The General Manager of Community Services RECOMMENDS approval of A and B.


Under the Vancouver Charter, the City may pass By-laws to regulate the construction of buildings and adopt a code relating to the construction of buildings, with additional changes that Council considers appropriate.

On March 9, 2004 Council approved changes to permit secondary suites within the RS, RM, and RT zones. At the same time, Council instructed the Director of Legal Services to bring forward a by-law to amend the Building By-law to the extent that she and the Chief Building Official consider necessary to implement the changes approved by Council to the building regulations pertaining to secondary suites.

On March 23, 2004 Council approved changes to the Building By-law pertaining to upgrading of existing buildings.


The building regulations governing the conversion of a one family dwelling to include a permanent secondary suite have, since April 24, 1990 required that the secondary suite be sprinklered. Prior to this date, sprinklering of the secondary suite was often necessary in situations where it was difficult to achieve the upgrade requirements of the Building By-law, such as the provision of an effective fire separation between suites.

The steady proliferation of secondary suites throughout Vancouver has presented the City with a difficult and largely intractable problem, as outlined in the recent Council Report on this issue. The result has been that of the estimated 25,000 secondary suites in the City, only 1,500 have been legally approved or inspected as permanent suites. Consequently, the majority of secondary suites constructed prior to 1990 have not been sprinklered and could contain unsafe and hazardous conditions. In this circumstance, it has been proposed to relax the retrofit requirement to sprinkler existing one family dwellings containing a secondary suite and place more emphasis in the regulations on the enforcement of a basic level of fire and life safety requirements including interconnected hard wired smoke alarms.


Appendix A contains the proposed changes to the Building By-law as required to implement the intent of the changes to the Building regulations pertaining to secondary suites as approved by Council on March 9, 2004. These changes include:-

It should be noted that the approval by Council on March 23, 2004 of the report on upgrading of existing buildings has already removed the requirement for sprinklering of secondary suites unless the cost of the improvements to construct the suite exceeds 50% of the replacement value of the building. In reviewing the objectives stated for upgrading of existing buildings as approved by Council on March 23, 2004 it is recommended to further modify the upgrade provisions for secondary suites to reflect a basic level of fire and life safety as outlined in the report. Accordingly it is proposed to make the following additional changes:-

The March 9, 2004 report also contained the recommendation that all new one family dwellings constructed after implementation of these revised regulations be required to either construct a secondary suite with the building or to make provision for a secondary suite to be constructed in the future with minimal disruption, termed "suite ready". Accordingly, changes to the Building By-law in Appendix A outline the changes required to accomplish this objective. These changes include:-

While every attempt will be made to facilitate future inclusion of a secondary suite within a newly constructed one family dwelling, it is recognized that there will be situations where constructing the building as "suite ready" may not be compatible with the layout and function of the dwelling as proposed, or could present a significant degree of uncertainty in attempting to establish the likely location of a future secondary suite. It is proposed therefore within the Building By-law to afford the Chief Building Official and the Director of Planning the discretionary power to waive these suite ready requirements where appropriate.

It should be noted that if a future conversion to secondary suite is proposed, these relaxations permitted under Part 10 would not be available and the installation would be required to meet the provisions of Part 9 of the Building By-law.

Three additional minor changes to the Building By-law are also proposed. These are:-


Should Council approve these amendments, staff recommend that they be enacted without undue delay. If Council adopts the amendments proposed in this report, they will only be applicable for building permit applications made on or after the enactment date of the By-law amendments. This should give sufficient time for incoming designs to be modified as required to accommodate a secondary suite in a new one family dwelling.


The proposed amendments to the Building By-law pertaining to secondary suites reflect Council's policy in this area and provide an enhanced level of flexibility to home owners whilst maintaining safety standards at a level which it is anticipated will receive more widespread acceptance than is the situation currently. This will provide for an overall improvement over time by addressing basic fire and life safety concerns with the current stock of illegal secondary suites.

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Changes to accommodate the revised regulations for Secondary Suites.

PART 1 - Scope and Definitions Defined Terms

Delete the definition for a Moratorium Suite.

Add the following definitions:

One-family dwelling with secondary suite means a building containing only two dwelling units, of which the secondary suite is smaller than the principal residence, with internal access between the two units.

Potential secondary suite means any area of a one-family dwelling capable of construction or use as a secondary suite or designated for future construction or use as a secondary suite.

Replace the definition for a Secondary Suite with the following Definition:

Secondary suite means that area of a building that is or is intended to be a dwelling unit that is smaller than the principal residence in the same building where the two dwelling units have internal access between them.

PART 9 - Housing and Small Buildings.

Add the following Articles One-Family dwelling and one-family dwelling with secondary suite One-Family Dwellings with Secondary Suites

Add new sentence to read as follows:

Amend Sentence by replacing the wording "Electrical Safety Act" with the wording "Safety Standards Act";

Add new Sentence to read as follows: Secondary Suites

Add new sentences (2) and (3) and renumber sentence (2) as Sentence (4) as follows:

Add the following Appendix note:-

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