Vancouver City Council |
A Regular Meeting of the Standing Committee of Council on Planning and Environment was held on Thursday, July 22, 2004, at 2:00 pm, in Council Chamber, Third Floor, City Hall.
Councillor Anne Roberts, Chair
Mayor Larry Campbell
Councillor Fred Bass
Councillor David Cadman
Councillor Jim Green
Councillor Peter Ladner
Councillor Raymond Louie
Councillor Tim Louis
Councillor Tim Stevenson
Councillor Sam Sullivan
Councillor Ellen WoodsworthCITY MANAGER'S OFFICE:
Judy Rogers, City Manager
Nicole Ludwig, Meeting Coordinator
The Minutes of the Standing Committee on Planning and Environment meeting of June 24, 2004, were adopted.
1. 5075 Granville Street Warning to Prospective Purchasers (File 2701)
The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated June 24, 2004, in which the City Building Inspector recommended Council direct a 336D Notice be filed against the title to the property at 5075 Granville Street in order to warn prospective purchasers that this building has been used as an illegal marijuana grow operation on two occasions and there are by-law violations. The General Manager of Community Services recommended approval.
MOVED by Councillor Louie
THAT the Committee recommend to Council
THAT the City Clerk be directed to file a 336D Notice against the title to the property at 5075 Granville Street, Lot 6, Block 850, District Lot 526, Plan 5781,
PID 003-631-737 in order to warn prospective purchasers that this building has been used as an illegal marijuana grow operation on two occasions and there are contraventions of the Vancouver Building and Electrical By-laws related to this unapproved use.CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY
2. 967 East 14th Avenue Warning to Prospective Purchasers (File 2701)
The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated June 24, 2004, in which the City Building Inspector recommended Council direct a 336D Notice be filed against the title to the property at 967 East 14th Avenue in order to warn prospective purchasers that this building has been used as an illegal marijuana grow operation on two occasions and there are by-law violations.
Peter Sweeney, Manager, Building Inspection Branch, reviewed the report and responded to questions regarding the effects of the 336D note on the title, and the length of time required to receive the necessary permits to allow renovations and construction that would bring the building up to standard.
Teresina Beretta and Victor Beretta, representing the owner, advised problems leading to the recommendation occurred only in the last few months, that it is difficult to make sure the tenants are trustworthy and that violations had occurred without their knowledge. Mr. Beretta stated once he became aware of the problems, he initiated eviction proceedings and is doing work in order to bring the house up to standard. Mr. Sweeney advised that no permits have been issued and there is no record of work being undertaken.
Staff responded to questions relating to amount of time the grow-operation was in place, the 336D notice process including, due diligence relating to owners, process relating to repeat grow-ops, and timing for permits.
MOVED by Councillor Louie
THAT the Committee recommend to Council
THAT the City Clerk be directed to file a 336D Notice against the title to the property at 967 East 14th Avenue, Lot 11 S 81ft 4 inches of C, Block 173, District Lot 264A,
PID 008-650-608 in order to warn prospective purchasers that this building has been used as an illegal marijuana grow operation on two occasions and there are contraventions of the Vancouver Building and Electrical By-laws related to this unapproved use.CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY
3. 1095 East 41st Avenue Warning to Prospective Purchasers (File 2701)
The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated June 24, 2004, in which the City Building Inspector recommended Council direct a 336D Notice be filed against the title to the property at 1095 East 41st Avenue in order to warn prospective purchasers that this building has been used as an illegal marijuana grow operation on two occasions and there are by-law violations. The General Manager of Community Services recommended approval.
MOVED by Councillor Louie
THAT the Committee recommend to Council
THAT the City Clerk be directed to file a 336D Notice against the title to the property at 1095 East 41st Avenue, Lot 15 of 4, Block 12 to 21, District Lot 666, Pl 1378 Expl Pl 17020, PID 008-172-561 in order to warn prospective purchasers that this building has been used as an illegal marijuana grow operation on two occasions and there are contraventions of the Vancouver Building and Electrical By-laws related to this unapproved use.
