should you have any questions.
Postal Code:_______________________________________________________________
Do you support making permanent the following four traffic
calming measures?
· Pender/Victoria half cul-de-sac (Measure A)
· Semlin/Ferndale diagonal diverter (Measure B)
· Semlin/Georgia diagonal diverter (Measure C)
· Lakewood/Turner full cul-de-sac (Measure D)Would you like to be notified when this issue goes before Council?
The lane between Adanac and Georgia Sts is being used extensively by drivers travelling south, who then turn east onto Adanac. Is it possible to install a DO NOT ENTER sign at the north end of the lane?
Although disruptive to internal neighbourhood circulation, the changes are positive - prevent short-cutting and racing. I would like you to note that the neighbours frequently drive over the diagonal diverter at Ferndale and Semlin by removing the obstruction. Hopefully, the permanent installation will prevent this.
Big improvement to the neighbourhood - especially to our neighbours on Pender St., school safety etc. The only problem remaining is the small number of resident idiots willing to remove steel bollards and drive through (of course not replacing bollards) rather than drive an extra block. Can bollards be fixed in place? Can they be repaired and re-painted? (Damaged by vehicles driven over them)
I am strongly in favour of these traffic calming measures. They have had their intended effect. Regarding measure B: at first some of my neighbours abused this, taking down the bollards and running over there. Even the garbage truck did this at first. But that soon stopped and now they are properly respected. Measure A: On several occasions I have seen westbound vehicles turn left onto Victoria illegally. However, in general this intersection is very much safer for pedestrians than formerly.
Much less traffic on Pender St. After initial increases on Ferndale and Turner it seems to have stabilized at reasonable levels. However, there is still a great deal of traffic driving over the sidewalks and diverters at Lakewood/Ferndale. This should be addressed.
The barriers have significantly reduced the traffic in these areas. I would like to request the barriers constructed from materials other than "steel"? Metal be replaced. The plastic cones/poles are vandalized and some barriers have missing poles resulting in cars etc. driving over a barrier while on a cell phone and nearly hit me! (I was crossing on foot) Thank you.
At first I wasn't so sure. When they were working on the sewer on Pender St, between Semlin and Lakewood, for months we had more traffic on Ferndale. But now that its is completed, the traffic has calmed down. Secondly, it was a little hard to get used to but if the traffic has subsided, I am all for it.
We live at the corner of Ferndale and Lakewood. We enjoy the quiet produced by these measures. Thank you for considering the needs of the people who live here!
Good work. Glad to hear they will be made permanent. At Lakewood and Ferndale, people keep driving over the diagonal diverter. I think some road spikes would be in order.
I would like to see more traffic calming measures taken in the neighbourhood to reduce short-cutting traffic volumes and reduce vehicle speeds.
The afternoon rush hour has drivers short cutting off of Hastings and Semlin, Templeton and Garden Drive. So traffic very heavy at those times on Pender, Garden and Ferndale. Also the police used to attend just about every morning Mon- Fri. for the left turn offenders at Nanaimo and Ferndale. Since the Pender St. calming we rarely see the police. The cars mostly are turning at Nanaimo and Hastings as they should.
The only thing that I feel could be considered is an advance green left turn off Hastings heading south onto Victoria. My concern would be increased traffic up Victoria can be challenging when heading home from that direction.
There is still a lesser problem of rush-hour cars turning east onto E. Georgia and then quickly south through the alley that connects E. Georgia and Adanac. They then go east on Adanac through to Nanaimo and continue along the bike route. Otherwise, traffic has improved on our street!
Thank you our neighbourhood is so much nicer now.
1) Traffic volume have increased in an unacceptable level on the back lane of 700 block of Victoria St. (side lane of my house). 2) Please try to fix or improve the condition of the road property and put some lights for the safety of people and cars that use this lane.
It has made a big difference - thank you.
I do not drive myself, but when my family comes to visit it is always an exercise in frustration because the whole area has now been traffic calmed into a maze! It is especially impossible to get onto Victoria Drive from this area now (unless we go on Hastings st) which is annoying for the residents.
The intersection at Lakewood and Pender would greatly benefit from a similar traffic measure. It currently has a stop sign along Pender that people routinely run. I have witnessed numerous accidents on this intersection. The dangerousness of the current set up is heightened by the fact that Lakewood is a bike route. Put something at Lakewood and Pender to make people slow down/stop!!
A O.K.
I think it is great the way it is now.
The traffic calming measures have made quite an improvement in my block. Find it very quiet, and there is less dust.
We need some traffic enforcement at measure "A", Pender and Victoria Drive. Cars are entering from Victoria Drive onto Pender by driving the wrong way through the "exit" turn on the north side of the half-cul-de-sac and proceeding east up Pender. Other than those annoying cheaters, the traffic measures have greatly reduced the number of cars on the streets. Thank you for your efforts. Much appreciated.
