For information, please call Diane Clairmont at
604.871.6381 or email at diane_clairmont@city.vancouver.bc.ca

1. HERITAGE DESIGNATION: 641 East Georgia Street

        A. THAT Council by by-law designate 641 East Georgia Street, listed on the Vancouver         Heritage Register in the "B" category, as municipally protected heritage property.

2. HRA & HERITAGE DESIGNATION: 1226 Homer Street

A. That Council authorize the Director of Legal Services to enter into a Heritage Revitalization Agreement for the property at 1226 Homer Street to:

B. That Council designate, by bylaw, the building at 1226 Homer Street as protected heritage property;

C. That the Director of Legal Services bring forth the bylaws to authorize the Heritage Revitalization Agreement and to designate the building;

D. That Council require that an agreement be registered to secure the timely rehabilitation of the heritage building; and,

E. That the agreements be given priority over all other charges on title, except those already held by the City, to the satisfaction of the Director of Legal Services.

3. REZONING: 900 Pacific Boulevard

A. THAT the application by James KM Cheng Architects, to rezone 900 Pacific Boulevard (District Lot 2850 Group 1 NWD, except Portion on Plan 20421 & 21425, District Lot 4674, Plan 6107 except Portion on Plan 20421 and LMP 13010, and District Lot 5673, Group 1 NWD except Portion on Plans 21425 and LMP 13010) from BCPED to CD-1, to set maximum residential floor area at 70 558 m² (759,500 sq. ft.) and set the maximum number of dwelling units at 714, generally as outlined in Appendix A of the Policy report dated February 11, 2004 entitled "CD-1 Rezoning of 900 Pacific Boulevard (False Creek North Area 6A" be approved, subject to the following conditions:










Charge Summary

Subdivision/Road Dedication

i) all areas under the Cambie Bridge and bridge ramps,
ii) Marinaside Crescent extension,

iv) Coopers' Park addition,
v) shoreline walkway, and

Soils Remediation

Soils Remediation (Road)

Soils Indemnity

Soils Vancouver Charter


Services Agreement

Shoreline Works Agreement

Park Works

Floodplain Agreement

Bridge Proximity Agreement

Amend Covenants

B. THAT the application by the Director of Current Planning to amend False Creek North Official Development Plan, By-law No. 6650 generally in accordance with Appendix C of the above noted report be approved.

C. THAT the application by James JM Cheng Architects to amend the Sign By-law to establish regulations for the CD-1 site in accordance with Schedule E (assigned Schedule B(DD) be approved.

D. THAT, subject to approval of the rezoning at Public Hearing, the Noise Control By-law be amended at time of enactment to include this CD-1 in Schedule A.

E. THAT Recommendations A to D be adopted on the following conditions:

F. THAT prior to enactment of the CD-1 By-law, and at no cost to the City, the registered owner shall enter into an agreement, to be completed to the satisfaction of the City Manager and the General Manager of Parks and Recreation, on terms and conditions satisfactory to the Director of Legal Services, for the provision of a preliminary conceptual design for the future park on Area 9, including base elevations and preliminary layout, details, anticipated uses and general grading for the park, and the preparation of this design to include public consultation.

G. THAT Section 6 (Building Height) of the CD-1 By-law be amended to replace "except that the height of the building in sub-area A may increase to 15 storeys in further design development approved by Council" by "except that the Development Permit Board may permit an increase in the number of storeys for any building within the total building height established for these buildings in the illustrative form of development approved at Public Hearing, notwithstanding the provisions of the applicable official development plan.

H. THAT, as requested by the Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation, Council will explore mechanisms to deliver Creekside Park extension (Parcel 9 in False Creek North) as early as possible.

I. THAT, as requested by the Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation, Council will consider, at the time when a rezoning application is received for Parcel 6C, a year by which Creekside Park extension must be delivered.

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