Vancouver City Council |
JULY 20 AND 27, 2004
A Business License Hearing of the Council of the City of Vancouver was convened on, Tuesday, July 20, 2004, in the Council Chamber, Third Floor, City Hall, commencing at 9:30 a.m., to determine whether or not the 2004 City of Vancouver business licenses granted to Joo Won Enterprises Co. Ltd. doing business as The Marr Hotel Pub (the "Licensee") for the business premises located at 401 Powell Street and The Marr Hotel (the "Licensee") for the business premises located at 403 Powell Street, Vancouver, British Columbia (the "Premises") should be suspended or revoked. The Hearing was subsequently reconvened on Tuesday, July 27, 2004, at 9:30 a.m. The minutes have been consolidated for ease of reference.
Councillor Peter Ladner, Chair
Councillor Fred Bass
Councillor David Cadman
Denise Salmon, Meeting Coordinator
1. Joo Won Enterprises Co. Ltd. (File 2711-68)
dba The Marr Hotel Pub, 401 Powell Street and The Marr Hotel, 403 Powell StreetThe Business License Hearing Panel had before it for consideration an Evidence Brief, prepared by the City's Legal Department, which contained the following material (on file in the City Clerk's Office) and the evidence of witnesses:
Notice of Hearing 401 Powell
Notice of Hearing 403 PowellTab
1 Licenses and Inspections Department
2002 Business License #02-135583 issued February 12, 2002 - Pub
2002 Business License #02-110335 issued February 12, 2002 - Hotel
2003 Business License #03-394683 issued January 29, 2003 - Pub
2003 Business License #03-411174 issued February 3, 2003 - Hotel
2004 Business License #04-007154 issued December 17, 2003 - Pub
2004 Business License #04-029445 issued December 17, 2003 - Hotel
Company Search Joo Won Enterprise Co. Ltd.
Property Use Inspection Report #UI 13557 dated February 28, 2001
Letter to Joo Won Enterprise Co. Ltd. from B. Windsor dated April 27, 2001
Handwritten notes dated May 7, 2001
Property Use Inspection Report #UI 14070 dated May 8, 2001
Letter to Mayor Owen from Robert Fenton dated June 6, 2001
Property Use Inspection Report #UI 14951 dated July 31, 2001
Letter to Joo Won Enterprise Co. Ltd. from J.P. Toneguzzo dated February 7, 2003
Complaint Form #C 3056 dated December 2, 2003
Property Use Inspection Report #UI 22267 dated December 4, 2003
Letter to Joo Won Enterprise Co. Ltd. from B. Windsor dated December 17, 2003
Handwritten notes dated January 8, 2004
Letter to Joo Won Enterprise Co. Ltd. from D.H. Jackson dated January 8, 2004
Operator's Permit dated January 13, 2004
Co-ordinated Inspection Report (Property Use) #CU 10281 dated March 17, 2004
List of Photos
Building Inspection Report #BI 22373 dated April 20, 2004
Letter to Joo Won Enterprise Co. Ltd. from D.H. Jackson dated May 14, 2004
Building Permit #BU 428960 dated June 2, 2004
Electrical Inspection Report #EI 13137 dated June 4, 2004
Letter to Joo Won Enterprise Co. Ltd. from J. Docherty dated June 11, 2004
Letter to Joo Won Enterprise Co. Ltd. from B. Windsor dated June 25, 20042 Fire Department
Report to Prosecutor dated October 21, 2003
Court Information #25820 (date of charges October 21, 2003)
Record of Proceedings #25820
Conviction #25820-1 dated May 18, 2004
Report to Prosecutor dated November 13, 2003
Court Information #25846 (date of charges November 13, 2003
Record of Proceedings #25846
Conviction #25846-1 dated May 18, 2004
Memo to Barb Windsor from Ken Suzuki dated December 5, 20033 Vancouver Agreement
Address Verification Report from Lesley Wyatt dated March 17, 2004
Fax to Catherine Kinahan from Ken Copeland dated May 18, 20044 Police Department
Report #2004-24716 dated January 30, 2004
LPC #124062 dated February 26, 2004
Report #2004-66097 dated March 17, 2004
Report #2004-40675 dated March 17, 2004
dated May 5, 2004
dated June 2, 2004Report #2004-45387 dated April 6, 2004
dated April 20, 2004
dated April 29, 2004
dated May 5, 2004
dated May 11, 2004
dated May 19, 2004Report #2004-110987 dated May 11, 2004
dated May 15, 2004
dated May 19, 2004
dated May 31, 2004
dated June 3, 2004
dated June 14, 2004Report #2004-146949 dated June 23, 2004
Ben Parkin, Counsel, was present on behalf of the City of Vancouver. Mr. Parkin introduced the licensee, Hee Suk Lim, who was accompanied by a Korean interpreter, and counsel for Mr. Lim, Michael Ranspot.
This matter was referred to City Council by the Chief License Inspector pursuant to Section 4(2a) of the License By-law. Section 277.1 of the Vancouver Charter confers on Council the power to delegate the holding of business license hearings to one or more Councillors. Mr. Parkin advised the proceedings were taking place pursuant to Section 278 of the Vancouver Charter, which provides that the issuance of a business license is deemed to be at the discretion of Council.