Semlin/Georgia - good for traffic calming but please make accessible for bicycles. At moment it is hard to get through - sign and I have a child on a trail--a-bike sites. All: Traffic speeds and short-cutting reduced dramatically. I feel though signs are needed at Hastings/Victoria/Nanaimo to warn motorists that "this is a traffic-calmed area" to elevate frustration and speeding through streets. Also, Pender/Victoria (Ferndale/Lakewood) traffic has been turning left, despite sign saying right turn only.
There are significant instances of non-compliance with the barriers (measures B, C, D.) but generally this has made a huge difference to the traffic volumes and speeds along the 1900 - 2000 blocks of Pender East. An excellent initiative that should be made permanent.
Although it is a little more difficult to get around the neighbourhood by car, it is well worth the inconvenience to have the street safer for our children! My only concern is regarding the barrier at Ferndale and Lakewood. The rubber poses are broken and I frequently see vans and SUV's driving down Lakewood, over what remains of the barrier onto Pender or Hastings. Could this barrier be repaired with metal posts similar to those at Victoria and Pender.
The traffic calming measures have had a definite positive impact in the area - reducing speeding cars and keeping some of the sex and drug trade on the other side of Hastings. As parents of a small child we wholeheartedly support the city's efforts to improve safety in the neighbourhood.
Living on Pender I notice a big decrease in morning traffic. We still have a large volume in the afternoon rush. A lot of cars turn right on Semlin, Lakewood and Templeton. I am not sure what the solution is. Maybe no right turns heading east during the rush on selected streets from Hastings.
I do support making these streets a traffic calming measure. These are residential streets and we should have the calmness, and safety for our children, pets and just people in general. I have noticed the quietness of these streets since the Cul De Sacs and diverter were put in place. It should remain this way. thank you for the trial, but we should make these permanent. (John): Although these measures have inconvenienced my family and especially myself ( I drive to and from downtown) I find that the benefits of safety for the kids at Macdonald's school is worth it. An added benefit is decreased traffic noise and dust in my house especially if it has rained and after a large event ( fireworks, hockey games) at night. The minor inconveniences is in getting to a from my house via Venables (preferred route) onto Pender, rather than Hastings.
I would support making the four traffic calming measures. However, I would also like some sort of device to ensure these insane drivers from crashing through the stop sign, East and West on Lakewood and Pender. There are small children crossing the crosswalk. One day there is sure to be a tragic accident.
They have helped a lot - thank you.
1) We would like to see these calming measures made permanent ASAP. 2) Older existing traffic diverters e.g.. Ferndale and Lakewood) be updated so that traffic can not pass over them.
The traffic calming is having a very positive impact on the neighbourhood.
I have a concern (and have witnessed this many times) that even if there is a diagonal diverter, cars (and even big trucks) still get through the diverters by running over property owners' lawns!!! If these intersections are to be effective there needs to be big rocks ( or some other structure that is pleasing to the eye - preferably a natural shape.) put in place to prevent this from happening. I would like to see plants (drought-resistant) also incorporated into the design. The round-about at the intersection of Turner and Semlin Drive is a good example of residents beautifying the streets. We also have to make sure that traffic does not get pushed up to Napier St. or along the Adanac bikeway. More (better) speed bumps are a good idea - lots of speeders. Paul: Please make these things permanent quickly as I fear for the safety of my family, myself and my property under current conditions.
We strongly support above four traffic calming measures because we have felt more comfortable in our place. It really cuts down the volume of traffic and also reduces vehicle speed. We feel more safe and quiet to live in our place.
RE: "B" This has definitely benefited the neighbourhood. Much less traffic speeding around the school playground and on the Adanac bike route. Re: "D" Don't know how the property owner at the corner of Turner and Lakewood feels, it infringes o his property. definitely need to block traffic short-cutting on Turner for overall plan to be effective. But perhaps you could just dead-end this street, as it is now, without the cul-de-sac?
Turner St. has had much more traffic as people loop around the block banded by Semlin/turner/Lakewood/Georgia to access eastbound Adanac. They are angry at being calmed and they drive like race cars. The same thing happens eastbound on Parker as people zoom around the corner and north on Semlin to access Adanac eastbound. the city needs to control through traffic starting at Clarke Drive and not allow Victoria Drive to be used as an ____________.
