Phone: 604-871-6029

RTS NO. 04447

CC File No. 1254
Meeting Date: July 22, 2004

TO: Vancouver City Council

FROM: City Clerk

SUBJECT: Authority to travel to the Barcelona, Spain 2004 Security Forum Conference and the World Urban Forum Conference


A. THAT Council authorize Councillor Jim Green to travel to Barcelona for the Barcelona 2004 Security Forum Conference - September 7-11, 2004 without cost to the City.

B. THAT Council authorize a delegation representing the City of Vancouver, consisting of Councillors Peter Ladner - Head of Delegation, Jim Green - Deputy Mayor, David Cadman and Ellen Woodsworth to attend the World Urban Forum Conference in Barcelona, Spain - September 12-19, 2004.

C. THAT Council authorize expenses to be paid for Councillors Green ($2,375) and Ladner ($4,236) to be evenly divided between the Councillor's Travel Budget and the Mayor's Budgeted Fund; and that Councillors Cadman and Woodsworth's attendance be at no cost to the City.

D. THAT Council grant a leave of absence for City business for Councillor Jim Green (September 7-19, 2004) and Councillors Peter Ladner, David Cadman and Ellen Woodsworth (September 12-19, 2004).


The City Manager submits the recommendation for Council's CONSIDERATION.


Current City Business Travel Policy, approved July 31, 1992 for travel outside North America.


This report requests approval for Councillor Jim Green to travel to Barcelona for the 2004 Security Forum Conference, and for Council to send a delegation to the World Urban Forum consisting of Councillors Peter Ladner - Head of Delegation, David Cadman, Ellen Woodsworth and Jim Green - Deputy Mayor.


2004 Security Forum Conference

James Perkins of UNITAR (United Nations Institute for Training and Research), has invited Councillor Green to attend the 2004 Security Forum conference as a representative of the City of Vancouver and to participate as a keynote speaker in the conference on Friday. The forum will be paying special attention to the human elements surrounding security issues in urban and suburban areas, and security issues considered important in the Vancouver area.

World Urban Forum: "Cities: Crossroads of cultures, inclusiveness and integration?"

There is a desire to send a delegation headed by Councillor Peter Ladner to the second gathering of UN-HABITAT's "World Urban Forum" to be held in Barcelona, Spain the third week of September 2004.  This forum will bring together 2,000 to 3,000 delegates representing governments, local authorities, non-governmental organizations and other experts on urban issues from around the world. Held every two years, the forum is a key event on the international calendar, a new ground-breaking global initiative to address and keep abreast of the main challenge of the new Millennium - our planet's transition to an urban world. The other members of the suggested delegation are Councillors Jim Green - Deputy Mayor - David Cadman and Ellen Woodsworth

At the World Urban Forum, Councillor Green has been asked, in his role as Chair of the Social Development Committee of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, to facilitate a meeting between Mr. Alain Clerc, International Advisor to the Executive Secretariat of the Second World Summit of Cities, Information Society (Bilbao November 2005), Christophe Nuttall, Head of the Decentralized Cooperation Program of UNITAR and Ms. Anne McLean, President and James Knight, Executive Director of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities. In addition, Councillor Green feels it is important to learn from the World Urban Forum as Vancouver will host the 2006 gathering.

Councillor Ladner will be traveling overseas for personal travel then attending the World Urban Forum representing the City of Vancouver.  Consistent with City policy, expenses for accommodation and airfare accumulated for the City business portion of the trip are requested.

Councillors Cadman and Woodsworth are not requesting financial support only to be part of the delegation. Their only request is for a leave of absence. Councillor Woodsworth is also attending to chair a session and to work on women's, youth and peace issues.


Costs are calculated inclusive of taxes/fees and into Canadian dollars based on current exchange rates and consistent with City policy. As suggested by the Mayor's staff funding sources are available in the Councillors' Travel Budget (50%) and Mayor's Fund (50%).
Councillor Jim Green

Recommendation A is being paid for by UNITAR.

Councillor Jim Green - World Urban Forum - September 12-18, 2004



Ground Transportation


Per Diem - (7 days X 85/day )



      $ 2,375.00

Councillor Peter Ladner

 Councillor Peter Ladner - World Urban Forum - September 12-18, 2004





Ground Transportation       


Per Diem - (7 days x $85/day)





- Councillor Ladner's airfare amount is from an estimate received from Navigant

Councillor David Cadman

Councillor Cadman is not requesting any expenses.

Councillor Ellen Woodsworth

Councillor Woodworth is not requesting any expenses.

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