Mr. Parkin referred the Panel to evidence before it as set out in police reports; reports of Property Use Inspectors; documentation which was considered by the Chief License Inspector in referring the business licenses to Council; a letter from the Deputy Chief License Inspector, and the evidence of witnesses. Additional police reports and a Property Use Inspection Report dated July 13, 2004, were circulated at the Hearing (on file in City Clerk's Office). The foregoing evidence sets out the allegations that the applicant has failed to properly manage the business premises as follows:
The Marr Hotel Pub by:
(a) failing to comply with the provisions of the Fire By-law;
(b) failing to maintain control over the licensed Premises;
(c) failing to maintain control over the patrons on the Premises;
(d) failing to comply with the provisions of the Liquor Control and Licensing Act; and
(e) failing to comply with the provisions of the Health By-law by permitting smoking.
The Marr Hotel by:
(a) failing to comply with the provisions of the Fire By-law;
(b) failing to maintain control over the licensed Premises; and
(c) failing to comply with the provisions of the Standards of Maintenance By-law.
In support of the allegations set out in the above noted reports and evidence, Mr. Parkin called the following witnesses:
· Barb Windsor, Deputy Chief License Inspector
· PC 1724 Payette
· PC 1966 Volpatti
· PC 2079 Woolacott
· PC Jill Proctor
· Lynn Urekar, Property Use InspectorMr. Ranspot also directed questions to the witnesses.
- - - - -
The Panel recessed at this point in the proceedings at 12:40 p.m., on Tuesday, July 20, 2004, and reconvened on Tuesday, July 27, 2004, at 9:30 a.m.
- - - - -The following evidence was submitted by the licensee's counsel, Mr. Ranspot, on July 27, 2004 (on file in the City Clerk's Office):
· Unaudited financial statements dated February 29, 2004, for Joo Won Enterprise Co. Ltd. (dba Marr Hotel and Pub); and
· Repair expenses from January to July 2004.Mr. Ranspot called the following witnesses:
· Erin Chapman, waitress/bartender, Marr Pub
· Corrie Lim Bates, waitress/bartender, Marr Pub
· Hee Suk Lim, Director, Joo Won Enterprise Co. Ltd. (with the aid of an interpreter)Mr. Parkin submitted that the evidence presented as this Hearing accords with the allegations as set out in the evidence briefs, with the exception of failing to comply with the provisions of the Health by-law by permitted smoking, and sets out the legal test for Council to apply in determining whether or not the 2004 City of Vancouver business licenses granted to Joo Won Enterprise Co. Ltd. for the business premises located at 401 and 403 Powell Street Vancouver, British Columbia, should be suspended or revoked.
Mr. Ranspot submitted for the Panel's consideration that the licensee, Hee Suk Lim, Director, Joo Won Enterprise Co. Ltd. be allowed to continue to hold his licenses subject to conditions as follows:
Hotel Fire Escape:
The City set out steps required to address concerns related to the fire escape, with a reasonable time period allowed to address these concerns, to the satisfaction of the City, with consideration given to Mr. Lim's resources.
Hotel Upstairs:
Installation of a security camera to allow for monitoring those accessing the premises and more importantly, a caretaker, to the satisfaction of the City, that is trustworthy and with no addiction problems, to address concerns related to illegal activity.
The two witnesses noted above, Erin Chapman and Corrie Lim Bates, having demonstrated an ability to control patrons of the pub, be put in charge of same, with explicit direction given to the licensee and the two women by the City regarding any pub related concerns.
Mr. Ranspot also submitted there is no evidence of fighting or criminal activity and suggested Mr. Lim be permitted to continue operating the pub and hotel businesses with the above noted conditions.
Prior to a decision on this matter, Panel members noted the demonstrated history of the allegations set out above, including the licensee, Mr. Lim's demonstrated repeated inability to property manage the facility and maintain control of the premises. Discussion followed on ways to monitor further business license applications for the premises located at 401 and 403 Powell Street.
MOVED by Councillor Bass
A. THAT the 2004 City of Vancouver business license granted to Joo Won Enterprise Co. Ltd. doing business as The Marr Hotel Pub (the "Licensee"), for business premises located at 401 Powell Street, Vancouver, British Columbia (the "Premises"), be revoked because the Licensee has failed to properly manage these premises by:
(a) failing to comply with the provisions of the Fire By-law;
(b) failing to maintain control over the licensed Premises;
(c) failing to maintain control over the patrons on the Premises; and
(d) failing to comply with the provisions of the Liquor Control and Licensing Act.
B. THAT the 2004 City of Vancouver business license granted to Joo Won Enterprise Co. Ltd. doing business as The Marr Hotel (the "Licensee"), for business premises located at 403 Powell Street, Vancouver, British Columbia (the "Premises"), be revoked because the Licensee has failed to properly manage these premises by:
(a) failing to comply with the provisions of the Fire By-law;
(b) failing to maintain control over the licensed Premises; and
(c) failing to comply with the provisions of the Standards of Maintenance By-law.
C. THAT should any further business license applications be submitted to the City of Vancouver for The Marr Hotel Pub for the business premises located at 401 Powell Street and/or The Marr Hotel for the business premises located at 403 Powell Street, such application(s), at the discretion of the Deputy Chief License Inspector, be referred to Vancouver City Council.
The Business License Hearing Panel recessed at 12:40 p.m. on July 20, 2004
and adjourned at 12:50 p.m. on July 27, 2004.* * * * *