I don't like diverters, I think they look ugly and people run over the poles. Replace with cul-de-sacs and/or make the diverters a bit wider and plant tall hedges/flowers so cars can not cross over. Speed bumps near schools, might help slow down cars. we definitely need more trees on side streets, small parks with branches and tables and greenery in general. The area I am thinking of is Woodland/(No Suggestions). Look at Strathcona. Need more cafes, businesses along Strathcona and Nanaimo Street this area. also need bike routes/streets that are contagious and signs saying where to reconnect to bike route. Preferably, more bike lanes also for skates and skateboarders on busy streets/bridges; also, narrow so cars can not use them .
The existing traffic diverter at Lakewood and Ferndale is constantly being driven over. Before the above locations had temporary measures it happened occasionally. Now that the temporary measures are preventing the rat runners from getting through, many of them are driving over the diverter.
Measure "D" and/or "C" seems to force people living north of us to go via turner to get home. Ferndale/Lakewood flexible pylons don't work - people constantly driver over them. An official option to do a "U" turn at Turner and Lakewood would be appreciated. We live on North side of Turner and our only way to park in front of our house is to travel East on turner, U - turn at Lakewood and then continue West on turner to our parking in front of our house.
I believe the traffic calming measures are effective an I support them. There is a great improvement in traffic volume and speed with these measures in place. The problem of people unfamiliar with the neighbourhood driving in and getting frustrated can be addressed by putting up signs: "Traffic calmed neighbourhood". If any one of the devices is not put in while others are, problems will arise.
I have seen a huge improvement to traffic issues in the neighbourhood since the traffic calming took place. There is much less commuter traffic down Turner. I think it would be very beneficial to have signs on Victoria and Nanaimo warning drivers that there are traffic calming measures in place. I have seen some frustrated drivers who might not have tried to cut through the neighbourhood if they'd had some warning.
I live at the corner of Lakewood and turner adjacent to barrier. We have observed as relatively new (2001) residents; 1) Reduction in rush-hour traffic trying to cut through 2) reduction in cars that look like racing type cars. 3) reduction in trucks With improved signage at entrances, etc. improvement in diversion structure at Ferndale and Lakewood improvement in design at Lakewood/Turner (to prevent "crashing", the overall effectiveness will improve.
It is great that the city is listening to the residents and making this commitment.
I live across from Templeton school. Our properties do not have a back lane. In the evenings and weekends people come and use the tennis courts. Cars are parked on both sides of the street and many times it is difficult to have a parking space in front of my own house or to easily get out of my driveway. Parking on the side of the school has not been permitted however, this rule has not been observed now or in the past. I am interested in resident parking only.
We strongly support the plan! The ultimate solution would be to downgrade Victoria Drive to a local collector.
As a resident on Turner St, I can say the difference has been very positive! Almost all wrong-way traffic has ceased and most eastbound cars go at speed limit since they are not commuting through from Victoria Drive. As a pedestrian, I have noticed a great reduction of traffic on East Pender. As a driver, the modifications to my routes to Victoria Dr. and from Victoria drive are more than compensated for by the calming of my neighbourhood.
I completely support these measures, they have worked tremendously and I am very happy with them. These measures must all be kept together for example if measure D is reversed while the others are not, then traffic would increase on Turner St. Traffic on the bike route has increased, with cars regularly going the wrong way down Adanac between Templeton and Lakewood - needs something to be done!
Traffic situation is much improved. Safe environment for school children is essential.
We see a lot of speeding down Turner from Nanaimo. Hopefully, this will address some of this. We see a surprising number of accidents from people turning left onto Turner (West from Nanaimo North). And alarming number of close calls.
Additional Approval Comments on Following Page
I have to go six blocks out of my way to get to my place and it is difficult to explain to company to approach they say what a maze it is and a significant depreciation to my property for sale purposes when they can not even find the way in.
However, I would support this if you made a right turn only out of the alley between Victoria and Semlin on Georgia. What happens is people see the diverter and then cut down the alley and then turn left on Adanac. Adanac needs to be a complete one way between Victoria and Semlin (except bikes). Two cars cannot fit down the street at the same time. It has become very dangerous with bikes and cars nearly being hit when cars come out of the alley fast.
Ever since these measures have been put in, there has been gatherings of unknown persons at the Semlin/Ferndale diagonal diverter. Although this diverter does reduce the amount of traffic, it has increased the amount of strangers meandering about the Semlin/Ferndale intersection.
My block of Ferndale has two 2-way only intersections as a result of these measures. (Measure B in particular). We are effectively cut off from accessing Victoria Drive (southbound) by car, which is not only extremely inconvenient but dangerous. Already two ambulance calls have been delayed to our block because of the divider. I do not understand why a roundabout (lie the one at Turner/Semlin) could not have been implemented. Though you state that traffic has been quieted, I do not find this the case on my block.
