Vancouver City Council |
A Regular Meeting of the Standing Committee of Council on Transportation and Traffic was held on Tuesday, May 4, 2004, at 9:30 a.m., in Council Chamber, Third Floor, City Hall.
Councillor Fred Bass, Chair
*Mayor Larry Campbell
Councillor David Cadman
*Councillor Jim Green
Councillor Peter Ladner, Vice-Chair
Councillor Tim Louis
Councillor Anne Roberts
Councillor Tim Stevenson
Councillor Sam Sullivan
Councillor Ellen WoodsworthABSENT:
Councillor Raymond Louie (Leave of Absence - Civic Business)
Judy Rogers, City Manager
Pat Boomhower, Meeting Coordinator
* denotes absence during portion of the meeting.
The Minutes of the Standing Committee on Transportation and Traffic meeting of March 9, 2004, were adopted.
1. City's Participation in the Canada - B.C. Infrastructure Program for the Burrard Bridge Seismic Upgrading Project and the Broadway Corridor Reconstruction Project (File 5768)
Vancouver City Council, at its meeting on April 20, 2004, referred this matter to a future Standing Committee meeting in order to hear from members of the public who had requested to speak.
Accordingly, the Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated April 5, 2004, in which the General Manager of Engineering Services sought to reaffirm Council support for City participation in the Canada - B.C. Infrastructure Program for the Burrard Bridge Seismic Upgrading Project and the Broadway Corridor Reconstruction Project, and for approval in principle for sources of funding for the City's share of the program costs, in order to proceed in the next step of the application process for matching funds from the Federal and Provincial governments.
The Committee also had before it a Memorandum dated April 22, 2004, from Peter Judd, Assistant City Engineer - Streets, which made alternative recommendations to B, D, and E in the report to address concerns regarding designated funds for cycling and pedestrian improvements.
Mr. Judd and Ian Adam, Assistant City Engineer - Transportation responded to questions on the Burrard Bridge regarding needed seismic work, heritage protection, and time lines for pedestrian and cycling improvements.
The following delegations addressed the Committee and a summary of their comments is provided below:
Bev Ballantyne, Putting Pedestrians First (brief filed)
Guy Wera, The Bicycle People
Richard Campbell, Better Environmentally Sound Transportation (brief filed)
Jack Becker, Vancouver Area Cycling Coalition (brief filed)
· Burrard Bridge should be a major route for pedestrians and cycling;
· disappointment expressed in what seemed to be inaction to improve the unacceptable condition of the bridge for pedestrians and cyclists, in spite of the amount of time, resources and consultation to date;
· conditions of the Burrard Bridge sidewalk were described as "desperate" and perilous;
· safety concerns need to be addressed before someone is injured;
· removal of the right-turn lanes and narrow the intersection at the north end which has five crosswalks;
· conversion of at least one car lane in each direction for bicycle lanes was needed and this would allow for bikes to also pass each other and would not impact heritage issues;
· cyclists have been asking for a cycling overpass but got a car overpass instead;
· improvements will reduce the need for cars and boost cycling capacity; examples in Sweden and Copenhagen of growing bicycle use were cited;
· support seismic upgrades but not delay in cycling and pedestrian improvements;
· urged that improvements on Burrard Bridge be implemented by Spring 2005 and a decision made in time for Bike Month in June of this year.
MOVED by Mayor Campbell
THAT the Committee recommend to Council
A. THAT Council endorse the City's application to the Canada - B.C. Infrastructure Program for the Burrard Bridge Seismic Upgrading and the Broadway Corridor Reconstruction projects.
B. THAT upon confirmation of Federal and Provincial funding, staff report back to Council seeking a formal allocation of funds to cover the City's share of the Burrard Bridge Seismic Upgrading project costs, including options which would not increase the overall size of the Engineering 2003 - 2005 Capital Plan.
C. THAT upon confirmation of Federal and Provincial funding, staff report back to Council seeking a formal allocation of funds to cover the City's share of the Broadway Corridor Reconstruction project costs.
