APRIL 20 AND 22, 2004

A Special Meeting of the Council of the City of Vancouver was held on Tuesday, April 20, 2004, at 7:30 p.m., in the Council Chamber, Third Floor, City Hall, for the purpose of holding a Public Hearing to consider proposed amendments to the Zoning, Sign and Heritage By-laws and the Official Development Plan. Subsequently, the meeting was recessed, and reconvened in the Council Chamber at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 22, 2004, with the same members present. The Minutes have been consolidated for ease of reference.


Deputy Mayor Raymond Louie
Councillor Fred Bass
Councillor David Cadman
Councillor Jim Green
Councillor Peter Ladner
Councillor Tim Louis
Councillor Anne Roberts
Councillor Tim Stevenson
Councillor Sam Sullivan



Mayor Larry Campbell (Leave of Absence - Civic Business)
Councillor Ellen Woodsworth



Denise Salmon, Meeting Coordinator


MOVED by Councillor Cadman
SECONDED by Councillor Bass


1. REZONING: 1475 Howe Street

An application by Rafii Architects was considered as follows:


Rezone from False Creek Comprehensive Development District (FCCDD) to Comprehensive Development District (CD-1) to permit a residential and live-work development. At the time of enactment, the Noise Control By-law will be amended with respect to this site.

The Director of Current Planning recommended approval, subject to conditions.

Staff Opening Comments

Alan Duncan, Planner, Rezoning Centre, provided a description of the application, noted the form of development is compatible with the surrounding area, subject to design refinements and provided highlights on both the sustainability aspects and pubic benefits of the application.

In response to questions from Council, Mr. Duncan provided clarification on the number of parking spaces recommended for the project. Larry Beasley, Director of Current Planning, provided additional details related to Council's new policy on allocation of spaces for cooperative vehicles, and also advised the applicant is voluntarily designing and constructing the building as a "green building".

Applicant Comments

Chuck Brook, Brook Development Planning, advised of his general agreement with the staff report and noted the development will set new standards for architecture and sustainability, and further advised LEED certification will be pursued for the building. Mr. Brook also responded to questions related to amount of parking proposed, and noted his willingness to reduce this amount of parking. Staff advised wording could be provided to address Council's concerns regarding the proposed amount of parking, although caution was noted related to the shortage now experienced in South False Creek.

Summary of Correspondence

Council received no correspondence on this application since referral to Public Hearing.


The Deputy Mayor called for speakers for and against the application.

The following delegations spoke in opposition to the application:

Comments provided by the foregoing speakers included the following:

The following delegations spoke in support of the application:

Comments provided by the foregoing speakers included the following:

Staff Closing Comments

Mr. Beasley advised the tower compares favorably with the floor plate size of the adjacent building at 888 Pacific, and in response to questions from Council regarding the applicant's willingness towards a green building, echoed Council's hope those savings from the reduction in parking will be geared toward additional greening and sustainable features within the building. Bob Macdonald, Parking Engineer, provided suggested wording for Council, should it wish to reduce the amount of parking.

Council Decision

MOVED by Councillor Cadman



An application by Christopher Bozyk Architects Ltd. was considered as follows:


Rezone from Downtown District (DD) to Comprehensive Development District (CD-1) to permit a hotel. Associated with the rezoning is designation and a Heritage Revitalization Agreement for the restoration of the Leslie House. There is also an amendment to the Sign By-law and at the time of enactment of the zoning by-law, an amendment to the Noise Control By-law. The Downtown District base maps will also be altered to delete this site.

The Director of Current Planning recommended approval, subject to conditions.

Staff Opening Comments

Larry Beasley, Director of Current Planning, advised this is not a typical developer application - the developer plans to develop, and then use the building as a full boutique hotel; the scale of the project represents a minimum scale to make this kind of project work. Mr. Beasley advised of two compelling public objectives - first, to save the heritage building, and second, to do a neighbourly development. Mr. Beasley also acknowledged the concerns which will be expressed by neighbours this evening are real, and further acknowledged Council will be faced with some choices. He further stated his belief that the optimum balance has now been brought forward to Council.

Alan Duncan, Planner, Rezoning Group, provided details of the form of development, and noted the Vancouver Heritage Commission has offered its support for the project, and stressed the importance of preserving Leslie House. Mr. Duncan further advised of the Urban Design Panel's support for the proposed tower, which although much taller than permitted by current zoning, is also much slimmer. In regard to the public process, staff advised this proposed massing was intended to positively respond to neighbours' concerns related to loss of views, shadowing and reduction of visibility. Leigh Gayman, Development Officer, Real Estate Services, Scot Hein, Development Planner, and Yardley McNeill, Heritage Planner were also present and responded to questions from Council.

Applicant Comments

Christopher Bozyk, Christopher Bozyk Architects Ltd., made note of the Vancouver Heritage Commission's support for the project. He advised the applicant team has worked diligently, taking into account the concerns of the public and, given the mass of the building, feels the proposed solution is successful.