This traffic calming measure is too extreme for the neighbourhood. I feel like a mouse trying to get in and out of my own block. If I was to head south on Victoria Drive, I have to head west on east Pender and go against traffic in the incoming lane just to _____ south. If there is too much traffic around rush hour, I have to head north on Semlin, east on Pender, south on Lakewood, over the Meridian and either head east on Turner or east on Adanac in order for me to head south on Victoria Drive. Most of the time you cannot head east or west on Turner street due to the trucks/trailers blocking traffic on Turner Street from Bosa. When I park my my vehicle my vehicle, it is always facing westbound. In order for me to park my vehicle, I have to drive over the meridian at Ferndale/Lakewood and onto the 2000 block of Ferndale street. Another route is up Victoria Drive, Down Turner Dr. onto Ferndale St. When heading east from Nanaimo St., I have to drive over the meridian at Fernadale/Lakewood Dr. in order for me to get into the 2000 block of Ferndale St. Before all this surprising traffic calming measure was in place, I drove east on Turner, Through the "Do not enter" sign to Lakewood Dr. and North onto Lakewood into the 2000 Block Fernadale St. We also have another problem in the 2000 Block Ferndale where traffic is extremely busy in both directions during the morning and afternoon rush hour. There is a steady stream of cars flowing and this was not the case before all of this traffic calming was in place. The vehicle speeds are excessive because the drivers are treating this area as a race course. This street was a quiet street and was better off before E Pender was blocked off. Whoever took the traffic count measure is absolutely wrong with count because the volume has now tripled as to before this project. We also have another case of emergency vehicles having a hard time entering the area. I had to call an ambulance twice for my neighbour and the emergency vehicles had a hard time entering the 2000 block Ferndale heading east on Ferndale from Victoria Dr. Emergency Personals had to park their vehicles at Ferndale and Semlin and run into the scene with their first aid gear. Another call I monitored from Vancouver Fire was a call for chest pains at 2164 E Pender. The rescue vehicle had a hard time trying to head east on E Pender in the opposite lane due to the vehicle being too large for that turn. This rescue vehicle headed north on Victoria, east on Hastings, South on Templeton and back into the 2100 Block East Pender. I find that this traffic calming has gotten out of hand and the barrier at Ferndale/Lakewood should be removed. This all stems from blocking off E Pender at Victoria Dr. and has not stopped traffic flowing east. Drivers are now heading south onto Semlin, Lakewood, and Templeton Drive from Hastings and back onto E Pender. If Adanac is blocked off East/West in the future, this will create more headaches getting into the neighbourhood. The barrier at Turner/Lakewood should be removed and replace back to ints original state. If Turner/Lakewood is permanantly blocked, the barrier at Ferndale/Lakewood should either be removed or a traffic circle should be in place. There is no Damn way getting back into the 2000 block Ferndale if Lakewood at Turner and Ferndale is Blocked off. I hope the diverter at Ferndale/Semlin Drive is removed so that I can enter and leave my own block. I've had written many formal complaints to City Hall about all this extreme traffic calming measure that has created a headache for the residents of the 2000 block of Ferndale. There is no diverters in the city that are pointed the same directions on the same block. I would like the entire Pender Traffic Calming be removed including the Diverter at Ferndale/Semlin removed so that the traffic volume could be reduced in the 2000 and 2100 block Ferndale St. This has also reduced emergency response time in the neighbourhood and may cause a FATALITY in the future if emergency personals are delayed.
I have noticed no decrease in traffic on the 2000 block of Ferndale. If anything, there seems to be an increase in traffic. I would like to see Semlin Dr./Ferndale St. diverter removed. You can keep "A" "C" "D" diverters to keep the schools safe.
Coming and going from my home has become difficult. Two closures in my block (Ferndale/Lakewood and Turner/Lakewood) has increased traffic in my block and has become more dangerous by aggressive and frustrated drivers.
Want to be able to get home from Victoria instead of going around, I hate going on Hastings. It has become harder for me to get home. I have to go around so much, just to get home. I don't feel I should have to go around just to get home. I do not agree. I thin there are better things we can spend our money on, instead of blocking street on us.
RE:Lakewood/Turner Full Cul-De-Sac measure D is a total inconvenience and intrusion on the neighbourhood. There is no access to Victoria Drive East or West to residents of the 2100 or 2200 block of Turner St. Because of the cul-de-sac on Turner/Lakewood and teh Do not enter" from the 2200 block of Turner (at Turner/Garden Drive and the school and pool on the southside of these 2 blocks the only access to 2100 and 2200 blocks of Turner St. is the "T-street" of Templeton Drive that runs north/south. Even before the temporary cul-de-sac on Turner St. It is basically a "Do Not Enter" from both ends of the street. It causes a great deal of confusion for HandiDart, taxis and all emergency personnel have been unable to find my house or my parent's house next door because the only access is from Templeton Drive. The other diverter mentioned also causes a maze that goes in circles that you can't even access Templeton Drive to find the house.
