RTS No. 4486


Vancouver City Council


Director of Real Estate Services


Demolition of vacant City-owned buildings located at 301 West 1st Avenue (Cambie Works Yard)





There is no applicable Council policy.


The purpose of this report is to seek Council authority to demolish all buildings and remove any hazardous materials at the former Cambie Works Yard site with the exception of the Saw-Tooth Building, which is being retained as a heritage building.


Since at least the 1930's, the City has used the 301 West 1st Avenue as an Engineering Works Yard (Cambie Works Yard). For the past 20 years, the southwestern corner of the yard has been fenced off for exclusive use by the Vancouver Police Department for the Dog Squad, additional parking and storage of equipment.


All but one building (the Precast Building) at the Cambie Works Yard were vacated upon the completion of the National Works Yard. The Precast Building will be vacated by the end of December 2004.

With the rest of the yard vacated, and the 24-hour security personnel removed from the entrance gate, security has become a concern, particularly during the evenings and weekends. The police department has expressed concerns about the security of their kennels, vehicles and other equipment. In addition, the lands are slated for soils remediation and soils storage during construction of the RAV line. As a result, it is recommended that the vacant buildings, with the exception of the Saw-Tooth Building which is to be retained because of its heritage value - be demolished.


To secure the site, the Director of Real Estate Services recommends that the buildings, excluding the Saw-Tooth Building, be demolished at an estimated cost of $230,000, plus cost of removal of any hazardous materials. Testing for hazardous materials is presently underway, therefore the cost of its removal cannot be estimated at this time. As the buildings are currently held in the Property Endowment Fund, it is appropriate the costs of demolition and possible hazardous material removal be charged there, with recovery to be achieved through the eventual redevelopment of the site.

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