JULY 26, 2004

A Special Meeting of the Council of the City of Vancouver was held on Monday, July 26, 2004, at 2:00 p.m., in the Council Chamber, Third Floor, City Hall.


Mayor Larry Campbell
Councillor Fred Bass
Councillor David Cadman
Councillor Jim Green
Councillor Peter Ladner
Councillor Raymond Louie
Councillor Tim Louis
Councillor Anne Roberts
Councillor Tim Stevenson
Councillor Sam Sullivan, Deputy Mayor
Councillor Ellen Woodsworth



Judy Rogers, City Manager



Tina Hildebrandt, Meeting Coordinator


MOVED by Councillor Cadman
SECONDED by Councillor Green

THAT this Council resolve itself into Committee of the Whole, Deputy Mayor Sullivan in the Chair.


1. Choices and Directions for the Planning of Southeast False Creek (File 8206)

Vancouver City Council, at its meeting on July 20, 2004, received a Report Reference regarding Choices and Directions for the Planning of Southeast False Creek and referred this matter to a Special Council meeting on July 26, 2004, in order to hear from members of the public wishing to speak.

Accordingly, Council had before it the following:

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During the first speaker's presentation, Mayor Campbell arrived and assumed the Chair.

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The following spoke in general favour of staff's recommendations:

Comments provided by the foregoing speakers included the following:

· the Vancouver Park Board, at a Special Meeting held July 21, 2004, passed a motion on the choices and directions for Southeast False Creek which included a full-size community centre integrated with a community boating facility, 26.4 acres of public park and a more active water's edge;
· Council must consider that Mount Pleasant, which is park deficient, should be a family neighbourhood and we are not going to get families living here if we are not going to provide good facilities for them - we must have the park;
· suggest an amendment to the existing policies related to accessibility in the Southeast False Creek Policy Statement, to include the policy of universal design;
· the Vancouver Heritage Commission would like a more in-depth study done of Southeast False Creek because currently there is no accurate inventory of the heritage fabric;
· the Vancouver City Planning Commission believes Southeast False Creek is a living laboratory for sustainable living and that there are opportunities to look at future development that could grow out of this project;
· Tsleil-waututh First Nation, in partnership with Ecotrust Canada, would like to develop a natural capital centre in the Domtar Salt Building in Southeast False Creek which would showcase the way First Nations exist in our city -a Coast Salish presence is needed;
· Ecotrust Canada envisions a natural capital centre in Southeast False Creek designed to engage citizens in First Nations education, culture and sustainability, as well as be a training centre for the conservation economy - a place where urban meets rural;
· request that the Official Development Plan for Southeast False Creek include provisions for an Inter-spiritual Centre designed to serve a diversity of faith groups and spiritual communities;
· affordable housing must be part of the infrastructure for Southeast False Creek - although green space is important, people cannot be housed on benches;
· the owners of the Opsal Steel building are working with staff on the possibility of preserving this heritage resource, which is in great disrepair, and integrating it into the Southeast False Creek redevelopment - would like to see the Official Development Plan and rezoning go through as fast as possible;
· would like to see Southeast False Creek developed in a similar manner to Granville Island - a mixed community of townhomes, condos, low rises, markets and green space;
· a sustainable community can only exist if the homes within that community allow residents to live a safer more sustainable life style within the home;
· my idea of a housing project, which could be used for the Olympics and afterwards, would be to create a beautiful world-famous landmark which should make money for the developer - build nine 5-storey buildings along the Southeast False Creek water's edge that spell out the word "VANCOUVER";
· Council has an unusual opportunity to create a truly sustainable, environmentally efficient, and economically viable community on the shores of False Creek - strongly encourage Council to make the important decisions put forward today that will result in such a development;
· would like to see the City take responsibility for cleaning-up False Creek and suggest that the remaining undeveloped foreshore at the east end be devoted to increased access to the water for the general public;
· the Southeast False Creek Working Group agrees that the new choices, policy changes and confirmation of existing policies will improve the ecological, social and economic sustainability of Southeast False Creek - the Southeast False Creek Steering Committee, the Stewardship Group, staff and all other interested parties are commended for their ongoing commitment;
· the Southeast False Creek Stewardship Group recommends Council adopt the proposed amendments and clarifications to the Policy Statement presented in staff's report;
· move the rezoning of the private lands forward as expeditiously as possible - put some developments in the ground that will be there for the 2010 Olympics and be sustainable; provide amenities to the city;
· the City is not ready to build in Southeast False Creek for at least 2 or 3 more years but private property owners are ready to go now, with sites in service, roads in place and environmental investigations done - why not have these land owners proceed and find out if LEED Silver is really going to work or be achievable;
· private property owners in Southeast False Creek have been affected financially by the delay in the development - these owners should be "grandfathered" with respect to height and density and not be held up while the city continues with new design schemes;
· BEST encourages the City to reduce the widths of street right-of-ways by removing on-street parking on some or all of the blocks in Southeast False Creek;
· Designers for Social Responsibility believe in maximizing diversity of habitat, providing incremental development strategies, preserving heritage buildings and supporting anything that encourages a more regional and social mix;
· move on with this development for the private land owners but don't turn it into a public-private partnership, keep the city land so the property endowment fund will continue to have value and create a park that is atleast the size of the original plan;
· the Southeast False Creek community should be planned with the priority on pedestrian and cycling; if all on-street parking was eliminated, 2.5 acres could be available for other uses such as an organic farm;
· strongly support the integration of public and private lands - suggest the ODP go forward relatively quickly; and
· include a facility in the park where water crafts such as kayaks and boats can be stored.