Very difficult getting home from east side of Victoria Drive. An arrow is definitely needed at Hastings and Victoria intersection heading west, one care gets through at a time. Not enough arrows in this area. 1st and Victoria is disaster, too much traffic on Victoria Drive.
I am very upset with the diverter you put in front of my house. I am totally blocked in. I have only one way out. To get to a place that is one to two blocks away from my house by walking it now takes 10 to 12 blocks by car. If there happens to be an accident on my block I have not way out I don't think that it fair for us to be fenced in like prisoners. This makes it harder for emergency vehicles to get through in case of fire or any other 911 emergency making a left turn on Victoria is almost impossible you can not see any of the oncoming traffic. I do not have a problem with a circle or speed bumps. I think that speed bumps work the best you have to slow down.
Whoever though the traffic calming plan would actually slow traffic down, has not been in the area during rush hour traffic! It is like a major freeway! That is just the traffic, the inconvenience for most residence is very frustrating, it takes more time and gas to get to our homes! Someone should ask our emergency services how they feel about these diversions!
it is very hard getting out and back in (especially) to my block. I don't see any traffic difference. There are cars driving into my block because they have nowhere else to go. I am driving seven extra blocks to get home. Emergency Vehicles can not get to my house (in time). I feel like I am being penalized for living where I live. Diverters is not the answer. We (our neighbours) live 5 minutes from downtown. We know that people will take the shortest route possible to go downtown. We all take shortcuts. I live across from a playing field. Am I supposed to fight to keep players off the field? Lift all the diverters and let people drive where they want.
We should save the tax payers money instead of using so much unnecessary expenses.
As a business owner on Victoria and Ferndale I have found that having all these street closures have been devastating for operating a business both for customer shopping and for product delivery. I could accept some of the street closures, however why not just use speed bumps? if some closures must be maintained a few of the original closures (1st phase) should be re-opened * most notably the Ferndale - Lakewood closure.
I have never approved any of your work in the neighbourhood you have forced me to use Hastings St. or 1st Ave. to get home these are two busy streets. I can not use Nanaimo as then I would have to go through the neighbourhood which you do not want us to use. Since you put in the diagonal diverter on Georgia and Semlin, people have been using or lane to get to Nanaimo. To park my car in the garage I have to go into the garage to open the doors. I have to leave my car in the lane with my signal on until this is done. I have never had any problems until you put the closures and diversions in. My first incident with these people using the lane was with this man who drove up and said to me that this wasn't a private road. I didn't say anything to him because you hear so much about road rage. After I opened my garage doors I got into my car put my back up lights on and was about to back into my garage when he drove right up to my bumper. Well, I put my car in park folded my arms and said to myself - I was here first, I live here and I am not moving. We sat in our cars for about ten minutes then he backed down. As I proceeded to back into my garage he put his high beams on. What a jerk!! I have been sworn at - yelled at and horn honked to death until I opened my garage doors. They speed up the lane, knock garbage cans down and don't bother to stop and pick them up. So don't tell me short-cutting is down. I have lived here for fifty years and we have never had traffic like this. One time you put your car counter in the lane. Then they closed the lane at the top for about a week and one half. What a farce that was. No one could go up the lane. We should have been notified about the lane closure. To get out at the other end I would have to get out of my car and move the sign to get out. Our lane is not a legal size and is only a block long there fore the city doesn't do much repair work on it. We now have so many pot holes the like of which I haven't seen in my fifty years of living here. There is more but I think you will get the idea I am not please with things the way they are.
It is almost impossible to get into my garage on Adanac St. from Nanaimo or Victoria or Hastings.