4. Vancouver Community College King Edward Campus Policy Report (File 5302)
The Committee had before it a Policy Report dated July 7, 2004, in which the Director of Current Planning, in consultation with the General Manager of Parks and Recreation and all other relevant departments sought Council approval of a policy Statement containing objectives and principles to be used in the evaluation of an anticipated rezoning application for several future stages of expansion of facilities at Vancouver Community Colleges King Edward Campus. The General Manager of Community Services recommended approval.
Matt Shillito, Planner, reviewed the report and along with Dave Rudberg, General Manager of Engineering Services, and Larry Beasley, Director of Current Planning, responded to questions relating to traffic and parking concerns, impacts on UBC, recreation facilities, transit in relationship to the college, relationship to Clark/Knight intersection, and the rezoning process.
Councillor Stevenson enquired if he is in conflict of interest as he teaches at Vancouver Community College. The Committee agreed there was no conflict of interest.
Larry Waddell, Director of Facilities, Vancouver Community College, spoke about the history of the college, current issues regarding space constraints at the King Edward branch, phasing in of the daycare component, parking, timing of the rezoning and concerns with the time limits in the plan. He also responded to questions regarding the Colleges ability to fulfill the plan.
MOVED by Councillor Louie
THAT the Committee recommend to Council
THAT the document entitled Vancouver Community College, King Edward Campus: Policy Statement (attached as Appendix A of Policy Report Vancouver Community College King Edward Campus Policy Statement dated July 7, 2004), be adopted as the guiding policy for evaluation of future zoning and development on the site.
5. Cyclist Push Buttons for Existing Pedestrian Signals, 2004 Program (File 5761)
The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated June 30, 2004, in which the General Manager of Engineering Services sought Councils approval to install cyclist push buttons at selected existing pedestrian signals.
Peter Stary, Neighbourhood Transportation, along with Dave Rudberg, General Manager of Engineering Services, and Ian Adam, Assistant City Engineer, responded to questions regarding the timing of cyclist push buttons, costs of the program, and rationale for location of cyclist pushbuttons.
MOVED by Councillor Bass
THAT the Committee recommend to Council
A. THAT Council approve the installation of cyclist buttons at 12 selected pedestrian activated signals as described in Administrative Report Cyclist Push Buttons for Existing Pedestrian Signals, 2004 Program dated June 30, 2004, at a total cost of $66,000, with $24,000 provided by ICBC and $21,000 provided by the TransLink Bicycle Infrastructure Capital Cost Sharing Program
B. THAT funding of the Citys share of $21,000 for this project be provided from the Streets Basic Capital Unappropriated Account Group CB2EA2EX1 - Bicycle Network (order # 30006969).
6. Liquor Retail Policy (File 2610)
MOVED by Councillor Woodsworth
THAT the Policy Report Liquor Retail Policy and Guidelines dated July 6, 2004, be postponed to the September 30, 2004, Standing Committee on Planning and Environment meeting, to provide Council an opportunity to review the report in detail.
7. Award of Contract PS04019 Maintenance and Repair of Elevating Devices (File 1805)
At its meeting on July 20, 2004, Vancouver City Council referred this item to this meeting on July 22, 2004, in order to hear from delegations.
Accordingly, the Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated June 29, 2004, in which the Director of Facility Design and Management in consultation with the Manager of Materials Management recommended Council authorize a five-year contract with the option to extend for two 12-month periods to KONE Inc. Canada for the maintenance and repair services of the Citys elevating devices.
Judy Rogers, City Manager, advised all speakers had withdrawn.
