Vancouver City Council |
A Regular Meeting of the Standing Committee of Council on City Services and Budgets was held on Thursday, July 8, 2004, at 9:30 a.m., in the Council Chamber, Third Floor, City Hall.
Councillor Tim Louis, Chair
*Mayor Larry Campbell
Councillor Fred Bass
Councillor David Cadman
Councillor Jim Green
*Councillor Peter Ladner
*Councillor Raymond Louie
*Councillor Anne Roberts
*Councillor Tim Stevenson (Item No. 1)
Councillor Sam Sullivan
Councillor Ellen Woodsworth
Councillor Tim Stevenson (Leave of Absence) (Items 2-6)
Judy Rogers, City Manager
Denise Salmon, Meeting Coordinator
*Denotes absence for a portion of the meeting.
The Minutes of the Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets meeting of June 10, 2004, were adopted.
1. City of Vancouver Advertising Policy (File 1161)
The Committee had before it a Policy Report dated June 11, 2004, in which the City Clerk advised of a consultation process conducted on the City of Vancouver's written policies and criteria that govern advertising and presented to Council recommended draft language for an updated advertising policy, with reference to related budget implications. The City Manager recommended approval.
Syd Baxter, City Clerk, provided an overview of the report and, along with Catherine Clement, Director of Communications, and Paul Heraty, Communications Coordinator, responded to questions related to the increase in City expenditures on communications and newspaper advertising, publications which provide audited circulation numbers, effective ways of reaching out to communities, and the process which determines placement of advertising in specific publications.
Councillor Green requested a memorandum back from the Legal Department on procurement policies in relation to Councillors, and policies related to advertisements in general, from a legal and optics point of view, including the purchase of goods and services from Council members.
Gareth Kirkby, Managing Editor, XtraWest, (brief filed) advised of the need to reach out and involve members of minority communities in civic and political life and ensure related matters be advertised in the broadest possible way, with emphasis on targeting communities through their own regularly published community newspapers.
MOVED by Councillor Stevenson
THAT the Committee recommend to Council
THAT Council approve an updated Advertising Policy as outlined in the Policy Report dated June 11, 2004, entitled "City of Vancouver Advertising Policy", with amendment to Point 5 on Page 8 of the report to add the words "and public processes", to read as follows:
5. The Corporate Communications Division will consider diverse communities in decisions regarding City communications and outreach that concern requests for public involvement and public processes. These will include groups such as ethno-cultural, aboriginal, and gay/lesbian bisexual/ trans-gendered communities, people with disabilities, and faith-based organizations that serve targeted communities;
FURTHER THAT staff be requested to provide a memorandum back in six months on:
- how these new guidelines have affected advertising in various areas across the city; and
- ways to encourage various departments to either put aside certain funds, and/or ways to target minority communities so that when advertisements come to the Communications Division they will be able to reach out to these various communities.
(Councillors Ladner and Louie and the Mayor absent for the vote)
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The Committee agreed to vary the agenda to deal with Item 2 at the end of the agenda. The minutes reflect the agenda order to ensure clarity.
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2. Mayor and Council Members' Expenses By-law (File 113)
The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated June 7, 2004, in which the City Clerk recommended a by-law that consolidates the two existing by-laws governing reimbursement of expenses incurred by members of Council while representing the City, engaging in City business or attending a course, meeting or convention and to repeal By-laws 7254 and 7466. Changes to the Council policy on business travel to remove references to approvals for elected officials were also recommended. The City Manager recommended approval.
Syd Baxter, City Clerk, Terry Corrigan, Director of Financial Services, and Karen Dornan, Manager Finance, Equipment Management, provided an overview of the report and draft by-law, responded to questions related to retroactivity issues and provided clarification regarding reference to an allowance for motor vehicles.
Council members also discussed the need for a laundry and dry-cleaning allowance and amount allowed for entertainment in a hosting capacity.
MOVED by Councillor Woodsworth
THAT the Committee recommend to Council
A. THAT Council approve enactment of the Mayor and Council Members' Expenses By-law, generally in accordance with Appendix A of the Administrative Report dated June 7, 2004, entitled "Mayor and Council Members' Expenses By-law", as amended this day and set out below, and authorize the Director of Legal Services to bring the By-law forward for Council's consideration and to repeal By-laws 7254 and 7466:
Remove Section 3.1(c)(iii) as follows:
(iii) laundry and dry-cleaning;
B. THAT Council authorize the proposed amendments to current Council policy on Business Travel regarding approval of the Mayor's and Council members' reimbursement of expenses as set out in Appendix B of the Administrative Report dated June 7, 2004, entitled "Mayor and Council Members' Expenses By-law".
