
March 4, 2004



Doug Robinson


Phone No.:



RTS No.:



CC File No.:



Meeting Date:

April 6, 2004


Vancouver City Council


Director of Cultural Affairs and Director of Social Planning in consultation with the Director of Facility Design and Management


Woodward's - 101 West Hastings Street: Non-Profit Category



The City Manager RECOMMENDS approval of the foregoing.


On July 28, 1998, Council confirmed principles to provide general guidance to actions and planning in the Downtown Eastside, Chinatown, Gastown and Strathcona areas, which included encouraging legitimate commercial activity, improving conditions at the street level, improving or replacing existing Single Room Occupancy ("SROs"), reducing crime, and helping community people to find allies and seek a common future.

On April 22, 2003, Vancouver City Council adopted a Project Framework for the redevelopment of Woodward's to evaluate potential civic and other uses for the project, to consider design options, address financial oversight, and to develop an inclusive public consultation process. Council also approved the Woodward's project budget in the amount of $300,000; source of funds to be the 2003 Supplementary Capital Budget.

On July 8th, 2003, Council approved the following:


This report provides Council with the list of recommended non-profit uses for inclusion in the Woodward's Request for Proposal to the Short-listed Developers. This will guide Council in the ultimate selection of the non-profit cultural and social service activities and groups to be included in the redevelopment of the former Woodward's site.


On February 24th, 2004, Council approved the Woodward's "Request for Proposals" Framework which stipulated that the Directors of Cultural Affairs and Social Planning, in conjunction with the Director of Facility Design and Management, report back to Council with recommendations for:


Although the City formally received sixteen (16) submissions from non-profit, cultural and/or social groups, City staff continued to invite interest from groups in the community wishing to participate under this category to ensure as many people as possible are aware of the Woodward's opportunity in advance of issuing the RFP. Staff have received an additional 22 expressions of interest in the project for a total of 38 submissions. (Submission from Simon Fraser University & Vancouver Community College are separate from those submission in the Non-profit Category as listed in Appendix A)

Staff in Cultural Affairs and Social Planning have assessed all of the submissions received to date and continue to rationalize both space requirements and logical user groups who could be located together to create synergies and economies of scale for their worthwhile programs.

The grouping of these submissions is challenging given the variety of program types, area sizes and building configurations, and massing of the final project make-up at this point in the project timeline. It would make sense, for example, to select certain non-profits that could benefit from Simon Fraser University's (SFU) presence, if this institution is confirmed as the project anchor. Alternatively, other non-profits may be better located in the project if Vancouver Community College (VCC) and a grocery store were chosen as project anchors. It is also not clear, until the Developers submit their proposals, what amount of space in the project will comprise the City's interest, which could be made available for non-profit organizations.

Given this challenge, staff have structured a "flexible recommendation" that could change depending on the final project dynamics. It is important to keep the options open regarding the final selection of non-profits by Council, while at the same time providing the Short-listed Developers the direction they need on how to address this important component of the Project.

The Co-Design Report, completed in May. 2003, and prepared in consultation with the community in visioning workshops and an ideas fair, characterized a number of key features for the Woodward's project. Staff have reviewed these features and note they are useful in identifying the types of uses that the City believes are significant for the Project.

Social services were identified as one of the most important and expected component for the Woodward's project in the Co-Design Report. An emphasis on housing and residential life, linked to social services, was also important. Accordingly, staff recommend that social support services to children, seniors and families be a key component of the project for residents and the community.

Cultural facilities and activities, personal health/healing and job training were identified as elements of a project that would contribute to the kind of diversity and vitality that is envisioned for Woodward's.

Based on the Co-Design Report and submissions, to date, from Non-profit Respondents, staff can recommend the uses that could be considered by Respondents in their Request for Proposals (RFP) submissions.

Recommended Uses:

Developer Respondents should not be limited to the list of recommended uses or the approximate floor areas. The list is a guide on the type of uses that are encouraged, and for which there has been an expressed interest that, in combination, may produce a dynamic project in interaction with the community in which Woodward's is located. The final decision will be made by Council.