The above measures cause many headaches in order to get to and from work. The routes that are available are always clogged up. When I first worked here (and there were no diverters) everything was fine! The bigger you make an issue, the more problems the people who complain - well guess what, you can not stop progress!! G: I would like to be able to choose my streets when I come to work. I feel like I am in a maze driving through this neighbourhood. It is frustrating and not necessary. Roads are made for cars. You can not stop people for using a road! C: No comments. L: Every school has congestion, not just MacDonald school. Putting up diverters do not help the people that have to come in the area to work! L: These diverters are inconvenient for residents in the area. Let the people safely go where they need to go...J: The above traffic calming measures cause confusion and frustration. I work in the neighbourhood and need to drive around in circles. I believe that if all measures were lifted then less people would be congested or stuck in areas or driving down alleys or over these same measures We live and work in an area where the roads (that by the way people have been paying taxes to have built - and now they are not being used are important for the tax paying citizens to use to get to their home or school or place of business. We can not block these routes - what purpose do they serve?? They are not parks or backyards!! Let the people use them for their intended purpose! M: Your traffic calming measures are not calming anything!! You should see how many cars are seen more volatile!! On Victoria/Venables is really crazy during the dropping/picking up time. I have to come to work up here (and pay my __ to the Queen... thank you very much). I strongly believe that the roads should be freed of diverters now for emergency purposes; diverters are against common sense. If complainers aren't happy with the flow of cars on their road, they should be moving to the interior or go somewhere quiet where there are not roads. Thank you. L: I do not think that the traffic-calming diverters have any positive effects on neighbourhood traffic. A: These measures make it impossible to get to my work destination. I can not see how Fire, Police, and Ambulance personnel will be able to get to a destination quickly. I think it is therefore, also a safety hazard. I still use this are to go through, we all find an alternate route. You may think you are solving one problem, but really you are just moving it into another area. I have seen many cars and trucks, driving quickly, over some of the half-cul-de-sacs. I do not think they are solving problems. I feel sorry for the people living in this area and have to drive several blocks more just to get to their house. C: I feel for the residents of the area. I feel the calming measures just create stress for the residents. I need to get through and into the neighbourhood to drop off my children and get to work. It takes me an extra 5 - 10 minutes by the time I go around all the blocks. My relatives are older and they always have a difficult time just leaving their home to get to their doctors appointments (which they have to go to 2 times a week.) we are all tax payers and this is an unnecessary expense for my tax money.
These traffic calming measures are ridiculous. You can not go straight through any street from Nanaimo - Victoria. Trying to get to Templeton school from Pender St. is absurd. It causes people to break the restrictions (i.e.) going up Victoria/going down one ways because it is so irritating trying to find a clear route. I have a Special Needs daycares and parents community workers, Community nurses, physio therapists etc. are completely frustrated by the time they get there. A BCAA mechanic commented on how ridiculous these barriers are. We have lived here since 1948 and I am total frustrated with these ridiculous traffic calming areas. My mom has owned our house since 1948. I myself have lived here since 1952 and have had no previous problems before this.
Open all roads - use traffic calmers to slow down traffic - It is absolutely ridiculous that a small group of people can decide to close streets down and make traffic more dangerous (illegal turns). At today's gas prices every minute of waiting in traffic is less economical overall and produces pollutants in the area. I spend at least eight more minutes in traffic so that I can get to Venable and Victoria from my house. Simply what you have done is plug-up Hastings. Since you monitor other areas how about having a left turn signal from Venables to Clark Drive north operating 24 hours.
It takes too long to get home. Too difficult to drive to Nanaimo and Hastings. Too complicated for family to visit. Majority of neighbours would not return the survey. English not first language.
Increase of traffic on turner St. and added inconvenience.
I do not support this traffic measure too many streets are blocked off. Too much traffic on my street and too dangerous for me to turn my car around.
There is a huge amount of confusion because of already existing traffic diverters between Templeton and Victoria Drives. The additional cul-de-sac on Turner and Lakewood restricts any access we have to Victoria Drive causing a greed deal of frustration. There must be other traffic calming devices to reduce non-residential traffic and would-be speeders that do not subject homeowners to this inconvenience and isolation within their own neighbourhood. If a homeowner can not drive to and from their own home down their own street, what is the point of having the illusion of a road you can travel down at all? Our freedom and access to our own home is being punitively restricted while the out-of-neighbourhood traffic suffers no such losses. If they get lost in our neighbourhood they can always drive back home to theirs, while we can not. There is no area in Vancouver that suffers the inconvenience we do. J: Residents living east of Lakewood have no access to Victoria Drive going south, except by a circular route via Hastings Street. We are virtually isolated from travelling west or south without driving in circles. There is a huge element of confusion for emergency vehicles. There was a family emergency having to do with one of grandparents where the ambulance was delayed because the emergency personnel got lost in all the traffic diversions in the neighbourhood. As we live across the street from Templeton Secondary School and Templeton Pool a delay for emergency personnel