MOVED by Councillor Louis
THAT the Committee recommend to Council
A. THAT, subject to the conditions set out in Recommendations B, C, D, and E of Administrative Report Award of Contract PS04019 Maintenance and Repair of Elevating Devices dated June 29, 2004, Council approve that an agreement be entered into with Kone Inc. Canada to provide Maintenance and Repair services for the Citys Elevating Devices for a period of five (5) years, with subsequent renewal options for two (2) twelve (12) month extensions at an estimated cost of $155,620.56 annually plus applicable taxes subject to a contract satisfactory to the Director of Legal Services, Director of Facility Design and Management and the Manager of Materials Management
B. THAT, if Council approves Recommendation A, and subject to the conditions set out in Recommendations C, D, and E, of Administrative Report Award of Contract PS04019 Maintenance and Repair of Elevating Devices dated June 29, 2004, Kone Inc. Canada be awarded a contract for a five (5) year term.
C. THAT, all legal documentation is to be in a form which is satisfactory to the Director of Legal Services, the Director of Facility Design and Management and the Manager of Materials Management.
D. THAT, upon approval of the legal documentation by the Director of Legal Services, the Director of Facility Design and Management, and the Manager of Materials Management be authorized to execute and deliver the necessary agreement on behalf of City Council.
E. THAT, no legal rights or obligations shall arise hereby and none shall arise or be granted hereafter unless and until all contemplated legal documentation has been executed and delivered by all parties.
(Mayor Campbell absent for the vote)The Committee adjourned at 3:05 p.m.
* * * * *
A Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of Vancouver was held on July 22, 2004, at 3:05 p.m., in Council Chamber, Third Floor, City Hall, following the Standing Committee on Planning and Environment meeting, to consider the recommendations and actions of the Committee.
Mayor Larry Campbell
Councillor Fred Bass*Councillor David Cadman
Councillor Jim Green
*Councillor Peter Ladner
Councillor Raymond Louie
Councillor Tim Louis
Councillor Anne Roberts
Councillor Tim Stevenson
Councillor Sam Sullivan
Councillor Ellen WoodsworthCITY MANAGER'S OFFICE:
Judy Rogers, City Manager
Nicole Ludwig, Meeting Coordinator
*Denotes absence for part of the meeting.
MOVED by Councillor Cadman
SECONDED by Councillor Louie
THAT this Council resolve itself into Committee of the Whole, Mayor Campbell in the Chair.
(Councillor Ladner absent for the vote)UNFINISHED BUSINESS
1. Text Amendment: 2901 East Hastings Street (Hastings Racecourse) (File 1401-70)
On July 21, 2004, following conclusion of the Public Hearing, Vancouver City Council postponed staff summation and its discussion and decision on the application Text Amendment: 2901 East Hastings Street (Hastings Racecourse) to the Regular Council Meeting immediately following the Standing Committee on Planning and Environment meeting on July 22, 2004.
MOVED by Councillor Louie
THAT the application by Hastings Entertainment Inc. and British Columbia Lottery Corporation to amend CD-1 By-law No. 3656 for 2901 East Hastings Street (Hastings Park) to permit slot machines at Hastings Racecourse, generally as outlined in Appendix A of the Policy Report dated November 17, 2003 entitled "CD-1 Text Amendment - 2901 East Hastings Street (Hastings Park)" be approved, subject to the following conditions:
a. THAT, prior to approval by Council of an amended form of development for Hastings Park to accommodate slot machines at Hastings Racecourse, the applicant shall obtain approval of a development application by the Development Permit Board, which shall have particular regard to the following:
(i) initial approval to be given to no more than 600 slot machines if parking can be satisfactorily accommodated and traffic circulation issues can be resolved.
(ii) arrangements to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning in consultation with the General Manager of Engineering Services having due regard to neighbourhood considerations including:
· the provision of improvements to McGill Street and Renfrew Street adjacent or in proximity to the site and new or modified signalization as required;
· the location and design of access to/from, and circulation routes within, the site;
· the number and arrangements of parking spaces;
· the design of all parking areas, and passenger and goods loading facilities;
· traffic management, curb zone and trip reduction measures;
· improvements to support pedestrians, bicyclists and transit riders; and
· minimize all destination and truck traffic from Renfrew in order to mitigate traffic problems on the street.(iii) arrangements for the costs of any mitigation of community impacts, which may include traffic, parking, noise, or policing to be paid by the proponents.