Robert Lemon, Robert Lemon Architects, noted Leslie House is `A' listed in City's Heritage Register in regard to architecture, cultural, and historical context. It is one of the oldest buildings in the City and a good example of the Queen Anne style of architecture. All features, both interior and exterior, will be kept and designated. The 1888 building is a valuable component of the City's heritage program.

Summary of Correspondence

Council received the following correspondence since the date the application was referred to Public Hearing:


The Deputy Mayor called for speakers for and against the application.

The following delegations spoke in opposition to the application:

Comments provided by the foregoing speakers included the following:

The following delegations spoke in support of the application:

Comments provided by the foregoing speakers included the following:

Applicant Closing Comments

Umberto Menghi, applicant, provided background details leading to his decision to purchase Leslie House over three decades ago. Mr. Menghi further advised the proposed boutique hotel will not be a generator of noise, but rather a place of rest and comfort. He further noted a rooftop garden was his vision, but inclusion of the pool was a necessity, as the project would not work without it. Christopher Bozyk, Architect, with the aid of photo boards, addressed concerns raised by a number of speakers related to shadow and view impacts and also provided details of the textured terra cotta panels, which those living at Pacific Palisades will view from their suites.

Staff Closing Comments

Larry Beasley provided summary comments on issues raised by the delegations, including alternative futures for the heritage house, specifics on the hotel use, and comments on the process. Mr. Beasley stressed the status quo would not remain, but two scenarios were possible - that the project would be built to current 70-foot guidelines, or that the developer will try to assemble the entire block, which would allow for a much taller building. Mr. Beasley also responded to issues raised related to sun access, interface conditions, separation of buildings, view blockage, and traffic issues - especially in the lanes, and reminded Council of the value of the heritage building, and the potential for demolition of Leslie House if the application before Council this evening is not approved. In conclusion, Mr.  Beasley stressed importance of saving the heritage building and noted that if staff felt there were unusually negative impacts with this application, the rezoning would not have been recommended.

Council Decision

Council members discussed in detail the impacts of the proposal on residents of nearby buildings, including the possibility of relocating Leslie House, potential for a redesign to allow from more sun and less view blockage, sought clarification from staff on the accuracy of overhead images provided by delegations opposed to the rezoning and queried development options if this application were not approved as recommended.

MOVED by Councillor Sullivan


Design Development:

Note to applicant: The podium rooftop treatment should mitigate active uses, and be maintenance friendly.

Note to applicant: The bridge element should be transparent in its expression to distinguish the Leslie House's north facade. Careful study of the courtyard's perceived visual scale, include the introduction of large landscape features, is required.

Note to applicant: Greater lower level rear yard setback may be required to respond to Engineering and Health conditions of approval related to garbage and recycling facilities siting and access.


Note to applicant: On the development permit drawings, new street trees should be noted "Final species, quantity and spacing to the approval of the City Engineer and Park Board." Contact Eileen Curran (604.871.6131) of the Engineering Streets Division regarding street tree spacing and quantity and Bill Stephen (604.257.8587) at the Park Board regarding tree species.

Environmental Health:

(6) Design development to garbage storage area to minimize nuisances.

Note to applicant: Prior to construction, detailed drawings of food/retail spaces are to be submitted for review by the Environmental Health Division for compliance with Health By-law #6580 and the Food Premises Regulation and details of the swimming pools/hot tubs are to be submitted to the Environmental Health Division and the Provincial Health Engineer.


(i) theft in the underground by securing the parking with a gate;
(ii) mischief in alcoves on the lane; and
(iii) vandalism such as graffiti on the lane.

Engineering Services:

Fire Department:

Note to applicant: Review Section - Co-ordination of Fire Fighting Facilities. Fire protection equipment (i.e., fire hydrant location, fire department connection, central alarm and control facility and standpipes) should be indicated on Development Permit drawings.


(13) Design development to mitigate noise impacts on the site.

Note to applicant: An Acoustical Consultant's report which assesses noise impacts on the site and recommends mitigating measures will be required with the Development Permit application. If a bell or bells are to be incorporated, they should be considered in the consultant's assessment, noting that they would not be subject to the Section 8 (b) exemptions of the Noise Control By-law No. 6555.


(i) consolidate lots 15, 16 and 17, Block 111, D.L. 541, Plan 210;

(ii) arrangements for sewer upgrading for this site;

Note to applicant: The current plans are inadequate to determine upgrading requirements; additional site information and further review is necessary to determine extent of upgrading;

Note to applicant: Confirmation from BC Hydro that the pole can be relocated is required.

(v) execute a legal agreement satisfactory to the Director of Legal Services.

(Councillors Louis and Roberts opposed.)


MOVED by Councillor Cadman



MOVED by Councillor Cadman
SECONDED by Councillor Stevenson


The Special Council recessed at 11:05 p.m. on April 20, and
adjourned at 11:50 p.m. on April 22, 2004.

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