D. THAT Council approve "in principle" the allocation of $2.5 million as an addition to the 2003 - 2005 Engineering Department Capital Plan, from the $20 million approved through the Capital Plan plebiscite for cost shared projects, for the City's portion of funding for the Burrard Bridge Seismic Upgrading project under the Canada - B.C. Infrastructure Program.
E. THAT Council approve "in principle" the allocation of $2 million as an addition to the 2003 - 2005 Engineering Department Capital Plan, from the $20 million approved through the Capital Plan plebiscite for cost shared projects, for the City's portion of funding for the Broadway Corridor Reconstruction project under the Canada - B.C. Infrastructure Program.
MOVED by Councillor Roberts
THAT the Committee recommend to Council
THAT Council direct staff to give more priority to the Burrard Bridge pedestrian and cyclist improvement project, including consideration of heritage and other aspects.
(Councillor Bass opposed)
2. 2004 Traffic Signal Program (File 5768)
The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated April 19, 2004, in which the General Manager of Engineering Services listed the locations recommended for signal improvements or modifications and the reasons for these recommendations.
Winston Chou, Traffic Management, provided an overview of the report and locations of proposed vehicle signals which would address pedestrian and traffic safety. Mr. Chou noted that data in the report regarding number of pedestrian accidents is based on the number of accidents reported to police.
Mr. Chou and Ian Adam, Assistant City Engineer - Transportation, responded to questions concerning the possibility of a City policy in regard to the installation of curb bulges at pedestrian crosswalks, volume levels of audible signals, and the "walk" signal graphic used by the City. A Council member suggested consulting the Seniors Advisory Committee regarding the specific needs of the elderly.
Ms. Wisdom expressed concern regarding the intersection of East 12th Avenue and Sophia Street and the many elderly people who frequent this area. She requested safety improvements be undertaken to help save lives at this intersection.
Bev Ballantyne agreed the intersection of East 12th And Sophia Street was very perilous, and also expressed concern that too many pedestrian signals on a street causes motorists to not stop at uncontrolled intersections, where pedestrians also have the legal right of way.
Diane King spoke in support of the proposed pedestrian signal at S.W. Marine Drive and Crown Street and emphasized the need for more pedestrian crossings on S.W. Marine Drive. Ms. King noted that school children in her neighbourhood are driven to school in order to assure their safe arrival.
Mr. Adam and Mr. Chou responded to questions regarding concerns raised by the foregoing speakers. Mr. Adam also noted that an obstacle to having more crosswalks on S.W. Marine Drive is the lack of sidewalks and accessibility, and responded to questions in this regard.
MOVED by Councillor Roberts
THAT the Committee recommend to Council
A. THAT Council approve the 2004 Traffic Signal Program with funding of $992,000 in advance of the 2004 Streets Basic Capital Budget, and that the General Manager of Engineering Services be authorized to install and modify pedestrian and traffic signals, as described in the Administrative Report dated April 19, 2004, entitled "2004 Traffic Signal Program"; and
B. THAT additional annual costs of $22,000 related to ongoing maintenance be reflected in future Operating Budgets, subject to the 2005 budget review process.
3. Cycling Facility Improvements - East 22nd Avenue at Boundary Road (File 5553)
The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated April 1, 2004, in which the General Manager of Engineering Services sought Council approval and funding to implement cycling improvement upgrades on East 22nd Avenue at Boundary Road.
Jim Hall, Neighbourhood Transportation Engineer, provided an overview of the report and propsed cost-sharing.
MOVED by Councillor Cadman
THAT the Committee recommend to Council
A. THAT the installation of a bicycle loop detector, bicycle slot and bicycle permeable diverter as described in the Administrative Report dated April 1, 2004, entitled "Cycling Facility Improvements - East 22nd Avenue at Boundary Road" be approved.
B. THAT funding of $7,500, be provided from the Streets Basic Capital Account CB2EA2E (Bicycle Network) subject to the approval of the 2004 Streets Basic Capital Budget.
