Vancouver City Council |
September 9, 2004
Ian Smith
Phone No.:
RTS No.:
CC File No.:
Meeting Date:
September 14, 2004
Vancouver City Council
Southeast False Creek Steering Committee
Consultant Budget - South East False Creek
A. THAT Council approve additional funding for consultants needed to complete the Official Development Plan for Southeast False Creek and to initiate the CD-1 rezoning of the Olympic Athletes' Village, as set out in this report, to a maximum of $700,000; source of funding to be the Property Endowment Fund.
B. THAT Council approve the expenditure of more than $30,000 for the architectural and landscape consultants for the development of the Southeast False Creek Official Development Plan as outlined in this report, without a formal request for proposal process.
C. THAT Council authorize the City Manager to allocate the consultant funds generally in accordance with the work plan outlined in this report, and enter into contracts with the appropriate consultant resources as may be approved by the Southeast False Creek Steering Committee.
The City Manager RECOMMENDS approval of A, B, and C.
In October 1999, Council approved the Policy Statement for Southeast False Creek (SEFC) to guide all future planning of the site. In July 2004, Council approved amendments to the Southeast False Creek Policy Statement and set up the SEFC Steering Committee to oversee the project.
Last July, Council approved a number of fundamental changes to the approach, direction, and design of Southeast False Creek and requested a report back on the requirements and additional funding for consultants to complete this work. This report outlines the consultants and the funding required.
To complete the Official Development Plan (ODP) for SEFC, additional consultant resources are required. Contracts totalling $300,000 for the following consultancies have been negotiated and work is underway:
1. Architectural Design
In accordance with directions from the Steering Committee, a new architectural team has been put together to develop an illustrative plan for the ODP. This team represents a joint venture between VIA Architecture; Hotson Bakker Boniface Haden Architects; and Stantec Architects. The team, which is charged with developing a low to mid-rise concept for the site, commenced work in early August. The new design will cover both the public and private lands in the Southeast False Creek study area. The cost agreed to with the consultants for the completion of this work is $230,000. The team has been hired directly without a Request for Proposals (RFP) due to their expertise and the severe time constraints associated with this work. It is because of this short time frame that Council is asked to approve the expenditure of more than $30,000 for both the architectural and landscape consultants in Recommendation B of this report.2. Landscape Architecture
The firm of PWL Partnership Landscape Architects Ltd. has been rehired to work together with the architectural team on the redesign of the SEFC area. The cost agreed to with the consultants for this work is $40,000. To ensure staff and particularly park staff input in the redesign process, the landscape team will not be hired as a sub-consultant to the architectural team but will be hired directly by the City and managed by the Director of Real Estate, the Co-Director of Planning, and the General Manager of Parks and Recreation.3. Transportation Consultants
Council requested that the revised urban design include several modifications with regard to the transportation network, and that a neighbourhood transportation demand management program be included in the ODP. New transportation network proposals will also be evaluated for their overall transportation performance. To complete this work staff have rehired the transportation consultant firm IBI Group at a cost of $15,000.4. Financial Analysis
The proforma which evaluates both costs and revenues needs to be substantially revised based on Council's direction and a different form of development. To complete this work the team of Coriolis Consultants and Thornley BK Consultants will be rehired at a total cost of $15,000. As part of this work, Coriolis will also be asked to look at the community amenity contribution to be required as part of the rezoning of the private lands between 1st and 2nd Avenues.It is anticipated that additional consultants will be required to implement the revised policies for SEFC and to initiate the CD-1 rezoning for the Athletes' Village. In view of the time constraints facing the project, the SEFC Steering Committee is requesting that Council approve an additional $400,000 to be allocated by the City Manager under the direction of the SEFC Steering Committee. Consultants are likely to be required to undertake the following work:
a. Downtown Streetcar Options
Council requested that Downtown Streetcar options be considered that would permit a narrower right-of-way for 1st Avenue. Engineering Services will be reporting to Council this fall with the proposed consultancy on the design, layout and ridership study for the overall Downtown Streetcar system. Within SEFC, several alignment options have been proposed which need an analysis of design issues, operations, ridership, station locations, costs, etc.b. Advanced Financial Model and the Development of Targets and Performance Indicators
In accordance with Council's direction, a consultant will likely be needed to develop an advanced financial model, which will not only look at traditional costs but also recommend a method of determining values for both social and environmental considerations. It is felt that the sustainability targets and performance indicators could be integrated with this sustainability model, and that one consultancy could undertake both tasks.c. False Creek Sediment Investigation
The City has been working with both the Federal and Provincial Governments to develop a strategy to address the contaminated sediments at the bottom of False Creek. The initial phase of the work is the identification of the contaminants in the sediments. The City will be expected to share in the cost for the consultants who will undertake this work.d. Additional Consultant Fees
It is expected that the review of the most progressive approaches to soil remediation can be handled by the current environmental consultants within the current budget. However, further work on the public amenity package, including childcare, and options for achieving the desired income mix, are two examples of the work for which additional consultants may be needed.Overall Management of Consultant Funds
In order to meet the timeframes required for the SEFC ODP and CD-1 rezoning of the Athletes' Village area, it is recommended that the City Manager be given the authority to allocate the funding identified above in general accordance with the work plan outlined in this report, including the appointment of specific consultants, as may be approved by the SEFC Steering Committee. These funds should be sufficient to ensure work continues uninterrupted. The SEFC Steering Committee will report back to Council should further funding be required.
The SEFC Steering Committee recommends that Council approve the funding for consultant fees as set out in this report. In some instances this work has already commenced with bridging financing from the previously approved Southeast False Creek consultancy budget approved in1995 which will soon be depleted. It is recommended that $300,000 be allocated to consultants that have already been identified and with whom contracts have been negotiated, and $400,000 be provided for consultants that are likely to be required for further work with funding to be allocated by the City Manager under the direction of the SEFC Steering Committee. The source of funding would be the Property Endowment Fund.
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