AMENDMENT MOVED by Councillor Louie
THAT the following be added to Recommendation A above:
Insert the following words in Section 3.1(c)(viii): "for Council purposes", to read as follows:
(viii) educational purposes, for Council purposes,
Remove from Section 4.1 (b) the words "for owning and operating a motor vehicle" to read as follows:
4.1(b) a transportation allowance, in the conduct of city business, of $600.00 each month.
Remove from Section 4.2 the words "for owning and operating a motor vehicle" to read as follows:
4.2 A council member may elect to receive for a calendar year, or portion of it, a transportation allowance, in the conduct of City business, in an amount each month equal to 5% of an amount equal to 10% of that council member's remuneration for the same calendar year.
(Councillor Roberts absent for the vote)
AMENDMENT MOVED by Councillor Bass
THAT the following be added to Recommendation A above:
Insert the following words in Section 3.1(c)(v): "up to the per diem allowance per guest", to read as follows:
(v) entertainment in a hosting capacity, up to the per diem allowance per guest,
(Councillors Cadman, Green, Ladner, Louie and Sullivan and the Mayor opposed)
(Councillors Roberts and Stevenson absent for the vote)
A. THAT Council approve enactment of the Mayor and Council Members' Expenses By-law, generally in accordance with Appendix A of the Administrative Report dated June 7, 2004, entitled "Mayor and Council Members' Expenses By-law", as amended this day and set out below, and authorize the Director of Legal Services to bring the By-law forward for Council's consideration and to repeal By-laws 7254 and 7466.
Remove Section 3.1(c)(iii) as follows:
(iii) laundry and dry-cleaning;
Insert the following words in Section 3.1(c)(viii): "for Council purposes", to read as follows:
(viii) educational purposes, for Council purposes,
Remove from Section 4.1(b) the words "for owning and operating a motor vehicle" to read as follows:
4.1(b) a transportation allowance, in the conduct of city business, of $600.00 each month.
Remove from Section 4.2 the words "for owning and operating a motor vehicle" to read as follows:
4.2 A council member may elect to receive for a calendar year, or portion of it, a transportation allowance, in the conduct of City business, in an amount each month equal to 5% of an amount equal to 10% of that council member's remuneration for the same calendar year.
B. THAT Council authorize the proposed amendments to current Council policy on Business Travel regarding approval of the Mayor's and Council members' reimbursement of expenses as set out in Appendix B of the Administrative Report dated June 7, 2004, entitled "Mayor and Council Members' Expenses By-law".
(Councillor Roberts absent for the vote)
3. Community Social Servcies Funding (File 1263)
At its meeting on June 10, 2004, Vancouver City Council referred the following motion to the July 8th City Services and Budgets Committee meeting in order to hear from a delegation.
George Heyman, President, BC Government and Services' Employees Union, provided examples of impacts of the social service cuts and urged Council adopt the motion before it this day.
MOVED by Councillor Woodsworth
SECONDED by Councillor Bass
WHEREAS community social services are vital to the health and well-being of thousands of British Columbians, especially women, people with disabilities, children and families in need, and the most vulnerable people in our society; and
WHEREAS these critical services are dependent on adequate funding by the provincial government; and
WHEREAS the provincial government has already cut $100 million from the community social services sector since 2001, and plans to cut at least $70 million more before March 31 of this year; and
WHEREAS these cuts are having a devastating impact on families and communities;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED council send a letter to the BC government calling on Premier Gordon Campbell, Finance Minister Gary Collins, and Minister of Children and Family Development Christy Clark to put on hold any further cuts to community social service funding in the upcoming 2004/2005 budget, and to make every effort to restore program funding to the pre-2001 level.
AMENDMENT MOVED by Councillor Sullivan
THAT the resolve in the Motion be amended by inserting the following words immediately following the words 2004/2005 budget: "that results in decreases in services to vulnerable populations,"
To read as follows:
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED council send a letter to the BC government calling on Premier Gordon Campbell, Finance Minister Gary Collins, and Minister of Children and Family Development Christy Clark to put on hold any further cuts to community social service funding in the upcoming 2004/2005 budget, that results in decreases in services to vulnerable populations, and to make every effort to restore program funding to the pre-2001 level.