The following spoke in opposition to staff's recommendations and felt Southeast False Creek should be turned into park land:

Comments provided by the foregoing speakers included the following:

· you can have sustainable housing anywhere - why not a park on the last piece of waterfront in the city; and
· the problem is that the east side is park deficient and this is our last chance to gain a significant amount of park land for the east side - so please ensure that maximum, feasible space is set aside for a park - housing can go anywhere.

Eric Vance, Consulting Economist and Planner, presented suggestions Council could consider on an evaluation technique that could be applied to the Southeast False Creek Public Investment Evaluation Framework (diagram on file).

During the hearing of speakers, Larry Beasley, Director of Current Planning, Dave Rudberg, General Manager of Engineering Services, Piet Rutgers, Director of Planning & Operations, Vancouver Park Board, and Ian Smith, Senior Planner, Central Area Major Developments Group, responded to questions concerning issues raised by the foregoing speakers.

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At the conclusion of hearing from speakers, Council recessed at 5:55 p.m. and reconvened at 7:30 p.m. with the same members present.

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In response to some of the speaker's comments, Mr. Beasley provided suggested options for Council's consideration.

MOVED by Councillor Green

A. THAT Council approve a Steering Committee for the redevelopment of Southeast False Creek co-chaired by the City Manager and Councillor Raymond Louie and also include Councillor Peter Ladner on the Steering Committee.

B. THAT the City Manager appoint relevant staff to the Southeast False Creek Steering Committee.


MOVED by Councillor Louie

C. THAT the publicly-owned lands on Southeast False Creek generate a return to the Property Endowment Fund sufficient to recover the costs of servicing and preparing the site for development (estimated at $56 million in the current Official Development Plan submission); and

THAT the contribution from the Property Endowment Fund as owner of Southeast False Creek lands to neighbourhood specific public amenities in Southeast False Creek be limited to the net development revenue generated by the value of the land (estimated at $50 million) plus the normal developer's risk margin/profit (estimated to be $12 million based on the current Official Development Plan submission); and

THAT the costs of broader City-wide public amenities that may be developed in Southeast False Creek be funded from traditional capital funding sources including City-wide Development Cost Levies and Community Amenity Contributions and the capital planning process or from non-City funding.

