Vancouver City Council |
City PlansMEMORANDUM May 19, 2004
Mayor and Council
Laura Kazakoff, Meeting Coordinator
Syd Baxter, City Clerk
Judy Rogers, City Manager
Larry Beasley, Director of Current Planning
Michael Gordon, Senior PlannerFROM:
Trish French, Senior Planner
Downtown District Interim Policies for Residential RTS 4167
Planning and Environment Committee May 20, 2004The purpose of this memo is to correct a minor omission in Appendix A of the above report, which contains draft Downtown district Interim Policies for New Residential.
I would appreciate it if at the committee meeting Recommendation A could consider with the following change to its wording:
" contained in Appendix A, and revised by memo from the Planning Department dated May 19, to guide the Director of Planning..."The corrections are as follows:
-the sentence "The 2 FSR commercial normally provided should continue to be required." at the end of sections 1.2.2 and 1.3.2.
-the phrase "with the 4 FSR commercial normally provided continuing to be required" at the end of section 1.4.2.Thank you.
Trish French
Phone: 604 873 7041
Fax: 604 873 7898