Administrative Report



June 28, 2004



K. Turnbull


Phone No.:



RTS No.:



CC File No.:



Meeting Date:

July 20, 2004


Vancouver City Council


General Manager of Engineering Services in Consultation
with the Director of Real Estate Services


Proposed Lease of a Portion of Coal Harbour Seawalk


It should be noted that no legal right or obligation is created and none shall arise until execution of the lease.


The authority for closing and disposing of streets and lanes is set out in the Vancouver Charter.


The purpose of this report is to obtain Council authority to close, stop-up and lease to the abutting owner of Lot T of the Public Harbour of Burrard Inlet, Plan LMP12980 a portion of Coal Harbour Seawalk to accommodate the lobby area for the restaurant.


On November 5, 1993 Plan LMP12980 dedicated as road the Coal Harbour Seawalk. Plan LMP12980 also created Lot T. On June 24, 2002 the Development Permit Board approved DE404739 to construct a two-storey Restaurant/Marine Pub on this lot subject to various conditions. The application also proposed to build an "enclosed lobby area" which encroaches onto City road. The subject portion of road is shown heavy outlined on Appendix "B".

Condition A.2.1. of the Development Permit Board approval stated that:

This report deals solely with the entrance foyer and lobby area.


The current owner had sought to validate the "lobby" encroachment by the City's standard encroachment agreement. As the lobby area will form a habitable and integral part of the restaurant the City's standard encroachment agreement is not an acceptable method to secure the private use of the area. The Director of Real Estate Services has therefore entered into negotiations for a lease over the afore-mentioned area.

The annual rental, as recommended by the Director of Real Estate Services to be $750.00 inclusive of property taxes as if levied plus GST and PST as applicable.

The design of the Restaurant/Pub is such that it is on a platform connected by bridges to the seawall walkway forming Coal Harbour Seawalk. The area to be leased extends onto Coal Harbour Seawalk by 3.05 metres (10 feet) and is well clear of pedestrian traffic along the Seawalk.

The decorative building façade, restaurant deck structure, access ramps and utility services encroaching onto City Street are all validated by Encroachment Agreements registered on the title of Lot T.


The proposed lease will provide for the indemnification of the City and will require that the Lessee be responsible for the maintenance of the lease area. The future use of the lease area will be assured through the cancellation provisions in the lease, and the City will receive market rent for the use of City street. It is therefore recommended that Council approve the lease subject to the conditions set out in this report.



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