D. THAT Council confirm the following choices included in Section B of the Workbook (attached as Appendix A to the Policy Report dated July 14, 2004, entitled "Choices and Directions for the Planning of Southeast False Creek") as amendments of the Southeast False Creek Policy Statement:

(i) THAT Council establish a target of 1/3 (non-market)/ 1/3 (affordable)/ 1/3 (market) housing policy for the SEFC City-owned Lands;

(ii) THAT SEFC provide a full-size community centre serving all of SEFC, including a community boating facility for non-motorized recreational boating;

(iii) THAT only Low and Mid-Rise buildings be permitted, west of Quebec Street, with the intent to realize the target density;

(iv) THAT, while 26.4 acres of park is preferred, slightly less park space (up to 2.64 acres less park) may be considered in order to meet other priority objectives;

(v) THAT the intent is not to widen 1st Avenue but to include building lines on City Lands to widen if necessary in the future after staff report back on the comprehensive transportation plan for SEFC including the Downtown Streetcar;

(vi) THAT a more active water's edge as a lively destination be pursued - encroaching into 30 m setback if necessary (phase so as to minimize encumbrance with False Creek sediment contamination management);

(vii) THAT instead of almost all residential, consider the opportunity for more than 200,000 sq. ft. of commercial development and jobs - especially of compatible activity such as eco-businesses, artistic businesses, net portal offices, and live-work; and

(viii) THAT the Salt Building and one or both of the other heritage buildings be kept generally in-situ (do not move them).

E. THAT Council approve the following new policies for the Southeast False Creek Policy Statement included in Section C of the Workbook (attached as Appendix A to the Policy Report dated July 14, 2004, entitled "Choices and Directions for the Planning of Southeast False Creek"):

(i) THAT the SEFC ODP include specific sustainability goals, targets and indicators and require tracking/monitoring of performance with regular report out - for example, energy consumption and material consumption per capita - and commit necessary funding to do this; cross referenced with GVRD sustainability model;

(ii) THAT the SEFC ODP explicitly express the intent for architectural excellence and to bring significance to community buildings as `signature' designs; and ensure a distinctive design image for the whole community;

(iii) THAT a Neighbourhood Transportation Demand Management program be included as an integral part of the SEFC ODP implementation, including on-going monitoring as build out of SEFC occurs;

(iv) THAT a neighbourhood energy demand management program be included as an integral part of SEFC ODP implementation; and

(v) THAT, as SEFC develops, the area should be used as a "learning lab", created with local universities and other interested parties. In this capacity, SEFC should act as a focus for research and development to implement and evaluate general principles of sustainable design with the intention of fostering understanding of ecological stewardship amongst professionals, academics, the development community, and the general public.

F. THAT Council confirm the following existing policies in the Southeast False Creek Policy Statement included in Section D of the Workbook (attached as Appendix A to the Policy Report dated July 14, 2004, entitled "Choices and Directions for the Planning of Southeast False Creek") as priorities:

(i) THAT Council confirm as a priority, the policy requiring environmental sustainability (and LEED) that provides a new level of "base case" sustainability performance that can be applied to other projects in the City and implement demonstration projects to showcase especially innovative environmental measures (take risks to experiment) - such as using alternative energy and maximizing green roofs;

(ii) THAT Council confirm as a priority the policy requiring significant urban agriculture;

(iii) THAT Council confirm that the SEFC ODP boundaries will include City and adjacent private lands - and that this be reflected in an integrated Illustrative Plan and phasing policies;

(iv) THAT Council confirm that the SEFC development on City-owned lands be structured with a variety of parcel sizes so as to foster an incremental quality to the pattern of that development; and

(v) THAT Council confirm as a priority the policy of universal design to provide high levels of accessibility, acknowledging that there are some exceptions that may be necessary related to rowhouse or multi-storey residential units; and include provisions for aging in place, including accessibility, mobility, and safety in the SEFC ODP.

G. THAT a consultant be retained to develop an advanced public investment model that considers the economic, social and environmental benefits of developing a model sustainable community in Southeast False Creek (e.g. "full cost accounting", "triple bottom line accounting", and/or "multiple accounts evaluation") using a gender-responsive lens.

H. THAT staff and a consultant review and recommend the most progressive approaches to soil remediation for Southeast False Creek lands.