could prove to be deadly for a student, child or elder at the school, pool or park if there was an emergency such as a drowning or heart attack. These traffic diverters and cul-de-sacs and the confusion around them are more dangerous to the neighbourhood and community than non-residential traffic. C: No one can get to our house along Turner Street because of the "Do Not Enter: sign on the 2200 block of Turner Garden Drive and Lakewood/Turner on the 2100 block because of the Cul-de-sac blocking the end of our street. We also can not get out from the house is also restricted by "No Left hand Turns" south onto Victoria Drive. Besides these four traffic devices there are so many diverters on almost every corner between Templeton Drive and Victoria drive that cause extreme confusion and frustration. To get in or out of our neighbourhood we are literally travelling in circles. To get a cab I give our neighbour's address and stand in front of their house so that the driver has some chance of finding me from East Hastings or Nanaimo Streets. There is no flow to the way these neighbourhood streets are blocked off. Not only do taxi drivers agree with me without exception, so do the Vancouver City Police who have told me it is impossible to have a street "Do Not Enter" from both ends. M: Measure A is the only measure that makes a great deal of sense. it is obvious that the main traffic problems are east/west. Rather than carving up the streets within a neighbourhood, it would seem more logical to control entry and agree to and from the neighbourhood as a whole. measure D (Lakewood Turner full cul-de-sac is a total intrusion on the neighbourhood. It would be better to place the cul-de-sac was side of Turner at Semlin allowing residents of Turner St. access to Victoria Drive via the Ferndale or Georgia diverters, while still bottlenecking the Turner St. exit at Garden Drive. Measure D is a total disaster for the residents of Turner St east of Lakewood. S: Measure D full cul-de-sac on Turner/Lakewood is too restrictive to the neighbourhood. Too many non-residential vehicles do use our neighbourhood. Too many non-residential vehicles do use our neighbourhood streets as shortcuts to Downtown, however blocking off Turner Street at Lakewood also blocks residents access to their own homes. Rather than carving up streets within a neighbourhood, it would seem more logical to control entry and egress to and from the neighbourhood. M: Residents living east of Lakewood on Turner have absolutely no access to Victoria Drive going south, except by a circuitous route to Hastings. then trying to turn left at Hastings onto Victoria. We are virtually isolated from travelling west or south without driving in circles. There is a huge element of confusion for emergency vehicles. There was an actual family emergency wherein an ambulance was delayed in reaching its destination by over five minutes because it got lost in all the diversions in the neighbourhood. With a substantial number of elderly residents in the area, a five minute delay in any emergency is critical. Residents may eventually adapt to the trail diversions, but emergency personnel will probably not. There are other traffic calming devices to reduce short-cutting vehicles and to control speeders that do not subject residents to isolation and confusion. Strategically engineered and placed, speed bumps and/or traffic circles are just two devices that can make the area unattractive to non-residential thru-traffic and would-be speeders. I believe these, and other methods, should be investigated before isolating and inconveniencing the residents for the sake of controlling non-residential traffic.
I teach at Templeton Secondary and drive from West to this area. It is very difficult to access Templeton School's staff parking lot and the front of the school. I have concerns about safety - emergency vehicles are slowed down by physical barriers and as we know, seconds count in an emergency. I also find it very difficult for guest speakers and visitors to find an easy route to the school - this meaning they get lost and are late.
The Semlin/Georgia diagonal diverter is a big problem for cyclists. It needs to be adjusted so cyclists can either move through the centre of it easily (the signs and mid-space as designed now are hazardous) and/or there should be some lowering of the nearby curbs to allow easy movement around the diverter by bicycles. I have observed many cyclists nearly hurt themselves trying to get past or around this diverter.
Additional Disapproval Comments on Following Page
I am pleased to learn that overall traffic levels have declined and that the half cul-de-sac at Pender and Victoria has made the area around MacDonald school safer for children. I am concerned that the diagonal diverters (B & C) contribute to some people driving at excessive speeds. i've noticed that as many vehicles approved the diagonal diverters they don't slowdown or stop for pedestrian presumable because they do not have to worry about "intersectin" traffic. The diverter reduces pedestrian safety vehicles using Semlin/Ferndale/Lakewood/Georgia/Semlin to shortcut to Adanac/nanaimo. Also Turner Lakewood Georgia Semlin Adanac. this is when mor fo the speeding (noted above) occurs. It is sufficiently difficultto travel east-west through the neighbourhood now. i have noticed a fair numer of local residents and other drivers driving over barriers (e.g. lakewood/Ferndale) on the sidewalk/boulevard e.g.e Turner, Lakewood) going the wrong way on the one-way stretch of Adanac turning off of Victoria onto Georgia and travelling south on laneway between Georgia and Adanac....then speeding east on Adanac. Perhaps signs could be installed at Victoria, Hastings and Nanaimo informing drivers that the area is traffic calmed. Everyday there are cars that are "lost" in the neighbourhood - they get in and can not figure out thow to get out legally so they drive around and around and some of them eventually drive over the barrier out of sheer frustration.
I am in favour general of traffic calming however, I do not support Measure C because it makes it impossible to legitimately access our house by car from the north. The only access is a dirt alley way which is strewn with big pot holes. This alley is being used as a road which is not safe - especially as it connects with a bike route. Could the problem be solved by making Measure C a round-about instead? I also suggest a left turn light for Victoria/Hastings intersections heading west on Hastings.