(iv) arrangements to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning for signage to be compatible with the Sign By-law.
(v) special consideration to be given to a high standard of architecture, landscaping and finishes.
(vi) public benefits to the satisfaction of City Council.
(vii) design development to ensure strong mitigation measures for any light or noise pollution created at the Racetrack.
b. THAT in pursuance of rezoning condition a(vi) [public benefits to the satisfaction of City Council], the following be secured:
· resources to be invested in the Hastings Park greening process;
· resources to improve the community outside Hastings Park through consultation between the Racetrack operator, staff and community representatives;
· commitment to local hiring, childcare, creating a grooming school and expansion of the learning centre.c. THAT staff report back as part of the report on the Operating Agreement (lease) for the Racetrack, achieving the following:
· securing horse racing and the related jobs to the existence of slots on the site;
· ensuring the Racetrack stays within its current footprint;
· ensuring there are no alcoholic drinks allowed on the slots floor; and
· confirming there are no gaming tables allowed on the site.d. THAT staff report back to Council on circumstances after one year of slots operation.
e. THAT through the Development Application or Operating Agreement or Condition a(vi), commitments be confirmed for the Racetrack operator to provide $40 Million in capital improvements at the Racetrack and/or on Hastings Park.
(Councillors Bass, Cadman, Louis, Roberts and Woodsworth opposed)ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS
1. Business License Hearing Panels for September 15, 2004, September 16, 2004 and September 28, 2004 (File 2711-1)
Further to the amendment passed at the Council meeting following the Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets earlier this day:
MOVED by Councillor Louis
THAT the following Council members be delegated as alternates to the September 15 and September 16, 2004 Business License Hearings:
September 15, 2004
Councillor Stephenson
September 16, 2004
Councillor Sullivan
(Councillor Cadman absent for the vote)COMMITTEE REPORTS
1. Report of Standing Committee on Planning and Environment
July 22, 2004
Council considered the report containing the recommendations and actions taken by the Standing Committee on Planning and Environment. Its items of business included:
1. 5075 Granville Street Warning to Prospective Purchasers
2. 967 East 14th Avenue Warning to Prospective Purchasers
3. 1095 East 41st Avenue Warning to Prospective Purchasers
4. Vancouver Community College King Edward Campus Policy Statement
5. Cyclist Pushbuttons for Existing Pedestrian Signals, 2004 Program
6. Liquor Retail Policy and Guidelines
7. Award of Contract PS04019 Maintenance and Repair of Elevating DevicesMOVED by Councillor Louis
THAT the recommendations and actions taken by the Standing Committee on Planning and Environment at its meeting of July 22, 2004, as contained in Items 1 to 7, be approved.
(Councillor Cadman absent for the vote)
THAT the Committee of the Whole rise and report.
MOVED by Councillor Louie
SECONDED by Councillor Bass
THAT the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted.
(Councillor Cadman absent for the vote)MOTIONS
A. Administrative Motions
B. Motions on Notice
1. Implementation of Front-line Transit Operators Advisory Committee (File 3051)
MOVED by Councillor Bass
SECONDED by Councillor Louis
WHEREAS Council adopted on June 8, 2004, in relation to the Vancouver/UBC Area Transit Plan, c. THAT a front-line transit operators committee be established to give on-going comments and suggestions to both the Public Advisory Committee and the ATP Project Team;
A. Council appoint up to nine front-line transit operators (including bus-drivers, SkyTrain security and attendants) who are willing to volunteer to serve on an advisory committee to Council to offer comment and present ideas in relation to the Vancouver/UBC Area Transit Plan, with the overall goal of improving transit services.
B. Council approves the role, composition, operations, selection process and deliverables for the Front-Line Transit Operators Advisory Committee as outlined in the Appendix to this motion.
C. Council ask the City Clerk to provide clerical support, meeting space and a light meal for approximately 15 people (advisory committee and staff) at a cost not to exceed $1500 (10-12 meetings of the group would be the maximum expected during the Area Transit Plan work).