I. THAT staff report back on the implications of leasehold vs. freehold on the City lands of Southeast False Creek.

J. THAT staff develop zoning for the private lands of Southeast False Creek that includes a level of outright density allowance and a higher discretionary level of density allowance with the discretion used to meet public objectives.

K. THAT the City develop in conjunction with the Vancouver Organizing Committee for the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games (VANOC) a security strategy for the Olympic Athlete's Village in Southeast False Creek in regard to development and review it with local stakeholders (for example, setbacks and development phasing).

L. THAT the Southeast False Creek Official Development Plan and its Illustrative Plan be further developed with the following instructions: show strong preference for pedestrians, bicycles and transit over cars; reallocate park to provide a better balance between the east and west including smaller parks in the east neighbourhood providing that they do not dissipate usable park space; provide direct linkage of the Ontario greenway/bikeway into the park system; develop roofs as green spaces and for recreation with some consideration of linkages; and investigate approaches to bring water in closer association to the in-situ Salt building.

M. THAT Council approve the work program for development of the Southeast False Creek Official Development Plan and sub-area rezoning of the Olympic Athlete's Village, as well as staffing and budget, as set out in the Policy report dated July 14, 2004, entitled "Choices and Directions for the Planning of Southeast False Creek", at a total cost of $155,250 with the source of funds to be the Property Endowment Fund.

N. THAT staff report back on the requirement for additional funding for consultants arising from the resolutions above.

O. THAT staff report back when bringing forward the Southeast False Creek Official Development Plan and Illustrative Plan on benefits, costs and revenues for the City of this initiative.

P. THAT in completing the ODP and Illustrative Plan for SEFC, staff consider possibilities to narrow the exclusively residential streets to provide greater area for development or park.

Q. THAT the ODP be amended to make provision for the preservation, maintenance, and incorporation into the site of found artifacts and any discovered heritage fabric.


AMENDMENT MOVED by Councillor Ladner

THAT D (ii) be amended to add the words "with additional costs to be covered from citywide sources of funding and non-city funding, including partnerships with community groups and additional leases such as rental, restaurants and equipment sales" at the end.

(Councillors Bass, Cadman, Green, Louie, Louis, Roberts, Stevenson, Sullivan, Woodsworth and the Mayor opposed)

AMENDMENT MOVED by Councillor Roberts

THAT D (iv) be amended to replace the words "while 26.4 acres of park is preferred, slightly less park space (up to 2.64 acres less park) may be considered in order to meet other priority objectives" with the words "SEFC provide a 26.4 acre park".

(Councillors Bass, Green, Louie, Louis, Stevenson and the Mayor opposed)

AMENDMENT MOVED by Councillor Roberts

THAT D (iv) be amended to strike out the bracketed words "(up to 2.64 acres less park)".

(Councillors Bass, Cadman, Green, Louie, Louis, Stevenson and the Mayor opposed)

The foregoing amendments having lost, Councillor Louie's Motion was put and CARRIED with Councillor Ladner opposed to C, D(i), D(vii), E(iv) and Councillor Sullivan opposed to C, D(i), D(ii), D(iii), D(v), D(vi), D(vii), D(viii) and E(iv).

MOVED by Councillor Stevenson

R. THAT staff report back in the context of the ODP on the option of an Inter-faith spiritual centre and shared house of worship, including business parameters, locational preferences, and zoning requirements.


MOVED by Councillor Roberts

S. THAT as part of the preparation of the ODP for SEFC, staff review the childcare requirements with the intent of achieving the major project standard if possible.


MOVED by Councillor Green

T. THAT Council acknowledge the on-going collaborative relationship between the City and the owners of the private lands, generally between 1st and 2nd Avenues and Main and Wylie Streets, and instruct staff to give priority to the development of a complimentary zoning, upon completion of the Southeast False Creek Official Development Plan, for these lands to be brought forward at the earliest opportunity after adoption of the zoning for the Olympic Athlete's Village.



MOVED by Councillor Sullivan

THAT the Committee of the Whole rise and report.



MOVED by Councillor Bass
SECONDED by Councillor Green

THAT the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted.


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