(Councillors Bass, Cadman, Green, Louie, Louis, Roberts, Woodsworth opposed)
(The Mayor absent for the vote)
AMENDMENT MOVED by Councillor Woodsworth
THAT the resolve in the Motion be amended by deleting the words "in the upcoming 2004/2005 budget" and inserting the following words at the end of the sentence: "and refer this matter to the UBCM and LMMA."
To read as follows:
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED council send a letter to the BC government calling on Premier Gordon Campbell, Finance Minister Gary Collins, and Minister of Children and Family Development Christy Clark to put on hold any further cuts to community social service funding and to make every effort to restore program funding to the pre-2001 level, and refer this matter to the UBCM and LMMA.
(Councillors Ladner and Sullivan opposed)
(The Mayor absent for the vote)
AMENDMENT MOVED by Councillor Sullivan
THAT the resolve in the Motion be amended by replacing the words: "pre-2001 level" with the words "pre-1991 level reflecting inflation adjustment"
To read as follows:
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED council send a letter to the BC government calling on Premier Gordon Campbell, Finance Minister Gary Collins, and Minister of Children and Family Development Christy Clark to put on hold any further cuts to community social service funding and to make every effort to restore program funding to the pre-1991 level, reflecting inflation adjustment, and refer this matter to the UBCM and LMMA.
THAT the amendment to the resolve in the Motion be amended by replacing the words "pre 1991 level, reflecting inflation adjustment" with the words "1995 or 2001 level, whichever is greater"
To read as follows:
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED council send a letter to the BC government calling on Premier Gordon Campbell, Finance Minister Gary Collins, and Minister of Children and Family Development Christy Clark to put on hold any further cuts to community social service funding and to make every effort to restore program funding to the 1995 or 2001 level, whichever is greater and refer this matter to the UBCM and LMMA.
(Councillors Cadman, Green, Louie, Louis, Roberts, Woodsworth opposed)
(The Mayor absent for the vote)
The secondary amendment having lost, the primary amendment was put and LOST, with Councillors Bass, Cadman, Green, Ladner, Louie, Louis, Roberts, and Woodsworth opposed, and the Mayor absent for the vote.
THAT the Committee recommend to Council
WHEREAS community social services are vital to the health and well-being of thousands of British Columbians, especially women, people with disabilities, children and families in need, and the most vulnerable people in our society; and
WHEREAS these critical services are dependent on adequate funding by the provincial government; and
WHEREAS the provincial government has already cut $100 million from the community social services sector since 2001, and plans to cut at least $70 million more before March 31 of this year; and
WHEREAS these cuts are having a devastating impact on families and communities;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED council send a letter to the BC government calling on Premier Gordon Campbell, Finance Minister Gary Collins, and Minister of Children and Family Development Christy Clark to put on hold any further cuts to community social service funding, and to make every effort to restore program funding to the pre-2001 level, and refer this matter to the UBCM and LMMA.
(Councillors Ladner and Sullivan opposed)
(The Mayor absent for the vote)
4. Vancouver Museum - Annual Review & 2004 Operating Grant Request
(File 4008/2051)
The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated June 16, 2004, in which the Directors, Office of Cultural Affairs and Finance provided background on the Vancouver Museum, reviewed the organization's 2003 activities and recommended a 2004 Operating Grant. The General Managers of Community and Corporate Services recommended approval.
Karen Hassefelt, Cultural Planner, was present to respond to questions.
Councillor Bass requested a memorandum back on transit access to public facilities in Kits Point.
MOVED by Councillor Green
THAT the Committee recommend to Council
THAT Council approve an operating grant of $676,200 to the Vancouver Museum Commission; source of funds to be the 2004 "Other" Grants budget.
5. Vancouver Maritime Museum Society - Annual Review & 2004 Operating Grant Request (File 2051)
The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated June 18, 2004, in which the Directors, Office of Cultural Affairs and Finance, provided a review of the Vancouver Maritime Museum's 2003 activities and recommended Council's approval of the society's 2004 Operating Grant. The General Managers of Community and Corporate Services recommended approval.
Karen Hassefelt, Cultural Planner, was present to respond to questions.