C. THAT commencing in 2005, the annual Traffic Operating Budget for signage, signal and paint be increased by $800 without offset and subject to 2005 Budget Review, for the maintenance of the measures.
(Councillor Green absent for the vote)
4. Request for Public Inquiry on Death of Frank Paul (File 1263/3701)
At 11:15 a.m., Mayor Campbell declared "conflict of interest" on this matter due to his position as Mayor and Chair of the Vancouver Police Board. Mayor Campbell left Council Chamber and did not return until the conclusion of the vote on this item.
Vancouver City Council at its meeting on April 20, 2004, referred the following motion to this meeting of the Transportation and Traffic Committee in order to hear from members of the public wishing to speak:
MOVED by Councillor Woodsworth
SECONDED by Councillor Bass
WHEREAS City of Vancouver resident Frank Paul died in 1998 under circumstances that raise concerns about some Vancouver Police Department policies, procedures and actions;
AND WHEREAS BC Police Complaints Commissioner Dirk Ryneveld has asked BC Solicitor-General Rich Coleman to hold a public inquiry on the death of Mr. Paul;
AND WHEREAS BC First Nations Summit Chief Edward John has also called for a public inquiry;
AND WHEREAS Solicitor-General Coleman has yet to call a public inquiry;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Vancouver City Council ask Solicitor-General Coleman to hold a public inquiry on the circumstances of the death of Mr. Frank Paul.
The following delegations spoke in favour of the motion and a summary of their comments are provided below:
Barb Moyle
Cameron Ward
Ivan Bulic, Peace and Justice Committee
Kathy Norris, Indigenous Action Group
Cheryl Matthew, Assembly of First Nations British Columbia Region (brief filed)
Julie Berg (brief filed)
Chief Stewart Phillip, Union of BC Indian Chiefs
· suggested sending the request for public inquiry also to the Attorney General;
· an independent public inquiry is needed for social justice, fairness, and transparency of the case, and closure for family and friends, and to ensure that a similar incident does not happen again;
· felt that nothing has been done to change the conditions by way of policy or procedures to prevent a similar tragedy;
· there was no incentive for Vancouver Police Department to change;
· the case and the subsequent difficulty in getting a public inquiry identifies racial and systemic discrimination that needs to be addressed;
· there is great public interest in having a public inquiry as indicated by the number of groups calling for one and will only get bigger unless all evidence is brought out in the open and changes implemented;
· it is unprecedented in BC that all leaders of First Nations have come together on an issue, as they have done on this one;
· justice has been denied on more than one occasion;
· no one deserved that kind of treatment;
· concerns were raised about accountability, transparency, and discipline;
· the 2003 Annual Report of the current Police Complaints Commissioner was cited;
· a public inquiry would benefit all citizens;
· no public hearing, coroner's inquest or public inquiry has been done; the difference between a public hearing and public inquiry was noted;
· it is the Committee's social responsibility to call for a public inquiry.
Judy Rogers, City Manager, responded to questions clarifying rules pertaining to confidential matters.
Chief Constable Jamie Graham, Vancouver Police Department, responded to questions regarding his April 28, 2004, memo previously circulated to Council.
The Committee agreed to amend the motion as follows (italics denotes amendment):
WHEREAS City of Vancouver resident Frank Paul died in 1998 under circumstances that raise concerns about some Vancouver Police Department policies, procedures and actions;
AND WHEREAS BC Police Complaints Commissioner Dirk Ryneveld has asked BC Solicitor-General Rich Coleman to hold a public inquiry on the death of Mr. Paul;
AND WHEREAS the First Nations Summit, Union of BC Indian Chiefs, United Native Nations, Assembly of First Nations BC Region and the Metis Provincial Council of BC have also called for a public inquiry;
AND WHEREAS Solicitor-General Coleman has yet to call a public inquiry;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Vancouver City Council ask Solicitor General Rich Coleman and Attorney General Geoff Plant to hold a public inquiry on the circumstances of the death of Mr. Frank Paul.