I agree with all the measures except for C, which: a) impacts me in terms of getting home - I must go 4 blocks out of my way (either south to Parker and along Semlin or N.E. along Georgia to Turner and back again to get home. B) and more importantly, the amount of traffic cutting through the back alley on 1900 block between Georgia and Adanac has increased enormously and is dangerous, as are more and more people turning east on Adanac form Victoria despite the bicycle lane that prohibits that.
I would support the above calming measures if the following additions are addressed. 1) Adanac St. from Semlin to Victoria one-way (westbound) for vehicles other than bikes. 2) Calming measure on Adanac to prevent the traffic cutting through Adanac eastbound in the evening and westbound in the morning. 4) A four way stop at Adanac and Semlin. 5) More speed bumps on Adanac west of Semlin and east of Templeton. Why is Adanac St. not on this map - it is very affected by these calming changes.
Measure A - This works very well! Measure B - This seems to be overkill. However, since the city put in the rocks to stop motorists from driving unto the sidewalks the only problem seems to be more U-turns. If the traffic diagonals at Semlin and Georgia (Measure C) and at Lakewood and Ferndale are to be in effect then there is no need for the diagonal at Semlin and Ferndale. Is the diagonal at Lakewood and Ferndale to remain or is it being removed: It seems to have been partly removed and some motorists are going through. Measure C - This seems to be okay. Measure D: Doesn't really affect me.
When is the city going to stop west coast reduction? I totally disagree with the statement that short cutters have been reduced 41 %. Ferndale has increased 250 % and is now too dangerous for my kids. I find the diverter at Victoria and Pender poorly designed as 2 streets have to be crossed: it was moved 30 degrees north only Victoria would need to be crossed. The city does not maintain the diverter at Ferndale and Lakewood - 3 of the plastic bollards are broken and cars constantly cross the diverter - the city is fooling itself if it thinks Pender is saved - it is only move south to Ferndale and Turner. Why are there no signs to say there is a turn lane at Victoria and Hastings. Drivers are wandering and lost. I am sure Pender is one else is.
It seems that the city (or the park board) is not maintaining the flower beds. The situation is very different elsewhere.
Turner St. has had much more traffic as people loop around the block banded by Semlin/turner/Lakewood/Georgia to access eastbound Adanac. They are angry at being calmed and they drive like race cars. The same thing happens eastbound on Parker as people
The Semlin/Ferndale diverter has created a key truck route down Turner at Ferndale. Trucks going to and from Bosa, European meats and Templeton School. Traffic overall may be _________ but truck traffic on these streets is definitely up. I propose adding or changing a diverter that will allow residents to continue using the streets but will discourage trucks from doing so because they won't be able to get to Bosa, European Meats, or in the case of Templeton, will have to exit via Semlin and Hastings Street.
We have been out of town for the last couple of weeks and have therefore, missed the opportunity to speak at the June 8th meeting. We believe that three of the four measures should be made permanent especially measures for the safety of tennis players and children. However, too restrictive for traffic in neighbourhood at the moment forcing more traffic onto Hastings. Could be solved by removing measure B to allow traffic from Victoria and Ferndale to join Pender eastbound from Semlin. See e-mail as well
Additional Other Comments on Following Page
June 23rd, 2004
Dear Resident:
RE: Proposed Traffic Change-
Lane East of Victoria Drive., between Georgia St. and Adanac St.Previously, you have received a survey (dated May 18th, 2004) asking for your opinion of making permanent the four traffic measures installed in your neighbourhood, as part of the "1900 Pender Street Traffic Calming Plan". The purpose of the traffic plan is to address traffic speed and volume issues on the 1900 block of Pender Street (adjacent to Macdonald Elementary School), without causing an unacceptable level of traffic diversion to adjacent streets.
To-date, the responses of the survey have been positive. However, there are concerns about southbound traffic short-cutting through the neighbourhood using the lane east of Victoria Drive, between Georgia St. and Adanac St. City staff have subsequently conducted a traffic study. While the results of the study indicate that this southbound short-cutting issue is not severe (a total of 18 short-cutting vehicles observed between 4:00pm and 7:00pm & less than 70 vehicles per day), the lane could be converted to one-way northbound, if there is enough support from you, the residents of the block. If the majority supports this proposal, "Do-Not-Enter" signs would be posted on the lane at Georgia St., which would effectively convert the lane to one-way northbound.
Please call me before July 7th 2004 to indicate your preference. If you have any comments or questions concerning the proposal, please call me at 604-873-7693 or email me at
Yours truly,
Fred Lin, P.Eng.
Neighbourhood TransportationFCL/fcl