
April 27, 2004



Hugh McLean


Phone No.:



RTS No.:



CC File No.:



Meeting Date:

May 20, 2004


Vancouver City Council


Director of Current Planning


Heritage Designation - 641 East Georgia Street

The General Manager of Community Services RECOMMENDS approval of Recommendations A and B.

Heritage Policies and Guidelines state, in part, that:

The resources identified in the Vancouver Heritage Register have heritage significance and that the City's long-term goal is to protect through voluntary designation as many resources on the Vancouver Heritage Register as possible.

This report requests that Council designate the heritage house at 641 East Georgia Street.

The heritage house is on the north side of East Georgia Street mid-block between Princess and Heatley Avenue (Appendix A).

The owner is requesting the heritage designation on a voluntary basis in exchange for zoning relaxations requested in the development application for this site. The Director of Planning is prepared to authorize these relaxations.

The house is located on what were originally one and a half parcels, now consolidated to one lot, with a width of 37.5 feet. As part of a development application submitted to allow a two-unit infill dwelling at the rear of the property, City staff had discussed the possibility of heritage designation of the house in light of the fact that the owner had offered to do a full restoration of the exterior. The owner has agreed to incorporate a voluntary designation in exchange for certain by-law relaxations.

Heritage Value: The house at 641 East Georgia Street is listed in the "B" category on the Vancouver Heritage Register. This two storey wood frame single-family house built in 1905 has both architectural and historical significance. It is a good and intact example of the Queen Anne style built in Strathcona at the turn of the last century for Vancouver's expanding population and emerging middle class. Its character defining elements include its siting, square plan, height and steep pitched gabled roof and design details. It is located amongst a variety of similarly styled and aged homes.

Compatibility with Community Planning Objectives: The house is located in the RT-3 Zoning District. The rehabilitation and designation of 641 East Georgia Street supports the intent of the RT-3 District Schedule to encourage the retention of neighbourhood and streetscape character.

Zoning Considerations: The development application for this site proposes to retain the heritage house as a single family dwelling and add a 2-unit infill dwelling at the rear. The
RT-3 District Schedule allows infill as an incentive to retain existing buildings and also enables the Director of Planning to relax any of the Schedule's provisions for an existing one- or two-family dwelling provided that it is consistent with the pre-1920's neighbourhood character and having regard for Council-approved policies and guidelines.

The Director of Planning is prepared to support the proposal for the maximum conditional FSR of 0.95 and the following relaxations subject to heritage designation of the building.





Site Coverage




Height of heritage building

2 storeys
35.4 feet

2.5 storeys
35 feet

3 storeys *
35.4 feet

* The height of the heritage building is not changing, but it is redefined as a 3 storey dwelling as a result of the modification of the attic to liveable space

With regard to infill, the District guidelines require that infill dwellings should be designed in a manner compatible with the principal building and in character with the neighbourhood context. The infill dwelling has been re-designed to address concerns of both staff and the Heritage Commission. The infill dwelling is similar in massing and style to an infill dwelling recently approved for the neighbouring property at 637 East Georgia Street.

Condition and Economic Viability of Conservation:
The house is in good condition and the owner has determined the retention of the building to be economically viable. The property owners have submitted a letter (on file with the Law Department) requesting the designation of 641 East Georgia Street in exchange for the proposed relaxations and waiving any future compensation demands. Therefore, no additional support to achieve appropriate conservation of this building is required.


As part of the Development Application review process, surrounding neighbours were notified and the proposal was presented to the Vancouver Heritage Commission on June 9, 2003. The four parties that responded to the notification included the Strathcona Residents' Association. All the respondents and the Heritage Commission had shared concern over the level of heritage restoration and the massing and detailing of the infill development.

In response, staff has worked with the applicant who has provided a revised proposal that addresses the issues raised. The Director of Planning has made these revisions a condition of permit issuance.

The Director of Legal Services has prepared the designating by-law, and requirements have been met for notification of the Public Hearing as specified by the Vancouver Charter.

An important long-term heritage policy of the City is to protect heritage resources through voluntary designation. The owner of 641 East Georgia Street has agreed to the heritage designation of this house in exchange for the Director of Planning granting certain zoning relaxations. Designation will also ensure that both dwellings are protected from inappropriate alterations or demolition in the future. Therefore, it is recommended that Council designate 641 East Georgia Street as a Protected Heritage Property.

* * * * *