AMENDMENT MOVED by Councillor Cadman
THAT the first Whereas be amended by striking out the words following the word "1998"; and
THAT the RESOLVED be amended by striking out the word "ask" and inserting the word "advise", and by striking out the words "to hold a public inquiry on the circumstances of the death of Mr. Frank Paul" and inserting the words "that the City of Vancouver welcomes public oversight of the Vancouver Police Department, and does not oppose a public inquiry into the circumstances of the death of Mr. Frank Paul."
(Councillors Bass, Roberts, Sullivan and Woodsworth opposed)
(The Mayor absent for the vote)
AMENDMENT MOVED by Councillor Sullivan
THAT the RESOLVED be amended by striking out the word "circumstances" and inserting the words "broader issues of public concern that have been brought to light as a result"
(Councillors Bass, Cadman, Green, Louis, Roberts, Stevenson, and Woodsworth opposed)
(The Mayor absent for the vote)
WHEREAS City of Vancouver resident Frank Paul died in 1998;
AND WHEREAS BC Police Complaints Commissioner Dirk Ryneveld has asked BC Solicitor-General Rich Coleman to hold a public inquiry on the death of Mr. Paul;
AND WHEREAS the First Nations Summit, Union of BC Indian Chiefs, United Native Nations, Assembly of First Nations BC Region and the Metis Provincial Council of BC have also called for a public inquiry;
AND WHEREAS Solicitor-General Coleman has yet to call a public inquiry;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Vancouver City Council advise Solicitor General Rich Coleman and Attorney General Geoff Plant that the City of Vancouver welcomes public oversight of the Vancouver Police Department, and does not oppose a public inquiry into the circumstances of the death of Mr. Frank Paul.
(Councillor Sullivan opposed)
(The Mayor absent for the vote)
The Mayor returned to the meeting at 1:20 p.m.
The Committee adjourned at 1:20 p.m.
* * * * *
MAY 4, 2004 |
A Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of Vancouver was held on Tuesday, May 4, 2004, at 1:20 p.m., in Council Chamber, Third Floor, City Hall, following the Standing Committee on Transportation and Traffic meeting, to consider the recommendations and actions of the Committee.
Mayor Larry Campbell
Councillor Raymond Louie (Leave of Absence - Civic Business) |
Judy Rogers, City Manager |
Pat Boomhower, Meeting Coordinator |
MOVED by Councillor Cadman
SECONDED by Councillor Green
THAT this Council resolve itself into Committee of the Whole, Mayor Campbell in the Chair.
Report of Standing Committee on Transportation and Traffic
May 4, 2004
Council considered the report containing the recommendations and actions taken by the Standing Committee on Transportation and Traffic. Its items of business included:
1. City's Participation in the Canada - B.C. Infrastructure Program for the Burrard Bridge Seismic Upgrading Project and the Broadway Corridor Reconstruction Project
2. 2004 Traffic Signal Program
3. Cycling Facility Improvements - East 22nd Ave. at Boundary Rd.
4. Request for Public Inquiry on Death of Frank Paul
MOVED by Councillor Cadman
THAT the recommendations and actions taken by the Standing Committee on Transportation and Traffic at its meeting of May 4, 2004, as contained in Items 1-4, be approved.
MOVED by Councillor Cadman
THAT the Committee of the Whole rise and report.
MOVED by Councillor Roberts
SECONDED by Councillor Cadman
THAT the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted.
1. Vancouver Heritage Foundation - 2003 Annual Report
MOVED by Councillor Sullivan
SECONDED by Councillor Woodsworth
THAT due to administrative oversight in the original report, the words "including inflationary increases for 2005-2007" should be inserted following $100,000 in Recommendation B of the report "Vancouver Heritage Foundation - 2003 Annual Report", dated March 30, 2004. Accordingly the motion would read as follows:
THAT Council authorize the Director of Legal Services to execute and approve a new 3 year operating agreement at an annual cost of $100,000, including inflationary increases for 2005-2007, for the Vancouver Heritage Foundation's services, and that the Agreement be to the satisfaction of the Director of Legal Services and the City Manager.
The Council adjourned at 1:22 p.m.
* * * * *