The following evaluation criteria, as set out in the REOI, will continue to be used in the final selection of non-profits for both the City-owned space and for any purpose-built amenity space to be provided in the Project:

Staff in Facilities Design and Management, Real Estate Services, the Office of Cultural Affairs and Social Planning will review the Non-Profit space requirements as they are identified and confirmed at a later date, and will undertake a budget and operating cost review to identify capital funding requirements for these, and other City space requirements. The Directors of Facilities Design and Management, Real Estate Services, the Office of Cultural Affairs and Social Planning will report back to Council with options prior to the selection of the final proponents (Developer and Non-Market Housing) from the RFP competition.


The Vancouver Opera has made a significant proposal for rehearsal space, wardrobe and properties construction and storage space, with occasional access to an appropriate theatrical scene shop in association with administrative offices. The Opera has indicated they have the financial capacity to contribute both capital and operating funds to this proposal of a facility of approximately 28,700 sq.ft. Developer Respondents to the Request for Proposal (RFP) are encouraged to explore this proposal and may wish to include this facility in their submission.

The submissions from Simon Fraser University and Vancouver Community College are to be dealt with separately from submissions for the Non-profit category based on the Council report of February 24, 2004.

In the assessment of the Non-Profit submissions to date, staff recommend that some uses not be advanced for possible selection. They are:

Bowling Alley - this submission would be better accommodated in the Commercial/Retail Premises category;

Grocery Store - this submission would be better accommodated in the Commercial/Retail Premises category;

Mural - this proposal is best considered as one proposal in any resulting public art process under the City's Public Art Program.


Woodward's is crucial to the revitalization of the Hastings corridor west of Main and to the nearby communities of Gastown, Chinatown and Victory Square. The Woodward's Steering Committee recommends that certain uses be incorporated into the redevelopment and further recommends that the non-profit organizations, identified in Appendix A, be forwarded to the Short-listed Developers for their information.

The renovation and reuse of Woodward's has been identified as a top priority of the Vancouver Agreement. The City is well on its way to achieving its objectives of revitalization of the neighbourhood, encouraging heritage conservation, securing a mix of project uses, providing Non-Market Housing, ensuring street-front retail continuity and accommodating a mix of incomes, and the City is ready to undertake the next phase of the project - the Request for Proposal stage.

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This is a list of non-profit submissions received by the City to date. It is not an approved list of selected non-profit proponents for the Woodward's project. The selection of an approved list will be made by Council prior to the selection of a proponent from the Developer Category.

1. 411 Seniors' Centre Society
2. Portland Hotel Society: Daycare
3. Lutheran Urban Mission Society
4. Beauty Night Society
5. Watari Research Association
6. Brazilian Community Association
7. DOXA Documentary Film & Video Festival
8. Mandala Arts & Culture Society
9. Musica Intima Society
10. Out on Screen
11. Powell St. Festival
12. Folk/Jazz/Children's Festivals
13. Dragon Boat Festival
14. Artspeak Gallery
15. Bill Reid Centre
16. Centre A: Centre for Contemporary Asian Art
17. Gallery Gachet
18. New Forms Media Society
19. Or Gallery
20. Vancouver Access Artist Run Centre
21. Western Front Society
22. Original Costume Museum
23. Full Circle: First Nations Performance Society
24. Mortal Coil Performance Society
25. Music Centre: World/Jazz/Contemporary/Creative Music
26. Touchstone Theatre
27. Rumble Productions
28. Vancouver Opera
29. Aboriginal Media Centre
30. Aboriginal Cultural Centre
31. Vancouver Native Health Wellness Centre
32. Cineworks Independent Filmmakers Society
33. Independent Community TV
34. Design West (Society for the Promotion of Design & Innovation)
35. Food & Service Resource Group & Fast Track to Employment: Cook's Studio Market
36. Tradeworks Training Society: Tradeworks Training & Employment Centre

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