MOVED by Councillor Green
THAT the Committee recommend to Council
THAT Council approve an operating grant in the amount of $371,900 to the Vancouver Maritime Museum Society; source of funds to be the 2004 "Other" Grants budget.
6. Olympic Youth Legacy for Physical Activity, Sport, Culture and the Arts
(File 4102/4209)
The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated June 22, 2004, in which the General Manager of Board of Parks and Recreation, Director of Cultural Affairs, Community Services, and Director of Social Planning, Community Services sought Council approval of the Olympic Youth Legacy Framework and requested funds to implement a series of pilot activities for the next 18 months, starting in the summer of 2004, and continuing into 2005. Staff also recommended Council encourage other partners to adopt the Youth Legacy Framework and assist in its funding and implementation.
Alice Niwinski, Cultural Planner and Nadim Kara, Social Planning, Booth Palmer, Child and Youth Services Coordinator and Susan Gordon, Co-ordinator, Arts and Culture were present to respond to questions.
Wai See, Youth Driven, noted the capacity building part of the proposal is very effective, but suggested the focus of age be extended up to 24 years. Mr. See also noted the importance of partnering with different organizations and talking about how to get immigrant youth involved.
Doug Ragan, Environmental Youth Alliance, spoke in support of the report, reiterated the need to focus on assets of young people in the community, and noted the youth community driven process and their active participation were two positive aspects of the report.
MOVED by Mayor Campbell
THAT the Committee recommend to Council
A. THAT Council approve the Olympic Youth Legacy Framework as outlined in the Administrative Report dated June 22, 2004, entitled "Olympic Youth Legacy for Physical Activity, Sport, Culture and the Arts", with amendment to extend the program to age 24.
B. THAT Council approve $200,000 for the implementation of Phase One of the Legacy Action Plan presented in the Administrative Report dated June 22, 2004, entitled "Olympic Youth Legacy for Physical Activity, Sport, Culture and the Arts", source of funds to be the Special Projects component of the 2004 General Government budget.
C. THAT Council approve the designation of $200,000 in the Special Projects component of the 2005 General Government budget for Phase Two of the Legacy Action Plan, subject to a report back on Phase One.
D. THAT Council encourage other levels of government, the Vancouver School Board and other community organizations to adopt the Youth Legacy Framework and to consider similar initiatives for increased youth involvement.
The Committee adjourned at 1:14 p.m.
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JULY 8, 2004 |
A Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of Vancouver was held on Thursday, July 8, 2004, at 1:15 p.m., in the Council Chamber, Third Floor, City Hall, following the Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets meeting, to consider the recommendations and actions of the Committee.
Mayor Larry Campbell
Councillor Tim Stevenson (Leave of Absence) |
Judy Rogers, City Manager |
Denise Salmon, Meeting Coordinator |
MOVED by Councillor Cadman
SECONDED by Councillor Roberts
THAT this Council resolve itself into Committee of the Whole, Mayor Campbell in the Chair.
Report of Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets
July 8, 2004
Council considered the report containing the recommendations and actions taken by the Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets. Its items of business included:
1. City of Vancouver Advertising Policy
2. Mayor and Council Members' Expenses By-law
3. Community Social Services Funding
4. Vancouver Museum - Annual Review & 2004 Operating Grant Request
5. Vancouver Maritime Museum Society - Annual Review & 2004 Operating Grant Request
6. Olympic Youth Legacy for Physical Activity, Sport, Culture and the Arts
Items 1-3 and 6
MOVED by Councillor Louis
THAT the recommendations and actions taken by the Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets at its meeting of July 8, 2004, as contained in Items 1-3 and 6, be approved.
Items 4 and 5
MOVED by Councillor Louis
THAT the recommendations and actions taken by the Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets at its meeting of July 8, 2004, as contained in Items 4 and 5, be approved.
MOVED by Councillor Cadman
THAT the Committee of the Whole rise and report.
MOVED by Councillor Cadman
SECONDED by Councillor Bass
THAT the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted.
Council took no action on the following by-law, which will be amended and dealt with at the July 20th Regular Council meeting:
1. A By-law to regulate expenses of the Mayor and Council members.
1. Leave of Absence - Mayor Campbell (File 1254)
MOVED by Councillor Cadman
SECONDED by Councillor Bass
THAT the Mayor be granted Leave of Absence from the July 8, 2004, Planning and Environment Committee meeting.
The Council adjourned at 1:16 p.m.
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