Vancouver City Council |
Date: May 7, 2004
Author/Local: T. Easterbrook
RTS NO. 03921
CC File No. 3651
Meeting Date: June 8, 2004
Vancouver City Council
General Manager of Fire and Rescue Services
Purchase of Thermal Imaging Cameras
THAT Council approve the purchase of 8 Thermal Imaging Cameras at a cost of $184,000 for use by Vancouver Fire and Rescue Services (VFRS). Source of funds to be Contingency Reserve;
FURTHER THAT Council approve an addition to the VFRS Operating budget of approximately $23,000 (figure based on actual replacement cost at that date) annually beginning in 2007 to allow for the replacement and update of these cameras at the rate of one per year.
Council approves expenditures from Reserves.
Council approves all increases in service levels.
Thermal Imaging Cameras have been used successful throughout North America for a number of years now, and hence are a proven technology. Thermal Imaging is a technology that gives its user the ability to detect even relatively small differences in heat. The "vision" provided by these tools in a fire environment is remarkable. A firefighter using thermal imaging can find fire victims on the floor or bed in a smoke-filled room to quickly affect a rescue, almost as if there was no smoke present. The imager can also be used to locate the seat of a fire quickly which will aid in a rapid extinguishment or to find hot spots or hidden fire behind walls and in the ceilings of buildings to prevent fire spread or extension.
DISCUSSIONMost large fire departments now utilize Thermal Imaging technology. VFRS is asking Council to approve the purchase of 8 Thermal Imaging Cameras to be used at fire scenes. Operations staff feel that 8 thermal imagers would be the minimum required to meet our current requirements. One thermal imager would be placed into service on each of our 7 Rescue Trucks, allowing for one "spare" that would be used on a daily basis by our Fire Investigations Division, unless it was required to replace one that was out of service for repair. This configuration would allow for the use of two Thermal Imagers at working fires due to the standard response of two Rescue Units to this type of incident. Many fire departments such as Phoenix carry Thermal Imaging Cameras on all fire fighting apparatus. VFRS feels that at this time, it is not necessary to carry a Thermal Imager on every fire truck and that the request for 8 units will meet our current requirements.
Thermal Imaging Cameras are valuable tools for a modern firefighter. Officers can use them at the beginning of a fire incident as a size up tool, to determine the location in the building where there is the largest amount of heat and the likely path of fire spread. The search and rescue team can use a camera to quickly locate fire victims in smoke-filled environments. Presently, fire victims in smoky environments are located by firefighters crawling on their hands and knees "feeling" for victims. There are many examples where the use of Thermal Imaging Cameras has resulted in lives saved. Once the main body of fire is knocked down, Thermal Imaging can be used to locate hidden fires or hot spots behind walls, floors, or ceilings. Not only will this save firefighters from having to put holes in walls or ceilings to search for fire spread, but it may prevent unseen fire spread in older "heritage" style buildings that often have many layers of "dropped" ceilings due to numerous renovations. This type of hidden fire spread can lead to the total loss of a building by the time the fire "breaks out" of its hiding place behind the walls. Thermal Imaging Cameras are an essential tool for the WCB mandated "Rapid Intervention Team". This team is put into place for the purpose of rescuing firefighters that have got into trouble at an incident. The use of a Thermal Imaging camera would enable this firefighter rescue team to quickly locate a downed firefighter and therefore provide the necessary aid in a more timely manner, thus enhancing firefighter safety.
Thermal Imaging can also be used at Hazardous Materials incidents to detect the heat generated from certain types of chemical reactions.
There is no addition to present staff levels associated with the purchase of this equipment.
Some training of staff will be required.FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS
This report is seeking funding from Contingency Reserves to cover the cost of purchasing 8 Thermal Imaging Cameras immediately as well as an addition to the VFRS Operating Budget (beginning in 2007) for replacement of one Thermal Imaging Camera annually. Total initial cost would be $184,000. VFRS annual budget would have to be increased approximately $23,000 annually to fund the replacement costs for these cameras, allowing for an 8 year life cycle for this equipment.
This equipment would be put to tender immediately upon Council's approval.
The use of Thermal Imaging Cameras is widely accepted in today's Fire Service. The addition of 8 Thermal Imaging Cameras to the equipment of Vancouver Fire and Rescue Services will enhance firefighter safety, will better enable firefighters to affect rescues of civilians in fire situations, and will enable firefighters to find hidden fires in a timely manner to reduce property damage.
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