Vancouver City Council |
May 12, 2004
Karima Mulji
Phone No.:
RTS No.:
CC File No.:
Meeting Date:
June 10, 2004
Standing Committee on Planning and Environment
General Manager of Engineering Services and the Director of Current Planning
Plaza of Nations: Extension of Delivery Date for Shoreline Protection Works and Ferry Dock
THAT Council authorize the Director of Legal Services to enter into a new or amended agreement with the owner of the Plaza of Nations site to extend the delivery date for the requirement for a ferry dock/ceremonial dock and the shoreline protection works on this site to the date of the issuance of a development permit for any building pursuant to the 1998 CD-1 text amendment, on terms and conditions acceptable to the Director of Legal Services, the General Manager of Engineering Services and the Director of Current Planning.
The General Managers of Engineering and Community Services RECOMMEND approval of the foregoing.
In April 1998, Council approved the rezoning of the Plaza of Nations site (figure 1) to add hotel and hotel related uses, subject to certain conditions including the requirement for a bikeway/walkway through the site, an alternate/bikeway walkway around the site, a ferry dock/ceremonial dock, a temporary ferry dock, and completion of shoreline protection works.
This report recommends that the existing services agreement between the owner of the Plaza of Nations site and the City be amended or replaced to grant an extension to the owner for the following works and services:
· Ferrydock/Ceremonial Dock
· Shoreline Protection WorksBACKGROUND
In a referral report dated March 17, 1998 to Council, staff reviewed an application to amend the CD-1 zoning for 750 Pacific Boulevard to allow for the addition of a 29-storey, 600 room hotel to be developed above the easterly wing of the Plaza, including a 3-storey addition to the east end for hotel, restaurant, amenity spaces, and underground parking. The application also included a public ferry dock, additional marina berths, designation of public walkways and bikeways, and a streetcar right of way.
At the Public Hearing on April 28, 1998, Council approved the rezoning for 750 Pacific Boulevard, subject to, among other conditions, the provision of the following:
· bikeway/walkway through the site
· an alternate/bikeway walkway around the site
· a ferry dock/ceremonial dock
· completion of shoreline protection works
Although Council enacted the rezoning on November 30, 1998, the owner has not to date submitted a development permit application for the hotel.
In May, Planning and Cultural Affairs staff agreed to work with the owner of the Plaza of Nations on the consideration of two possible futures for the site, one where the current entertainment and commercial focus is retained and one where the site is primarily residential. It is anticipated that Council will be considering these land use questions in a report to Council in late 2004.
The services agreement between the owner and the City of Vancouver states that the required works and services must be delivered to the City before the issuance of a development permit for the hotel and hotel uses as outlined in the 1998 rezoning, or five years after the date of enactment, unless this date is extended by Council. As the owner has not submitted a development application for any building related to the hotel rezoning, the following works and services are required by November 30, 2004:
· a designated public walkway/bikeway through the site;
· an alternate public walkway/bikeway around the site to be used during events at the Plaza of Nations;
· a stand alone ferry dock at the west end of the site or improvements to the main ferry dock (ceremonial ferry dock) and a full public right-of-way over the main ferry dock if the owner is not able to get BERC (Burrard Environmental Review Commission) approval for a ferry dock at the west end of the site ;
· shoreline protection works including improvements to the existing railing and asphalt surface and reconstruction and installation of the deck on pile system at the east end of the site.The owner has requested an extension to the November 30, 2004 deadline for the items noted above, as they have not yet applied for a development permit for the hotel and are reviewing with staff alternate development options for this site. Staff anticipate reporting to Council on the progress on this issue before the end of the year.
Staff have considered the request for an extension and note that the provision of a permanent ferry dock and the improvements to the shoreline could be delayed as the hotel development has not proceeded; however, the designated pedestrian walkway and bikeway through the site and an alternate pedestrian walkway and bikeway around the site should be delivered to the satisfaction of the City by November 30, 2004.
The current walkway agreement provides a blanket right-of-way for public passage outside of event times, and permits the owner to detour the public around the site during events. However, designated routes are not provided through and around the site which creates confusion, poor way finding, and uncertainty about the public's right to pass through the area.
Staff are currently working with the owner to develop conceptual plans for the required bikeway/walkways. It should be noted that at a Public Hearing on January 21, 2004, Council supported a rezoning to permit slot machines at the Plaza of Nations site, subject to conditions, including provisions to ensure that pedestrians and cyclists are accommodated through the site. Staff have encouraged the owner to work with the applicant for the Casino to ensure that that the proposed bike and pedestrian routes can be properly accommodated through and around this site. Once these plans have been finalized, the owner will complete a detailed design of the walkway/bikeways. It is anticipated that the bikeway/walkways will be completed by the November 30, 2004 deadline.
Also, the owner has designated the main ferry dock as the temporary ferry facility and this dock is being used by both ferry companies. To ensure that this facility operates to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Engineering Services as outlined in existing agreements, the owner has agreed to the following:
· Provide notice and ensure that the Queen of Diamonds, currently docked here, is removed. This will make it easier for the ferry companies to manoeuvre into the ferry stop and will clarify to ferry passengers that the dock is a public facility.
· Add signage and benches.Therefore, staff recommend that the delivery date for both the final ferry dock and the shoreline protection works be extended to the date of issuance of a development permit pursuant to the 1998 CD-1 text amendment. This means that these works would be required prior to the issuance of a development permit for any building under the hotel rezoning. If the owner decides to pursue other City supported plans for the site, a new rezoning would be required and a new amenity package would be negotiated.
The owner of the Plaza of Nations site has requested an extension for the works and services required under the 1998 CD-1 text amendment for the site. Under the existing services agreement, these works are required to be in place by November 30, 2004. Staff have reviewed this request and recommend that it would be appropriate to provide the owner with an extension for the ferry dock and the shoreline protection works.
The designated bikeway/walkway through the site and the alternate bikeway/walkway around the site, however, should still be delivered by the November 30, 2004 deadline. The designated bikeway/walkways will provide improved and more convenient public access through and around the Plaza of Nations site, and will become more important as activities and events in the Plaza become more frequent as a result of the Casino's operation.
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