
June 1, 2004



J. Hlavach


Phone No.:



RTS No.:



CC File No.:



Meeting Date:

June 22, 2004


Vancouver City Council


Director of Current Planning


Heritage Revitalization Agreement and Designation -
2036 West 15th Avenue


A. THAT Council authorize the Director of Legal Services to enter into a Heritage Revitalization Agreement for the property at 2036 West 15th Avenue to:

- secure the protection and ongoing maintenance and replication of this "B" category building on the Vancouver Heritage Register;

- vary the Zoning and Development By-law to permit the construction and replacement of an infill one-family dwelling as a second principal building.

B. THAT Council designate, by bylaw, the building at 2036 West 15th Avenue as protected heritage property.

C. THAT the Director of Legal Services bring forth the bylaws to authorize the Heritage Revitalization Agreement and to designate the building.


The General Manager of Community Services RECOMMENDS approval of A, B and C.


Council's Heritage Policies and Guidelines state in part that "the City's long-term goal is to protect through voluntary designation as many resources on the Vancouver Heritage Register as possible and that legal designation will be a prerequisite to accepting certain bonuses and incentives."


The purpose of this report is to seek Council's approval to designate the "B" listed heritage building at 2036 West 15th Avenue and enter into a Heritage Revitalization Agreement for the heritage building and proposed infill building. (Please refer to Site Map below.)

Figure 1: Site Map


The current owner of the heritage house returned the building to a single-family dwelling from a multiple conversion dwelling and restored the exterior and interior before this application was submitted. Development Application 408226 proposes to construct a single-family infill (conditionally permitted in RT-8) at the rear of the property.

The application seeks to incorporate additional area into the infill, equivalent to the floor space under the existing verandas and in the attic of the heritage house. This floor area is not used for habitable accommodation, but is technically counted in FSR. In exchange for the floor space variance the owner is prepared to enter into a Heritage Revitalization Agreement and to designate.


Heritage Value: The existing heritage "B" building is a good example of the "California Bungalow". The shingled walls, bracketed eaves, broad gables and encompassing veranda are representative of a local "Arts and Crafts" style. The house was built between 1910 and 1914 as part of Talton Place - a six block development promoted as a more affordable alternative to Shaughnessy Heights. Much of the original context and streetscape remain intact.

Compatibility with the Zoning: The intent of the RT-8 district schedule is to encourage the retention and renovation of existing buildings which maintain the architectural style and character of the area. Infill is permitted as a conditional approval use. Typically, some level of restoration is required for the original house, although designation is not required when the overall FSR is under .75. Emphasis for new development is placed on compatibility in external character. The proposal conforms to the intent of the zoning district schedule and guidelines.

The existing building has an FSR of .68, including the non-habitable spaces under the verandas and in the attic which are included in FSR calculations. This includes 465.0 sq. ft. (43.2 m²) under the front, side and rear verandas, and 547.2 sq. ft. (50.8 m²) in the existing attic for a total of 1,012.2 sq. ft. (94.0 m2). The application seeks to incorporate an additional area of 1,000 sq. ft. (93 m²) above the conditional maximum into the proposed infill. This area is roughly equivalent to the non-habitable areas under the verandas and in the attic of the heritage house. The proposed infill would have a total floor area of about 1,450 sq. ft. (135 m2), of which about 22% would be in the basement. The proposed project would have an overall FSR of .91.

Vancouver Heritage Commission: On October 6, 2003, the Commission supported the project unanimously, but advised the applicant to review the design of the lane infill elevation to modulate the planar façade, and to consider utilizing the True Colours Program. The architect has submitted revised drawings that satisfactorily address the Commission's concerns.

Public Notification: No response to notification was received from surrounding neighbours following standard notification procedures.

Financial Implications: A financial analysis of the project was provided by the applicant and analyzed by staff. The Manager of Real Estate Services advises that the additional residential floor space would not provide the applicant with an extraordinary profit. The owner is prepared to accept the zoning variance proposed in the HRA as fair compensation for the designation and the HRA obligations, and will waive future claims for compensation.


The heritage house is a good example of the California Bungalow style. The proposed infill will make it viable for the owner to retain the heritage house. The recommended Heritage Revitalization Agreement and designation will secure the long term protection and conservation of this building.


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