(Councillor Cadman absent for the vote and Councillor Sullivan opposed)
The following Appendix was attached to the motion for Councils information:Appendix
Vancouver City council is asking the Front-Line Transit Operators Advisory Committee (FLTOAC) to offer comment and suggestions in response to draft reports of the Vancouver/UBC Area Transit Plan (ATP) and on related issues. Because front-line operators have a unique perspective of transportation and traffic, they are in a special position to offer commentary which might improve transit services and consequently reduce the stress inherent in the transit operators own work.
The committees nine members should include bus operators (regular Vancouver buses, commuter buses, rapid buses, and trolley buses); TransLink security and attendants; SeaBus workers (if feasible). They should be drawn from the relevant unions (Canadian AutoWorkers, OPIEU, CUPE) and from transit operating centres. In addition to the nine operators, Helen Cook, ATP Coordinator; Scott Edwards, CoV Staff person with the ATP, and Fred Bass, Council liaison to the ATP may also attend.
The meetings should occur every four to eight weeks at or near City Hall and be scheduled in advance at a convenient time. This committee (FLTOAC) would report to Council on the Area Transit Plan and may seek to meet with the ATPs Public Advisory Committee and/or City Council.
FLTOAC should produce an agenda in advance of every meeting. Timely minutes that reflect the major issues discussed at each meeting should be circulated. Members should have at least three years experience in Vancouver and a knowledge of many Vancouver routes. Two co-chairs should be selected at the first meeting by the operators themselves.Selection process
The unions noted above will be asked to nominate members and postings should go up at each transit operating centre whose drivers work in Vancouver. Committee members should include all of the categories of operators noted under Composition. Names of persons who have been nominated or who have volunteered from the operating Centres will be submitted to Council for final selection of the (up-to) nine members.
The minutes of each meeting should accurately reflect the comments and suggestions made at that meeting.
On occasion, the FLTOAC may ask or be asked to provide commentary to the ATPs public advisory committee or City Council.
2. Government of Canada to Renew the Multi-Year Tomorrow Starts Today Cultural Funding Investment (File 2051)
MOVED by Councillor Green
SECONDED by Councillor Louis
WHEREAS the initiatives supported by the Government of Canada's Tomorrow Starts Today $560 million cultural investment, announced in May 2001, reached into communities across the country; contributed significantly to the quality of life of Canadians; and reaffirmed the importance of culture and creativity in Canada; and
WHEREAS Tomorrow Starts Today embraced the diversity of Canadian voices and allowed for the emergence of the best arts, cultural and heritage offerings in municipalities of all sizes across the nation; and
WHEREAS more than 100 communities in Canada, from large urban centres to small and remote communities, benefited from improved infrastructure that builds cultural capacity, while 225 communities have had access to arts and cultural festivals of the highest quality through Tomorrow Starts Today investments; and
WHEREAS Tomorrow Starts Today doubled the number of arts training institutions supported, with most of the new institutions offering training in Aboriginal arts and in arts related to Canada's diverse communities and their artistic traditions; and
WHEREAS the lack of timely decisions to renew the Tomorrow Starts Today funding would put at risk thousands of projects in hundreds of communities; would adversely affect employment in the arts, cultural and heritage sectors across the country; and would reduce Canadians' access to their culture;
BE IT RESOLVED that the Federation of Canadian Municipalities strongly urge the Government of Canada to renew the multi-year Tomorrow Starts Today funding initiative, so as to continue this important cultural investment for the social and economic development of Canadian cities and communities.
(Councillor Cadman absent for the vote)NEW BUSINESS
1. Costs of Implementing a Ward System (File 1103)
MOVED by Councillor Sullivan
SECONDED by Councillor Ladner
THAT staff provide an information memo on the costs of implementing the recommendations in the Berger report, A City of Neighbourhoods: Report of the 2004 Vancouver Electoral Reform Commission, dated June 8, 2004, specifically, recommendations, 1, 4, 7, 10 and V.C(1)
(Councillor Cadman absent for the vote)The Council adjourned at 6:39 p.m.
* * * * *